Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1764: Ehun flees!

"Sure enough, it is the Eternal Life Sutra!"

Ehun's face was solemn, and at the same time he was even more sure that Mu Qing was able to fully display the power of the Supreme Scriptures.

His claws cover the sky, the power of magic is overwhelming, the power of death is like a volcanic eruption, and the billowing flames are surging away.

When he shot, Ehun thought in his heart that he relied on the demon baby to make a breakthrough, completely master the supreme scripture, and exert all his powers. What did Mu Qing rely on?

He thought of the means used by Mu Qing the last time he escaped, and the sleeping Demon Baby told him that it was the power of time!

If it hadn't been for a time halt, Erhun relied on the power of the Demon Baby to take it down last time.

There was a look of fear in Ehun's eyes, Mu Qing definitely had a great adventure, even the power of time was taken out.

Now, the Demon Baby on his body has fallen asleep in order to help him completely control the Death Sutra. If Mu Qing performs the time pause again, I am afraid that he will still be defeated.


Mu Qing erupted with all his strength, the Eternal Life Sutra turned into boundless life**, and he tapped **** continuously, and two huge fingers that penetrated the sky and the earth pierced through. Miles.

The claws of the devil cover the world, like a black cloud pressing down on the city, but it is still broken by these two fingers.

"Split the sky!"

Ehun continued to attack, and gave a cry, the claws of the demon attacked again, and the death exploded, lingering on the claws, his arms shook, and the space was abruptly torn in half.

The life ancestor dragon behind Mu Qing entangled, uttering a continuous sound of dragon chants, and the vitality burned crazily at this moment, turning into pure flames, white trees, and pillars of light!

The vast vitality is endless, filling all the space, constantly destroying the dead energy that is approaching, and at the same time pointing it out again.

A small part of Mu Qing's hair has turned white. Energy consumption does not matter to him, but the consumption of vitality is not so easy to bear.

If too much vitality is consumed in a short period of time, there will be a certain impact.

Mu Qing doesn't know how much his lifespan is, but under the circumstances of making a full shot at the moment, it must be burning for dozens of hundreds of years!

The specific lifespan is difficult to judge and cannot be accurately figured out, but the vitality can be seen intuitively.

The battle at this time has consumed one-tenth of the vitality.

But Mu Qing didn't care at all, the eternal life sutra's methods were extraordinary, and it was even more evil than magic power to take his life back and feed himself.

That is, Ehun also cultivated the highest level of Death Sutra, and had a certain resistance to Mu Qing's Eternal Life Sutra.

In exchange for other people, when fighting Mu Qing, they were deprived of their vitality all the time. As the battle lasted longer, the more vitality would flow silently.

Mu Qing's fingertips burst out with endless divine light, and the dragons screamed, and the ripples spread out from layer to layer, shaking off the pair of heavenly claws of Ehun.

The air wave rolled up and the storm blew away. The two of them couldn't help each other, their strength spread, and each other was shocked by each other's afterwaves, and the damage was almost the same.

"Soul Eater!"

Ehun's eyes were as red as blood, and his body was full of black light. Once again, he took a claw, the demon devoured his soul, and countless ghosts were engulfed in the claws of the demon, and were swallowed by a silent mouth.

Mu Qing's soul was shaking, and there was a feeling that his soul would be taken away in the air!

"No good, soul attack!"

Mu Qing's eyes condensed, and he just wanted to fight back, but found that his body was uncontrollable.

His soul was controlled and was drawn by inexplicable suction, and a huge death vortex in the claws of the heavens was spinning, pulling the soul into it forcibly.

Mu Qing's body was unable to move because his soul was captured, and he was about to leave his body and be swallowed into the death vortex.

Not only Mu Qing, but everyone present was shaken, but Ehun mainly targeted Mu Qing. Under all the power, the influence of others was not so great.


Just when Mu Qing's soul was about to be forcibly taken away from his body, a double-faced evil **** emerged, destroying the golem from the front, opening his mouth to spray out the sky and destroying the red clouds, and crimson light fell down, destroying everything.

In the battle of this level, Mu Qing can only use the Eternal Life Sutra to contend with the Death Sutra, and other dominant-level sutras have little effect.

However, the methods for dealing with the soul still have a certain effect as the evil nerve of the soul-type scriptures.

It is true that the soul scriptures of the dominance level cannot match the supernatural powers of the supreme dominion level, but the two-sided evil gods condensed and protected Mu Qing's soul for a few breaths of time, which gave him the opportunity.

In the blink of an eye, the double-faced evil **** was taken away and smashed into pieces in the death vortex, but Mu Qing took advantage of this opportunity to return his soul!

Mu Qing stepped through the illusion, and the vast sea of ​​vitality rushed to the sky, falling down to cover the vast lifelessness, with one finger, the vitality burned one-tenth again!

Changsheng's finger pierced through, and the pure fire of life spread around, smashing the death vortex, and the majestic vitality hit the claws of the demon.


There was a harsh sound, and the devil's claws shook, and he was knocked out, turning into a vigorous lifelessness and returning to Ehun's claws.

"Soul scripture?"

Ehun frowned. He didn't expect that Mu Qing had also practiced soul scriptures. Although it was only at the dominance level, he won a chance for the other party to crack his Soul Eater Claw.

Mu Qing also frowned slightly. He looked at Erhun's claws. The dark claws seemed to be the sharp blades of the gods, perhaps harder than the semi-sacred artifacts.

The two had fought for a long time, but there was no trace on the devil claws of Ehun's hands, saying that Mu Qing believed that it was the master of the holy artifact.

"Fallen God!"

Ehun took a sharp breath, and all the dead energy swallowed in his abdomen, the energy in his body was consumed frantically, and at the same time he was faintly fused with the death demon behind him.


