Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1766: Treasury world

After taking away the core of Hemerdon's rules, Mu Qing looked around, looking for Hemerdon's treasure house.

The core of the rule is the joy of surprise, and the large group of dominating the remnant soul contained in it is completely enough to condense the pure core of the rule.

Of course, he didn't forget the real purpose of this trip. The treasury of Heimerdon was on this tenth floor, and inside it was all the background of the Lord of the Nine Tribulations!

However, after observing the surroundings, it was empty, it seemed that the entire tenth floor, only the core of the rules existed, and nothing else.

Mu Qing frowned slightly, it's impossible?

According to the memory of the pure-blood sea monster, Hemerton's treasury was on the tenth floor.

Is it hidden?

Although a big benefit has been obtained, how could Mu Qing let go, knowing that there is another huge benefit.

After hesitating for a while, Mu Qing took a deep breath. Stars burst out from his body, and star clusters emerged one after another. The starry sky of the universe rolled up, and the surrounding dark and mixed holes appeared, and the power of the starry sky burned and consumed at an astonishing speed.

The nebula is blooming, and from the place of nothingness, a snake in the starry sky hovering not only from wherever it comes from, appears and disappears from time to time.

Mu Qing's face appeared pale.

He has the characteristics of the Avenue of Stars and has amazing recovery ability. His energy reserve is also different from ordinary people. The vast starry sky of the Eight Realms is used as a strength. He used to consume more than half of the battle with Erhun. Now he has recovered a lot, but at this moment Almost took time!

Such a huge energy of the starry sky was consumed, almost causing the energy in Mu Qing's body to collapse, but he only summoned the snake of the starry sky.

The snake in the starry sky is the world's snake power, shuttles through all levels and spaces, and can't stop any enchantment. Before reaching the supreme tenth heaven, you can perceive the non-existent realm and enter it.

After Mu Qing found that he couldn't find the treasure house of Heimerdon, he forcibly used the world's snake ability.

Suddenly, his perception was overwhelming, and the entire spatial structure of the holy tower was in sight. At the same time, a weak spatial node was found on the tenth floor.

That node was a small world. Through the world's snake power, Mu Qing's eyes contracted like snake pupils, glowing with bright star points, and saw all the treasures in the small world.

The colorful, luxurious light pierced people's eyes.

Even Mu Qing was agitated, and quickly jumped into the mouth of the starry sky, twisted for a while, and dived into the small world of that side.

This small world is the secret world specially opened up by Hemerton, and it is a treasure house of the Nine Tribulations Lord!

Rao is Mu Qing, and it is difficult to suppress the excitement.

If it weren't for the ability of the world snake, even if the location of this treasure house was known from the mouth of the pure-blood sea monster, it would be impossible to enter.

Mu Qing was sure that even if the ultimate supreme came, he would just stare at this treasure house, and there was nothing to do.

Because this small world is a treasure house, it is well hidden by Haimodong. With the power of the Nine Tribulations, it has placed restrictions and seals, even if Wu Sheng who is good at space power comes, it is impossible to find it.

At this moment, Mu Qing had to sigh, the world's snake ability is powerful.

How many realms crossed the second-tier supreme to the Nine Tribulations?

He directly helped Mu Qing enter it!

"Restore energy first."

As soon as Mu Qing came to this small world, he immediately sat down on the spot, darkening his body, quickly regaining his strength.

Fighting with Erhun consumes a lot of energy, and most of it is the energy consumed by the ability to spur the world's snake.

After all, the tenth floor of the holy tower is not the kind of small secret space where the pure-blooded sea monster is located. The surrounding space has been reinforced by the great master. Mu Qing forcibly urges the world's snake ability, even if it is only used once, it still consumes most of the body. energy.

And in the treasure house world, whether there will be any forbidden laws and seals left by Hemerdon is still unknown.

Including some of the injuries he suffered from the previous battle with Urhun, and the trauma on his soul, he also wants to recover.

Anyway, this small world is very concealed. It was hidden by the Nine Tribulations Lord Hemerton himself. It is no exaggeration to say that in the entire Three Powers Binet, including the ultimate supreme, no one can enter except Mu Qing.

After all, shortly after the fall of Haimodong, the power of the ban has not been completely dissipated, and there is still most of the power.

If Haimodong has fallen for millions of years, then the power of the ban will decay and disintegrate, and the second-order supreme is estimated to be able to discover this small world.

Therefore, Mu Qing stayed here quite safely, and there was no need to worry about outsiders entering.


On the ninth floor of the holy tower, the Blood Demon Race and Death Hell have already explored the entire ninth floor.

Tianzang was also mixed in, trying to find some benefits, but unfortunately he couldn't find anything, and a look of loss appeared on his face.

For some reason, after the battle between Ehun and Mu Qing, it seemed to have caused a huge spiritual impact on everyone present, and each of them did not intrigue, but instead explored the holy tower.

The blood demons and the death **** people did not target Tianzang, in other words, there was no way to target them.

Tianzang controlled five blood demon races as puppets, and at this point alone, the blood demon race had a huge hatred with him.

However, Tianzang and Erhun briefly fought against each other before, so that everyone knew about Tianzang’s strength. The other party went on the way to condense the Eucharist in advance, which is different from their group of guys who can only stay at the second-order supreme and miss the final stage. Tianzang is destined to reach the ultimate supreme!

