Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1746: Inner city

Everyone dispersed, looking for the so-called chance in the fog city.

Mu Qing restrained his breath and was alone in the fog city.

This place is too big. Fifty people enter here, and it will take a long time to explore it.

After a few days, they discovered that there was no crisis in this foggy city except that the thick fog had a certain trauma to the soul.

The originally cautious Blood Demon Race and Death Hell people began to be bolder, and their exploration speed increased a lot.

But everyone still retains a trace of caution. In Fog City, under the influence of Soul Extinguishing Mist, their strength has declined to a certain extent. If something happens at this time, a slight mistake will fall!

There was some fear between the blood demon race and the death hell, and they were all wary of each other.

However, the surrounding buildings are actually the houses where the mermaids lived in Fog City. Even if there are some things left, they are at most a first-class treasure.

The first-level supreme treasure contains many things, but everything that does not involve the power of dominance is classified as the first-class supreme treasure.

For some ordinary supreme, perhaps these first-level supreme treasures are useful, but all those who enter the fog city are second-order supreme, first-level supreme treasure is completely tasteless to them, and has no use at all.

Mu Qing is also exploring the surrounding buildings. To his regret, the buildings outside Wucheng are almost all the residences of ordinary merfolk, and there is nothing good.

But the first-level treasures encountered were all searched by Mu Qing and thrown into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

"No, there is obviously no benefit to staying in the periphery. Obviously, all the aborigines of Wucheng City cannot be above the Supreme. There is probably nothing good about the periphery."

Mu Qing walked out of a dilapidated building.

The entire fog city is divided into outer and inner walls. After exploring these few days, you can see that there is a ring-shaped wall inside the fog city, enclosing the most central part.

There must be good things in the inner city, and there may even be a dominating palace inside!

Mu Qing stayed in the periphery for a few days, but he didn't even encounter a second-level treasure.

The original owner of the building here estimated that he hadn't even reached the Supreme Ten Heaven, not to mention that the current state of the fog city was after a great battle.

The high-levels of the tripartite forces, that is, the Great Domination and the Powerful, shot and killed the Haimerdong Domination. The aftermath alone destroyed the foggy city to pieces, and some good things were damaged.

Mu Qing's speed was slow, and many death **** powerhouses and blood demons had already traveled to the inner city to explore.

And Mu Qing stayed outside, mainly because he was worried that the sleeping pureblood was at the periphery, so he took the pureblood gem and turned around the periphery, but found that there was no response.

"It looks like the sleeping pureblood is in the inner city."

Mu Qing put away the pure blood gems, no longer wasting time this time, and rushed directly to the inner city.

The city wall surrounding the inner city is obviously the handwriting of Hemerton's dominion, and it is covered with dense ancient runes, which possesses a certain kind of power.

If it were before, I am afraid that even the Ultimate Supreme would not be able to break through the city wall to enter the inner city, and can only obediently walk through the inner city gate.

But now, the city walls in the inner city are seriously damaged, and there is no need to go to the city gate at all. There are many collapses in other places, and the protection capabilities have long been lost.

Mu Qing randomly found a hole in the collapsed city wall to enter, and the soul-killing fog in the inner city became thicker and thicker, harming the soul invisibly.

According to Haifei, this soul-killing fog can only be immune to the sea clan protected by Haimodon.

Behind Mu Qing, the double-faced evil spirit always appeared, swallowing the surrounding soul-killing mist, minimizing its impact on Mu Qing.

Coming to the inner city, Mu Qing continued to explore every place and stared at the pure blood gems at all times.

Of course, Mu Qing didn't forget to look for the second-level supreme treasure, he looked around.

"Ordinary buildings, even in the inner city, don't have many good things. You should look for larger buildings." Mu Qing thought.

In Fog City, Haimerdong is definitely not the only one who lives alone. Even if there is no ultimate supreme under his command, there must be a large number of second-order supreme.

Mu Qing is more inclined to find the residences of those second-level supreme, maybe he can find some small treasure houses.

After a while, Mu Qing came to a mansion, covering a large area.

Being able to have such a large-scale territory in the inner city, obviously its owner's strength is not ordinary, and the probability of storing good things is higher.

It's just that when Mu Qing came here, it was already occupied.

"Blood Demon Race?"

A black-scaled, sturdy, humanoid tyrannosaurus-like demon race came out and glanced at Mu Qing.

He has a stout tail full of bones and spurs behind him, double horns on top of his head, and a pair of vertical pupils glowing with scarlet blood.

"This place has been occupied by our death hell, you quickly retreat, don't hinder us!"

The demon clan spoke, and the fangs of his mouth were sharp, like jagged teeth.

Now the Death Hell and the Blood Demon Race have not yet torn their skins, the resources in the Fog City will be obtained by whoever comes first.

Mu Qing glanced at this person's back. In this huge mansion, there was some movement, obviously more than this person.

"It looks like you found some good things." Mu Qing grinned.

"none of your business!"

The demon clan frowned, and just wanted to drink Tui Mu Qing, but when he saw Mu Qing's smile, he felt a little hairy in his heart.

