Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1795: Energy torrent

"Unfortunately, it only improved a little."

The God of Heaven sighed, still a little dissatisfied, but he was also cursed here, time is running out, and he can no longer improve.

He waved his hand and erased the ancient stone stele. After this secret method was modified, he recorded it in his mind.

At the same time, the pale demon **** who has been at infinite heights from the perspective of the observer also wrote down the improved reincarnation secret method.

"The secret method of perfect reincarnation that the emperor wants should be to immediately resurrect from the reincarnation body, preserving all the memories, but also leaving strength and realm."

The pale demon thought, and from the perspective of the bystander, he also felt that the God of Heaven was too greedy.

However, I can understand a little bit. After all, the God of Heaven has already reached the realm of dominance. As the first master of the chaotic universe, how can he be willing to go beyond the realm of supremacy?

As for the preservation of power, the God of Heaven actually did it through another method, the Pale Demon God.

The pale demon **** is not only a tool for resurrection, but also the power of the deity of the old emperor in the air.

If the old emperor is really resurrected, no matter which one is seized, he can absorb his original power through the special body of the pale demon god.

But this topped the sky can only reach the ultimate supreme, the dominance realm cannot be preserved, the old emperor is reluctant to dominate the realm, and it has been delayed for so long.

"However, according to the improved secret method, the God Emperor shouldn't have been sleeping for so long, right?"

The pale demon was very puzzled.

At this time, the surrounding scene was blurred, time passed, and a wave fell on the pale demon god, knocking him into the air.

"The Lord of Heaven's ruling body is somewhere in the long river of time, and a lot of it has been washed away by the force of time, and its spirituality lies in the heart."

The weak voice came into the ears of the pale demon god, Mingxuan borrowed the power of the long river twice, and it was overdrawn.

The pale demon **** vaguely saw the crack, Mingxuan's face was pale, and the mysterious blue light on his body surrounded him, and the curse deepened!

As soon as he pointed, a white glow quickly rushed away and fell into Mingxuan's body.

A large amount of information appeared in the mind of Mingxuan. This is the secret method of reincarnation after the improvement of God, and it is one of the ways to get rid of the curse of time!

After the reincarnation secret method has been improved, if you want to retain your power, you need all kinds of preparations and a trace of your own spirituality.

But if you don’t plan to retain your strength and realm, it’s much simpler and you can reincarnate and resurrect, leaving only the memory, but that also means that the entire cultivation process needs to be repeated.

After getting the improved reincarnation secret method, Mingxuan condensed his strength, retreated, and the cracks in the mysterious space healed.

The next thing to look at was the Pale Demon God himself, his life was completely exhausted and his strength was overdrawn, unable to help anymore.

At this moment, the pale demon **** saw a huge corpse, which was a thousand-meter giant, but in fact the body of the giant was mutilated, and under the influence of time, it was constantly shrinking.

The body in front of me is flowing with the golden immortal light, this is the ruling body of the old emperor, the immortal and immortal body!

When seeing this immortal and indestructible body, the pale demon **** felt sympathetic, and the power in his body was completely consistent with the power contained in the other party, and the same origin!

"Sure enough..." The pale demon's eyes condensed, and it was completely clear that his power did come from the corpse of the old heavenly emperor.

"And this brought you death."

The pale demon sneered, then turned into a light, and penetrated into the Holy Physique.

His power is derived from this immortal and immortal body, it is easy to enter it, and it can even be said that it is like a fish in water, and he has successfully reached the position of the heart.

"this is?!"

At the position of the heart, I saw the trace of God's natal spirituality, but the pale demon **** exclaimed.

That trace of natal spirituality showed an illusory shadow, and the appearance of the old emperor occupied half of his body, and the other half was turned out to be a turquoise monster!

The mysterious and inexplicable power flow, the terrifying and mysterious charm surrounds, the trace of the god's life and spirituality fell into a deep sleep, unable to wake up for a long time.

Even if the pale demon invaded here, he didn't seem to wake up in the slightest.

"No wonder……"

At this time, the pale demon was completely enlightened, and his face was surprised.

It's no wonder that the God of Heaven has dragged on for so long and hasn't taken She Mu Qing all the time.

It turned out that the preparation time was not too long, but the only trace of natal spirituality had an accident!

After the Lord of Heaven only left a trace of his life and spirituality, with the passage of time, he stayed in the river for a long time, and he was still contaminated with a curse, causing him to sleep all the time and his state was quite strange.

"The powerful dominates the strong, but I am not decisive yet."

The pale demon **** shook his head, he reached out his hand, the violent power gathered in his palm, between the lightning and thunder, he grabbed the natal spirituality and directly crushed it!

At this point, the God of Heaven has completely fallen!

Things went smoothly unexpectedly. After all, the cursed trace of natal spirituality, even Lingzhi was in a muddle, unable to regain its consciousness.

Soon, the entire immortal and immortal body shook violently, and the flesh and blood containing the power of rules collapsed and turned into a torrent of energy, rushing towards the pale demon god.

The pale demon god's body immediately swelled, his strength suddenly increased several times, and the strength in his body continued to increase!

He is one of the resurrection tools of the emperor, and has a faint mark. Now that the emperor's life and spirituality have fallen, all the remaining power naturally rushes to him.

However, the God's life spirit has been wiped out, and the imprint left in the body of the pale demon **** has no hidden dangers.

Unfortunately, such surging pure energy cannot raise the realm, so the strength of the pale demon **** is skyrocketing, but the realm is still the ultimate supreme.

"There is still the power of a curse?"

The pale demon **** frowned, he watched his body bloom with blue light, and began to demonize at an astonishing speed.

Soon, the pale demon **** converged his mind, ignoring the curse of time and the power surging in his body.

It didn't matter, he didn't want to inherit the power remaining after the death of God, not to mention that he was cursed by time.

The pale demon god's hand pinched the seal technique, and displayed the improved reincarnation secret method, a chaotic hazy light enveloped him, a little faint brilliance rushed out of the eyebrows, and escaped into the void.

His body exploded and merged into a torrent of energy, and followed the pale demon god's life and spirituality into the void.

The pale demon **** used the secret method of reincarnation to escape the long river of time, and the energy left by the old emperor also followed this trace of contact and left here.

Unlike the old emperor, the pale demon **** chose to directly reincarnate and seize the house. He retains his memory, but he does not have any power.

In the starry sky, a shining star passed by, falling into a certain life planet in a galaxy.

After a while, space fluctuations emerged, and the horoscope came out and entered this planet of life.

At the same time, another flood of energy rushed out, with a terrifying aura, and circled the starry sky for a few times, but could not sense the aura of the pale demon **** again, and then escaped into the starry sky and rushed far away. A trace of contact at the office.

In the black world, Mingxuan, whose face was pale, breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the pale devil had succeeded and that the God of Heaven had completely fallen!

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the void, sensed the vast and terrifying torrent of energy, and sighed.

"I hope Mu Qing can bear it. This torrent of energy not only contains most of the power of the master, but also has a certain amount of time to curse."

The torrent of energy left by the Emperor of Heaven, following the trace of contact with Mu Qing, even rushed out of the chaotic universe and headed towards the Tianze universe! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1795 Energy Torrent), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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