Ehun stuck out a terrifying claw, and the phantom of the death demon had perfectly integrated with him. As soon as the claws of the demon came out, the boundless life gushing out, a **** fell under the claws of the demon and became a loyal servant.

"No! Everyone quickly join forces to display defenses, otherwise, once you are polluted, you will lose yourself and die in the muddle!"

The first person who exclaimed was the crowd watching the battle. The leader of the Lich Tribe seemed to know this trick and quickly yelled at the Blood Demon Tribe and Tianzang who were not far away.

At this moment, he does not care whether the Blood Demon Race and Tianzang are enemies or friends, one more person has more power to ensure that nothing is lost.

Tianzang and Shenmiejie hesitated for a moment, but soon their figures flashed, and everyone gathered together to release the power in their bodies and form a barrier.

There was a jet of jet black air from the claws of the devil, like a black mist surging around.

The space became pitch black at this moment, the vitality was polluted and turned into lifelessness, like a black sea, rolled away and blasted towards Mu Qing.

Under this claw, all things are polluted, turned into nourishment or slaves, and become one of the forces attacking opponents.

Claws of the fallen gods, countless gods will be contaminated and degenerate into ghosts!

Mu Qing's pupils shrank slightly, and his soul went straight, knowing that the longevity finger alone could not contend this trick.

Taking a deep breath, a movement of thoughts, the ability of the Star Book is activated, and the Destiny Sutra is sublimated at this moment to reach Dacheng.

A layer of invisible ripples spread, centering on Mu Qing, moving in all directions.

Any place that is touched by invisible ripples, no matter what, it is in a state of stagnation, the billowing black air stops, the black sea of ​​death, the people in the death hell, the blood demon group, the sky store and so on...

All stagnated at this moment.

Ehun seemed to be aware of it, his eyes appeared jealous and solemn, his face changed and moved, and he even wanted to use a certain method, but under the time suspension, the whole person had no resistance at all, and he also stagnated.

Mu Qing's eyes were cold, he burned three-tenths of his vitality in one breath, the life behind the ancestor dragon hovered and flew out, setting off an even greater sea of ​​vitality, surging mightily.

One finger, two fingers, three fingers, four fingers...

Fifth finger!

In a breath, Mu Qing frantically consumed the power and vitality of the starry sky, and even tapped five fingers, if the five life ancestor dragons roared, covering all directions of Ehun.

The invisible ripples closed, and time began to flow.

For everyone, it was just a matter of a moment, as if a little distracted, and when he turned his head, he found that Mu Qing had already clicked on his five fingers, eternal life was constant, and immortality could be expected!

Erhun's pupils shrank like needles. He was already very vigilant, but he was still too late. The power of time deserves to be called invincible.

When he came back to his senses, the five fingers of the longevity had already enveloped him in all directions, even bypassing the claws of his fallen god, and were close at hand.

It's already on the face, how can I hide it? How to resolve it?


Ehun roared frantically, and the other claw came out hastily, showing the Sky-Splitting Claw, severely tearing off a long life finger.

But then he was hit by the remaining four fingers, and the terrifying sea of ​​vitality pounced on his body, washing away all lifelessness.

The entire death demon was torn apart, crumbling in the sea of ​​vitality, and completely destroyed the death demon with one finger.

Immediately afterwards, the three fingers roared like three life ancestors, and bombarded Ehun's body.


The violent brilliance exploded like a star, and violent air waves spread around.

Mu Qing's eyes were sharp, he sensed the presence of Erhun still aura, and the vast vitality burned again, one finger after another, turning into an ancestor dragon and roaring away.

A wave of terrifying vitality bombarded him, suffering unspeakably, and frantically consumed his body's death energy to resist. Only one head remained, enveloping his soul, and the rest of his body was shattered.


Suddenly, Urhun's fierce head and eyebrows split, and gray-white eyeballs appeared, and in the depths of his pupils, the shadow of a **** demon baby appeared.

The only remaining black light of the head skyrocketed, and with a movement of thought, two devil claws from the sky came from the air, like a body guard, resisting Mu Qing's attack.

Evil eyebrows, the celestial demon baby in the gray eyes woke up with difficulty, his hands were sealed, the black air flow turned, the evil, murderous, and terrible aura swept away, and it was born in the holy tower and cracked a hole!

Everyone watching this scene, the people in Death Hell were even more stunned. In their eyes, Erhun was an invincible existence in the second-order supreme, but they were forced to flee at this time.

Mu Qing's eyes flickered fiercely, he kept clicking on the fingers of longevity, vitality was burning, and that section of the giant finger turned into a life ancestor dragon and blasted away.

Even if a pair of heavenly devil claws shattered the longevity fingers that were attacking, there was still a part of the vitality that smashed into the head, shattering the soul of Ehun.


Ehun's head kept coughing up blood, his soul was already severely wounded, and he cursed wildly in his heart.

Where did the king of life find the monster?

Not only has the power of time, but it also seems to have endless energy!

Up to now, the dead energy in his body has been exhausted by Erhun, and now he is forcibly awakening the sleeping demon baby, and with the help of the opponent's strength, he can barely save his soul.

"Devil's escape method!"

The demon baby deep in the eyebrows of his head completely awakened, but his face was full of exhaustion, and he continued to imprint. Then he snapped his hands together and shouted in a low voice.

In an instant, the black light was released, and wisps of death air fell down, enveloping Ehun's head and soul, and went straight away, disappearing.

The pair of heavenly claws did not show the slightest damage at this time, turning into two black lights, and then left the holy tower.

The battle finally ended!

Mu Qing, the victor, fled in a hurry, and his soul was hit hard. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1764 Escape!) reading record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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