Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1748: The whereabouts of the pure blood

Fog city, inner city.

In a huge mansion, Mu Qing strode out after searching a treasure house.

Under the feet, are the corpses of several dead **** powerhouses, belonging to the Yin corpse clan.

These corpse tribes are much more tenacious than the demon tribe, and their bodies are extremely hard, but the corpse energy on their bodies is essentially the power of death. When the quality gap is too large, they are restrained by Mu Qing's Immortal Sutra.

This is the second huge mansion searched by Mu Qing, and the harvest is quite rich. A bunch of second-level treasures are thrown into the fire of the starry sky, making it burning and growing stronger.

In addition, Mu Qing also found some clues inside, and learned that this huge mansion was the residence of the second-order supreme.

Regarding Wucheng, Haifei did not inform Mu Qing of the detailed content, but through the clues and some records found, Mu Qing had a better understanding.

Sea King Hemerton is in charge of all sea areas, and this huge sea area is where Hemerton lives. As a mermaid born Hemerton also draws the entire mermaid tribe here.

Wucheng is the core holy land of the Sea Clan.

In the inner city, there are all strong men. Although there is no evildoer like the ultimate supreme, there are also many second-order supreme and first-order supreme.

The mansions covering a huge area are basically divided into the second-order supreme, and there are many such places in the inner city.

In the outer city, most of these supreme relatives and clansmen were assigned to the outskirts of Wucheng.

"This Tianze Universe is really extraordinary. There are so many second-tier supreme treasures just from the second-tier supreme family." Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

At the same time, he was looking for storage space on the corpses of several Yin corpses.

Since the last time he was aware of the problem, Mu Qing has now exercised restraint.

However, the power of the Eternal Life Sutra was too overbearing, most of the things on these corpses were shattered and destroyed, and only the storage space on one of the corpses was still there.

"It seems that even if you deliberately close your hand, it still depends on luck."

Mu Qing shook his head helplessly.

The storage space of ordinary people is indeed quite easy to damage, and the strength is there, but it is only a storage space, it is impossible to specially get an artifact comparable to the second-class treasure, right?

Most people's storage space is around the first-class treasure, and only the luxury ones have the second-class storage space.

The second-level treasure is something that contains the power of rules, and this level of artifacts is equivalent to a semi-sacred tool.

If there is a storage space for the second-level treasure, most of it can hold part of the power of the master.

Not everyone is like Mu Qing, who directly uses Scarlet Domination Hall as a storage space.

The Scarlet Domination Hall was created by the Scarlet Domination. In the past, it should be regarded as the third-level supreme treasure. It was located at the level of the ruling sacred artifact.

The storage space found from this corpse clan was an emerald green ring with dim light, and some cracks had appeared, which was obviously affected during the battle.

There was still a residual soul mark on the emerald green storage ring, but the owner had already been killed, and the soul mark had no effect. The power of the starry sky collapsed immediately.

"Huh? Dominate the remnant soul?"

Consciousness penetrated into the storage space, and Mu Qing's face was stunned. There are not many second-level treasures, but there are more than a dozen dominating remnants!

"Found it in Fog City? Or was it found in the outside world?"

Mu Qing was a little surprised, and then immediately put away the remnants of the dominator inside, and opened a small space in the hall of the scarlet dominator.

Mu Qing didn't even look at the other second-level treasures, all of them fell into the flames of the stars.

Dominating the remnant soul can also speed up the formation of the starry sky, but after Mu Qing thought about it, he decided to retain the dominance of the remnant soul.

Under his perception, the consciousness of these dozens of remnants had been wiped out by a terrifying power, leaving only pure energy and the power of rules.

"Should all originate from the remnants of Haimodong." Mu Qing whispered.

These more than a dozen remnants of souls are all dominated by the name Haimerdong, and the complete soul of the other party is torn into tens of thousands of parts by the high-levels of the three forces, scattered in various places in the first and second worlds.

Originally, Mu Qing's plan was to throw it into the fire of the starry sky as nourishment, no matter whether it dominates the remnant soul or other second-level treasures, and to directly raise the sun meridian of the Consummation state as much as possible.

But now, Mu Qing has changed his mind.

He learned from An Shaomu that if he wants to reach the ultimate supremacy, he can't just rely on the scriptures of the consummation realm.

There are two conditions for becoming the ultimate supreme.

One is the scriptures of the Consummation Realm, whether it's someone else's or your own.

The second is the pure core of the rules. The core of the rules is originally owned by those who dominate the strong. If you don't dominate the realm, you need enough dominating remnants to condense the core of the rules.

At this point, Xingkongshu couldn't help Mu Qing either, so the redundant Domination Remnant Soul was left by Mu Qing, waiting to condense the core of the rules.

"The contradiction between the death **** and the blood demon race should have also been stimulated."

Mu Qing walked out of the mansion with a smile on his face.

