Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1756: Tower of Rules

Everyone rushed into the holy tower, at the bottom.

At the very bottom, there is also a lingering light of gods, with ancient texts engraved on the surrounding walls and pillars, and the second-class treasures are shining and shining, and they are extraordinary things at first glance.

Most of these second-level treasures are hung on walls or embedded in pillars. They were used by the former ruler of Hemerdon to decorate the holy pagoda or reward his subordinates, and they are placed more casually.

At the bottom, the only useful thing is the dominating holy artifact that Mu Qing got. It should have been well preserved. Where the dominating holy artifact is placed, there is obvious enchantment power remaining.

It's a pity that it may have been shaken by the power of the Great Domination, the barrier has long been damaged, and the Domination Relic was so easily taken away by Mu Qing.


Several figures appeared not far away. They were Tianzang and the five controlled blood demons. Tianzang's eyes were complicated and he sighed.

He also wants to dominate the sacred objects, these things are unattainable, but he and Mu Qing belong to the same camp, and once shot, it means losing the qualification of the three-for-one ratio.

For people in the same camp, whoever gets the chance first, it is impossible to grab it.

Furthermore, Tianzang thought he had a lot of adventures and had a lot of tricks in his hole cards, and it is estimated that it would be difficult to **** the dominating holy artifact from Mu Qing.

The others also had fiery eyes, looking at Mu Qing with greed, all wanting to dominate the holy artifacts, but due to Mu Qing's terrifying strength, no one came forward.

"Unless Urhun comes, no one is his opponent."

The leader of the demon tribe has a gloomy face. Together, they may be able to barely contend with Mu Qing, but if they are not careful, they will find a chance to kill a companion.

Before dominating the realm, the existence of cultivating the supreme scriptures has an absolute advantage, even to the ultimate supreme, it can also become the enchanting level of the same order.

Only when they reach the realm of dominance and everyone converts to their own scriptures, then the superiority of scripture grade will be lost.

Prior to this, most people practiced the scriptures at the dominance level and the great dominion level, while Mu Qing practiced the supreme scriptures, with obvious advantages and ability to overwhelm the crowd.

However, there are also Ehuns who have practiced the Death Sutra in Death Hell. They made up their minds and gave up for the time being. When Ehun arrived to contend with them, and then cooperated with the number of superiors, it was enough to win Mu Qing.


The Death Hell and the Blood Demon Clan clenched their teeth, just watching Mu Qing take away the nearby second-level treasure, but did not dare to act rashly.

Of course, most of their second-order supreme have a certain background.

The blood demon tribe doesn't need the second-level supreme treasure itself, and on the death **** side, it is not necessary to go against Mu Qing for these second-level supreme treasures.

But it doesn't matter, it's one thing, it's just another thing to watch Mu Qing take away all the benefits.

The death **** and the blood demons were tickled by the crowd.


Tianzang showed a sly smile, he also went to the side to search for some second-level treasures, the harvest was not bad, there were five or six.

As for Mu Qing, who came from the outer universe and had no background in the Palace of Life, he couldn't turn a blind eye to the second-level supreme treasure.

Mu Qing reached out and took the second-level treasures at the bottom of the holy tower into his hands, and threw them all into the fire of the starry sky to become nourishment and burn.

The second-level treasures at the bottom of the holy tower are mostly semi-sacred artifacts or jewels for decoration, and the fire of the starry sky is not rejected, all of them are absorbed, and the sparks become more and more prosperous.

"Received more than forty pieces..."

Mu Qing secretly calculated the benefits, and at the same time glanced at Tianzang next to him.

Seeing Mu Qing's deep gaze, Tianzang's heart trembled, and with some embarrassment, he withdrew his hand. In front of him was a second-class treasure, a long spear that was a semi-sacred weapon.

The Death Hell and the Blood Demon Clan in the distance can only watch them search for benefits.

Mu Qing took away the half-sacred weapon long spear and threw it into the fire of the stars. This was also the last second-level treasure at the bottom of the holy tower.

He glanced at Tianzang. Although the other party was full of jealousy, he still pretended to have a simple smile and smirked at Mu Qing a few times.

When Mu Qing searched, Tianzang also seized some second-level treasures.

He thinks he is not Mu Qing's opponent, but there are rules in the three-strength ratio, and everything is done under the eyes of the three-party high-level masters.

