Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1768: Doom

"I have all the treasure trove of Heimerdon, I am afraid that even the top three parties didn't expect it?"

Mu Qing silently slandered.

He almost guessed the intentions of the high-levels of the three parties, leaving the treasure house of Heimerdon in order to compete for the ultimate supremacy of the three parties.

As soon as the fog city opens, the visions rise together. If the sea concubine takes the initiative to lead the ultimate supreme, then the nine ultimate ultimate supreme will naturally come to the fog city to explore.

When the time comes to enter the tenth floor of the holy tower, naturally it will be the nine ultimate supreme.

Although Mu Qing believes that even the ultimate supreme may not be able to find the entrance to this treasure house, but he has never played against the ultimate supreme after all, and he does not know the methods of the ultimate supreme.

But the ultimate supreme is a first-class evildoer, and he must have his own means, maybe he can really discover this treasure trove of world.

At the moment, if these dominating sacred artifacts were in the hands of the ultimate supreme, they would break the balance of the numbers of each other and trigger fierce battles.

Mu Qing also saw that these dominating sacred artifacts are strong or weak, the poisonous snake knife is the strongest, followed by the Kylin Golden Sword, these two dominating sacred artifacts are beyond his ability to actuate.

The remaining three pieces, the sea crab trident, the dragon sword, and the orb containing the blue sea, are all that he can barely spur at the moment.

It is hard to imagine that if the little **** king or the little lich gets the strongest sacred artifact in the treasure house of the poisonous snake knife, it might not be able to sweep everyone.

"Fortunately, fortunately! Everything is in my hands, and the ultimate power of the three parties is still in a balanced state."

Mu Qing smiled, and then Mei Zizi put the rest of the dominating sacred objects into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

These five dominating sacred artifacts alone have yielded a lot!

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing looked at the remaining five things, billions of light flashes, which were also the third-level treasures.

Soon, Mu Qing was attracted by something, it was a shell with a pearl full of small holes, the pearl was black, and each small hole seemed to contain a world, flowing with a dark atmosphere, and black water flowing.

It's another dominating holy thing!

Mu Qing exclaimed from the bottom of his heart, waved his big hand, and quickly entered the Scarlet Domination Hall.

He continued to look around, and among the remaining four items, three were all medicines stored in white porcelain jade bottles. The fragrance of the medicine floated for 100,000 li, the fairy light bloomed, and it was extraordinary.

Mu Qing looked through it, and didn't know what these three medicines were, but they could be ranked as the third-level supreme treasure, and it must be extraordinary if they were placed here.

He put away the three bottles of elixirs, and then looked at the last item.

An irregularly shaped stone, the whole body is black, dark and ups and downs around it, and the mixed holes flicker, as if to swallow everything.

Mu Qing still didn't know the origin of this thing, so he took it away and asked someone to appraise it after he went out.

After receiving all the treasures, Mu Qing looked happy and left the treasure house world.

"After you go out, you can retreat for a while, the starry sky fire is completely formed, and it is estimated that it will be done by throwing a dominating remnant soul, when it will hit the ultimate supreme in one breath!"

Mu Qing thought in his heart that it would take a lot of time to hit the final stage.

The Sun Sutra of the Consummation Realm can be promoted by relying on the Starry Sky Book, but after condensing the pure core of the rules, it is necessary for Mu Qing to slowly refine the large group of dominating remnants.

"However, even if I don't break through the final stage supreme, I can now compete with the final stage, and the use of sacred artifacts is enough to compete with the final stage."

"If the guess is wrong, and the sacred artifacts obtained in the three powerful ratios can not be used, the big deal will be disqualified."

Mu Qing was relieved and relaxed.

When I first participated in the Three Powers Competition, the pressure was really great, after all, what I had to face was the powerhouse of the ultimate supreme level.

The ratio of three powers is a great opportunity for newcomers, but the final stage depends on the ultimate supreme.

Even if it is the second-order supreme, when it comes to the third world behind, once it encounters the final-order supreme, it will undoubtedly die.

Fortunately, Mu Qing, who had searched Haimer's East Treasury, no longer needed to fear the Ultimate Supreme.

With the strength of the second-tier supreme and the power of the vast starry sky, he urged the dominating sacred artifact, and he was able to compete with the ultimate supreme.

If the use of the Sacred Artifacts searched in Haimer's East Treasury is considered a violation of the rules, and Mu Qing's qualifications are disqualified, it doesn't matter.

After all, Mu Qing's harvest has been great enough, and given him enough time to break through to the level of the ultimate supreme, it doesn't matter if he is really disqualified.

"Unfortunately, I still couldn't leave Erhun."

Mu Qing walked out of the holy tower, recalled the previous battle, and sighed.

He wanted to seize the opportunity to seize Erhun, but unfortunately he almost slipped away by Erhun in the end.

But through contact, except for the appearance of Ehun and the Emperor of Heaven, they had nothing in common and could not see any clues.

Mu Qing walked all the way out of the foggy city, but found no one on the way. It seemed that everyone else had already left.

"Go to the mermaid country first."

Mu Qing quickly left Fog City and rushed in one direction according to the contract in his soul.

He hasn't forgotten about Haifei, what's more, now he has the dominating sacred artifact, and he is not afraid of making things difficult for Haifei afterwards, and he is full of confidence.

Nine of the mermaid kingdoms of the second world were occupied, and the only mermaid kingdom left was the place where Mu Qing and An Shaomu met Haifei earlier.