There is a bad feeling!

The next moment, the vast vitality of Mu Qing erupted, and a huge finger came out, pressing on the head of this demon clan.


The demon clan's eyes were about to split, and there was no time to react. From the head to the feet, the body shattered inch by inch, and the whole person exploded suddenly, becoming a cloud of blood.

A second-tier supreme fell on the spot!

Although he was a little wary of the Blood Demon Clan that Mu Qing was disguising as, he never thought that Mu Qing would make a sudden move.

Not to mention, in this fog city, under the influence of Soul Extinguishing Mist, the soul is weakened, the reaction is slow, and the influence of strength is still quite large.

After killing a strong man from death **** on the spot, Mu Qing continued to walk into the mansion.

"Who is it! I dare to do something to our people in death hell!"

In the depths of the mansion, an angry shout sounded.

Three figures rushed out from the inside, with anger on their faces.

The three are all demons, with different shapes.

One person has two heads and a hideous face. One body is more than ten meters long, with a big mouth on the abdomen, and the last one is slender, but with only one eye, shining green light.

The powerhouses of the death hell, excluding the outsiders, are the three major races, namely the Demon Race, the Infernal Race, and the Lich Race.

The demons have strange appearances, and the only common feature is that they are covered with dark scales, with sharp claws and tails.

The Yin corpses are all pale-skinned corpses. Although they are practicing the power of death, the aura that they exude is not so much a lifeless aura as a corpse aura.

The characteristics of the last Lich tribe are even more obvious. They are all white skeletons, with ghost fire flashing in their hollow eye sockets. Only when they reach the level of Great Domination will they be named as Lich, otherwise they are white bone monsters and skeleton monsters. The name of the class.

"Blood Demon Race?"

When the two-headed demon race saw Mu Qing, his face was surprised, and then his eyes burst into anger.

"Unexpectedly, your blood demons would dare to take the lead against us. Are you really afraid of death?"

He yelled, quite angry.

You know, in this fog city, it is obvious that their death **** is more dominant, and the death **** powerhouses who are good at soul methods have more strength to save.

In contrast, the Blood Demon Race is at a disadvantage, and the tenacious vitality can't resist the attack of the soul.

Unexpectedly, the previous agreement that they would not take action with each other, they had not broken the agreement on the death **** side, and the blood demon clan would directly attack them.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, just kill him!"

The giant demon over ten meters tall roared, his size was bloated, but his speed was surprisingly surprising, like a black gust of wind blowing, and he appeared in front of Mu Qing in the blink of an eye.

The mouth of the giant demon's abdomen opened, the sticky smelly mouth dripped down, and the horrible jagged teeth wriggled, biting towards Mu Qing fiercely.


The force of the starry sky in Mu Qing spurred him, and he blasted out with a punch, and the golden and blue flames enveloped the giant demon race in front of him.

He has become more and more proficient in the combination of the sun's fire and the fierce fire. One of the two types of flame burns the flesh and the other burns the soul. With the dual cooperation, the enemy is difficult to fight.

This giant demon clan was also shocked. The endless pain struck, the golden sun's fire burned through the mouth of his abdomen, and the sharp teeth melted.

The giant demon screamed and backed back again and again. What made him feel even more troublesome was the faint blue flame in the soul.

In this fog city, the soul itself has been infringed by the soul-killing fog, and there is no scripture for soul-cultivation, even if it is a deadly **** powerhouse who is good at soul methods, it will inevitably be affected.

At this time, Mu Qing's fierce fire invaded his soul, making it even worse.


The giant demon clan roared loudly, and he backed back again and again, his hands bursting with death force, trying to extinguish the sun's fire on his body.

Unfortunately, before he had time to extinguish the golden sun fire on his body, wisps of faint blue flames emerged from his body, violently eroding his soul.

The dark blue fierce fire summoned by the calendar fire curse is a kind of flame that can hardly be extinguished. Unless Mu Qing himself retracts it, he will swallow everything around him and let himself grow.

At this moment, the soul of the giant demon race was entangled by fierce fire and swallowed frantically!

In the blink of an eye, a Tier 2 supreme lost his fighting ability.

The two demon races next to him were shocked, but he didn't expect Mu Qing to be so powerful.

In the blink of an eye, the double-headed demon tribe and the one-eyed demon tribe rushed out from two directions, respectively displaying killer moves to attack Mu Qing.

The two-headed demon race condenses endless fire, and a terrifying fire snake rushes out of the void, evaporating the surrounding sea water.

The one-eyed demon clan blooms with dazzling green lights, and a blood knife emerges from its only emerald green pupil, slashing towards Mu Qing.


Mu Qing's several master-level scriptures were running at the same time, and the terrifying power swept all around in an instant.

He stepped forward, and the entire ground was shaken. He raised his hand and pointed, and the vast vitality swept away.

A huge finger rolled down from a high altitude, and there was a phantom of life ancestor dragon entrenched on it.


The two groups of blood mist exploded, and they were also the second-order supreme, but these two demon races were not worth mentioning in front of Mu Qing, and they fell in the blink of an eye! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1746 Inner City), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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