Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1747: Fruitful

In the depths of the fog city, a huge mansion in the inner city.

Mu Qing's eyes were as deep as a black hole, his body burst out with the light of the starry sky, and his might became more and more vast.

After opening up the power of the eight realms starry sky, Mu Qing found that his cosmic eucharist became more and more terrifying. Compared with before, it is now easy to maintain several dominator-level scriptures plus a supreme scripture.

The same is the second-order supreme, the three demon races can only be killed in seconds before him.

The power that bursts out of several scriptures has completely surpassed the ordinary second-order supreme.

"Perhaps I can practice a few more dominance level scriptures to improve my strength, but it certainly won't be too much." Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

It takes a lot of time and energy for others to practice one scripture. Even if they have enough talent to practice multiple scriptures, they don't have so much energy to motivate them, and the gains outweigh the losses.

But Mu Qing is different. He has the Starry Sky Book. As long as there are enough Level 2 Supreme Treasures that contain the power of rules, he can fix a few master-level scriptures if he wants to.

Moreover, the starry sky opened up by the Universal Eucharist and the characteristics of the fusion of the Star Avenue have brought Mu Qing's vast energy and resilience.

It's just that no matter how much you practice in dominion-level scriptures, the less you improve as you go later, it is better to concentrate on elevating the Sun Sutra to the realm of Consummation.

Unless there are scriptures at the dominant level, Mu Qing might also consider practicing.

"However, after all, there is still a bit of trouble."

Mu Qing frowned slightly.

With the improvement of his realm, he could already burst out the power of several dominating scriptures, but after all, he could not integrate these powers together.

If it can be integrated, then maybe it can really compete with the ultimate supreme.

Regarding the fusion of these forces, Mu Qing has also been trying to practice.

And another thing that is different from others is that when other people practice the scriptures, the energy in the body is converted into corresponding power.

For example, in the Azure Sword Scripture cultivated by An Shaomu, the energy in his body was transformed into the power of Azure.

After An Shaomu creates his own scriptures, the power of Azure will be transformed into the power of the corresponding scriptures.

This is also the reason why other Tianjiao, even if they have the conditions, would not initiate the number of scriptures.

It is impossible to contain the power of several scriptures in one's own body, right?

In that case, the body will explode at any time, and the power of several scriptures will definitely produce violent conflicts.

Mu Qing didn't have this problem at all. The cosmic body he cultivated originated from the Star Book, and his grade seemed very high.

Even if he cultivated the Eternal Life Sutra, he did not convert the power of the stars in his body into the power of life.

Now, the energy in Mu Qing's body is still the power of the starry sky, and when he urges other scriptures, the power of the starry sky gushes out of his body, and it automatically transforms into the power of the sun and the power of the chaos of the chaos. , The scarlet power of evil nerves, the power of luck in the Destiny Sutra, the life force of the Eternal Life Sutra!

The core of everything is the power of the starry sky, and only when the scriptures are used, the starry sky power that is consumed will be transformed into the corresponding power.

This is the biggest difference between Mu Qing and others!

But this is also the case. Others directly mobilize the corresponding power that has been transformed in the body, and Mu Qing also urges the power of the starry sky to transform it into a corresponding power.

Even if the speed of conversion is extremely fast, there is still a bit of a problem.

"The cosmic body is extremely special. The power of the starry sky contained in it, even the supreme scriptures such as the Cultivation of the Eternal Life Sutra, has not been able to transform the power of the starry sky into the power of life."

"It seems that if I want to break through to the master in the future, I guess I need to create a scripture that fits the power of the starry sky."

Mu Qing touched his chin and muttered to himself.

Now, the core of everything is the power of the stars of the universe, so in the future, my own dominating scriptures must also be compatible with the power of the stars.

Moreover, so far the power of the starry sky has been transformed into the corresponding power of other scriptures and used.

Mu Qing has a hunch, maybe when he can exert the essential power of the starry sky, his strength will increase again!

"It doesn’t have to be the dominance-level scriptures I created. The dominance of holy relics is rare, and it’s not so easy to do well. Maybe after the three-strength ratio is over, I can go to the Palace of Life. Are there any master-level scriptures that fit the power of the starry sky."

Mu Qing thought.

Even if it is someone else's scripture, as long as it fits with the power of the starry sky, it will definitely be able to exert tremendous power!

"However, at this level, the avenue has no effect."

Strands of destruction appeared in Mu Qing's palm.

His first avenue, the Avenue of Stars, has been integrated into the cosmic Eucharist, allowing the cosmic Eucharist to inherit the characteristics of the Avenue of Stars and gain terrifying resilience.

But the supreme avenue that really belongs to Mu Qing himself is the avenue of destruction on his body now!

The power of destruction contained in the Dao of Destruction is also quite powerful, which can restrain many forces, but as the realm strength increases, the power of the Dao of Destruction has gradually been unable to keep up.

It cannot be said that the Dao of Destruction is too weak, at least Mu Qing can now use the power of the Dao of Destruction to explode the power of the second-order supreme.

However, he used the power of several scriptures to burst together, far surpassing the second-order supreme, and the effect of destroying the avenue is getting smaller and smaller.

It is not that Mu Qing has never tried to integrate the Avenue of Destruction into the Universe Eucharist like the Avenue of Stars.

In the end, it failed. The Avenue of Stars and the Universal Eucharist fit perfectly, and the fusion is quite smooth.

But wanting to merge the Dao of Destruction is not that simple, and there has been no clue, Mu Qing can only put it down.

