Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1760: Fighting pure blood sea monsters

"No wonder..."

Mu Qing whispered.

No wonder the strength of this sea monster is so terrifying, even more terrifying than Ehun's strength before.

This is a pure blood!

The sea monster itself is the second-order supreme, but as a pure-blooded person, its strength is far more than the second-order supreme. After all, it can control the power of the rules to fight, and its power is terrible.

It is also relying on the power of the rules, so it can easily hurt Mu Qing.

You know, Mu Qing is cultivating the cosmic Eucharist, his body is extremely powerful, and the ordinary second-order supreme can ignore him when attacking him, but under the attack of the sea monster, he is directly injured.

However, Mu Qing's physical body contained the power of the universe, and the saint body was immortal, and the starlight flashed, and his injury recovered.

He looked at the sea monster in front of him, his face condensed slightly.

This guy is very powerful and has reached the point where he can hurt him!

The most difficult thing is the power of rules. As a pureblood, the blood in the body is born with the power of rules, and can control the rules to fight, almost invincible at the same level.

The pure-bloods of Tianze Universe are different from the blood demons.

The blood demon race contains the power of rules in the body. As the bloodline concentration increases, the power of rules will gradually become stronger, but before dominating the realm, it can only play a supporting role and cannot be controlled.

Among the creatures of Tianze Universe, there are only a few rare purebloods.

The power of the rules in the blood of these pure bloods is fixed, and will not be enhanced by the increase in strength and blood, but the pure blood can naturally use the power of rules to fight.

"What is the power of this guy's rules?"

Mu Qing walked away, opened the distance, and looked at the huge sea monster in front of him vigilantly.

The stars all over him are shining, reflecting a universe of the universe, the vast starry sky is deep and boundless, and contains supreme power.

At the same time, the eternal life traverses in the dark, the majestic vitality turns into a pure and flawless flame, and the phantom of the life ancestor dragon is hovering in the stars.

Now, Mu Qing feels more and more that it is difficult to defeat a powerful enemy by relying on the combined strength of several master-level scriptures.

The Destiny Sutra relates to the power of time, and apart from borrowing the power of time, the specific improvement is not significant.

The rest of the dominance-level scriptures are considered good as soul-type scriptures, and the others are at most used to deal with ordinary second-order supreme.

If Mu Qing hadn't practiced the Eternal Life Sutra, relying only on a few sutras and the power of the eight realms starry sky, he would be better than the second-order supreme at best.

When encountering opponents such as Erhun and giant sea monsters far surpassing the second-order supreme, they can only rely on the eternal life script to fight.

Mu Qing stepped on the Eight Wastes, the Star Dou moved, and from a strange angle, he pointed a finger, the dragons screamed, the fire of vitality burned, and the terrifying aura blasted away.

He was testing this trick, trying to figure out the power of the giant sea monster's rules.

From the previous experience of Haifei to the contact with An Shaomu in the back, I learned a lot about dominance.

There are many rules and powers of dominance, and although many rule powers of dominance may be the same, the effects of applying them are absolutely different.

The superpower of the King of Life, the time-space gate, in addition to the former dominance of time, now only recruits members of the King who fit the power of space. This superpower is all the power of cultivating space.

The masters of the time and space gate almost completely control the rules of space, but because of the different scriptures they create, the space magical powers and powers they can display are also completely different.

According to Mu Qing's understanding, the Mo Shan once encountered during the assessment was the strongest in the domain of time and space. He mastered countless space secrets and stood out before he was called the master of space.

But in fact, all the masters in the gate of time and space control the rules of space.

The pure-blood sea monster in front of him has the power of the rules, but after all, he is still at the level of the second-order supreme, and it is not unmatched.

"The pure-blooded sea monster's tentacles just sneaked into the attack. I didn't even notice it. Could it be the power of the same rules as Haifei?"

Mu Qing thought in his heart.

Concubine Hai has accepted most of her daughter's pure blood, and can also use the power of controlling some rules.

At that time Haifei was close to Mu Qing and An Shaomu. In addition to being the ultimate supreme, the most important thing was that the power of rules played a hidden role.

It is precisely because of this that Mu Qing would speculate that this pure-blood sea monster in front of him also has the same power of rules as Haifei?


The pure-blooded sea monster became angry, and the huge tentacles slammed down, stirring the sky and the waves, as if to lift the whole world.

"No, it is the rule of water!"

At this time, Mu Qing finally realized that the rule controlled by the pure-blood sea monster was the rule of water.

Heymerdon also mastered the rules of water. Although the power of the previous Hemerdon clones was relatively ordinary, they used some of the rules of water more or less, so Mu Qing was able to detect it.

There is no land in this space, only the endless sea king, dark clouds covering the sky, lightning and thunder, squally gusts, and torrential rain.

The black shadow of the pure-blood sea monster has a terrible feeling of suffocation, accompanied by a flash of lightning, illuminating its own hideous face.

The violent sea water gushes out, forming thousands of waterspouts, connecting heaven and earth, sweeping.

With the pure blood sea monster as the center, a huge sea vortex was born, sweeping away everything.

