Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1792: The secret of the emperor

Mingxuan talked a few words with the Storm Lord with a smile, and then turned his gaze to the pale demon god.

Glancing at the body of the sun dominator not far away, he sighed: "Your deity's strength is already unimaginable. I'm afraid it's not far from the dominator, right?"

Mingxuan could perceive that the aura on the pale demon **** had completely surpassed him.

Knowing the situation of the Pale Demon God, he suddenly understood that this was the huge improvement of Mu Qing that caused the Pale Demon God to also rise to the same realm.

"This is the realm of the ultimate supreme, similar to your second-tier supreme, it can be destroyed with a wave."

The old voice of the storm ruler came from the astrological body. After all, he was also a ruler and well-informed.

"The ultimate supreme?"

Hearing the words, the pale demon was pondering the name of this realm in a low voice.

He shook his head and said: "I don't even know what the realm level is, but at a certain moment, the power that belongs to this realm naturally appears in the body."

The pale demon **** stood on the top of the Immortal Mountain, looking down, and had a full view of the entire Immortal Mountain.

He frowned, and said solemnly: "I don't know where this power comes from at all. I only know that Mu Qing's strength has improved, and I will follow it. I don't even need to practice. All of this is very different. real."

"I desperately want to know the answer. I have been searching for the truth over the years, and in the process I did have some clues, but there are still many doubts."

The pale demon's brows frowned and tightened.

He continued: "The first supreme of the Chaos Universe is the Chaos God. Although the opponent is strong, but he has reached the heavens, he will also be the supreme tenth heaven. Afterwards, he seemed to realize that he could not be promoted or encountered some taboos, so he used some kind of The reincarnation of the secret technique."

"This reincarnation technique is quite special. It doesn't leave any memories. It's completely like two people, except that there are traces left in the depths of the soul."

"The second life is the Laotian Emperor, and the information I have discovered about the Laotian Emperor is relatively complete."

"The Lord of Heaven probably knew through some channels that he was a special reincarnation of the Chaos God, so he began to pursue the clues left by the Chaos God, and later entered a taboo place called Time Changhe."

The pale demon seemed to be talking to himself, and it seemed to be telling Mingxuan and others behind him.

Hearing the word Time Changhe, Mingxuan's eyes flickered, but soon his emotions calmed down and he continued to quietly listen to the words of the pale demon god.

The pale demon **** did not notice the strangeness of Mingxuan.

After a pause, he said: "During the long river of time, the God of Heaven didn't know what happened to him. He might have encountered some taboos like the Chaos God, so he learned the secret method of the Chaos God and made a special reincarnation. "

"This is the third life, that is, Mu Qing."

"Perhaps, when they entered the long river of time, they encountered taboos and were affected by or stared at by something. Therefore, this kind of reincarnation that does not retain memory or even kills most of their own existence can be liberated."

"This is the case. The first, second, and third lives do not affect each other and are less involved."

"At the same time, I can be sure that the reason why I exist is not because of Mu Qing's heart demon, but because of the special reincarnation of the old emperor. When he was carrying out a special reincarnation, he moved some extra hands and feet to make my unique clone in a certain place. It was separated from Mu Qing's body at this point in time."

"But what's the point of doing this?"

"At the moment, my biggest confusion is that every time Mu Qing improves my strength, there will be an inexplicable extra powerful force in my body, allowing me to quickly improve to the level of Mu Qing."

"Where does this power come from? What kind of existence is it that can always give me strength, fit me perfectly, and always improve my strength and realm?"

The pale demon **** began to pace back and forth. He lowered his head and kept thinking, but he couldn't figure it out.

He turned his head and looked at the horoscope, but the object of the conversation was the existence in his body.

"I want to hear the thoughts of the masters." The pale demon **** said, with hope in his eyes.

The current situation makes him very uncomfortable, feeling that everything he owns belongs to others and is completely out of his control.

So he desperately wants to know the answer and jump out of it!

The storm master in the astrology body was silent for a while, he sorted out his thoughts, and then replied: "You said a long time, I don't know much, but there seems to be a bit of record in our Tianqing universe's oldest family of ancient gods and beasts."

"As for your situation, I have seen some bright halls. Although my current situation is very bad, I still have the vision of being a master."

The master of the storm coughed slightly and solemnly said: "According to my inference, you should be a substitute for the body Mu Qing. When the body falls, according to your connection, no matter how far away the remnant soul is. , Will occupy your body in an instant, and resurrect."

"This is a means to dominate the realm. Although you accidentally gave birth to an independent thought, all your power comes from the master behind the scenes, so when the body falls, you will not have any resistance."

The horoscope looked at the pale demon **** with concern, but in fact, they had guessed what the Storm Lord said before.

The pale demon god's face was gloomy and his expression was ugly. The power of the ultimate supreme was surging in his body.

He clenched his fist, and the veins on his forehead violently, even if he had already speculated, he couldn't accept this kind of irresistible result!

This powerful force does not belong to him after all.

"But, regarding the Chaos God and the God of Heaven, they shouldn't be the masters, right?"

The horoscope frowned and asked his own questions.

The pale demon **** took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "It is probably because of something encountered in the long river of time, which broke through to the realm of dominance."

In this regard, they can only guess.

But since the master of the storm determined that this was the means to dominate the strong, then the Chaos God or the God of Heaven might have found some opportunity and broke through.

"The God of Heaven did break through to the realm of dominance at the beginning."

At this moment, Mingxuan suddenly spoke, with a gentle smile on his face.

The pale demon **** looked at Mingxuan suddenly with his eyes flashing like electricity. He restrained his emotions and forcibly calmed down.

"You really know something." The pale demon **** stared at Mingxuan.

After joining the black world, the pale demon **** and Mingxuan had contacted, and they knew what the other party was hiding, which might help him.

But now Mingxuan suddenly spoke, making the pale demon **** not know what the other party meant.

After all, the relationship between Mingxuan and Mu Qing is quite good, and they may not help him, but now he has power that surpasses everyone in the Chaos Universe. Maybe he can force Mingxuan to say something?

The pale demon hesitated in his heart, he was thinking about whether to use forcible means, even if this powerful power does not belong to him, he still has to use it.

Mingxuan smiled slightly and said: "I do know some secrets, and you and I should be on the same front."

"Same front?!"

The pale demon and horoscope looked at Mingxuan in surprise.

Mingxuan nodded, his face gradually became serious, and he said: "As for my origin, you should also know it. It is one of the test objects that the Emperor of Heaven planned to create the Avenue of Stars. Back then, I should have fallen directly, but now I am doing well. stand right here."

He did not stay or show off, and he shouted directly: "The one who saved me is God!" Starry Sky Dominates the latest chapter address: Sky Dominates Full Text Read Address: Domination txt download address: https:/ / starry sky dominates mobile reading: https://m.wuxiaspot. com/read/147180/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 1792 The Secret of the God of Heaven) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookcase! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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