Putting away the power of destruction, Mu Qing put his thoughts in front of him.

The previous three demon races, after occupying this huge mansion, specially let one of them come out to guard, obviously there are some good things in it.

He entered the mansion and after exploring for a while, he found an opened treasure house.

This treasure house is actually located in a stone monument. The owner of this mansion directly opened up a small secret realm, and then stored all kinds of good things in it.

Some protective measures had been destroyed long ago, and Mu Qing went directly into this small secret realm and found a lot of neatly arranged treasures.

There are all kinds of natural treasures, artifacts and other strange things.

Mu Qing reduced the Scarlet Domination Hall to the size of a palm, and no matter what kind of treasure it was, he stuffed it all inside.

The Scarlet Domination Hall can differentiate countless spaces in a single thought, and Mu Qing specially opened up a space in it to store the first-level treasure.

But as long as the second-level treasure, Mu Qing didn't have the idea to put it away, and he threw it into the starry sky book when he encountered it, and was burned by the illusory starry sky to become nourishment.

"What kind of treasure house is this realm? There are so many second-level treasures!" Mu Qing looked surprised.

Most of the entire treasure house is the first-level supreme treasure, and the remaining second-level supreme treasures are not too few, even exceeding Mu Qing's expectation, more than 30 pieces!

Among them, more than 20 artifacts containing the power of rules in the whole body are much more powerful than the tenth-class artifacts. Strictly speaking, they can be regarded as half-ruling sacred artifacts.

Sacred artifacts can only be possessed by the master, and other artifacts, as long as they contain a part of the power of the rules, can barely be called semi-sacred artifacts.

The fire of the starry sky naturally refuses those who come. As long as it contains the power of rules, even the semi-sacred artifacts with solid materials can be swallowed, and it disappears in a few clicks and turns into nothingness.

Mu Qing fiddled with a short knife in his hand, flowing with mysterious runes and blue brilliance. On the surface, it looked unremarkable, but in fact, after perceiving it, he would find that the short knife contained the rules of water.

Being able to carry the power of rules means that the material of the short sword is extraordinary, and with some of the power of rules, it has transformed into a semi-sacred weapon.

After playing for a while, Mu Qing shook his head and threw this semi-sacred artifact into the fire of the stars.


The fire of the starry sky is like a hungry wolf, with strands of flame entwining the short knife, and it melts in the blink of an eye, and the strands of rules are irresistible and merge into the fire of the starry sky.

Except for more than 20 semi-sacred artifacts, the rest are all good things similar to the treasures of heaven and earth, and they also contain the power of rules, just like the Thunder Fruit that Mu Qing bought in the Palace of Life.

He didn't even look at it, and threw all of them into the flames of the stars.

The fire of the starry sky, which had received a lot of nourishment at once, was finally no longer so illusory and transparent. At this time, it was shining with starlight, and there were many golden spots of light emerging and burning.

It can be seen that the condensing progress of Starfire has greatly improved!

Mu Qing's expression was pleasantly surprised, and it seemed that this foggy city had come to the right.

He didn't know the realm of the owner of the huge mansion, the collection in the treasury was far beyond his imagination.

Maybe, after searching the good things in the fog city, Mu Qing can completely reach the ultimate supreme level!

"In the future, you should also pay attention to it. Maybe those guys will carry some good things with them."

After Mu Qing walked out of the huge mansion, he thought in his heart that he would deliberately keep his hands next time when dealing with the powerhouse of Death Hell or the Blood Demon Race.

After all, the opponents are the second-order supreme, and there may be some good things in the storage space on the body.

Of course, Mu Qing also knows that most people should use up real good things early, or store them in some places if they don't need them, so they won't carry them with them.

But there will always be exceptions, not to mention the good things you get in these three power ratios, you will definitely carry them with you.

Thinking that every time he killed the enemy before, he was completely annihilated, which made him a little regretful.

He shook his head, the power of the longevity finger was too powerful. With one finger down, the second-tier supreme could not stand it. Not only was his life gone, the storage space on the opponent's body was also shattered, the contents inside were completely destroyed, and the little loot was looted. Less than.

Mu Qing made up his mind to exercise restraint next time.

When Mu Qing left here, explored the surrounding area, looking for the next opportunity, the other powerhouses in the inner city were all attracted by Mu Qing's side.

The inner city is indeed very large, and coupled with the interference of the thick fog and the seabed, some strong people at a distance can't even notice the fluctuations in the battle between Mu Qing and the Demon Race, not to mention the battle lasted only a short time.

But some Tier 2 Supremes near Mu Qing's area were all aware of it.

In a pile of shattered buildings, several powerful Yin corpses stared in a certain direction.

"Someone is fighting!"

"What a strong vitality, is it the blood demon?"

Several Yin corpse races were aware of it, and their expressions became serious.

One of them gritted his teeth and said, "The three patterns of **** that could have been sensed nearby have disappeared. It seems that it was the first hand of the Gorefiend tribe!"

"Damn it! They really dared to make a move, no! We have to pass the news out, let everyone be careful, the blood demons are already going to tear their skin!"

A corpse clan next to him shouted in a low voice.

The pattern of hell, similar to the identity crystal of the royal court of life, is a symbol of status.

Now that the pattern of **** disappeared and they felt full of vitality, then there is no doubt that in their eyes, it must be the people of the blood demon clan who took action and killed their strong men of death hell.

After all, only their death **** and blood demons entered the fog city, and no one else.

The one who makes the shot can only be the Blood Demon Race! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1747 is very rewarding), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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