Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1745: Ehun exits

Outside the foggy city.

The forces of the two sides gathered, one row left and the other right. The gates of the city were open, but no one dared to enter it.

Just as the mist spread, the soul-killing mist was endangering the souls of everyone present.

Not everyone is like Mu Qing, with soul-like scriptures.

On the side of the blood demon clan, the state is not very good, the second-order supreme all frowned, obviously the soul-killing mist has a great influence on them.

Although he wouldn't be killed directly by Soul Extinguishing Mist, it was certain that he would weaken his strength in part.

Among them, the blood demon race of the first-order supreme was already pale.

At this level, most of the soul in the body is wiped out and loses consciousness.

Soon after collapsing, the body completely loses the ability to resist, and the soul-killing mist will gradually wipe out all the remaining souls!

Within a short period of time, a dozen of Tier 1 Supremes on the Blood Demon Race had died without any pain, as if they were too tired and fell asleep, but they would never be able to wake up.

The remaining blood demon souls should be considered relatively tough, able to adapt to the current concentration of Soul Extinguishing Fog, but it is obviously impossible to enter the fog city.

"All royals will withdraw!"

A second-order supreme blood demon **** clan shouted angrily.

Within the blood demon clan, less than the second-order supreme, all belong to the royal family, and only after transforming into the gods can they have the second-order supreme strength.

The royal family includes the supreme Nine Heavens to the first-order supreme, while the Protoss includes the second-order supreme to the realm of the great master.

The second-order supreme is the lowest protoss, but because of the transformation of blood, the strength soars, the weakest protoss is much stronger than the royal family.

"The same goes for us, the first-order supreme all retreated, obviously this is not the level you can touch!"

On the side of death hell, there were also strong people who uttered a hoarse low voice.

Even though they all have soul attacks, there is no soul scripture, it is impossible for the first-order supreme to resist these weird mists that can harm the soul.

At best, it is better than the blood demon clan, at least there is currently no phenomenon of the first-order supreme falling.

As the second-order supreme of the two forces spoke, a first-order supreme withdrew, and the number of people outside Wucheng decreased a lot.

Mu Qing secretly observed that there were twenty-four second-tier supreme members in Death Hell, and twenty-six members of the Blood Demon Race.

The total number of second-order supreme from both sides is 50!

Coupled with Mu Qing, 51 second-tier supreme gathered here.

"The number of Tier 2 Supremes on these two sides is obviously much larger than that of our Life King." Mu Qing retracted his gaze and said in his heart.

For the ultimate supreme, because of fear of Jian Xinhen, Wu Sheng and others' dying counterattack, they will not unite for the time being.

But the second-order supreme and below, there will be no such worry, under the target of both sides, the second-order supreme and the first-order supreme of the king of life have suffered huge losses.

In the mermaid kingdom guarded by Jianxinhen, three Tier 2 Supremes were gathered, plus Mu Qing and An Shaomu, making a total of five.

Even if you add Wu Sheng and Yueyin's people, I am afraid that all the second-order supreme members of the King of Life, there will be more than fifteen.

Looking at the blood demon clan and the death **** side, there are more than 20 second-order supreme lights who have come to Wucheng, which is obviously not all.

"I didn't see Ehun's figure. Didn't you plan to come? Or haven't you arrived yet?" Mu Qing scanned the opposite side of Death Hell, but didn't see Ehun's face.

Now only Ehun knows the appearance of his blood demon clan.

"The second-order supreme of these two parties is much more than our life king. Do you want to take this opportunity to solve a group in the fog?" Mu Qing thought, his eyes flashed with cold light.

In his eyes, these second-order supreme blood demon races are all energy resources that promote the promotion of the sun. Each **** race can extract a drop of divine blood, and the effect is much stronger than the blood of the blood demon king family.

"Go in and take a look."

Soon, the two forces wandering outside the fog city couldn't bear it. They found that with the strength of the second-order supreme, they were not going to be killed by the mist of the soul, and they planned to enter the fog city to explore the situation inside.

The strong of death **** took the lead to enter the foggy city, and his figure quickly disappeared in the thick fog.

The second-order supreme of the blood demon clan hesitated, after all, they are not as strong as the people of death **** in terms of soul resistance.

But after hesitating again and again, the Blood Demon Race still entered the Fog City, Mu Qing mixed in it, and entered together!


The central area of ​​the second world, in a certain mermaid country.

There was life lingering here, white bones everywhere, and the wailing of dead souls all around, extremely cold.

In the palace of this mermaid country, next to the throne are piles of bones. A man sits on it with his eyes closed, running the scriptures. The gloomy death spirit is rushing in, centering on him, forming a whirlpool. .

Ehun suddenly opened his eyes, and a terrifying blood burst out from the opening and closing of his eyes, and the terrifying death aura was absorbed into the body at this moment.

The breath on his body became more and more terrifying, and the power of death was so strong that a skeletal illusion appeared around him.

The ultimate supreme of death **** has gone to hunt down purebloods. Among the remaining second-order supreme, Ehun is the respect. It is not a secret that he cultivates the death sutra, so his status in death **** is quite high. , Second only to the ultimate supreme.

