Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1757: Nine Tribulations

"You don't know the Tower of Rules?"

Seeing Mu Qing's puzzled gaze, Tianzang was shocked.

He was a little surprised, and then explained: "The Tower of Rules is a holy tower. It is the path that all masters of the scriptures must follow. Except for the blood demons, most masters have to create their own holy towers."

"The masters are also divided into high and low. The usual masters gather the core of the rules, repair their own scriptures, and master the power of the rules. There are nine calamities at the core. After experiencing the nine catastrophes, you should dominate the pinnacle!"

"However, there is also a difference in the dominance of the pinnacle, that is, there is a holy tower and there is no holy tower!"

"The holy tower is built purely with the power of rules. It is related to the master itself and is one of the keys to the path to the great master. It can be said that the master of the nine calamities with the holy tower is much stronger than the master of the nine calamities without the holy tower."

"Of course, the holy tower is also a weakness. If someone attacks the holy tower, the Nine Tribulations Lords will not be able to bear it and will be hit hard by backlash. Therefore, most of the Nine Tribulations Lords who have reached the peak will build the holy towers in a safe place. The members of the royal court of our lives don't need to worry about this. They directly build the holy tower in the royal court, which is very safe."

"And because the holy tower is connected to the body, no matter where you are, you can attract the power of the holy tower and increase your strength significantly."

Tian Zang said a lot in one breath, and Mu Qing listened carefully to it.

He was completely ignorant of the realm of dominance. Only now did he remember that there were nine tribulations to dominion.

Even after the Nine Tribulations, it is necessary to build a holy tower with the power of rules to break through to the realm of Great Domination.

"In this way, those masters of the Tianqing universe are not the masters of the Nine Tribulations." Mu Qing thought, touching his chin.

Although those few have the dominion hall, the dominion hall is obviously just a residence built with special materials and the power of rules, not a holy tower.

Tianzang shook his head and said: "The latter is not clear. I only know that the Holy Tower is related to the breakthrough of the Great Domination. I don't know the specific circumstances."

He glanced at this holy tower and felt a little emotional, "This holy tower can stay, and most of Haimerdon is not an opponent at all in front of the Great Lord. He fell in a flash, and he couldn't even fight with the power of the holy tower."

"Unexpectedly, the dominance realm is divided into nine calamities, and to break through the great dominion, you must build a holy tower."

Suddenly, Mu Qing had a long experience.

Tianzang glanced at him, speechless.

But in his heart, he secretly said, this Mu Qing, like himself, comes from the outside universe, and he is obviously powerful, but he doesn't even have some common sense of the realm.

After observing the lowest level, Mu Qing went up the stairs, planning to go to the second floor of the holy tower.

Almost all the jewels and semi-sacred artifacts at the bottom of the sacred tower were all jewels and semi-sacred artifacts.

Mu Qing believes that the real collection must be located somewhere in the holy tower!

It's unlikely that a master's background will be all carried with him, and most of the holy towers also have a lot of good things left in them.

The entire holy tower is a thousand meters long, and I don't know how many floors there are.

Obviously there is nothing good at the bottom level, Mu Qing stepped into the next level decisively, looking for more opportunities.

The breakthrough of the Sun Sutra is imminent, he needs more second-level treasures!

In addition, if he wants to break through the ultimate supreme, he also needs a lot of dominating remnants to help him condense the core of the rules.

The core of the pure rules is not so easy to condense, after all, this is something that can only be found in the dominating realm.

With the supreme realm, forcibly condensing the core of the rules, not only has a certain risk, but also requires a lot of dominating the remnant soul.

This is also the reason why there are so few Ultimate Supremes, and there are only a few powers of multiple levels in each generation.

After all, dominating the remnant soul is also a rare thing.

Stepping up the stairs, the surrounding blue light was shrouded suddenly, and wisps of rules emerged, the surrounding scenery dissipated, and the azure blue light flickered. Only the stairs in front of me stretched infinitely, I don't know where to lead.

Mu Qing looked back and saw that Tianzang's figure had disappeared, and the many powerful men of the Blood Demon Race and Death Hell were gone, all seemed to have been swallowed by the surrounding blue light.


Mu Qing was surprised, he hesitated a little, and then continued to go down the stairs.

The surrounding blue light flickered, and wisps of regular force wandered, but it did not target Mu Qing as before.

I don't know how long he walked, Mu Qing came to the end of the stairs, which was a huge blue vortex.

