Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1783: Go to the third world

The third realm of Tianze Universe.

The central mountain, the ultimate supreme battle, the three ultimate supreme of the king of life are in crisis.

In the Palace of the Heavenly Kings, An Shaomu, Ehun, and Shenmiejie, who represent the three forces, each have their own minds, and they all want to win the heart of the Heavenly King above the blood cloud.

That is the legacy of the great master of the strong, condensing the peerless power of the Holy Spirit Law Body!

And under the central mountain, the five big beast nests stand side by side.

Three fierce beast dens were destroyed by the ultimate supreme, and two were left. In one of the dens, a sturdy figure was in the middle of the vast beast tide.

A scorpion-shaped beast rushed forward, and every scorpion's face was a human face, showing pain and misery, and wailing from time to time.

The origin of the five fierce beasts' lairs is exactly the result of the combination of the heavenly kings, with a treasure, secretly slaughtering the universes and seizing the flesh, soul, and other powers.

Each human face scorpion glowed with purple light, with a tyrannical aura, reaching the level of the second-order supreme. Even if there is no sage, but the flood-like numbers are coming, it is not ordinary people can contend.

However, the sturdy and tall figure was not afraid, laughing, and swinging out his fists.

Tianzang is full of pale gold, wrapped in billions of light, it seems that the Buddha who has crossed all living beings, is like a giant who opened the world. With every punch he blasted, his majestic strength instantly vented, smashing the surrounding heads of people. Face scorpion.

Wounds also appeared on his body, but they were all healed at an extremely fast speed. A vast ocean hung above his head, surging waves soaring into the sky, and the majestic atmosphere rushed to the surroundings.

Tianzang uses the eucharistic secret method to integrate the dominating holy relics obtained in Mu Qing's hands into his body. Half of the power helps him create scriptures, and the remaining half of the power is to protect his body to counter many oppressions from the outside world.

"Not enough! Not enough!"

Tianzang roared, he stepped forward, stepped on it, and the ground collapsed. The terrible force was raging like the sea, turning into layers of ripples and spreading. The human face scorpion was like an ant, crushed by a powerful force. flat.

His injury gradually became serious in the purple light, but the vast ocean above his head was hung down a curtain of water, moisturizing his body.

Although the injuries are still accumulating, but half of the power that dominates the holy relic is protected, he will not be too dangerous to his life.

The constant pressure from the outside has made Tianzang's momentum stronger and stronger, the body is lingering, the body is pale gold, and the regular lines appear from time to time.

Tianzang's whole person seemed to be transformed into a terrifying pale gold vortex. At the same time, in the vortex, the waves were surging and the waves swept. Every time he shots, he fists to the flesh, and the burst of power can easily crush the second-order supreme!

The sea is boundless, great waves!

With half the power of dominating the sacred objects, he abandoned the original scriptures and created his own dominating scriptures.


Turning itself into an infinite sea, carrying everything and accommodating everything, but walking with the ultimate strength, blasted with a punch, when the vast sea poured down.

At this moment, Tianzang's Immeasurable Sutra had risen to the realm of Dacheng, controlling the power of the vast ocean, and the immeasurable force penetrated the whole body, and one punch and one palm was a terrible offensive.

His strength is constantly improving, and he can now be comparable to the previous Erhun and Mu Qing.

Tianzang is already on the way to the ultimate supreme!

It doesn't matter if the Blessed Scriptures only reach the realm of Dacheng, the ultimate supreme is not only one way to go.

He went the way of condensing the Eucharist in advance, and he can also be called the leader of the final stage. The remaining half of the dominating holy thing power protector, under the stimulation of the surrounding oppression, merges into the body.

Tianzang's body began to transform from pale gold to pale blue, and every time it moved, the roar of the huge waves of the sea would be heard.

The boundless Communion of the sea!


At this time, a huge black shadow of a thousand meters rushed out from the depths of the lair, but it was the ultimate supreme fierce beast, the human-faced scorpion king, who saw his subordinates unable to do anything to hide in the sky!

The face of the Human Face Scorpion King showed all sentient beings, extremely weird, purple light rushing into the sky, roaring.

The terrifying coercion rolled down from the top of the head, and a large number of human-faced scorpions showed fear and receded like a tide.

There was only Tian Zang left in the field, and he had no fear, and under the pressure of the ultimate supreme, he strode forward.

The honest and honest look on Tianzang's face has long since disappeared, and there is only madness and determination in his eyes!

"This pressure is enough!"

Tianzang roared and rushed towards the Human Face Scorpion King.

He actually wants to use the oppressive power of the ultimate supreme to help him gather the Eucharist and make a breakthrough!

If you are not careful, you will die and you will die!


The second realm, the most central area of ​​Wucheng.

At the bottom of the holy tower, Mu Qing sits here, silent all around.

Because of the influence of the fog of time and space, the flow of time in the third realm is different. In the past five days, the outside world is five years.

It takes about ten years for ordinary people to break through to the final level, but it is not absolute. Some people can complete the breakthrough in seven or eight years, depending on the individual.

Mu Qing was sure to make a breakthrough in eight years, but then he refined the pure blood at the same time, speeding up the process. Now five years later, a pure and flawless crystal ball appeared in his body and formed.

