Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1758: Sea King

"No wonder, it's just the power of half the rules, and apart from the terrifying aura, it's also at the level of the second-order supreme."

When Mu Qing saw this, he realized what he had just condensed into.

The power of half the rules, the power is not strong, and Mu Qing used a single blow to kill him.

However, when it comes to the power of the rules, even if it is only half way, there are surprisingly strange things. Mu Qing can't see the reality and the reality, only after he is completely killed.

"Where is the opportunity?"

Mu Qing cares more about what benefits he can have.

Suddenly, in the distance in the void, a ray of light rushed at extremely fast, floating in front of Mu Qing.

"this is?!"

When Mu Qing saw this, his face was stunned.

There was a group of light in front of him, soft and pure, and under careful perception, I found that it turned out to be a fragment of soul.

Dominate the remnant soul!

Mu Qing reached out and sent the Remnant Soul of the Domination into the Scarlet Domination Hall for preservation.

"It is the remnant soul of Hemodon, the so-called chance is this!" Mu Qing said to himself.

At this time, he finally understood that this was not designed by Hemerton to hone his subordinates. He thought it should have been deliberately arranged by the top three parties.

After all, how could Hemodon take his remnant soul as an opportunity.

Only the high-levels of the tripartite forces, after killing Hemerton, tore his soul into an unknown number, scattered all over the Tianze universe, and part of it remained in this holy tower as a chance.

"No wonder, I said that only half the power of the rules can actually derive Hemerton's ontology."

Mu Qing suddenly understood.

The power of the half-way rule is pure power, and with the help of this way to dominate the remnant soul, the Hemerton ontology can be condensed to fight.

However, this way of dominating the remnant soul is the same as before, it is a very small part of the whole soul, so the effect is not great, only reaching the level of second-order supreme.

After collecting the remnant soul of the dominator, all the blue light around him receded, revealing the appearance of the surroundings.

Mu Qing seems to have come to the second floor.

"If every layer has an opportunity, wouldn't I get a lot of dominating remnants?" Mu Qing's eyes lit up.

The entire holy tower is a kilometer high, and there may be hundreds of floors.

"Nor." Mu Qing shook his head quickly.

After all, the holy tower is the tower of rules built by Hemerton with his own power. It is one of the keys for the Nine Tribulations Lord to break through the realm of the Great Domination, and it cannot be like a normal tower.

Perhaps it is a kilometer high and only nine floors.

It may also be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of layers, which cannot be judged.

Mu Qing looked around and found that this place is almost the same as the lowest level. Eighteen pillars are connected up and down, and the rest are empty, not even the second-level treasure.

"The concentration of the power of rules has become much higher."

After Mu Qing perceives the next four weeks, he compares it with the bottom layer.

There are no small secrets inside the eighteen pillars. It seems that except for the lowest level, which is open to the cultivation of one's own subordinates, other places do not want people to come in.


Suddenly, Mu Qing observed some details. The textures on the eighteen pillars were different from the bottom layer, and some ancient characters seemed to be imprinted on them.

He immediately sensed, and went deep into the eighteen pillars, and suddenly saw a piece of text, the power of the haunting sea, in line with the power of the rules of the holy tower.


Mu Qing was stunned, and only then discovered that a small part of a certain scripture was actually branded on the eighteen pillars.

The eighteen pillars at the bottom level are naturally nothing, which has already been observed.

"It turns out that the holy tower was built on the basis of the dominating scriptures with the force of rules?"

Mu Qing had some understanding.

The bottom layer is the ground that Heimodong gave to his subordinates for cultivation, so there is no such scripture.

From the second level, Hemerton seemed to be based on the scriptures, urging the power of rules, and began to build the holy tower.

Mu Qing's eyes rolled up the vortex of the starry sky, deep and mysterious, forcibly piercing through eighteen pillars, peeking into the scriptures.

From the holy tower, you can get a glimpse of a small part of the scriptures. Maybe you can move on and fill in the complete scriptures of Hemodon's practice.

This holy tower is the key to breaking through the Great Domination. Generally speaking, there will be no outsiders entering. Hemerdon estimated that he could not even think of it. One day, even the holy tower was too late to be activated.

Mu Qing took out the Starry Sky Book, and saw that on the eighth page, lines of text appeared. When he went away, he could vaguely see the vast and vast ocean rolling up the huge waves.

"The Sea King."

When Mu Qing raised his brows, he knew that this Sea King Scripture was the master-level scripture of Hemodong's creation and cultivation.

However, in the Starry Sky Book, this Neptune Sutra only has a small opening, which is far from complete.

"This Sea King Sutra is much stronger than the Sun Sutra, Chaos Sutra, and Evil Nerve Sutra."

Mu Qing only saw the opening part and came to a conclusion.

Every master's scripture was created by himself, and even afterwards, he still needs to continue to perfect it even if he cultivates to the realm of Consummation.

After all, one's own realm will get higher and higher, so naturally the scriptures for cultivation have to be constantly improved and repaired to make them stronger and stronger.

Haimodong is a ninth-level ruler, and has already begun to create a holy tower to break through the things of the great ruler. His Sea King Scripture has naturally been perfected to a fairly high level, which is quite powerful in the dominant-level scriptures.

When Haimer breaks the Great Domination and understands more rules of the universe, and then perfects the Neptune Sutra, then the Neptune Sutra will naturally degenerate into a sutra of the Great Domination level.

"This Sea King Scripture has approached the Great Domination-level Scripture."

Mu Qing had a judgment in his heart, but quickly shook his head and put the Starry Sky Book away.

Although this Neptune Sutra was branded on the Starry Sky Book, he was not prepared to practice.

Up to now, no matter how much dominion-level scriptures he cultivated, his improvement would be limited, even if it is the master-level scriptures that he has cultivated, what about?

In the end, it still depends on the Eternal Life Sutra.

What's more, after practicing other people's scriptures, what I can spur is always those magical powers, and there is not much change.

For example, the Eternal Life Sutra actually contains countless mysteries, but Mu Qing did not really create the owner of the Eternal Life Sutra, and the magical power that can be used is only one longevity finger.

At the very least, in the realm of Dacheng, Mu Qing could only use such a magical power back and forth, with fewer methods.

Of course, as the supreme scripture, power is extremely powerful.

At this time, three figures emerged, appearing out of thin air on the second floor.

Mu Qing looked at it.

Others should have also encountered the Remnant Soul of Heimerdon, but Mu Qing moved faster and resolved the battle immediately.

Until this moment, someone killed the clone of Hemerdon and got the Domination Remnant Soul to come to the second level.

The person here was Tianzang, and there were two blood demons who controlled him beside him, with some injuries.

It seems that the five blood demons controlled by him are counted with him, and now three blood demons have been lost.

"Brother Mu."

When Tianzang saw only Mu Qing, he grinned and leaned forward to say hello.

At the same time, he was also observing the surroundings, frowning slightly, but found that it was exactly the same as the bottom layer, and there was not even anything.

Tianzang looked at Mu Qing with some suspicion. Could it be that Mu Qing took away all the benefits?

Mu Qing nodded lightly, but did not pay too much attention to it, and then stepped onto the stairs to the third floor.

The power of the rules shrouded, the blue light suddenly appeared, and the surrounding scene disappeared again. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1758 of the Sea King), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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