Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1763: The confrontation between life and death

"Damn it! What kind of monster is this guy!"

Holding the claw marks on his chest, Tianzang gritted his teeth, his eyes full of fear.

Although he is from the outside world, he has his own adventures and condenses and dominates the Eucharist in advance. Of course, he is still just a rudimentary form.

The main reason for the prototype is that the scriptures of Tianzang cultivation are not its own. Once the true Eucharist is condensed, it is also the Eucharist in other scriptures.

Therefore, Tianzang deliberately condensed only a prototype of the Eucharist, and when he created the scriptures later, he condensed his own Eucharist.

Relying on the Eucharist, he can also possess the ultimate power in disguise!

Just as An Shaomu said, there are different ways to reach the ultimate supreme. Tianzang condenses the Eucharist in advance, which is one of them, but it is very rare.

Tian Zang took a deep breath, intending to get rid of the dead air in the body, but the next moment his face suddenly changed, and his eyes showed a look of shock.

The dead energy that invades the body is like a tarsal maggot, it is difficult to get rid of!

"How is it possible! The embryonic form of my Eucharist has been formed, and there is no way to invade..."

Tianzang’s expression became ugly. He thought he had successfully condensed the prototype of the Eucharist, and he was invincible except for the ultimate supreme. Who knew that he first encountered a Mu Qing, and now he encountered a monster from death hell. , Are fast comparable to the ultimate existence.

"Forget it, get your hands on the method of condensing the Eucharist in advance, and then go find that guy."

Ehun watched Tianzang silently, and was too lazy to inquire. The demon claws in his hand had been protruded and tore away, the overwhelming air of death was like a storm, covering the heavens.

He was interested in the method by which Tianzang could condense the Eucharist in advance, and planned to search the memory of Tianzang and find the secret method.

After all, Ehun cultivates the supreme scriptures, currently in the realm of Dacheng, and if he wants to reach the ultimate supremacy, he must practice the death sutra to the perfect realm.

The Death Sutra is the most advanced scripture, and it takes dozens to hundreds of times longer than other scriptures to reach the state of Consummation.

Therefore, seeing Tianzang condensing the embryonic form of the Eucharist in advance, Ehun wanted to take the secret method and reach the final stage with the power of the Eucharist!

"not good!"

The hidden secrets of the sky were not good, and the moment Ehun took the shot, he understood that this power was far superior to himself.

But there are still a group of strong men of death **** around, unable to get out, can only resist!

Suddenly, ray of light burst out from Tianzang. His body was tens of meters high, standing on top of the earth, wisps of spirits of gods and demons flowed, sturdy muscles bulged, like a terrible giant.

The onlookers of Death Hell and the Blood Demon Race changed their faces slightly, and they all sensed the terrible nature of Tianzang.

In Tianzang's body, that terrifying power is intertwined, and there is a tendency to evolve into the power of rules.


Tianzang roared, his muscles trembled, condensing his body's strength, and blasted at Ehun.

This punch, like a dazzling sun, turned into a bright light, black and white, yin and yang intertwined, and the gods and demons roared.

The two powers of **** and demon converge on this fist, and the terrifying power burst out in one breath, like the sky is falling, the road collapses!

However, his expression was indifferent and unmoved, his claws covered the sky and the sun, gloomy and lifeless, swallowing everything.

The Death Sutra revolves, he seems to be a death demon descending into the world, the claws of the demon skyrocketed, covering this space, the endless air of death overwhelmed everything, the gods and demons are wailing under the claws of the demon, all vitality will pass away, and the catastrophe will be lost. !


Tianzang, like being hit hard, spouted a stream of blood.

That day the demon claws were hundreds of times larger than him. They were torn apart from the air, death lingered, countless souls were mourning, and easily shattered his arms. The fist of the gods and demons shattered their power in this vast death. .

Immediately afterwards, the devil's claws crashed down, tearing out a series of bone-bearing wounds on Tianzang's body, and death madly poured into Tianzang's body, eroding all vitality!


Tian Zang's body shrank to a normal size, with claw marks on his body, blood flowing, and he fell to the ground on one knee.

too strong! It's simply unmatched!

Tianzang gasped, and the two spirits of the gods and demons in his body were converted, and the dead energy in his body was being driven away.


Erhun glanced at Tianzang somewhat unexpectedly, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't have any mercy from his subordinates. The Death Sutra urged with all his strength, and the claws of the demon fell with one blow, and the second-order supreme couldn't resist it at all, and would fall on the spot.

But Tianzang held it, and even under the perception of Urhun, the opponent was only miserable on the surface. In fact, the injury was not small, but it was not seriously injured.

This made Urhun more and more interested in the secret method of condensing the Eucharist in advance.

Just as Ehun was about to make another move, severely wounding Tianzang, performing a soul search, and capturing memories, a star snake never got out of a distant pillar.

Erhun stopped his movements and looked over there with a sharp gaze. He saw the snake in the starry sky open his mouth, and came out from the man in a black robe. He was slender, with black hair and shawls. The facial features were sharp and sharp, and his deep eyes seemed to contain One star after another.

"The one who fought with me at that time should be you, right?"

Ehun looked at Mu Qing and shouted coldly.

