Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1782: Tennoden

In the third realm, five days have passed since Jian Xinhen and others entered.

After five days, they finally found the location of the Goblet of Fire. However, the mist of time and space suddenly dissipated. Only later did they discover that it was the Blood Demon Race who reached the top of the mountain first, triggering the power of the Goblet of Fire.

The blood demon race, the death hell, the royal court of life, the ultimate supreme of the three forces gathered on the top of the mountain, surrounding the goblet of fire in the center.

The faint blue fire wave swept away, and it was also illusory, passing through the bodies of the nine ultimate supreme, as if this faint blue fire would only drive away the fog of time and space.

At this moment, everyone knew what Shen Mietian said.

Jian Xinhen looked back at the foot of the mountain. In the direction they came, there was a huge nest nearby with densely packed spider corpses.

They could not see this lair under the limitation of time and space fog before, and after killing the terrifying spider with ultimate supreme strength, they came to this mountain.

Looking at it now, the corpse of the terrifying spider surged up and gathered on the illusory goblet of fire.

Not only that, the spiders of the second-order supreme also poured out a rush of blood, toward the goblet of fire.

"I'm afraid, it takes enough blood to make the goblet of flame transform from illusion into substance, so that it can be touched." Wu Sheng's face was solemn, and he looked to the other side.

There are almost similar nests on the way to this mountain, with a total of five nests.

After the fog of time and space disappeared, the perception of the ultimate supreme was no longer limited, and the situation of the five lairs could be clearly seen at a glance. Most of them were fierce beasts with no intelligence, but their strength was quite terrifying, at least the second-order supreme.

Each of the five lairs has a lair owner, and the terrifying spider they encountered is one of them.

In addition, two other lairs have been destroyed, and the dead beasts of the ultimate supreme can be seen. Obviously, they were killed by the blood demon tribe and the death **** after encountering them.

As for the dead beasts in the nest, the corpses were full of blood, and they moved closer to this side, converging on the illusory goblet of fire.

"The Goblet of Fire is in an illusory state and cannot be touched, but even if the five beast lairs at the foot of the mountain are all slaughtered, the condensed blood will probably not be able to condense the Goblet of Fire from the illusion."

Shen Mietian has a handsome face and a slender body. His eyes flickered, as if an ancient mirror appeared, staring at this illusory goblet of fire.

All the surrounding blood gathered, but it only allowed the flame to be solidified from the illusion.

From this point of view, even if the remaining two lairs at the foot of the mountain were also slaughtered, the gathered blood energy would not be able to turn the goblet of flame from illusion into substance.

"The result is obvious. The illusory Goblet of Fire needs the blood of the strong to become the substance, and the blood of the fierce beast alone is far from reaching the standard of being transformed into the substance."

Shen Mietian glanced across Death Hell, and then fell on Jian Xinhen and others.

Since the blood of the fierce beast is not enough, then use the blood of the ultimate supreme to join it!

"not good!"

Wu Sheng's complexion changed suddenly, his whole body fluctuated violently, silver light bloomed, and a treasure wheel emerged from the sky, rising in the wind, turning into a hundred meters in size, and the door opened wide.

Layers of space are solidified and formed, turning into a hard barrier.

Jian Xinhen and Yueyin felt that the atmosphere was not quite right, and they quickly warned, the sword light crisscrossed and the moonlight rippled.

The blood demons and the people in Death Hell, as if they had agreed in advance, cooperated in tacit understanding, and attacked them at this time!

The ancient divine writings on Shen Mietian's chest appeared, the dazzling divine light rushed into the sky, the golden divine light filled the body, and he punched out.

Next to them, there are two ultimate sages of the blood demon clan, one male and one female.

The man looks feminine, he has black hair, and is wearing a black outfit. His chest is blooming with divine writing, and the blue gods emerge, and the endless frosty air turns into a glass giant python, biting away.

The female is beautiful as a flower, with mature features, revealing a variety of temperaments, a red dress wrapped in a fiery body, a towering chest flashing ancient divine writings, raising her hands to condense the dragon, hovering and whistling away high in the sky.

On the other side, a group of Death Hell attacked at the same time.

Dorgon's eyebrows split, and dense eyes shot out from the endless heavy pupils, shocking the soul.

The blossoming flowers on the other side of Yin Siam's body were born. Raise your finger, and the river of yellow springs rushed to wash away all marks.

The little lich urged the Nine Nether Scriptures, exerted its full strength, and the endless power of death was wrapped in the jade-white bone hand, and left with a palm, ten deaths without life, urging the clutches of death!

The six ultimate supreme, joined forces at this moment, suddenly broke out and attacked the three of the king of life.

Layers of space barriers were shattered, and with Wu Sheng's defensive methods alone, it was naturally impossible to withstand the attacks of the six Ultimate Supremes.

Jian Xinhen's purple eyes had the sword light up and down, his brow furrowed, and he reached out and grabbed his back, holding the translucent sword of illusion.

In an instant, his aura soared, reaching the point of being comparable to the little **** king and little lich. He cut out with a shining divine sword, all things surrendered, and his soul was ruined. The purple light filled the sky, and the sky and the ground were the only swords. !

This is the sword of the soul that the sword heart mark has been stored for many years, and the legacy of the past has been transformed into a sword of the soul!

It's not a sacred instrument but it is better than a sacred instrument!

As soon as the sword of the soul came out, the weird sound of the sword sounded in the hearts of everyone present. For Wu Sheng and Yue Yin, the spirit stage was clear, the mood was perfect, and the power was increased when they were shot.