When these corpse tribes met him, they still yelled that they had passed the news of the blood demon tribe's murder to other powerful men in death hell.

Come to think of it, the next encounter between Death Hell and the powerhouse of the Blood Demon Race will most likely lead to fierce conflicts, or even direct fights.

"Go to the next place."

After Mu Qing left, he continued to search for the next mansion. He specifically looked for these huge mansions. Most of them contained treasure troves, and many second-level treasures could be found.

Just like the clues found earlier, there are many huge mansions in this inner city.

According to the records found, there are more than 30 second-order supreme under Haimer East, and there must be many such giant mansions in the inner city.

Upon seeing this news, Mu Qing couldn't help but sigh that Tianze Universe was too powerful this time.

There are a lot of second-tier supreme treasures, not only dominates, there is even the great master powerhouse, the second-tier supreme.

Soon, Mu Qing found another giant mansion.

With the previous experience of looting two giant mansions, Mu Qing walked to the depths of the mansion, looking for the whereabouts of the treasure house.

After a while, Mu Qing slightly regretted and walked out of a secret room deep in the mansion.

The owners of these huge mansions basically opened up a small secret realm to serve as a treasure house to store all kinds of good things.

The location of these small secret realms is naturally very hidden, and it takes a certain amount of time to find them.

As a result, Mu Qing found it this time, but this little secret realm has collapsed.

At the beginning, Haimerdong and the high-levels of the three forces fought on the foggy city. Here was the aftermath of the battle, and some places were greatly damaged.

This little secret realm was destroyed by the aftermath of energy.

The things in the Little Secret Realm may not be completely broken, but the entrance has collapsed, and Mu Qing can't enter it at all.

If it is normal, he can also break the space and forcefully enter the small secret realm, but now the space has been reinforced by high-levels, and he can only use the entrance passage.

Shaking his head regretfully, Mu Qing went to other places in the giant mansion.

Although there are no good things in other places, if you are lucky, you can find some record books to let Mu Qing know more about Wucheng.


Mu Qing found a roll of edicts with no text on it, and runes were branded with them. After injecting a little starry sky, a voice came out.

"The Sea King has an order, the eighth branch of the Mermaid Clan, Haitiansong, descendant of the Sky Shark Supreme, enter the holy tower!"

The sound waves spread like a tsunami from the edict.

Mu Qing frowned, and the power of the vast starry sky suddenly exploded, covering the mansion at a faster speed.

The sound wave turned into a white halo and rolled in all directions, but it was obviously not an opponent of the power of the starry sky, and it collapsed directly after hitting the power of the starry sky.


Mu Qing was a little surprised, and then realized that this holy tower may be similar to the dominion hall of the Sea King.

He remembered that every ruler of the Tianqing universe had built his own dominion hall. Perhaps the holy tower mentioned in this edict was the sea king's dominion hall.

"So, in the holy tower, there will definitely be a treasure house of the sea king?"

Mu Qing's eyes suddenly brightened, and his heart was moved.

He wants to raise the Sun Sutra to the Consummation Realm, but he lacks a large number of second-level treasures.

Perhaps, going to the holy tower of Aquaman might gain something.

"However, there may be danger in the Sea King Sacred Tower."

There was a trace of vigilance in Mu Qing's eyes.

When he entered the Temple of the Sun Domination and the Hall of the Scarlet Domination, he encountered different crises and tribulations. Maybe this Sea King Sacred Tower will also have a crisis.

But this does not hinder Mu Qing, even these second-tier supreme residences have so many second-tier treasures, there must be more good things in the Sea King Sacred Tower!

This Tianze Universe is much richer than Tianqing Universe.

Even the treasure house of the second-order supreme is richer than the dominance halls of Tianqing Universe.

"Santa, it should be the most central location in the inner city. I can go over there while searching."

Mu Qing thought about it, and he didn't forget his other mission, which was to find the sleeping pureblood.

He has signed an unbreakable contract with Haifei. This is a contract specially made by the Supreme Lord Death Demon of the past. In the multiverse, those with high levels of realm know it.

If Mu Qing didn't complete the contract, he didn't need the poisonous sea snake deep in his soul to do it. The power of the contract alone would be enough to make Mu Qing a fatal threat.

Only what Mu Qing didn't understand was that the death demon had fallen for so many years, why this unbreakable contract could still have such an effect.

An Shaomu explained to him that the rules of the Supreme Lord can interfere with the entire multiverse. Even if it falls, the forces of the rules that have been transformed still exist in the universe.

Mu Qing threw away the distracting thoughts and took out the pure blood gem again.

In the previous position, the pure blood gem has remained silent, obviously far away from the sleeping pure blood.

At this moment, Mu Qing looked at the pure blood gem, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The pure blood gem trembles slightly, and a faint light burst out, and a faint brilliance floats to the left, guiding it to be put down.

The whereabouts of the pure-blood in the fog city was finally found! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1748 The Whereabouts of the Pureblood), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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