If he shoots against Mu Qing or Mu Qing does against him, he will be disqualified.

Therefore, Tianzang relied on this rule and determined that Mu Qing could not do anything against him, so he grabbed some second-level treasures. Of course, he didn't dare to go too far. The bulk of it was basically in Mu Qing's hands.

Mu Qing didn't bother to care about him. If he was outside, he would definitely be wary of this Tianzang. This person was hidden deeply, and there were methods to control the second-level supreme.

However, just as Tianzang relied on the rules to seize some second-level treasures, Mu Qing also relied on this rule, but there was no need to worry that Tianzang would attack him.

Of course, the rules are just that they can’t do it with each other. There are still many ways to pit a person.

"The Sun Sutra... is about to reach the perfect state soon!" Mu Qing took a deep breath.

After collecting all the benefits from the bottom of the holy tower, the fire of the starry sky in the sun channel is getting more and more solid, the golden light points flickering, and the bright stars bloom, and it is finally about to improve!

At this time, everyone began to look at this holy tower.

Most of Mu Qing's attention was on the holy tower. If there is a threat, it is naturally this holy tower.

Even if the Lord Hymerdon has fallen, the Holy Tower still has some power left, and a random force of rules is enough to threaten everyone present.

The bottom of the holy pagoda is crystal clear. The bottom of the holy pagoda seems to be specially used for cultivation. The pillars carved with sacred textures contain the power of space.

There are eighteen pillars at the bottom layer, imprinted with mysterious symbols and patterns, and there are also large-scale spirit gathering arrays inlaid on them to absorb the power around them.

Mu Qing is keenly aware that there is actually a small secret space inside these pillars!

Come to think of it, the supreme powerhouses under the rule of Heimerdon in the past, when they were allowed to enter this place to practice, they would step into the bottom pillars and practice in the small secret territory.

The pillars are embedded with a large spirit gathering array, which seems to be Hemerton's handwriting, which draws out some pure energy from the power of the rules of the holy tower for cultivation.

Without reaching the realm of dominance, even the ultimate supreme can not directly absorb the power of the rules to practice, and the large spiritual gathering formations in these pillars are the key to helping the supreme cultivate in this environment.

"It seems that there were still people cultivating inside at that time." Mu Qing approached a pillar and clearly sensed that there was a small secret inside the pillar, which was unfortunately destroyed.

A wisp of blood came out.

The high-levels of the tripartite forces came here, and it was only a few breaths of time to kill Heimerdon. After all, the high-levels of the tripartite forces were the masters!

These Hemerton's subordinates were practicing in the small secret realm inside the pillar, and there was no time to avoid them. They were affected by the energy surplus on the spot and fell directly.

Mu Qing checked these pillars. Although they looked shiny and engraved with divine lines and symbols, when they looked closely, there were cracks, and all the small secret realms inside were shattered under a terrible force.

He looked around, the lowest and broad, but also quite deserted.

"There is still the suppression of the power of rules..."

Mu Qing whispered to himself.

In fact, after everyone entered, they found that a force of rules enveloped everyone, limiting some of their strength.

It is also true that other talents will sit back and watch Mu Qing take away most of the second-level treasures and ignore them.

"But that's right, this holy tower was created by Hemerton, and contains a lot of rules. The entry of outsiders will naturally be restricted." Mu Qing thought in his heart and didn't care.

The power of this rule restriction is gradually weakening, obviously because of the fall of Hemerdon himself, the rule power of the holy tower is slowly dissipating.

It was not easy to be able to intercept Mu Qing with the power of a rule before.

"Unexpectedly! This Haimerdong has already condensed the Tower of Rules, and it seems that he has been completely stabilized in the Domination Realm, and he has begun to try to head to the Great Domination."

Tianzang on the side brought the five controlled blood demon races forward, pretending to sigh, but actually found a topic, wanting to get a relationship with Mu Qing.

Mu Qing had previously performed exceptionally bravely, with an enemy of nine, to frighten the blood demon race, if he climbed up the relationship, it would be a powerful help.

"Oh? The Tower of Rules?"

A trace of doubt appeared on Mu Qing's face, and he looked at the big man Tianzang next to him. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1756 Tower of Rules), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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