Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1759: Sea monster

"Victory against me, you have a chance."

In the dark space, a sea suddenly surged, and Hemerton appeared as a clone with a dull expression, and a sentence was repeated in his mouth.

Haimodong still holds the trident in his hand, controlling the endless sea water, inverted, the lower body is the sea monster tentacles, flapping the sea water, making waves.

Mu Qing's eyes condensed, and he whispered: "A lot stronger."

But he is also not afraid, urging the Eternal Life Sutra, and the ancestral dragon roars and frightens thousands of miles.

A huge finger covering the sky and the sun shrouded, and the vast sea was wiped out, the trident shattered again, and the clone of Hemodon fell on the spot!

After figuring out the specific circumstances of this Hemodong clone, Mu Qing did not waste time, and with a full blow, this time the Hemodong clone, which was slightly stronger than the second-order supreme, could not hold it.

A ray of light penetrated through the void, and Mu Qing's detective hand grabbed it, and then got another one to dominate the remnant soul.

Mu Qing's strength is close to the ultimate supreme. If it is an opponent in the second-tier supreme category, it will be easy to kill one by one.

He quickly stepped into the third floor and found that there was still nothing but the eighteen pillars.

Mu Qing perceives the eighteen pillars, and smoothly obtains a small part of the content after the Neptune Sutra, but it is far from the complete chapter.

He carefully observed his surroundings, and after making sure that there was nothing, went to the fourth floor.

"The second-level treasures at the bottom are only used for decoration by Heimerdon, so where is Hemerdon's real heritage and collection?"

Mu Qing was puzzled.

Compared with the content of the Sea King Sutra, he wants the second-level Supreme Treasure more, and with more, the Sun Sutra can be successfully promoted.

On the way to the fourth floor, there still appeared a clone of Haimodong, whose strength was once again stronger, but it was still in the category of second-order supreme, unable to compare with Mu Qing's eternal life sutra.

He was like a broken bamboo, one layer after another, every time the clone of Haimodong was broken with one finger, there was no half-delay.

Each layer has the dominion remnant soul to get, barely be regarded as some gains.

Until the ninth floor, Mu Qing looked at the familiar environment and sighed.

It was still the eighteen pillars, the others were empty and there was nothing.

He perceives one of the pillars, and since they are all here, he might as well fill up the Sea King Sutra.


Suddenly, Mu Qing noticed something wrong. The pillar in front of him contained an astonishing force of rules, which burst out suddenly, ripples spreading, and the force of rules turned into an ocean.

Among them were the tentacles of the sea monsters. The tentacles imprisoned Mu Qing, forcibly pulling them into the pillars, and then the sea poured back into the pillars, and everything around him was immersed.

"Huh? What's the matter with the master?"

"It doesn't matter if I don't let me go out for a long time, how come after such a long time, the food fed is only one human?"

The endless sea, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the wind was howling, and the waves were layer after layer. After 10,000 meters, they slammed down and made a huge roar.

Lightning continued to fall, and squally winds were pouring down with torrential rain. From time to time, huge tentacles comparable to mountain ranges appeared under the sea, and with a light wave, they set off huge waves covering the sky.

This is a sea monster with wide-eyed eyes, a million li in size, and the sound is far louder than thunder. It is completely dark, and there is a horrible force lingering.

The sea monster's eyes are like two suns, looking at Mu Qing.

The questions sent out earlier are still reverberating in this world.

Mu Qing was forcibly pulled into this space, his face solemn, the power of the starry sky in his body shook away, a little bit of starlight transformed the universe, isolating the surrounding rainstorm.

"Master? What food to feed?"

Mu Qing stepped into the void and looked at the behemoth in front of him.

In contrast, he is quite small, and when he perceives it carefully, he finds that the strength of this sea monster is far superior to the second-order supreme!

According to the other party's words, Mu Qing's eyes condensed, and he speculated that the sea monster in front of him might be a pet raised by Hemerton.

It may also be the patron saint of the sea clan, because he has been thrown into a certain pillar on the ninth floor of the holy tower, so he is free from trouble.

Or maybe the top three parties saw that the strength of this sea monster did not exceed the scope, so they deliberately stayed.

The thoughts flashed in Mu Qing's heart, and then he looked at the sea monster in front of him.

Only then did terrible power suddenly burst out, pulling him into this space, and then it can be judged that the strength of this sea monster is definitely much stronger than the second-order supreme.

Now, under careful perception, Mu Qing's heart was shocked, and he felt like facing the ultimate supreme!

"No, this sea monster has not yet reached the level of ultimate supreme."

Mu Qing quickly denied that he had come into contact with the ultimate supreme, and he himself had the power to use the scriptures of the consummation realm. After careful judgment, he could be sure that this sea monster was far inferior to the ultimate supreme.

But it is also much stronger than the second-order supreme, and even much stronger than the original Ehun.

"Human! You are not afraid of me?"

Perhaps there was only one food to be fed. The sea monster didn't even have the idea of ​​eating Mu Qing. His huge eyes fell, staring at Mu Qing, his voice overshadowing the thunder.

"Why are you afraid?"

Mu Qing gave a faint smile, her eyes bright.

This sea monster exists in the holy tower. He said that Heimerdon is the master. Perhaps he has some knowledge of the holy tower and can help him find Heymerdon's treasure house.

"who are you!"

"Why does the master never show up, and even trap me here, unable to go out!"

The sea monster suddenly roared, and in words, it raised its mountain-like tentacles and slammed it towards Mu Qing fiercely.

"Stuck?" Mu Qing was a little surprised when he heard this.

Why does Heimerdon trap the sea monster here?

No, it may also be that the top three parties found the sea monster and trapped it here. At that time, Hemerton was already dead.

Mu Qing's body burst into light, the starry sky was rolling, the universe was filled with visions and half of the sky.

He pointed a finger in the air, and Long Yin roared out, shattering the layers of dark clouds. Above the sky, a huge finger fell, and the violent force crushed the huge tentacle.


Suddenly, another tentacle rushed out of the sea under Mu Qing's feet. Even Mu Qing couldn't react to the speed. He was severely drawn and flew away.

Mu Qing hit the sea, the huge wave rolled up, and his left leg was broken.

"What a strong power!"

Mu Qing's pupils shrank slightly, this sea monster did not know the origin, was able to hide its breath attack, and its power was astonishing, surpassing the ordinary second-order supreme, vaguely close to the final stage, hurting Mu Qing's body.

At the critical moment just now, the Shield of Chaos emerged automatically and was broken in the blink of an eye.

"The universe is so big, there are no surprises, just let the sea monster out, you can slaughter the chaotic universe."

Mu Qing's eyes shrank.

Through the attack just now, he discovered the identity of the sea monster.

The tentacles hit, and there are sharp barbs on them, comparable to a half-sacred instrument, and at the same time, a strand of regular power is released!

Previously, this sea monster was hiding well, Mu Qing only felt powerful, and only when he attacked did he discover that the sea monster could actually control the power of the rules to fight.

This sea monster is actually a pure blood! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1759 Sea Monster), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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