Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1794: Historical scene

Chaos universe, black world.

The pale devil and horoscope followed Mingxuan back to the core place and entered the deepest independent space.

"let's start!"

The pale demon said solemnly.

Mingxuan nodded, his face solemn, and unimaginable power suddenly burst out of his body, an inexplicable breath flowed out of him, and the power of turbulent air transport turned into an illusory and stalwart figure.

The astonishing momentum caused the pale demon god's face to change slightly, and he looked at Mingxuan in amazement.

The Scriptures of Consummation!

Mingxuan didn't know when he actually advanced, and the Destiny Sutra reached the state of consummation.

But this is not a good thing. He only has such a destiny scripture, and every time he uses it, he will consume a huge amount of energy. Although his strength has improved a lot, his durability has been greatly weakened, and he can only make one or two shots.

If there are enough dominating remnant souls, plus the secret method, Mingxuan can try to break through to the ultimate supreme, but at present, all the conditions are not met.

Mingxuan's face was slightly sullen, and he let out a low growl, exploding all the power in his body.

The blazing silver-white light filled the entire space, the aura continued to skyrocket, and the ethereal and stalwart figure exploded, like a bubble phantom, but then, the space burst, and it was not an endless void or other spatial levels, but a bizarre appearance An extremely profound and mysterious space!

Just opening a small gap, it almost emptied the power of life.

In the mysterious space, there is an unimaginable long river flowing with great momentum!

It comes from the origin of the multiverse and flows to the future of all beings.

Long time!

No matter who it is, no matter what realm it is, no matter how broad the knowledge is, when seeing this long river of indescribable state hovering between illusion and reality, one will be suffocated and feel insignificant and powerless.

The pale demon couldn't help but lose consciousness.

This is the long river?

He seemed to be observing the magnificent treasure, watching the long silver river surging towards an unknown place, that direction is the future!

The closer we get to the future, the more terrifying the wave of time, which is enough to wipe out everything.

On the side of the past and history, there were almost no waves, weird calm, and no waves.

With just a glance, the pale demon **** had enlightenment in his heart.

The past history is a fact, something that has been determined and has happened, so there is no waste. After all, even the strong can not change the past through time and space. Therefore, the long river of time that belongs to the very long part of the past has no waves. .

And the direction in which the long river is flowing is an unknown nihility, which represents the future.

There are countless possibilities in the future, so there will be turbulent waves, and huge waves will be set off from time to time, full of crises.

The pale demon **** glanced at Mingxuan, then his face was solemn, and he resolutely jumped into the mysterious space and entered the long river of time.

The place he chose belonged to the long river of time in the past, because the wave in that part of the future was too intense, and he suspected that he would be annihilated as soon as he got close, and there was not even a trace of existence left!

In the entire long river of time, the past and historical parts accounted for ninety-nine percent of the time. The source is extremely remote, and it is impossible to see where the origin is. It seems that there is the beginning of everything, the time when the multiverse was born.

When the pale demon came into the long river of time, it seemed extremely small. In this long silver river that was not so wide, a wave appeared at random, as if a layer of universe had fallen, too vast!

"This is the curse?"

The pale demon **** stared at his hands blankly, his nails fell off, revealing sharp black armor, his body glowed with a bluish-green demon light, and inexplicable power flowed around his body.

"I will send you to that period of history, so that you can obtain the secret reincarnation method as a bystander, and then send you to the hidden position of the old emperor."

Mingxuan's voice came from my ears.

The pale demon **** nodded, and after indicating that he was ready, he suddenly felt movement behind him, turned his head and saw that a silver-white wave appeared.

In surprise, he only felt a huge force bombarding himself, without the ability to resist, he was directly knocked into the air.

In the process of being knocked into the air, the pale demon only felt the surrounding blur, turning back time!

His body was trembling, every piece of flesh was collapsing, and between black and white, his consciousness began to dizzy. I don't know how long it took before he finally got better and came to a certain place in the long river.

The Pale Demon God looked around, and there was no difference from the previous one. The only difference was that he couldn't see the waves that belonged to the future, indicating that this place belonged to the past history.

With the help of Mingxuan, his perspective at this moment seems to be located at an infinite height, observing everything as a bystander.

The long river in front of him rippled, and the blazing silver-white light bloomed, enveloping everything around him.

A figure appeared in front of the pale demon god.

It was a little vague and he couldn't see his face clearly, but his instinct told him that this figure was probably the God of Heaven!

This is a historical scene, which cannot be changed or touched, but it can be observed and explored.

The pale demon **** stared at the figure of the old emperor, and saw the clouds and mist around the other party, and a simple stone tablet appeared in front of him.

The stele seems to have been deliberately left behind, with a secret method branded on it.

The God of Heaven sat down in front of the quaint stone tablet and kept looking at it. After a while, he sighed and shook his head, very dissatisfied.

The pale demon's eyes condensed, and he could also see the content on the ancient stone tablet. After a quick glance, he found that this was a unique secret of reincarnation!

Wipe away his own traces and existence, and reincarnate as an independent individual.

This reincarnation secret method seems to be specifically designed to get rid of the long river of time, but once it is used, it doesn't even have its own existence, leaving only a subtle mark, unable to resurrect, and it seems meaningless.

The pale demon **** wrote down the secret method on the stone tablet, and at the same time he saw a paragraph on the ancient stone tablet.

"It's a pity... failed to perfect the reincarnation secret method successfully..."

There is a deep regret in the passage.

The pale demon **** naturally knew at this moment that this primitive stone tablet was left by the **** of chaos.

The Chaos God entered the long river of time and was cursed by time. In order to get rid of the curse, he began to create the reincarnation secret method, but it was only a semi-finished product in the end.

The real secret method of reincarnation should be to get rid of the curse and resurrect at the same time. After all, the chaos **** is not the master of the power or the power of the supreme tenth heaven, how could he give up the hope of resurrection.

The pale demon continued to observe, only to see the old emperor sitting in front of the ancient stone monument, frowning, constantly evolving, modifying it on the ancient stone monument from time to time, but then erasing it.

He noticed that the God of Heaven at this time seemed to have reached the realm of dominance!

Time passed, and I don’t know how much time passed. The God of Heaven finally improved the reincarnation secrets left by the Chaos God and engraved them all on the ancient stone tablets. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1794 Historical Scenes) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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