The core of the pure rule was completely condensed in the fourth year, and most of the power of pure blood and all the remnants of the master were consumed.

In the following year, Mu Qing calmly realized that with the core of pure rules restraining the perfect state of the Sun Sutra, the balance was reached.

In an instant, Mu Qing opened his eyes, and the endless darkness appeared all over his body, and a starry sky rolled up behind him.

His aura didn't seem to change in any way, and even his aura had gone backwards. At a glance, he looked no different from an ordinary Supreme Tenth Heaven.

There are no visions and no big scenes.

But Mu Qing's heart is like a mirror, and he is very clear that at this time, he has completely reached the point of ultimate supremacy!

Since then, the road to dominate is no longer obstructed!

Mu Qing perceives, vaguely touched a ruled sphere, which is a bit similar to the core of the rule.

This is the manifestation of the power of the rules of the universe. If you want to dominate the realm, you need to create your own scriptures and then break through the barriers.

But this pass is derived from the power of the rules of the universe. Once it fails, it will be punished, resulting in damage to the foundation. After multiple failures, the success rate will become smaller and smaller.

However, Mu Qing, who has successfully condensed the core of the rules, has no trouble in this regard.

He pointed out his index finger and only heard a "pop", the regular sphere, the pass where the power of the universe evolved, melted like ice and snow in the early spring, and completely disappeared.

This is the ultimate supreme!

Master the scriptures of the Consummation Realm in advance, condense the core of pure rules ahead of time, and accomplish most of the key things to break through the dominance. If you want to break through the dominance in the future, you can do whatever you want without any barriers.

Mu Qing stood up, all his breath converged in his body, like a mortal, but his eyes turned with the stars, and the endless starry sky was hidden in the depths of his eyes, deep, vicissitudes, ancient, and mysterious!

After five years of retreat and meditation, I finally broke through and reached the level of the ultimate supreme!

"In normal times, there may be a gap with the ultimate supreme of the evildoer level."

After Mu Qing stabilized his realm, he examined himself and inferred the gap between himself and the powerhouses such as the Little God King and the Little Lich.

Although he has never played against the ultimate supreme of the evildoer level, he can figure out one or two.

He is an ordinary dominion-level scripture, the ultimate supreme that the Sun Sutra has reached its perfect breakthrough, in fact, it can be regarded as average in the ranks of the ultimate supreme.

After all, the ultimate supreme of the evildoer level had only broken through the cultivation of the scriptures of the Great Domination level to the Consummation Realm, and there was a gap in strength.

"But I'm not weak, if I really fight against the demon-level ultimate supreme, I can also contend!"

A sense of confidence quickly appeared on Mu Qing's face.

Others are the master-level scripture consummation, and he is the master-level scripture consummation, there is no doubt about the above gap.

However, compared with others, I also have advantages.

The scriptures of the Dacheng realm are definitely not expected at this level, but the highest eternal life scriptures can barely help.

And in his body, the power of the eight realms starry sky is immense, no one can compare to himself in terms of consumption and long-term battle!

In addition, he still has a sacred artifact, and now he has reached the ultimate supreme level, and can fully motivate the medium-sized sacred artifact of the Qilin Golden Sword.

At the same time, the high-level sacred artifact obtained from the treasure house of the sea king, the poisonous snake knife can barely urge one or two.

"Hey, the other ultimate sacred objects barely urge the medium sacred artifacts when they reach the sky, but my energy is as vast as the starry sky, and I am not afraid of consumption. The medium sacred artifacts can be easily activated, and even the high-level sacred artifacts can barely display their might can!"

Mu Qing grinned. He has disadvantages in the Scripture grade, but he also has advantages in other aspects.

It is basically difficult for the other ultimate sacred objects to activate the higher sacred artifacts, because it consumes too much, but Mu Qing can do it.

What's more, Mu Qing's such vigorous energy also gives him the foundation.

The ultimate supreme is a realm after the core of rules has balanced the true power of the Consummation Realm.

The ordinary ultimate supreme may explode the true power of the consummation realm scripture, and at most one move will take out all the power.

However, Mu Qing is different, he can use two moves when he is in the second-tier supreme.

Now that the ultimate supremacy has been achieved, if he let go of the balance restriction of the core of the pure rules on the scriptures, the real power that bursts out can use five tricks!

At this point desperately, Mu Qing can also go head-to-head with the evildoer-level ultimate supreme!

"Next, it's time to go to the third world."

Mu Qing walked out of the holy tower, looked away from the distance, and then the figure flashed, turning into a starlight to escape.

Five years have passed, but the ratio of the three powers has not yet ended, and I don’t know what is going on in the third realm.

When I came to the mermaid country where Jian Xinhen and others went to the Third Realm in the past, this place was dilapidated, everywhere in ruins, without any anger.

Only the pillar of light soaring into the sky, shining brightly, sacred and magnificent.

Mu Qing came to the beam of light in the space channel and injected the small part of pure blood deliberately into the stele.

After obtaining the pure blood, the stone tablet trembles slightly, a vision suddenly appears, and the space channel hums and opens completely.

Knowing that the opening time is limited, Mu Qing did not delay, strode into the space channel and headed to the third realm! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1783 to the third world), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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