He originally wanted to come to Wucheng to find the remnant soul to dominate, but he learned from the population of Death Hell that some people were disguised as blood demons with terrible strength, and suspected of practicing the eternal life sutra of the king of life.

At that time, Urhun knew that the person who pretended to be the blood demon clan was the same strong one he had encountered earlier.

"What's your name? It's the first time in so long that someone can push me to that level." Erhun asked indifferently, not hurriedly.

"The King of Life, Mu Qing."

While Mu Qing answered, he looked at Erhun secretly, frowning slightly.

Very weird, this guy is much better than last time we met!

What makes Erhun improve so much at once? Was it the magic baby that day?

You know, when I saw Erhun last time, the opponent's strength was still below him.

Mu Qing has the vast power of the eight realms starry sky, coupled with the perfect display of the power of the Eternal Life Sutra, while Ehun does not have so much energy, the endurance is not as good as Mu Qing, and at the same time, he can't exert all the power of the Death Sutra.

Had it not been for Erhun's hole card of the Demon Baby last time, Mu Qing had already captured the opponent!

What surprised Mu Qing at this meeting was that Ohun's aura was much stronger than last time by just relying on perception.

"But... this guy doesn't seem to know me."

Mu Qing thought in his heart.

Mu Qing used to pretend to be the blood demon clan and fight with Ehun. It is normal for the opponent to not recognize him, but now, Mu Qing shows up with his true face, but Ehun has no reaction at all.

Really don't know each other? Or pretend?

Mu Qing was even more concerned about Erhun's reaction after seeing his true face.

This Ehun and Tiandi look almost the same, too similar, in Mu Qing's opinion, there is no such a coincidence at all, this guy is definitely connected with the Tiandi.

With the strength of Mu Qing now, he has no fear of the Emperor of Heaven, even after the three power ratios are over, he will return to the Chaos Universe to solve the Emperor of Heaven.

Who knew that Erhun, who had almost the same face as the Emperor of Heaven, appeared in the death **** camp, which made Mu Qing confused and eager to get an answer.

"This guy has a demon baby, which can be compared to the ultimate supreme."

Mu Qing now began to consider how to deal with Ehun.

He wasn't afraid of the opponent's own combat power at all, but the Demon Baby was always a threat that day. Mu Qing would either use the Starry Sky Book to improve the scriptures and fight against it with the scriptures of the Consummation Realm.

Or just use time to pause, get away, and not confront it directly.

The demon baby is completely the ultimate combat power!

As Mu Qing was thinking, the violent aura in Ehun's eyes was dormant, and when he raised his hand, a claw struck. The endless horror and death aura filled this space, the claws of the demon tearing through all vitality, countless ghosts accompanied, that The painful wailing formed a fierce song that shocked the soul, and the negative emotions swept away.


The Death Hell and the Blood Demon Race group quickly retreated, their faces shocked.

Just getting closer, I feel all kinds of negative emotions invade my mind, making myself feel despair, pain, numbness, loneliness, etc.

"Death Sutra!"

"It is rumored that the supreme ruler countless years ago, the death demon fell with one claw, accompanied by countless strong ghosts, easily tearing apart universes, and possessing power against the sky."

The old woman of the Yin corpse tribe has a hoarse voice, full of weirdness.

Everyone didn't expect that Ehun had already practiced the Death Sutra to this level, and he had the style of a death demon in the past.

Mu Qing's expression was calm and calm.

Previously, Erhun could only exert most of the power of Death Sutra, but now it seems to be able to exert all of its power.

However, Mu Qing has the Eternal Life Sutra in his body, so he is not afraid of Ehun.

As soon as he pointed it, his life was dissipated in an instant, and a huge life ancestor dragon was entrenched here, endlessly growing, and the majestic vitality directly evolved into a **** and swept away.

The death air everywhere is burning like a fire, but the vast sea of ​​vitality is like a natural enemy, and a wave of life rolls down and extinguishes the death air.

All ghosts screamed in the vitality, the pure fire of life burned them to death, and their souls were scattered!


A huge finger also covered the world and rolled away. The life Zulong behind Mu Qing made a deafening roar, and the dragon shook the world.

The claws of the demon attacked, the fingers of the longevity collided, the sky and the earth fell, and the ripples spread out in layers, and the two terrifying forces collided and exploded, and the violent force turned into a circle of light waves and shook the surroundings.

Life and death are madly intertwined, and the power of the complete hedging changes drastically. With a roar, the black and white rays of light exploded, and terrifying power swept the entire ninth floor of the holy tower.

Faintly, the holy tower seems to be shaking!

The onlookers were all shocked, and finally protected themselves under the aftermath.

Shenmiejie was full of amazement and looked over there.

On one side was dark and gloomy, life lingering, Ehun's pair of heavenly devil's claws were drooping, his face showed a trace of dignity, and there was a stalwart figure behind him, it was a deadly demon!

On the other side, the light shines brightly and the business is buoyant. Mu Qing has his hands behind his back, his expression is indifferent, and he is in the middle of life. A magnificent figure that seems to run through the ancients hovering, is the life ancestor dragon!

"Death Sutra and Eternal Life Sutra, the confrontation between life and death..."

Tianzang slipped to the corner of the ninth floor, looked at both sides of the battle, and whispered. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1763 Confrontation between Life and Death), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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