Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1753: Tianzang!

In the face of a group of blood demons who reached the second-order supreme, Mu Qing did not change his face, but was curious about the identity of the blood demons around him.

He wanted to know who this guy was, and he, like him, had purple eyeballs called Demon Eyes, pretending to be the blood demon clan.

"Damn, you killed those guys in death hell, right?"

The blood demon clan next to him who was also in disguise was exposed, and he stopped pretending. After a low curse, his body changed, and the aura characteristics of the blood demon clan gradually disappeared.

His appearance is also slowly changing, holding the magic eye in his hand, and said: "If you didn't provoke the conflict between the two sides, I might continue to pretend."

"You have to compensate me!"

The man cursed.

The facts are exactly as he said, maybe the disguise will be discovered sooner or later, but he was originally very low-key, and even specifically got the identity of the blood demon clan. As a result, Mu Qing aroused the contradiction between the blood demon clan and the death hell, and took him with him. Expose identity.

"who are you!"

This person also wants to know the identity of Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's appearance is also changing, gradually returning to its original appearance. Since they have been discovered, naturally there is no need to hide them.

However, when the two of them returned to their original appearance, they both looked at each other and both showed unexpected expressions.

"It turned out to be you?!"

Mu Qing was quite surprised, the big sturdy figure in front of him was actually the Tianzang from the royal court of life!

In the mermaid country before, there were not many hidden words that day, and it was very low-key, and honest and honest.

Unexpectedly, the Tibetan city mansion was very deep this day, and Mu Qing disguised as a blood demon clan with a glance, and sneaked into this foggy city.

Unlike the previous encounter, Tian Zang was full of flesh at this moment, but revealed a hint of insidious cunning.

"It's you?"

The Tianzang on the opposite side was also quite surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect that the colleague who pretended to be the blood demon with him was Mu Qing.

"Unexpectedly, it was Brother Mu." Tianzang's expression changed back to his honest and honest appearance.

He opened the mouth and said: "In this situation, our identities are exposed, why don't we join hands together?"

"I'm from the outside universe. I can't compare to these characters who were born in a multi-level force. Therefore, I have to fight hard and seize all kinds of good things to improve myself. Although the current situation is a bit early, I have already done it a long time ago. ready."

Tianzang sneered a few times.

He saw that it was Mu Qing, and decisively proposed to join forces, even in the face of so many second-tier supreme, there was no fear on his face, it seemed that there was a certain hole card means.

Mu Qing glanced at him.

I didn't care about it before, but now it seems that Tianzang is a personal thing.

The powerhouses who joined the Palace of Life from the outside world, even after entering the Spirit Palace to practice, can rarely reach the second-order supreme. Except for Mu Qing and Long Mingqing, the only thing left seems to be this Tianzang.

Key Tianzang is very low-key, always hiding himself, this kind of people is quite scary.

Mu Qing looked at Tianzang again, the opponent held purple eyeballs, hiding his breath, so even he could not detect Tianzang's true strength.

"What does this guy want to do when sneaking into Wucheng? Is it the same as me, looking for resources?"

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart.

He is for the second-level supreme treasure, and strives to raise the sun meridian to the perfect state as soon as possible.

As for what Tianzang's purpose is, I don't know, maybe it's the same as him.

After all, both of them came from the outer universe, and before they had fully stood up to the King of Life, they actually lacked resources.

"Alright, but if you are in danger, I won't help you."

Mu Qing nodded and agreed, but also issued a warning.

In front of these blood demon races, although there are many powerhouses of the second-order supreme, Mu Qing is not afraid. It is also within the second-order supreme, the gap between the two sides is huge, and the power of the eight realms opened up in his body, unless It took a few months, otherwise Mu Qing could not be killed.

"The same with you." Tianzang snorted coldly.

He proposed to join forces, just wanting to share the pressure. Although they are all people from the royal court of life, he will not go to rescue when Mu Qing is in crisis.

"You guys! Damn!!"

Seeing the two people surrounded by them talk, the lungs of the leader of the Blood Demon Race, God Destruction Realm, almost exploded.

The two second-tier supreme squadrons turned a blind eye to them!

"Kill them!"

God Destruction Realm roared.

At the same time, all the blood demon clan powerhouses moved, and the divine writings inlaid in their chests burst into bright light.

"Should we do it? Depending on the situation, it seems that the two kings of life guys pretended to be the blood demon race and succeeded in our death hell."

On the side of death hell, the three leaders gathered together, and the corpse clan's old woman asked the other two.

Mu Qing and Tianzang were not members of the Sea Clan, nor were they any members of the Blood Demon Clan and Death Hell, so the identities were obvious, and the people present immediately guessed it.

When the leader of the demon clan heard what the old woman said, he shook his head and glanced at the two Mu Qing who were surrounded.

He opened his mouth and said: "The two guys have no fear at all, they must have enough means."

"Furthermore, perhaps it was the blood demon clan that the guy pretended to provoke the contradiction at first, but since then we did have a lot of conflicts with the blood demon clan, and the relationship between the two can no longer be changed."

"These three powerful ratios, apart from our own people, there is no alliance at all. In the end, they will definitely become enemies. It is better for us to wait and see the changes."

