Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1793: the truth

"The God of Heaven?" Zodiac exclaimed.

But the pale demon **** looked at Mingxuan more vigilantly, and according to his own speculation, his current situation was made by the emperor of heaven.

If the God of Heaven has a life-saving grace for Mingxuan, then he may be on the side of the God of Heaven!

But just now, Mingxuan said that he was on the same front with him, which made the pale demon quite confused, so he did not act excessively, but acted as if he continued to listen.

Mingxuan sighed and said lightly: "Originally, I was also very grateful to the God of Heaven, thinking that he rescued me, but found out that the God of God was plotting badly and wanted to use me as a chess piece and arrange me as one of the back players!"

"The God of Heaven is not a good person. After he got the power of the Chaos God, he entered the long river of time, experienced the scouring of time, and broke through to the realm of dominance."

"But he found that he was tainted with the curse of time, so he planned to deploy various methods to try to get rid of the curse of time."

"The unique reincarnation secret method of the Chaos God will not leave memories. His own traces are almost consumed. He didn't plan to resurrect at all. But God is different. He is not willing to die because of the curse, and he doesn't want to use it. A unique reincarnation, that will almost completely wear out one's consciousness of existence."

"The chaotic god's secret method of reincarnation, strictly speaking, is not himself in the next life. This is something that the God of Heaven does not want. He does not want his own existence to disappear, so he relies on the realm of dominance to improve the secret method of reincarnation."

"The improved reincarnation secret method makes Mu Qing no longer an independent reincarnation. There is a trace hidden in his body. At a certain critical moment, the old emperor will resurrect and occupy Mu Qing's body."

"And the God of Heaven thought that this was not safe, so he rescued me and pulled me into Hanoi for a long time. He planned to place me as one of the back players. Of course, he was not the back player of the resurrection. He wanted me to control the situation and observe Mu Qing's Circumstances, to ensure that there will be no accidents in the resurrection arrangement."

Mingxuan put his hands behind his back, his voice was cold, but his eyes flickered.

The secret method of reincarnation was originally created by the Chaos God. Later, the old emperor broke through to dominate and reformed and improved it. This secret method of reincarnation has become more mature, so that the next life will no longer be an independent individual, but can be resurrected from the next life.

This can be regarded as one of the ways to get rid of the curse of time, but Mingxuan doesn't know the secret method. Otherwise, he would have been reincarnated a long time ago, so he would rather not get rid of the curse of time.

Mingxuan’s words made the surrounding quiet. The pale demon never expected that the God of Heaven was dead but not stiff, and he planned to find a chance to resurrect from Mu Qing’s body. He also let Mingxuan stare in secret to observe Mu Qing’s situation. Fang Mu Qing had some unexpected accidents.

"The Emperor God asked you to monitor Mu Qing, but you don't seem to want the Emperor God to resurrect through Mu Qing?" The pale demon **** looked at Mingxuan in surprise.

He felt a bit complicated, knowing that Mu Qing turned out to be one of the descendants of the old emperor, and he couldn't help himself. There was no resentment, and both sides were people of the same illness.

And through Mingxuan's words, the pale demon **** also tasted some flavors.

"There seems to be something wrong with you." The storm master's somewhat astonished tone came from the horoscope.

The body is the master, even if it's just a remnant soul, at close range, you can detect something wrong with Mingxuan's body.

Mingxuan nodded, and stretched out his hands. The sharp claws that had turned into cyan, gleamed with a strange light, and there was an inexplicable mystery flowing.

The horoscopes, the storm masters, and the pale demon gods all showed shock, and they all reacted immediately. Is this the so-called curse?

A flash of cold light flashed in Mingxuan's eyes, and said: "For me, there are two enemies in total, one is the Emperor of Heaven and the other is the Emperor of God."

"The emperor used me as a test subject to cultivate the Avenue of Stars. Although he was rescued by the emperor, the emperor actually only wanted to transform me into a puppet for him, and he also infected me with the curse of time."

The astrologer's mouth opened slightly, and he didn't expect his life to be so miserable.

A sneer appeared on Mingxuan's face, and said, "Unfortunately, the God Emperor thought he had a perfect arrangement, but he did not expect that the mystery of the long river was completely beyond his imagination."

"In the process of experiencing time scouring, the hands and feet moved by the emperor on my body were also worn away, completely regained my freedom, and also used this to enhance my strength and create the Destiny Sutra."

"At that time, I made up my mind. When I returned to the Chaos Universe, I had to do two things. One was to kill the Emperor, and the other was to prevent the Emperor's plan so that it could not be resurrected!"

After he was controlled by the emperor, he was like a puppet, but then the emperor used the secret method of reincarnation to make his body fall into a deep sleep, keeping a trace of life and spirituality, and ignorant of the external situation.

Just like this, the imprint on Mingxuan's body was washed away by the force of time, and the God Emperor didn't even know it.

At that time, Mingxuan was only a newcomer to the Supreme, I am afraid that the God Emperor would not have thought that his own majestic master could control Mingxuan and be able to break free.