Tianzang already has the embryonic form of the Holy Physique, which can slightly contend with the evil spirit who cultivates the supreme scripture. He has good strength and stands at the top level of the second-order supreme.

Divine Destruction Realm knows that relying on himself and the few blood demons around him, it is impossible to gain the heavens.

Unless the people from Death Hell help deal with Tianzang, the three leaders of the group of people on the side of Death Hell have no idea in this regard.

After all, Tianzang and Mu Qing are both members of the Royal Court of Life, and Mu Qing even gave the most enchanting Ehun among the second-order supreme in their death **** to the monster that was almost killed.

If they join forces to deal with Tianzang, maybe Mu Qing will return from the tenth floor of the holy tower and kill them all!

After Ehun's defeat, Mu Qing didn't seem to be in any serious trouble. He even let them go and didn't attack them. At this time, he didn't dare to make another attempt.

And they didn't know that the reason why Mu Qing didn't do anything with them was because he didn't want to waste too much power and was keen on the tenth storey, so he hurriedly entered the tenth storey and ignored the remaining death **** and the blood demons.

In the ninth floor, the blood demon race, the death hell, and the heaven of the king of life, the three parties explored the holy tower together, and the atmosphere was unexpectedly harmonious, but it was filled with a little weirdness.

They naturally found one of the pillars containing the secret space, but now it can only be said that it once contained the secret space.

Everyone surrounded this pillar and felt the traces of terrifying power.

There are all second-order supreme powerhouses, with good eyesight, and it can be seen that this pillar originally contained a secret space, but it was destroyed because of the aftermath of terrifying power.

Is it the high-level master of the three parties that caused the aftermath of power? Or did Mu Qing do it?

Everyone looked at each other, and immediately had the answer in their hearts, it was Mu Qing who did it!

The Great Master shot and directly obliterated Hemerton, but the aftermath of the power spread, and it was impossible not to cause obvious damage to the holy tower. Instead, it specifically affected the column on the ninth floor.

Obviously Mu Qing, who reached the ninth floor before them, did it.

"What should I do? Do you want to go up to the tenth floor to see?"

The leader of the demon clan hesitated a little, looked at a few people around him, and then at the Divine Destruction Realm on the side of the blood demon clan, as if he wanted to see if the other party had any intentions in this regard.

Earlier, Mu Qing seemed to let them go and didn't do anything against them, but in the three formidable ratios, the three forces are clearly hostile. If you run into Mu Qing again, you might die.

The God Destruction Realm on the Blood Demon Race also hesitated, and his eyes were even more unwilling.

There was no shrinkage on the ninth floor. Since entering the holy tower, no benefits have been taken. On the contrary, many of their blood demons have died. How can this make him reconciled?

Mu Qing and Tianzang got all the benefits of the lowest level of the holy tower. They went all the way, at most, every time they entered the next floor, they defeated the clone of Haimodong to get a dominating remnant soul, and the others did not gain anything.

As for the Sea King Sutra, they naturally discovered it.

But Neptune Sutra is only a dominating scripture.

The scriptures of the Nine Tribulations are definitely better than when they first entered the Domination. After nine trials and polishes, they are close to the level of the Great Domination level, which is pretty good.

But no matter how good it is, it is only a dominating scripture.

Almost all the people present were the master-level scriptures for cultivation, and the blood demon tribe didn't need to practice the scriptures at all, and the Sea King Scripture was quite tasteless to them.

Compared with other people's hesitation, Tianzang was much more responsive, grinning, revealing white teeth, and striding to the tenth level.

Anyway, he and Mu Qing belong to the royal court of life, can they still fight?

The others looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and followed Tianzang to the tenth floor.

However, the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

Going to the tenth floor did not encounter the previous clone of Hemerton, and there were no eighteen pillars here.

Except for the power of the rules surrounding it, waves of water rippling out, the tenth floor is actually empty, nothing!

"Where is Mu Qing?"

Tianzang was stunned, his perception swept all around, and he could not find any traces, nor could he see any signs.

Everyone looked at each other.

It seemed that even if the tenth floor had benefits, Mu Qing had already obtained it, and there was no upward staircase on this floor, and it was the top floor if he wanted to come, but Mu Qing was not here.

Did you leave the holy tower somehow?


In the second realm, in a certain cave deep in the ocean floor.

The graceful and charming Haifei was pale at the moment, with wounds on her body, using her strength to slowly heal.

Her breath is extremely weak, but there are lavender regular powers surrounding her body with a proud curve, covering all the breath.

Concubine Hai took the initiative to draw the attention of all the ultimate supreme, so that when Mu Qing went to Wucheng, he would not encounter the ultimate supreme combat power, and could easily save his daughter.

There is an unbreakable soul contract, Haifei is not worried that Mu Qing has other thoughts.

And in one breath, the nine ultimate supreme lords were taken away. Even with the magical rules and good at hiding, the sea concubine was seriously injured and almost fell.

But at this time, a look of joy appeared on her face.

Through the unbreakable soul contract, she clearly felt that Mu Qing had completed the steps to rescue her daughter.

"Now... I have no regrets even if I die."

Hai Fei's delicate body blended into the sea water perfectly, with no breath, she murmured in a low voice. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1766 Treasure Treasure World), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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