Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1754: Holy Tower Open

Tianzang in the rear also looked at Mu Qing in shock.

He and Mu Qing glanced at them and were not afraid of these guys, mainly because they had a certain hole card in their hands.

But unlike Mu Qing, Tianzang's strength is at best a bit more powerful than the ordinary second-order supreme. His greater confidence is the various backhands he hides, such as the five blood demons he controls.

Even if he is really invincible, he still has a way to escape.

Originally, Tianzang thought that Mu Qing was the same type as him, but he did not expect that Mu Qing's greatest confidence stems from his own strength. One person has the upper hand against the nine blood demon races!

"Unfortunately, only the power of the Supreme Scripture can be seen."

Mu Qing glanced at the blood demons around him, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

Except for the power of the Eternal Life Sutra, which directly injured the Divine Destruction Realm, the power of several other dominator-level scriptures broke out together, but only shook the other eight blood demons into the air, and did not leave any injuries.

This was done under the blessing of Mu Qing's huge starry sky power.

At this moment, Mu Qing finally understood what the old man Long said, no wonder the dominion-level scriptures would be bad things in the multi-level forces.

Because the master-level scriptures have been cultivated to this point, there is really no advantage.

If it is a scripture at the Great Domination level, it is bound to be able to exert a stronger power, and for a higher level scripture, Mu Qing has a deep understanding of it. A face-to-face will damage the Goddess Realm. This is still under siege. under.

"No wonder, even with Wu Sheng's background, he would choose to practice the scriptures of the Great Ruler first."

Mu Qing secretly said in his heart that at this moment, he deeply realized the grade gap between the scriptures.

Wu Sheng, as a monster of the ultimate supreme, is naturally talented, and his background is even more terrifying. His father is a great master and one of the founders of the gate of time and space.

With this background backing, in fact, dominating sacred objects is something that Wu Sheng has at his fingertips, but the other party did not immediately use the dominating sacred objects to create his own dominator-level scriptures, but instead first cultivated the great Dominate the scriptures.

This is because the Great Domination level scriptures will be more powerful after reaching the second-level supreme and the final-level supreme.

After the ultimate supreme, the core of pure rules has also been condensed, and even if you transfer to your own master-level scriptures, it will be quite smooth and the progress is extremely fast.

When Mu Qing was in contact with An Shaomu before, he inquired a lot of news.

For example, in this three-strength ratio, the ultimate supreme of both Death Hell and the Blood Demon Race has a particularly enchanting ultimate supreme.

It is necessary to know that the ultimate supreme is a realm that can only be reached by evildoers, and it can be called evildoers in this realm, which shows how amazing the strength is.

Originally, there was such a demon in the Palace of Life King, who was comparable to the Little God King and the Little Lich.

But the opponent was just at the stage of breaking through the dominance and couldn't participate.

The evildoer of the King of Life used to break through to the ultimate supremacy with the scriptures of the Great Domination level, but now he has created his own scriptures with the help of the dominating holy relics, and has begun to modify his own dominion level scriptures.

After all, it is a master-level scripture, and its strength will definitely decline, and the other party still needs to cultivate his scripture from the entry level to the realm of great success in one breath.

Generally speaking, in this transitional stage, you are practicing in retreat, and you only get out of the gate when you break through to the realm of dominance in one breath.

As long as it is the ultimate supreme, after changing his scriptures, he will basically break through the dominance. After all, even the core of the rules has been condensed, and the rest only needs to practice his scriptures to the realm of Dacheng to impact the realm.

"Damn it!"

Just as Mu Qing was thinking about it, the Shenmiejie not far away coughed up a mouthful of blood and looked at Mu Qing with a gloomy expression.

After only one fight, Shenmiejie understood that Mu Qing's strength was far above them.

For a while, the scene was a bit awkward.

After one shot, the blood demon clan stopped.

The blood demons next to him looked at the leader Shenmiejie.

Shenmiejie's face was uncertain.

He is a rare rational person in the blood demon clan, and replaced by a slightly temperamental blood demon clan who has already led people to rush to fight with Mu Qing.

But Divine Destruction Realm is different. He seriously suspects that Mu Qing's strength has reached the ultimate supreme. The other party may not be able to help them, but they obviously can't help Mu Qing.

The most important thing is that they originally had nineteen, and they were very powerful. As a result, the five blood demon races were forcibly controlled, and then five blood demon races were stopped. The remaining force was able to target Mu Qing, plus his own. There are only nine left.

Nine second-tier supreme, this force is also quite good.

However, through the fight just now, Divine Destruction Realm knows that they can't help Mu Qing, and maybe they may be killed by several blood demons!

"Is it the second-tier supreme or the final supreme? If it is the second-tier supreme, why does this **** guy have such a powerful force?!"

Shenmiejie's mind kept running.

As a member of the blood demon clan, a race that disdains the scriptures, he can't imagine why Mu Qing's strength will reach such a perverted level.

Suddenly, Shenmiejie looked at the death **** people watching the battle from behind.

Divine Destruction Realm smiled slightly and said: "Everyone, I believe you are also clear now that this guy was the one who killed you in the death **** before. It is better to work together to kill this person, lest the good things in the holy tower will be given by him. Taken away."

There are also more than a dozen people on the death **** side, which is a combat power that cannot be underestimated. If the two sides join forces, unless Mu Qing is really the ultimate supreme, no matter how powerful the second-order supreme is, it is impossible to deal with so many people.

