Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1762: Prototype of Eucharist

"Purebloods... are born with the power of rules and can master..."

"This kind of existence is not trivial, maybe there are some secrets that can help me break through..."

"The Realm of Great Domination...Pure Blood..."


Picture after picture of memory appeared in Mu Qing's mind.

A hint of surprise appeared on Mu Qing's face.

After digesting all the memory images of the pure-blood sea monster, Mu Qing was slightly surprised.

He found some memories that were sealed.

It turns out that this pure-blood sea monster is not as simple as Heymerdon’s pet. Heymerdon has been hiding the opponent in the holy tower, actually in order to study the secrets of pure blood, in order to break through the realm of great domination!

According to the information in the memory screen, Hemerton conducted hundreds of researches on the pure-blood sea monsters, and each time it was over, the other party's memory was sealed.

Just like this, the pure-blood sea monster is completely unaware of it, and only thinks that he is the patron saint of the sea clan, a guardian deity locked up...

Mu Qing used the mind to capture the spirit and accidentally read out all the sealed memory pictures.

"Hemerdon has experienced nine calamities and reached the peak of the dominance, and then created the holy tower. It is only one step away from the great dominance, but he has been stuck in this pass for millions of years!"

"The power of the ruler is the power of rules, and the power of the great ruler seems to be called the law..."

Mu Qing touched his chin, combing through the memory picture he got in a low voice.

Haimodong seemed to feel that it was difficult to comprehend the law through penance, so he wanted to contact the power of pure blood.

Purebloods were born from the Tianze universe. They are extremely rare. They are born to be able to control the power of the rules. This is the realm of dominance.

Haimodong thought that the pureblood might help him to break through, but unfortunately, according to the memory screen, it seemed that some signs had been studied, and he encountered the high-levels of the tripartite forces and was killed by the powerful master.

"Purebloods are really useful?"

Mu Qing was stunned. He thought that Hemerton was rushing to the doctor for a sudden illness. Facing the barrier that he could not break through, he began to be impetuous, so he went to study pure blood.

After all, purebloods are powerful, but the purebloods in their bodies are at best comparable to the masters, or even far inferior to the masters, but they have a huge advantage when facing the supreme.

Unexpectedly, Hemerton's research on this pure blood really researched something.

According to a memory screen of a pure-blood sea monster recently being sealed, Hemerton extracted a part of pure blood, with a surprised expression on his face, very excited, and then began to seal the memory of the sea monster.

"It's a pity that Haimodong himself has fallen." Mu Qing shook his head, not to mention that he is still a long way from the realm of dominance, let alone the realm of ruler, even if the news is known. , It's useless for him.

"However, I have also found out about the internal situation of the Santa."

Mu Qing thought, and then his eyes fell on the huge sea monster head in front of him.

With a move of mind, the Eternal Life Sutra circulated in the body, and the last trace of the pure blood sea monster was deprived of its vitality, and then a large stream of majestic vitality poured in from the void and poured into Mu Qing's body.

Eternal Life Sutra, seize vitality!

This pure-blooded sea monster was killed by Mu Qing with a finger of longevity. When the opponent completely fell, the vigorous vitality of the opponent was immediately taken away, feeding back to Mu Qing to fill the burned vitality.

"Pure blood can't be wasted either."

Mu Qing slapped a palm, the golden flames were surging, the palm of the palm had a big sun revolving, the golden crows screamed, clusters of sun fire like golden lotus flowers blooming.

The fire of the sun enveloped the head of the sea monster and burned ragingly. In just a few breaths, it burned the flesh and blood into nothingness, leaving pure blood.

The size of the sea monster is huge, but the pure blood extracted is very small.

Mu Qing opened his palm and ingested pure blood. Drops of pure blood containing the wave of water gathered into a ball, the size of a fist.

"Going to the third realm requires pure blood to open. Although according to the unbreakable contract, Haifei will give me pure blood to open the third realm in the future, but it is better to prepare more."

Mu Qing thought for a while, and then put this group of pure blood into the Scarlet Domination Hall, just in case.

Judging from the rarity of pure blood and the content of the power of the rules, it may have a significant effect on the fire of the starry sky.

But to open the third realm, pure blood is needed, even with Haifei's promise, but it is always right to do more.

Secondly, even if Mu Qing raises the Sun Sutra to the perfect state, he is still not the ultimate supreme. He can only be regarded as the true ultimate supreme after using the dominating remnant soul to condense the pure core of rules.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Qing closed his eyes and sensed the outside world through the world's snake power.

The battle between the two sides had destroyed this secret space, and even the entrances and exits were destroyed.

However, this is a space that has not been reinforced by the Great Master. Mu Qing's world snake ability can be used normally. After a few breaths, the outside world will be sensed. The starry sky snake drilled out of the void, swallowed Mu Qing's body, and left here!

The ninth floor of the holy tower.

At this time, many people have arrived in the ninth floor, ten from the death hell, and five from the blood demon clan.

In addition, a man from the Royal Palace of Life, a sturdy body, looks simple and honest, and is actually a deep heaven in the city.

However, Tianzang has some injuries on his body, and a lifeless atmosphere is not caused by the clone of Haimerdong, but the injuries caused by the strong man in the death hell.