"what about me?"

The pale demon asked with a frown.

Although I learned a lot of secrets, most of them were about Mingxuan himself, and I also knew that Mu Qing was actually the resurrection tool of the Emperor.

What the pale demon **** wants to understand is his own existence, how did it come from, and how does it exist?

Mingxuan took a deep look at him and replied: "You are not Mu Qing's substitute for death, but God's second-hand preparation!"

"Second-hand preparation?"

The Storm Master whispered in a low voice, a little surprised, I didn't expect that I had read it wrong!

Seeing the pale demon **** cast a confused look, Mingxuan explained: "According to the arrangement of the old emperor, you will be separated from Mu Qing in a certain period of time, and at the same time have a certain connection with Mu Qing, what realm he has risen to? , You will reach what level."

"This power comes from the deity of the old emperor in the long river of time, but because the emperor has kept a trace of his life and spirituality into a deep sleep, he does not know the specific realm of you and Mu Qing. I am afraid he did not expect that Mu Qing can reach the ultimate supreme. ."

"And the meaning of your existence is to take over his role after Mu Qing's death and become the resurrection tool of the God of Heaven."

"After all, the emperor fell asleep, even if he had arranged a lot of methods in advance, he was difficult to control the future development, so he controlled me as a puppet, monitored everything secretly, and tried to prevent some accidents. This is first-hand preparation. "

"The second-hand preparation is you. You are a backup method. If Mu Qingzhen dies unexpectedly, then you will take over his role."

The pale demon **** took a deep breath, nodded, and finally understood.

Everything is the conspiracy of God!

Unfortunately, the planning time was too long, and there were still many accidents in the middle, which also involved a long river of time, which is another big exception.

Even, after such a long time of planning, the God Emperor actually put himself into a deep sleep in order to preserve a trace of his life and spirituality, which eventually led to frequent accidents.

Mingxuan smiled lightly and said, "God is too stupid!"

"First my puppet got out of control, and then Mu Qing's ascension speed was unexpectedly fast, and he came into contact with a more terrifying big man. In fact, even if the emperor intends to seize Mu Qing to resurrect, he will probably be spotted by the big man and directly obliterated. Drop."

"Of course, we can't put our hope on Mu Qing's side, and now you and Mu Qing's realm are in sync, you are both in the ultimate supremacy, it's the best time to do it!"

At this moment, Mingxuan looked solemn and looked at the pale demon god.

He opened his mouth and said: "I have a way to send you to Hanoi for a long time. As long as I cooperate with you inside and out, you can temporarily use the power of the long river for you to find the spirituality of the old emperor. After destroying it, You use the reincarnation secret method to get out again, free from the curse and the long river of time."

Mingxuan quietly looked at the pale demon god, waiting for his response.

This is the perfect time. If you wait until Mu Qing breaks through the realm of dominance, then according to the arranged secret method, the pale demon **** will also be promoted to dominate.

However, the God Emperor himself is the ruler, so how can there be so many powers to lift the pale demon **** in the air, then it will surely disturb the trace of natal spirituality in the sleep.

So this realm of ultimate supreme is the best time!

Mingxuan opened for a long time, and the pale demon **** entered it, and the inside should be combined with the outside, which was enough to destroy the arrangement of the old emperor, and even ruin the opponent's natal spirituality.

It is estimated that the sleeping God Emperor couldn't think of it. Mingxuan got rid of his status as a puppet, so he held a grudge and wanted to destroy the trace of God's natal spirituality protected by the God.

Telling Mingxuan some secrets of the arrangement was also a huge mistake by the God of Heaven!

"Secrets of reincarnation?"

The pale demon **** frowned, he didn't have this thing.

Mingxuan chuckled and said: "The long river of time is much more mysterious than you think. As long as you enter it, you can get it. Of course, as a condition to help you, I need you to use the secret method when you obtain the secret method of reincarnation. Give me a copy too."

Only at this moment did he reveal his true intentions.

Mingxuan did want to destroy the spirituality of the God Emperor and let it fall completely, but by contrast, he wanted to get rid of the curse of time even more.

The secret method of reincarnation improved by the emperor can not only get rid of the curse, but also preserve one's spirituality. It is similar to seizing the house. The reincarnated body is no longer an independent individual, but its own deity.

Although the improved secret method of reincarnation requires a very long time to prepare before the resurrection can be carried out, it is indeed a way to get rid of the curse, and life needs to be in hand.

Not necessarily to be used, but this retreat must be handed!

"If I want to be liberated, it seems that this is the only way to go." The pale demon **** agreed after thinking for a moment.

Entering that long river of time is sure to be full of crises, and it will be contaminated with curses, so after destroying the spirituality of the gods, you need to use the reincarnation secret method to evacuate.

At the same time, this can also remove all traces of the emperor on one's body, completely reincarnate, and become the real self!

He readily agreed to Mingxuan's plan. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1793 The Truth), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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