Hearing this, the two leaders of the Demon Race and the Yin Corpse Race seemed to be a little moved.

They also saw that Mu Qing was obviously a huge threat. If they could solve it together first, then there would be one less powerful opponent next.

"no need."

The leader of the Lich clan said lightly, a hoarse voice came out, and he refused the invitation of God Destruction Realm.

Shenmiejie frowned, and the people in Death Hell refused?

This was something he never expected. It stands to reason that Mu Qing had killed many of them before, and he should have hatred greater than their blood demon clan. As a result, the leader of the Lich clan directly rejected his proposal.

"The guy in the King of Life is obviously much better than us, the second-order supreme, why..."

The old woman of the corpse tribe frowned and looked at the leader of the Lich tribe beside her.

The leader of the demon clan was puzzled, and cast his gaze towards the opponent, waiting for an explanation.

The leader of the Lich clan stretched out a white bone hand with a black pattern haunting the power of death.

This is the pattern of hell, similar to the gods of the blood demon clan and the identity crystal of the king of life.

"I just received the news that Urhun is already on the way to Wucheng, I believe it will be there soon."

"What's more, don't you think that the other guy is very similar to Erhun?"

"You must know that there are only four Supreme Scriptures in the entire multiverse. Except for the current Lord of Hell and Lord of the Royal Court, the remaining two Supreme Scriptures are the Death Sutra of the Hell of Death and the Eternal Life of the Royal Court of Life. through!"

The leader of the Lich clan had a solemn tone, and these words were communicated to everyone around him through sound transmission.

The bodies of the leaders of the Demon Race and the Yin Corpse Race next to them shook, their pupils shrank, and under the cue of the Lich Race, they seemed to understand something.

On the same side of the death hell, they naturally know the identity and status of Urhun. It is the only evil evildoer who has successfully practiced the death **** for countless years and has exerted most of its power.

Regardless of whether Ehun is still the second-order supreme, but the status is definitely above the ultimate supreme.

They also learned some secret news from their elders. This time the three-strength ratio, the high-level specially sent the little lich over to protect Ehun.

If Erhun had an accident, the top executives would even take action to interrupt the progress of the three-strength ratio and rescue Erhun!

Everyone in Death Hell present is the second-order supreme, and they have long known the identity and status of Ehun.

Although I am very puzzled, I don't understand why the senior management attaches importance to this level.

Even if Ehun can practice the Death Sutra of the Supreme Scriptures, he is the first person in countless years, but the Death Sutra is not his own scripture after all, and it will reach the top when he cultivates to the ultimate supremacy.

If Ehun wanted to move on, he could only change his own scriptures, and then break through the dominance.

Cultivating the supreme scriptures will indeed have incomparable power. They all felt this from Ehun, but if they want to break through the dominance, they must study their own scriptures alone and are not allowed to concurrently study any other scriptures!

"You mean, the guy opposite, like Erhun, has successfully cultivated the Supreme Scriptures?" The old woman of the Yin Corpse Clan was shocked.

Is it really a coincidence that two existences that will be completed in the supreme scriptures suddenly appeared these days, and they still met at the same place?

At this time, everyone in Death Hell finally understood what Mu Qing's strength was.

This momentum is indeed very similar to when they faced Urhun, it is also the second-order supreme, but it is completely crushed and does not speak the slightest truth.

Before dominating the realm, those who practice the supreme scriptures have an absolute advantage!

"The power of the Supreme Scriptures can be seen from Erhun. The number advantage is not effective for the Supreme Scripture practitioners, and even a few people might even get in."

"We just need to wait for Urhun to arrive. Then naturally there will be Urhun to deal with this guy. There is no need to join forces with the blood demon clan."

The leader of the Lich clan communicated to everyone.

Anyway, the number of them is too large, even if Mu Qing is unable to do anything, they can guarantee that the people on their own side will not be damaged.


Everyone in Death Hell nodded and obeyed the arrangement of the leader of the Lich Race.

"It seems that they are not going to help you."

Mu Qing sneered, and there was also a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He thought that the people in the death **** would also take action. He was already prepared, who knew that the people in the death **** would choose to stand by.

Although he didn't know what was in the heart of those guys, Mu Qing would not let go of this opportunity.

The nine second-tier supreme, in Mu Qing's view, are nine nourishments that can make the starry sky stronger and stronger!

With his strength, he can fight against multiple second-tier supreme at the same time, but it is more difficult to kill while competing against multiple second-tier supreme.

But if you give up the defense and attack with all your strength, it might be possible.

Mu Qing's eyes flashed fiercely, his eyes locked on a blood demon clan.

"not good!"

Upon seeing this, Shenmiejie immediately understood Mu Qing's thoughts, and quickly roared, the divine light on his chest skyrocketed, letting the people around him approach him.

The other eight gods of the blood demon clan burst out with dazzling light, and the rays of different colors were intertwined, and their power was doubled.

Mu Qing was surprised, but he didn't expect the blood demon clan to have joint means.

He was about to try to break the power barrier of the nine people, but stopped at this moment and looked in the direction of the holy tower.

The gate at the bottom of the holy tower was originally shrouded by a trace of rules and could not be entered.

But at this moment, the power of those rules actually collapsed, not like man-made, but collapsed and disappeared between heaven and earth.


Mu Qing burst into chaotic light and golden and azure blue flames, but his figure slammed into the direction of the holy tower. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1754 Sacred Tower Open), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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