Mu Qing strode forward and stepped into it, actually alert, ready to forcefully use the ability of the Starry Sky Book to improve the scriptures and evacuate.

After stepping into the whirlpool, he didn't feel any power attack, and the power of the surrounding rules became soft, wrapping him and moving to a certain space.

The surroundings are dim, there is no sea water, only the power of the rules is shining.

Suddenly, a majestic torrent swept across from the front, a dazzling blue light bloomed, and a cloud of blood poured down, filling this space.


Mu Qing frowned, a little shocked in his heart.

In front of the police, a burly man walked over the waves, holding a trident, wearing a golden crown, topless, and his lower body like an octopus. The thick tentacles twisted and slapped the surrounding police, summoning endless seawater.

This man looks a bit familiar, Mu Qing has seen him before, he is the ruler of Haimodong who was summoned by the mermaid clan to dominate the remnant soul!

Soon Mu Qing held his mind.

The real Hemerton has fallen. Although Hemerton in front of him is powerful, he only uses the power of the surrounding rules to increase his strength. The actual combat power is not as good as Mu Qing!

"You have a chance to defeat me!"

Haimerdong's face was dull, and an old voice came from his mouth, shaking his surroundings.

"Is this arranged by Hemerton before his death?"

Mu Qing was a little puzzled, could it be possible that Hemerton created the holy tower and used this holy tower as a place for training his subordinates?

But it shouldn't!

As Tianzang said, the sacred tower is related to the realm of great dominance and is one of the keys to breakthrough. It is not easy to let the subordinates come in to practice. Who would turn this into a place for training?

Mu Qing put aside his distracting thoughts and no longer thought about it.

No matter what, there is a chance anyway!

Mu Qing got serious, and the power of the starry sky came out of his body. Countless starlights were like threads, intertwined into a net, but it was a bright starry sky with thousands of visions.

He had already seen that the Hemerton in front of him was not a physical entity, but a condensed force. Only through the power of rules could he release a terrifying aura, and the actual combat power was not strong.

However, even though the Hemerton in front of him is not the main body, his strength is not strong, but after all the power of the rules is involved, Mu Qing did not keep his hands, and directly used the strongest means.

The rich vitality burns at this moment, and the transparent and pure vitality fire emerges.

Facing Haimodong, facing the turbulent waves without changing his color, he slowly raised his hand and pointed away!


The life ancestor dragon shattered everything around with a wild aura, making a roar that shook the sky and the earth.

The monstrous waves that had swept over Mu Qing rolled back one after another under this roar, but the huge waves hit Haimodong instead.

Haimodong's face was dull, and there was no mood swing at all. The trident in his hand waved, and the violent waves stagnated at this moment, becoming extremely docile, turning into a sky of water and falling, and the wind was calm for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Hemerton suddenly raised the trident, and the sea monster tentacles in the lower half of his body violently slapped against the calm sea.

After a few breaths, the wind is surging again, and the waves are surging!

An endless blue light erupted from Haimerdong's body, which was extremely dazzling. The turbulent sea water gathered in the trident, condensed into a sea dragon, and stabbed towards the top of his head.

Above the head, a huge giant finger is slowly falling, and the vast vitality spreads, there is a breath of spring, but it is hidden killing!

This huge finger obscured the sky and covered the sun, destroying it, as if the stars were falling, and instantly transformed into an infinitely huge ancestral dragon, and each dragon scale was densely packed with ancient symbols.

The vast and ancient aura escaped, this is the aura of the supreme ruler, even if the rule of ruler power can't compete, it is suppressed!

The life ancestor dragon only took a breath, then used the dragon claws to shred the body of the sea dragon, opened a huge mouth, and swallowed the boundless sea water, leaving no drop!

Suddenly, Ancestral Dragon turned back again. It was a huge finger, the texture on it was clearly visible, containing vitality, and exuding ancient aura.


The moment the trident touched the giant finger, it was cracked all over, and the power of terror shrouded it, completely bursting to pieces.

Second breath!

There was no trace of fear on Heimerdon's face, because he was just a product of pure power. Facing the crush of a huge finger, he no longer had the ability to resist, and the violent power was like a storm.


The longevity finger was crushed down, and Haimodong's body was torn apart, his strength was scattered all around, but the core was the power of half a rule, shattering at this moment. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1757 Nine Tribulations), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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