Tianzang grinned, the five blood demons he had previously controlled had all died, and at this moment there were five claw marks on his chest, permeating a rich and extreme breath of death!

Faintly, the surrounding Death Hell group surrounded him, and not far away were the five blood demons, watching with cold eyes.

Among the ten people in the death hell, three of the leaders of the second-order supreme of all races stood behind a figure.

This person is slender, wearing a black long gown, his eyes are full of indifference and coldness, his hands are sharp claws, covered with black scales, surrounded by a terrifying death.

The leader of the demon clan glanced at the opponent's pair of sharp claws, terrifying and terrifying, just like a pair of magic claws.


There was a loud noise in the ears of the leader of the demon clan, a storm in his mind, and his soul was shaken at this moment, vaguely saw an infinitely huge demon with blood-red eyes piercing his body, and his spirit almost collapsed!

He quickly retracted his gaze, his expression in amazement.

Death Demon!

Once the supreme lord of the dead hell, both fell after fighting with the life ancestor dragon.

Unexpectedly, he just glanced at Erhun's claws, and was disturbed by the spirit, such as looking directly at the death demon's demon, almost broken his soul, causing a big problem.

"It's terrifying! At the same level as the second-tier supreme, I almost got my soul hurt even at a glance!"

The leader of the demon tribe was sweating and dared not to look at it any more, lowered his head obediently, and looked at his feet.

The two leaders of the Lich Tribe and the Yin Corpse Tribe nearby noticed the abnormality of the leader of the Demon Tribe, and looked at each other, feeling extremely jealous.

Earlier, although Urhun gave them the feeling of being very powerful, they were not so exaggerated yet!

Unexpectedly, in these three powerful ratios, Erhun actually improved again.

"This Ehun is probably not far from the ultimate supreme..." The leader of the Lich Race communicated with the other two leaders through voice transmission.

"Really enchanting! Our path is only in the second-order supreme, and then we will consider how to break through the dominance, but Urhun points to the final level. Once we break through, it will become the dominion state in the future!"

The corpse clan old woman said solemnly.

They are incapable of attacking the ultimate second-order supreme, it is possible that they are stuck in this realm, unable to break through to the master.

But the ultimate supreme is different, it will become the master!

"This Erhun was originally just a survivor of a small tribe that was almost destroyed. I didn't expect to fit the Death Sutra. Today, I stand on top of my waiting head and face the final stage!"

The leader of the demon clan spread the voice and sighed.

He completely thinks that he is inferior to Erhun, and he is considered a powerful expert in the second-order supreme, but compared with Erhun, it is far inferior.

Hearing this, the old woman of the corpse clan and the leader of the lich clan looked at each other again, and the information of Erhun could not help but appeared in their minds.

Ehun, originally a survivor of a small tribe.

In death hell, many small tribes have not even had a name since they were born, because they are too weak to have a clan name in hell.

And this little tribe and human race is undoubtedly, but the skin is pale, born with no vitality, and bred lifelessness.

Compared with the Royal Court of Life, the situation in Death Hell is quite tragic, with genocide happening every day, and the environment is harsh.

Similar to the small tribe that Erhun originally belonged to, no one would notice if it was completely destroyed, except that characters like Erhun appeared in this small tribe.

"I don't know who caused the bad luck and annihilated this small tribe. It just so happens that the only survivor, Erhun, is so enchanting, I am afraid that he will be annihilated in turn."

Such thoughts surfaced in the hearts of the three leaders.

At this moment, Ehun faced Tianzang with a look of surprise in his eyes.

He had already learned about Tianzang and Mu Qing from the people in Death Hell, and suddenly understood that the powerful opponent he encountered before was not from the Blood Demon Race, but people who pretended to be the Blood Demon Race!

According to the news, there are two guys disguised as Blood Demon Clan, both from the Royal Court of Life.

"Start to gather the Eucharist ahead of time? And has a prototype?"

Erhun's eyebrows split open, and traces of blood flowed down, revealing a gray-white eyeball, staring at Tianzang to find out its situation clearly.

"The Prototype of the Eucharist?"

When hearing Urhun's words, everyone around was shocked and exclaimed.

The ruler is the holy, its weapon is called the sacred instrument, its body is called the Eucharist, and the tower of its rules is called the holy tower.

"The ultimate supreme is achieved by condensing the core of the rules that govern the realm in advance, but I have never heard of anyone condensing the Eucharist in advance. Is this guy going to reach the final stage in an alternative form?"

Shenmiejie couldn't help but speak.

Although he was a blood demon clan and didn't take this path, he was quite clear about the path of scripture cultivation.

Everyone's eyes fell on Tianzang.

The strength of this guy is also much stronger than the ordinary second-order supreme, no wonder it can resist the attack of Xia Erhun without dying.

"The universe is so big that there are no surprises. It's okay to get some adventures and condense the Eucharist in advance, but the Eucharist is only a rudimentary form, and it is not certain whether it can be truly condensed.

Erhun shook his head.

Afterwards, his eyes were cold, and he said indifferently: "You are not my opponent, and you have never practiced the Eternal Life Sutra. Where is the other guy who pretends to be the Blood Demon Race with you?"

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