Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1765: Holy Tower Tenth Floor

The battle is finally over!

On the ninth floor of the holy tower, everyone couldn't help holding their breath, and their eyes fell on the indifferent man in the center of the field, surrounded by the endless starry sky. His hair was half pale, but his momentum was still in full swing, and his strength seemed endless .

We have all fought to this point, and still have extra energy?

The pupils of the leader of the demon clan shrank and felt a tingling scalp.

Everyone looked at Mu Qing, as if seeing a monster.

Ehun's strength is extremely terrifying, they have seen before, Tianzang condensed the embryonic form of the Holy Body in advance, is the leader of the second-order supreme, but was easily defeated by Ehun.

Now, in the battle between Ehun and Mu Qing, the aftermath alone made them unbearable for the second-order supreme. If the game is careless, it will be affected, it is like two ultimate supreme fighting each other.

What made them even more shocked was that Mu Qing tirelessly, regardless of energy consumption, continued to use the longevity finger, and he almost died.

I am afraid that the ultimate supreme has never possessed these methods, right?


Mu Qing sensed his own vitality and had already consumed more than half.

Sure enough, the Eternal Life Sutra cannot be cultivated by ordinary people. After all, just stimulating the magical powers in it will consume one's own vitality.

If it is to kill the opponent, then relying on the characteristics of the Eternal Life Sutra, it will seize the enemy's vitality and feed back to itself. It will eliminate and increase, but there is no need to worry about the vitality being exhausted.

But this time, even if Mu Qing exerted all his strength, he could not keep Ehun, not to mention the death of Ehun, so he did not get the vitality to feed back after the battle as before.

Of course, what really made Mu Qing regret was that he could not leave the pair of heavenly claws.

The devil's claws were quite strange that day. Earlier, Mu Qing thought it was a sacred weapon, but later felt that even if it weren't the real dead devil's relic, it was a pair of claws of the Supreme Lord!

This is just Mu Qing's guess. At least as far as he knows, outsiders may be able to successfully practice something like the Supreme Scripture, but it is absolutely impossible for them to exert their full power.

The eternal life scriptures in the Royal Court of Life have long been made public. As long as they are members of the Royal Court, they can practice. The main effect is to increase lifespan.

For those members of the royal court who are stuck in the pass and whose life span is about to run out, the Eternal Life Sutra is the most life-saving treasure.

At the same time, the family of life tree demons in the royal court of life was conceived from the relic of the life ancestor dragon, like the relationship between the ancient blood demon tree and the blood demon family, and the life tree demons clearly fit the eternal life sutra more clearly.

Others estimate that they can only practice the Eternal Life Sutra to increase the lifespan, but the life tree demon can exert some powers by practicing the Eternal Life Sutra, but no one has been able to exert all its powers in history.

Combining some clues, Mu Qing has long been suspicious about his biggest opportunity, the Starry Sky Book. This Starry Sky Book allows him to practice the Eternal Life Sutra and exert all his powers, and it is likely to be related to the life ancestor dragon!

Although the Starry Sky Book currently fits the power of the starry sky and has nothing to do with the power of life, the ancestors of life are born at the highest level, so how can they only master one power of life?

It is precisely because the Starry Sky Book allows him to exert all the power of the Eternal Life Sutra, Mu Qing has doubts, even if the Starry Sky Book is not the treasure left by the life ancestor dragon, there must be some connection.

In this way, Mu Qing looked back at Ehun, the other party only played part of the power of Death Sutra last time, and this can be explained by physical fitness.

But this time when we met, Ehun burst out of power that was not inferior to her, and the other party had already mastered all the power of the death scriptures, which was quite unreasonable.

Mu Qing naturally guessed that there was something related to the death demon in the other party. It was most likely that the demon baby of that day, and at the same time, the pair of demon claws were most likely part of the death demon's relic.

It's a pity that Mu Qing failed to keep the opponent, and the pair of heavenly claws protected the lord even more, unable to stop them.

If you throw the devil's claws into the starry sky book and become the nourishment for the fire of the starry sky, you may have an epiphany on the spot and directly master the Sutra of Consummation!

But what really made Mu Qing think that the pair of devil claws was the cause of the death devil's remnant, but it was the change during the battle of Ehun.

Both Ehun and Mu Qing should have cultivated the Supreme Scriptures to the realm of Dacheng.

However, the Death Sutra of the Dacheng realm allowed Erhun to display the Claw of the Sky Splitting, the Claw of the Soul Eater, the Claw of the Fallen God, and various changes.

Just at this point, Mu Qing almost suffered a big loss.

You must know that cultivating the scriptures of others has limitations after all, and changes are singular. For example, when Mu Qing cultivated the Eternal Life Sutra to Dacheng, he only had one move for longevity.

The so-called one trick is eaten all over the sky, but when he really confronted Ehun, all kinds of death and magical powers attacked and made Mu Qing almost capsized. If it were not for the time to pause, I am afraid that he would not be an opponent.

Based on this alone, Mu Qing suspected that the pair of heavenly devil claws might originate from the relic of the dead heavenly devil.

He discovered that Ehun was able to display the various changes in the Death Sutra, unlike his own only one trick of longevity. He had all sorts of magical abilities, such as Heaven Splitting, Soul Eater, and Fallen God, as if Ehun was the master of Death Sutra.

He suspected that the devil's claws were the claws of the real death devil.

