Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1767: Ten third-level treasures!

The second seabed.

A series of terrifying figures searched everywhere, looking for the whereabouts of the pure blood.

The news that the purebloods appeared is true, so the nine ultimate supreme lords are dispatched together to chase and kill the purebloods, and the purebloods themselves are the ultimate supreme, and there is no **** like the mermaid king, plus special illusions. The power of rules has repeatedly escaped from the hands of the nine ultimate supreme.

Of course, Hai Concubine could delay such a long time, mainly because the nine ultimate sages belonged to the tripartite forces. If the nine ultimate sages really joined forces, Hai Concubine would have already fallen.

Despite this, Haifei still suffered heavy losses, and she encountered two great evildoers successively, namely, the Little Lich of Death Hell and the Little God King of the Blood Demon Race.

The two titles of Little Lich and Little God King indicate that these two enchanting evildoers are favored, and they are almost the powers of the Great Domination level appointed by the future.

Haifei relied on the rules of fantasy to set up many illusions. In addition, this is the seabed, the battle environment is special, and the geographical position is advantageous, so she has escaped the trap many times.

"But it's all over." A hint of joy was revealed on Haifei's pale pretty face.

Now that Mu Qing has successfully rescued her daughter, she naturally doesn't need to lead the ultimate supreme. She can hide herself with all her strength and cooperate with the environment of the seabed. If she really hides, she won't necessarily be discovered by others.

She closed her eyes, the rules of illusion all over her body emerged, and she arranged layers of illusions, while she recovered from her injuries and separated her consciousness.

In the surviving mermaid country, she still kept this clone, waiting for Mu Qing to bring it and pick up her daughter, and at the same time, the clone had already prepared a part of the pure blood in her hands.


Fog City, the center of the inner city.

A group of figures came out of the thick fog, with regret and complexity.

After watching the battle between Mu Qing and Ehun, their hearts were shocked, and they were all second-tier supreme, but the gap was so huge.

Everyone has left the holy tower, Tianzang jumped directly and left here.

The people in Death Hell are rushing to return, looking for the whereabouts of Urhun, and at the same time intend to pass Mu Qing's news to their own ultimate supreme, so that they can pay attention to Mu Qing, if it can be directly obliterated in advance.

In the eyes of everyone, Mu Qing's strength is comparable to that of the final stage. Once he breaks through to the final stage, he is the enchanting level in the final stage, which can be on the same level as the little **** king and the little lich!

The remaining few blood demon races looked blankly, and the blood and fighting will of the blood demon race was almost consumed, and only loneliness remained.

Shenmiejie's eyes flickered, turning his head to look at the direction of the holy tower, the stalwart figure of Mu Qing and Ehun appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but fall into self-doubt.

Could it be that the practice of scripture can really reach such a powerful point?

Is it possible that the blood demon clan created by the blood demon ancient tree, the cultivation system and bloodline of the gods, is after all inferior to the practice of the scriptures?

Shenmiejie was caught in it, a little devilish, until the surrounding blood demons urged and shouted his name, did he finally come back to his senses.

Suddenly, a violent spirit in Divine Destruction Realm, his pupils contracted, sweat came out of his forehead, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

How dare you?

As the blood demon clan created by the blood demon ancient tree, their blood demon clan is absolutely loyal to the blood demon ancient tree. Everything is born in the blood demon ancient tree, and they are born with a will to be loyal to the blood demon tree.

However, he just wanted to deny the bloodline and divine way cultivation system of the blood demon clan, which is almost equivalent to betraying the ancient tree of the blood demon.

Shenmiejie didn't know why he had such thoughts. This shouldn't be. He is the blood demon **** clan, and he was born with the seeds of will that are loyal to the blood demon ancient tree. It is absolutely impossible to betray.

Why is there such a thought?

Divine Destruction Realm was confused and left the foggy city with a few of his clan around him.

The tenth floor of the holy tower, the treasure house world.

Everyone thought that Mu Qing had left through other methods. In fact, he entered the treasure house world and spent several days recovering his strength.

At the same time, over the past few days, Mu Qing also confirmed that there does not seem to be any bans in the treasure house, and there should be no danger.

Mu Qing thought for a while, and it became clear in his heart.

After all, this treasure house is located on the tenth floor of the holy tower, and the entrance was hidden by Hemerton's secret method.

The Holy Tower itself is the key thing for the Nine Tribulations Lord to move towards the Great Lord. It is generally stored in a safe place. In addition, the Treasury World is on the tenth floor of the Holy Tower. It is the place where Hemer East retreats and perceives the power of the law.

Under this circumstance, Heimerdon didn't think anyone could enter the treasure house world, so he didn't set up unnecessary bans in the treasure house world.

Thinking back to the front, this world is full of sea water, but the scope is not large, a little bit of perception can bring everything in this small world into your eyes.

Mu Qing first found a few underwater caves, which were piled up with miscellaneous second-level treasures.

Looking at the colorful, semi-sacred artifacts or treasures of heaven and earth, Mu Qing was a little surprised. There are so many second-level treasures, no less than a hundred pieces!

Moreover, it seemed that the second-level treasure was still dismissed by Hemerton, and was thrown into these sea caves at will, just like throwing garbage.