At Mu Qing's speed, it didn't take long, and he soon came to the vicinity of this mermaid country. What caught his eye was a huge group of seaweeds, blocking the way.

Suddenly, Mu Qing looked to the left, and saw the waves flowing over there, and the sea currents condensed, forming a graceful woman who is protruding and curving, with a variety of styles and charms.


Mu Qing's eyes condensed, there was a starry sky in his eyes, and he immediately saw the reality.

This was just a clone of Haifei.

"In order to attract the ultimate supreme, the body cannot come back temporarily." Haifei smiled and explained.

Mu Qing shrugged and didn't care much.

He consciously entered the Scarlet Domination Hall, wrapped in the power of the starry sky, photographed the sleeping woman and gave it to Haifei.

The moment she saw the woman, Haifei's eyes turned red, and she took it personally and hugged it in her arms.

Immediately afterwards, Hai Concubine raised her hand and waved, a mass of blood escaping the regular breath drifted towards Mu Qing.

Pure blood!

Mu Qing took the pure blood away in the air and kept it next to the pure blood he had previously obtained from the sea monster.

Now that two copies of pure blood are in hand, it is guaranteed to go to the third realm at will!

Glancing at Concubine Hai, Mu Qing turned and left without stopping.

In his mind, the venomous sea snake entrenched in the soul had disappeared, and the unbreakable contract also disappeared at this time.

When Haifei's affairs were over, Mu Qing was completely relaxed now.

As for the safety of Concubine Hai and her daughter, it is not a matter of Mu Qing, after all, the other party forced him to do this at first.

In fact, in Mu Qing's view, Haifei's mother and daughter are basically ill-advised.

After the three-strength ratio is over, the tripartite forces will most likely destroy the Tianze universe, and no matter how bad they are, they will be captured. Researching the secrets of pure blood will hardly end well.


An underwater cave somewhere in the second world.

A figure slowly stepped forward, and the aura on his body converged, making it difficult to be noticed.

This is a blood demon clan, and there is a deep and gloomy ancient divine text in his chest. It is something that will be born after the blood of the blood demon clan is transformed into the **** clan.

Among the blood demon clan, they call their cultivation system a divine way.

This blood demon is eight feet tall, sturdy and tall, with a handsome face, flying black hair, a bronze-colored body, shimmering and shining, wearing purple and gold scale armor and Xuanming iron boots, striding into the sea cave.

He looked calmly, looking around the seabed cave, it was empty, there was nothing, and he could not find any breath when he felt it down.

But he did not leave, his back was looming, the light appeared suddenly, and the gods burst out, and the figures of gods emerged from the void, bowed down to the blood demon clan, bowed in worship, and made devout dedication.

Worship the gods and respect him as king!

This person is impressively the ultimate supreme from the blood demon clan, known as the evil in the ultimate, the little **** king with the appearance of a **** king.

The face of the little **** king was full of majesty, and his figure seemed to have become infinitely magnificent at this time, and there were more and more gods around him, worshipping him.

As if he was the only king of the gods!

"Sure enough, there is a problem."

The little **** king groaned, his eyes pierced like a sharp blade.

Behind him, a figure of a famous **** with a fiery piety, sacrificed his share of his supernatural power, and countless **** patterns gathered and condensed into a mirror.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of gods burst out, the mirrors are simple and mysterious, and seem to contain multiple universes, reflecting the gods.

The mirror of the gods emerged, with three divine lights, golden, cyan, and red. The three-color divine light swept away. If you watch the fire, you can see through all the falsehoods, and all the truth is presented before your eyes!

The power of the rules first appeared, and the three-color light swept across, with a click, a layer of illusion shattered, and the scene of the underwater cave changed.

The cave is still that cave, but this time in front of the little **** king, there is an extra graceful beautiful woman with a pale face, and a pair of shining eyes reveals a look of consternation.

"How can it be……"

Concubine Hai was shocked, she couldn't imagine that she used the rules of illusion and arranged the illusion, even the ultimate supreme could not see through.

But why does the man in front of him know that she is here?

The other party also mastered a magical power, dedicated to condensing a magical mirror, sweeping away the three-color light, dispelling the illusion, and exposing himself.

"In the previous battle, a trace of your breath has been collected in the ancient mirror of the gods. As long as you encounter it at close range, you can naturally feel it."

Little God King said indifferently.

He is known as the enchanting evildoer of the ultimate supreme, but his strength is much stronger than the ordinary ultimate supreme. He was also the person who injured Haifei before.

Concubine Hai's state is very weak. She had arranged a illusion before and was the last strength, and now she has no resistance at all.

After all, she can only be regarded as half a pureblood.

Crystal tears flowed down Haifei's pretty face, and a trace of despair appeared in her eyes.

It's a pity that I haven't been able to reunite with my daughter until I die...

In the next moment, a big hand shrouded, and the endless light bloomed, covering her.


Haifei, who was seriously injured and dying, was naturally unable to resist, and her body shattered every inch.


The ancient mirrors of the gods trembled lightly, and the three-color light brushed away, sweeping all the flesh and blood of the concubine, all refined, and a small group of blood containing the power of rules was extracted.

"Pure blood!"

A trace of excitement appeared on the face of the little **** king, and then, his behavior was unexpected!

I saw the ancient mirror of the gods hovering, and the tri-color light fell, protecting himself.

The little **** king took in that group of pure blood obtained after killing Haifei, and then swallowed it in one bite! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1768 is inevitable), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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