If the pair of devil claws are really the remnants of the dead demon, it can explain this, otherwise it is the method of the demon baby on the starry sky book, not only let Erhun exert all his powers, but also master all his magical powers.

"One more thing, when I first encountered Urhun, he was not my opponent. He released the Demon Baby to fight. The combat power is comparable to the Ultimate Supreme, but this time it was not released. Is the Demon Baby having a problem?"

"Or is he afraid of the high-level gaze of the three parties and dare not release the Demon Baby many times?"

Mu Qing touched his chin, thinking.

Before he entered the Tianze Universe, he spent a total of three time pauses, each of which was very short and left no traces. The purpose was to prevent being discovered by the high-levels of the tripartite forces.

The three-strength ratio, but there are three-party multi-level forces watching, Mu Qing doesn't want to be seen by the big master and strong, otherwise he really doesn't know how to explain it.

In the multiverse, things are still circulating about the curse of time.

However, he had three time pauses, but he didn't see the master intervening. It should be that he didn't find his own problem.

He suspected that Ehun did not release the Demon Baby because of this, or it was because the Demon Baby had an accident and could not use it.

Mu Qing threw away his distracting thoughts, brushed a strand of his own white hair, and sighed in his heart. It seemed that he was looking for some enemies and using the Eternal Life Sutra to seize some vitality.

Just like the evil demon, bullying the weak and directly looking for the weak universe to swallow the vitality, Mu Qing still can't do it, but when he returns to the chaotic universe and finds enemies such as the God of Heaven, he can naturally seize enough vitality to feed himself back.

He glanced at the others, ignored them, and turned to the tenth floor.

From the memory of the pure-blood sea monster, Mu Qing knew everything inside the holy tower.

The holy tower is a thousand meters high, but in fact it has only ten floors. It is constructed with the force of rules and contains the magic of space.

The eighteen pillars on each level in front contain part of the scriptures of the Neptune Sutra. The ninth level is different. Each of the eighteen pillars has a secret world, and the core is a pure-blood sea monster.

The last tenth floor contains the general outline of the Neptune Sutra and the treasure house dominated by Hemerton.

The people around looked at Mu Qing, but they did not dare to act rashly. With the strength that Mu Qing showed, it was enough to easily kill any of them!

Originally, they thought that if their own party united, they could contend even if they lost to Mu Qing.

Now seeing Mu Qing and Ehun fight, it is not like the power that the second-order supreme should have, and I feel that the previous thought is very ridiculous.

This kind of evil spirits can only be contended with the evil spirits, not the ones who can make up for it.

When Mu Qing stepped into the tenth floor, he unexpectedly discovered that there was no Hemodong clone to intercept him, and he entered the tenth floor directly.

There are no eighteen pillars here. Instead, they are densely packed with rules and weave nets, surrounded by endless ripples of water, which contains mystery.

There is a regular sphere in the center, the whole body is azure blue, and there are layers of water waves, but under the soft waves, there is a breath of terror.

Recalling the description of Sacred Tower, Mu Qing looked at the rule ball at this moment, and suddenly realized.

This is the core of the rules!

The holy tower was built by the Nine Tribulations Lord in order to break through to the realm of the Great Lord, but it was built with the core of the rules.

With the core of the rules, coupled with the power of the holy tower, the power of the multiverse, try to understand the power of the law, and break through to the realm of great domination!

"No, Heimerdon has fallen. Why does the core of this rule still contain power?"

Mu Qing was puzzled, and when he took a closer look, his pupils contracted.

His eyes twinkled with stars, and many starry sky appeared, shining brightly, piercing the core of this rule and seeing the things inside.

The densely packed scriptures and a group of pure and incomparable dominate the remnant soul!

Mu Qing's heart trembled, it is no wonder that Haimodong has fallen, and the core of this rule is still running on the top of the holy tower.

It turned out that it was the high level of the three forces who killed Hemerton and tore apart some of the souls. They were scattered throughout this world as a chance. The largest group dominated the remnant souls, but stayed at the top of the holy tower. All sorts of methods are stuffed into the core of the rules!

This dominating the remnant soul must be the handwriting of the high-level three parties, and there is no consciousness, obsession, and reminiscence. It is just the pure dominating the soul, and the trace of power that escapes can maintain the operation of the holy tower.

Mu Qing is not surprised by the scriptures imprinted in the core of the rules.

The formation of the core of the rules is naturally to imprint one's own dominating scriptures into it.

The core of the pure rules of the ultimate supreme is not imprinted with the scriptures, so the corresponding rules will not be born.

At the moment, the core of this rule is the core of Hemerton's rule, and what is imprinted in it is naturally the Neptune Sutra!

Mu Qing hurriedly reached out. He had already observed clearly that there were no other restrictions. It seemed that the top three parties had broken everything in advance, and the tenth floor was used as a reward.

The real test is estimated to be the pure-blood sea monsters on the ninth layer. That pure-blood sea monster is enough to kill most of the second-order supreme. It is quite dangerous. Even I can only kill by time pause. The opponent's.

With the stars shrouded in the world, Mu Qing easily included the core of the rules in the Scarlet Domination Hall.

This trip was quite complete, without mentioning the role of the core of the rules, just the large group of dominating remnants hidden in it is a great opportunity, and the condensing of the pure core of the rules is absolutely enough! Starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1765, the tenth floor of the Holy Tower), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support ! (

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