But Mu Qing didn't pick it at all. He took a shot with his hand, and the power of the starry sky condensed into a whirlpool. The huge suction power enveloped several submarine caves, and the second-level treasures that bloomed with light were taken away.

Mu Qing sensed it for a moment, and there was no ruined soul in it, so he didn't stop, and directly threw more than a hundred second-level treasures into the starry sky book.

The fire of the starry sky is blazing, devouring pieces of "fuel", and the starlight is becoming more and more shining, reflecting a square starry sky world, lingering, and a little bit of golden light shimmering.

More than one hundred second-level treasures, how long can it take to be digested.

The fire of the starry sky is already substantive, reflecting the heavens, showing the boundless universe, and the golden light spots looming.

But Mu Qing felt that there was still a slight difference!

"So many second-level treasures have been poured in, but they are still a little bit short, and they are indeed the scriptures of the perfect state!" Mu Qing's eyes showed a look of consternation.

It is hard to imagine how terrifying the savvy of those ultimate supreme beings, after all, Mu Qing needs to consume so many second-level treasures relying on the Starry Sky Book.

"Next is..."

Mu Qing looked far away.

A hundred-meter-long statues of mermaid stand up, with a pious expression, kneeling on one knee, holding their arms high above their heads, holding some things.

The objects held in the hands of the mermaid statues all bloomed with precious light, bursting out billions of lights, surrounded by the shadows of immortals, and crowded with them.

All are three-level treasures!

These treasures have completely crossed the sky and reached the level of "sacred", they are dominance levels, all contain the power of rules, and can even be urged.

Logically speaking, the third-level treasure is not allowed to be brought into the three-strength ratio, but what if it is obtained in the three-strength ratio?

"Hemerton has a sense of ritual."

Mu Qing looked at the mermaid statues, none of them were ordinary grades, and the power of the rules lingered, reaching the level of the second-level treasure.

There are a total of ten mermaid statues, holding a total of ten third-level treasures!

Hemerton also specially built these rather extraordinary statues of mermaid to store the third-level treasures.

By this time, even Mu Qing was breathing heavily, this may be the biggest opportunity for the ratio of three powers!

Tianze universe, there are two masters in total, one great master.

The great ruler is called the king of heaven, but the treasure house of the king of heaven has been carved up by the high-levels of the three forces for a long time.

The treasure trove of dominance is not appreciated by the three high-level officials, but the heavenly kings in the Tianze universe are all masters, and most of the good things in the treasure trove have been divided up.

In addition to the king of heaven, the remaining two rulers are the sea king and the dragon king, who are in charge of the ocean and the land.

These two are both masters, and since the treasure house of the Sea King is left, the treasure house of the Dragon King may still be there.

However, it is obvious that the treasure house of the Dragon King is in the first realm. There are mountains and dragons everywhere, which is in line with the identity of the Dragon King, but it is a pity that Mu Qing did not notice the traces of the Dragon King.

At this time, Mu Qing carefully looked at the ten third-level treasures and found that there were five dominating sacred artifacts, and the remaining five were similar to the treasures of heaven, material and earth.

Mu Qing first observed the five dominating sacred artifacts.

They were two knives, one lingering in the waves of the water, from time to time there was a big knife roaring from the dragon, and one was covered with a purple poisonous mist, and the handle was shaped like a poisonous sea snake with open fangs and spit out a slender white blade.

A simple and simple long sword, the whole body is golden yellow, engraved with mysterious textures, it is very light, accompanied by visions, it is a golden unicorn galloping in the clouds.

The remaining two pieces are a bead and a trident.

The trident is similar to the one in Heimerdon's hands, with violent currents intertwined on it, and when he glances around, he sees a huge sea crab from ancient times with red eyes.

The bead is relatively small, exudes a faint fluorescence, the azure blue brilliance flows, the whole is crystal clear, as if there is a world in it, and the blue sea is churning.

Even if it has not yet reached the realm of dominance, Mu Qing can still distinguish the strength of these five dominating sacred artifacts from the general aura.

The long knife with the venomous sea snake with its handle was the most terrifying. The blade was slender and white, with poisonous fog lingering. Mu Qing heard the neigh of the venomous sea snake when he got closer, which made people tremble.

Fortunately, these five dominating bodies are all without a master. Mu Qing waved his big hand and put the venomous snake knife into the Scarlet Domination Hall, specially opening up a small space for storage.

This should be a higher-level sacred artifact that dominates the sacred artifact, and Mu Qing believes that he can't activate it yet.

He cast his gaze on the sea crab trident, the Qilin Golden Sword, and the Jiaolong sword one after another.

The sea crab trident and the dragon sword are of lower grades, judging by the power of Mu Qing's eight realms starry sky, they can barely be activated.

Even if Mu Qing doesn't break through to the ultimate supreme, relying on this dominating sacred artifact can contend with it!

In the rules of the three-power ratio, the third-level treasure cannot be brought in, and it is not said that it cannot be used.

Otherwise, why did the top three parties leave this treasure trove of the world?

With the realm of Great Domination, I am afraid that at a random glance, he can penetrate the treasure house of Hemerton and know the contents inside.

Since they have all stayed, it must be the act of acquiescing to obtain the third-level treasure in the three-strength ratio and use it! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1767 Ten third-level treasures!), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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