The Lich Race next to him heard the words and nodded in agreement: "Yes, we do not have an advantage in numbers. There are indeed a lot of people on the Blood Demon Race. If those two guys really have the means, maybe they can help us solve some. People of the Blood Demon Race."


"Shen Miequan! What are you doing!"

"Shen Mie Nai! You are crazy!"

"Ah! God Miezhu, you traitor!"

A series of screams came out, and there was confusion on the side of the Blood Demon Race.

Originally, the Blood Demon Clan planned to besiege Mu Qing, but they started to fight each other.

Shenmiejie rushed into the crown, his scarlet eyes staring at several figures in front of him.

The five figures evacuated quickly and landed beside Tianzang.

These are five blood demon **** races, standing in front of Tianzang at this moment, protecting them behind!

It was these five blood demons who attacked their surrounding companions and disrupted the rhythm of the siege.

Mu Qing was also shocked by this pair, with a look of astonishment.

"Shen Mie Na, what the **** is going on with you guys?!"

There was a hoarse voice in Shenmiejie's throat, the divine writing on his chest was trembling violently, and a wave of terrifying divine light spread to the surroundings.

Obviously, the strength of God Destruction Realm is stronger than the general second-order supreme.

The appearance of traitors in the Blood Demon Race is absolutely shameful. It stands to reason that they are all created by the Blood Demon Ancient Tree and are completely loyal.

Soon, Shenmiejie noticed something wrong from the faces of the five blood demon traitors.

The expressions of these five people are also full of consternation, an unbelievable look.

"What exactly is going on?!"

"Why can't I control myself?"

"What the **** did you do? Let go of me!"

The five blood demons were madly twisting their faces, screaming in the posture of protecting Tianzang.

When the remaining dozen blood demon clan saw this, they felt chills in their hearts.

They finally realized that this was not the betrayal of their accomplices, but that the other guy used some means to control the five blood demons.

The five blood demons were struggling frantically, but only their facial expressions could control themselves, but the divine body remained motionless.

"Unfortunately, controlling five people is already the limit, and I have paid a great price for this."

Tian Zang looked sad.

Afterwards, he looked at Mu Qing and said: "I stopped the five blood demon races, and you can leave the rest to you, right?"

There are fourteen blood demon races left on the opposite side, and Tian Zang said to stop five, so there are nine blood demon races that are left to Mu Qing to deal with!

But Tianzang squinted his eyes, he knew that Mu Qing must have hidden amazing strength.

You must know that even he was extremely low-key after disguising the Gorefiend. Unlike Mu Qing, after disguising as the Gorefiend, he killed several powerful men in the death **** in a row, intensifying the conflict between the two sides.

Those who can make such moves must be people who have enough confidence in their own strength, and even feel indifferent to disguise and exposure.


Mu Qing nodded, but didn't care much.

If he is the only one, there are nineteen blood demon races that need to be dealt with, and Tian Zang does not know what means it has used to control five blood demon races, and then stop five blood demon races. The total amount is also reduced. Go to ten Gorefiend opponents.


Divine Destruction Realm roared, the divine writing on his chest filled with endless brilliance, and the whole body was rushed towards Mu Qing.

With a big wave of the Tianzang next to him, the five blood demon races turned into five black shadows and rushed up, but instead of rushing to the gods, they randomly found five blood demon races as opponents.

Tianzang himself withdrew to the last side and had no intention of making a move at all.

His eyes fell on Mu Qing, wanting to find out Mu Qing's true strength.

Shenmiejie has brought people rushed up, and a full nine Tier 2 Supremes surrounded Mu Qing, planning to kill Mu Qing in one go.

Nine second-tier supreme lords were dispatched at the same time, headed by Shenmiejie, rushing forward for the first time, the divine writing on the chest burned out with a fire, and a punch to kill, covering Mu Qing.

This is not one person, the other eight blood demon **** races work well together. At this time, they shot together, and the divine writings burst out with a dazzling light, covering Mu Qing.

A red glow burst out, countless mysterious flames enveloped the whole body, and the fist spurred by the Divine Destruction Realm pointed directly at Mu Qing's head, breaking it into pieces.

Mu Qing snorted coldly, and did not panic in the face of many opponents. Several dominator-level scriptures in his body ran wildly, and the power of the starry sky swept out!

His body was wrapped in bright starlight, stepped out in the air, and pointed towards the Goddess Realm.


The phantom of the life ancestor dragon hovered out, uttering a sky-shaking roar, and the infinite vitality that burned up turned into a giant finger, crushing away with a destructive aura.

At the same time, Mu Qing's body shook, and the chaotic light, the fire of the sun, and the fierce fire burst open, pouring around like a ****.


Shenmiejie and Mu Qing confronted with a head-on blow, their faces were terrified, and they felt that they were no opponents. The power contained in that huge finger completely surpassed him. The vast vitality extinguished all the flames, and the terrifying power spread and shattered. Half of his body, a large amount of blood was splashed.

At the same time, the power of several master-level scriptures also shook the other eight blood demons a distance.

It can be seen that a shield of chaos appeared on Mu Qing's body, absorbing all the attacks, and he himself was safe and sound!

Everyone present, whether it was the Blood Demon Clan headed by God Destruction Realm or the group of Death Hell headed by the three leaders in the distance, all looked at Mu Qing with horror.

They even wonder if Mu Qing is the ultimate supreme? ! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1753 Tianzang!) reading record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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