Mu Qing left with a finger, vitality burned, the vast force turned into a wave of air and smashed away, smashing a tentacle.

Immediately afterwards, his figure flashed, and the starlight moved laterally, avoiding him.


At its original location, a huge tentacle rushed out of the seabed, containing boundless power, smashing the space out of the cracks.

This place is a secret space, the world opened up has not been strengthened by the great master.

"Rely on the rules of water, hide the breath in the sea..."

Mu Qing's expression was solemn.

Thoroughbred sea monsters master the rules of water, fighting for the home in this sea has a certain advantage. The opponent relies on the rules of water to let his tentacles blend with the sea, without noticing the slightest abnormality.

The just avoidance was actually for anticipation, and he didn't perceive any breath at all.

However, the pure-blood sea monster performed the same trick as the original one again, which also made Mu Qing realize that the opponent's use of the power of rules was actually very weak.

At each previous level, he would encounter the clone of Hemerton, defeated to get the dominance of the remnant soul.

The clone of Hemodon was only condensed with the help of the remnant soul and the rules of the holy tower, which was far from Hemodon's body.

Rao Shi Mu Qing can directly spur the Eternal Life Sutra and drop ten guilds in one force, but he can also feel it. Haimodong clones control the rules of water to fight. He has advanced skills and experience, much better than the ordinary second-order supreme .

The pure-blooded sea monster in front of him was obviously far inferior to the clone of Hemerdon, not to mention the contrast with Hemerdon's body.

"Boom boom!"

A group of black shadows rushed out from the bottom of the sea, and the speed was astonishing, all of them were the huge tentacles, which rolled up the huge waves and hit Mu Qing.

A closer look reveals the power of the tentacles lingering around the rules, bursting with a dazzling blue light, that rule symbol can command the sea, which is the lord of all waters.

Mu Qing's figure constantly shifted, stepping on the stars, and the universe emerged all over his body.

After dozens of consecutive attacks, most of them were evaded by Mu Qing, but still suffered serious injuries, his body was constantly broken and repaired, and his soul was shaken!

"Too rough!"

Mu Qing dodges a tentacle attack again, watching the huge tentacles fall into the sea and set off a huge wave, but he secretly said in his heart.

After a little entanglement, Mu Qing found that the pure-blood sea monster had a single attack method, not even capable of magical moves.

This guy has a very low level of control and familiarity with the rules of water, and can only use the rules of water to sneak attacks after the hidden breath of the sea.

Each attack of the pure blood sea monster is simply the use of the power of the rules. Although it is very powerful, it can easily crush Mu Qing's body, but in fact, even half of the power of the rules can not be used.

Mu Qing was overjoyed, he was almost tentative, and at this time he barely adapted to the attack rules of the pure-blood sea monster.

After dodge again, Mu Qing turned into starlight, stepped up across the sky, and pointed out!

The ancestor dragon roared, and the giant fingers crushed and fell.

The vast vitality burned at this moment, the black cloud collapsed, the thunder was silent, and the cloud was suddenly seen, and a finger like a huge pillar of the sky was pointed on the head of the sea monster.


In this huge earthquake, the unreinforced space was shattered instantly, and inches of space collapsed in all directions.


The pure-blood sea monster was furious and roared.

Thousands of huge tentacles protruded from under the sea surface, frantically stirring the surrounding sea, and the power of rules emerged.

A large amount of blood spattered out, and the entire sea area was stained with blood. The head of the pure blood sea monster was mostly broken, and the power of the longevity finger should not be underestimated!

"How is it possible! Why can't I resist the power of my rules!"

The pure-blood sea monster roared. It couldn't believe it. It obviously resisted it with the power of its proud rules, but it was easily pierced and lost most of its head.

The pain made it unable to calm the anger. Thousands of huge tentacles swept away with the rules of water. The tentacles were like black shadows, turning into cages and intertwined into a net, with no way out!


Mu Qing shook his head lightly, and at the same time, he backed away quickly, avoiding the attack of the tentacle.

If there is no resistance from the power of rules, just that finger can kill this pure-blood sea monster on the spot.

Regrettably, even though the pure-blood sea monster has only the second-order supreme realm, the power of the power of rules cannot be fully displayed, but after all the rules are involved, which cancels most of the power of the longevity finger.


Mu Qing kept evading, his figure was like a star, and the power in his body burst out and turned into a sky full of stars. He kept moving in it, but when he was touched by the tentacle accidentally, the power of the rules of water burst out and almost shattered. Half of the body!

Even though the pure-blood sea monster does not have magical moves, the attack speed and the power of the rules alone pose a huge threat to Mu Qing.

The terrible power is hidden in thousands of huge tentacles, and they slapped down frantically, shattering the space.

The sea water fell, and the site fell into the spatial dimension of the non-existent realm. The world of this secret space was completely destroyed by the violent pure-blood sea monster.

And the sea is not simple, assimilated with the power of the rules, the pure-blood sea monsters that control the rules of the water control the sea, forming a huge ocean vortex! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1760 Fierce Fighting Pureblood Sea Monster), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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