As for enemies such as the Blood Demon Race and Death Hell, the soul is damaged, a head of the heart demon is born, bloodshot appears in his eyes unknowingly, and his mind is pierced by the sound of swords, and is ulcerated!

At this time, Jian Xinhen's aura rose, surpassed Wu Sheng and Yueyin, and reached a height comparable to the Little Lich and Shenmietian.

The enchanting level in the ultimate supreme!

"Sure enough, the King of Life won't let the three ordinary final ranks come over."

Shen Mietian gave a cold snort, but he was not afraid, the power of God's way erupted, golden light flooded his body, punched, and the power of God was overwhelming!

At the same time, an ancient mirror appeared above his head, the gods worshiped, and the ghosts sang ancient scriptures, and the power gathered in the ancient mirror of the gods to resist the suppression of the soul.

Shinto and scriptures both reach the ultimate supreme.

This is Shen Mietian's confidence and the reason why he can be called an evildoer!

Beside, the little Lich stepped on the death cloud and slapped the death palm. The filthy power turned into evil dragons, the black light skyrocketed, death enveloped and eroded and polluted everything around him.

Above the little Lich's head, a deep and secluded ancient well emerged. It was an ordinary sacred artifact he obtained by killing the mermaid king. The ancient well was secluded, and the force of the rules suspended, condensing pieces of the sea, which also kept him from the influence of the sword of the soul.

Jian Xinhen's sword of the soul is indeed mysterious, attacking the soul and deterring the soul, but both the gods and the little lich have their own methods and are not affected.

Both of them besieged Jianxinshen at the same time, trying to take it down, or even kill it!

The illusory goblet of flame needs enough power from the strong, so the three ultimate sages of the king of life will sacrifice the goblet of flame to make it complete and solid.

This is the thoughts of Shenmietian and the Little Lich.

The Lich race itself had a contradiction with the super-power Sword City of the King of Life. Because of this, Shen Mietian clearly knew that he would join forces with Death Hell to deal with the King of Life, and the other party would definitely agree to it.

As for the settlement of the Royal Court of Life, it depends on the respective methods of both parties. In this regard, Shen Mietian is not afraid of it, because he still has a hole card that is useless!

At this moment, Buguangjian Xinhen faced the two ultimate evildoers, Wu Sheng and Yueyin were also facing two ultimate supreme opponents, and the pressure was huge.


A certain place in the Third Realm is located to the east of the central mountain where the Goblet of Fire is located. It can be tens of thousands of miles away. There are still dense woods here, but there is a mysterious ancient tree, like a ladder, connecting the sky and the earth.

There are clouds in the high altitude, and a large white cloud is supporting a dilapidated palace.

The whole body is white, and most of it has been destroyed, but it still reveals a bit of sacred meaning, surrounded by clouds and blooming brilliance.

A figure staggered at the gate, covered in blood, and carrying a corpse.

Short silver hair, sassy and heroic and delicate features, leather tights wrapped in proud curves, it is the right time.

There were multiple wounds on her body, her breath was sluggish, and she was already in a state of serious injury, and the corpse on her shoulder turned out to be Lu Tianyu!

With a flash of light, Shi Yan put Lu Tianyu's body into the storage space, and then looked back at the broken hall behind.

"An Shaomu! Don't die."

A complex color appeared in Shi Yan's eyes, and then dragged his weak body back to the ground along the mysterious ancient tree.

This is a special place. Only through mysterious ancient trees can you climb into the sky, you can't fly up, not to mention the existence of the fog of time and space.

And the broken sacred palace, once entered, it will lead to a certain independent space world, which is full of crises, and there are death hells and the second-order supreme of the blood demon race.

After some clues, Shi Yan confirmed that this is the Palace of the Heavenly Kings, the master of the Tianze universe, the palace of the Heavenly Kings!

However, the danger here is unimaginable, Lu Tianyu fell, and even she escaped with the help of An Shaomu.

Shi Yan knew that in his severely injured state, it was impossible to help An Shaomu. He could only hope that he could find enough helpers when he returned.


In the dark and chaotic space, blood-colored clouds appeared, making this place reveal a bit weird and evil.

On the largest blood cloud, a heart was floating in the air, beating bang, and the sound was strong and powerful, even like a magic sound, affecting people nearby.

Near the heart, there are some second-level supreme corpses, including the blood demons, the royal court of life, and the **** of death.

Only three people were present.

Ehun, Shenmiejie, and An Shaomu!

Each of the three suffered different injuries. Among them, Erhun's weakness was particularly obvious. His own injuries that were severely injured by Mu Qing have not yet healed, and now he has encountered some crises in the Palace of Heavenly Kings.

So that An Shaomu and Shenmiejie, who are usually inconspicuous in his eyes, can now threaten him!

"The king of heaven is a powerful man who dominates the realm. The background must have been raided, but some of the things left behind are enough for us to benefit a lot."

Ehun looked at the heart in front of him with fiery eyes, it seemed ordinary, but there was a trace of magic!

The treasure house of the great ruler of the heavenly king must be raided by the high-levels of the three forces, but there are many things that the high-levels look down on, such as the second-level supreme treasure and some third-level supreme treasures.

These are all leftovers in the Palace of Heavenly Kings, so everyone has gained a lot.

And in the entire Palace of Heavenly Kings, the most precious thing is undoubtedly the seemingly ordinary heart that actually contains the devilish nature.

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