With the opening of Wucheng City, Erhun did not blend in immediately, but practiced in this mermaid country.

His aura at this time is much stronger than when he met Mu Qing at that time, and it is even comparable to Mu Qing!

"Finally... With the help of the Demon Baby, I can finally exert the full power of the Death Sutra." Ehun let out a long sigh.

Before encountering Mu Qing, Ehun thought he was the invincible existence of the second-order supreme, who knew that he was suppressed and beaten by the second-order supreme Mu Qing.

He can exert most of the power of Death Sutra, but Mu Qing can exert all the power of Eternal Life Sutra, here is the gap!

But now, Ehun has contacted the power of the demon baby, transformed his body, and is now able to exert almost all the power of the Death Sutra.

"But that guy, in addition to the Eternal Life Sutra, seems to have practiced several other dominator-level scriptures, and even masters the power of time, I'm afraid I'm still no match." Urhun frowned again.

The Demon Baby has fallen into a deep sleep, and if he meets that guy again, the Demon Baby will not help him anymore.

Of course, Ehun can now exert almost all the power of the Death Sutra, and will not be suppressed when encountering Mu Qing again, which is enough to contend.

"Huh? What about the others?"

Ehun walked out of the palace and suddenly found that the second-order supreme was much less.

A demon race stepped forward with a body of five meters tall, standing in front of Urhun but fearful, and quickly responded: "The news of the pure blood has appeared before, and all the ultimate supreme are going to chase and kill the pure blood. , And not long after that, a huge anomaly appeared in one place, and many second-tier supreme lords went to explore the area where the anomaly appeared."

This demon clan is also the second-order supreme, but in front of Urhun, it seems a little humble.

Ehun nodded, and after pondering for a while, he asked for the specific location of the vision from the opponent, and left the mermaid kingdom to go there.

With his strength, the second-order supreme is almost invincible. When such a vision appears, it is likely that there is a place with a treasure, so he naturally wants to intervene.


Through the thick fog, Mu Qing followed a group of blood demons to the fog city.

As expected, the soul-killing mist here is more dense, threatening the second-order supreme. If the first-order supreme comes in, he will definitely die!

Under this thick fog, some buildings in the city can be vaguely seen, the style is almost the same as the buildings in the mermaid country, but they are more or less broken.

On the road in Wucheng City, there were corpses everywhere, and Mu Qing glanced at them. They were all the corpses of mermaid warriors.

The endless blood dyed the foggy city a layer of blood.

"It is said that Haimodong fell here, which means that there is likely to be a large number of dominating remnants here!" Mu Qing thought, while looking around, observing the surroundings.

The pure-blood gem Haifei gave him hasn’t moved yet. It seems that Mu Qing needs to look around for a while, and only after getting close can he perceive the sleeping pure-blood.

"Purebloods are not in a hurry. Although Fog City is very large, there are also a batch of Tier 2 Supremes here. There is no threat to me. As long as you spend a little time, you will always find it."

Mu Qing didn't panic at all, he wanted to look for the second-level supreme treasure and dominate the remnant soul first, and first raise the sun sutra.

After entering the fog city, the faces of the blood demons became worse, and the soul-killing fog had a great influence on their souls, and their strength was attenuated more than outside.

Even the powerhouse of death **** is not much better.

"I see! This is the Fog City! The place where Haimerdon ruled and built!"

"We have found this information in the mermaid kingdom!"

A powerful corpse clan in Death Hell suddenly exclaimed, his eyes gradually heated.

Not all the second-tier supreme can ignore the temptation of the treasure, not to mention this is a giant city built by the master, and there may be a third-tier treasure that the master treasures!

The second-level supreme treasure is actually quite precious, many second-order supreme needs it, and the third-level supreme treasure is even rarer, and that is the existence of the strong who dominates the realm.

When the three formidable ratios have reached this point, everyone knows that there are plenty of opportunities in it.

The high-levels of the tripartite forces killed all the masters of the Tianze universe and transformed the universe into this way. Many opportunities were arranged by the high-levels.

Those treasures that dominate may not have been taken away by the higher-ups, but are hidden somewhere in the Tianze universe, becoming one of their chances!

After hearing the words of the strong corpse clan, the others became excited, and they dispersed, looking for the whereabouts of the treasure.

Similarly, they don't think there is a risk here. After all, it is a city created by the ruler. Not only the ruler lives in it, but there are countless submarine creatures. It is a place where they usually live. Such a place is unlikely to hide a crisis.

The death **** and the blood demon race are scattered, which is good news for Mu Qing, he can mix in it and seek benefits.

And because of the simple alliance between the two sides, the Death Hell and the Blood Demon Race did not plan to fight, and they were all looking for their own opportunities.

It's just that it doesn't matter how long this simple alliance can support.

If the forces of one's own side start to fight, they will be disqualified from the three-for-one ratio due to violation of the rules, so even if they see the people on their own side get the benefits, they can't take action.

But if the blood demon race finds a good thing here, and it happens to be discovered by the powerhouse of Death Hell, can it really comply with the simple alliance in words?

A smile appeared at the corner of Mu Qing's mouth, and he might be able to arouse the contradiction between the two sides a little bit. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1745 Ehun exits), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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