Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1799: Bloody Holy Grail

At the moment when Mu Qing grasped the Goblet of Fire, heaven and earth resonated, and the entire Tianze universe was trembling. A **** color appeared on the Goblet of Goblet, and then the sky covered the sky with blue flames.

The entire third realm was bathed in a sea of ​​azure blue fire, but soon, the goblet of fire in Mu Qing's hand changed again, covered with blood-colored lines, all the flames turned into blood-red colors, turned into a sea of ​​blood!

A weird breath enveloped everyone, and the sea of ​​blood was overwhelming, as if the souls of countless creatures were hidden.

In Mu Qing's hands, the goblet of fire changed its appearance, full of blood red, full of the breath of killing and death.

At close range, Mu Qing could see the terrifying source of power contained in the Goblet of Fire, vaguely see a sea of ​​blood, melting all living creatures, devouring flesh and soul!

Suddenly, Mu Qing's heart moved. Could it be that this is the treasure of Tianze Universe?

And below, the little Lich, Shen Mietian and others, who were obviously still some distance away from Mu Qing and the Goblet of Fire, all showed shocked expressions.

What did they see?

Mu Qing was able to use the ability of space movement in the Tianze universe that was strengthened by the strong master!

This is incredible!

"At this time, the three-strength ratio should be over." Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, even if he was promoted to the evildoer level, with the help of high-level sacred artifacts and a sudden torrent of energy, he did not have much certainty to defeat the gods.

It is a huge trouble for the other party to master the rules of illusion. Even if one's own Eucharist is perfect and has certain resistance, this does not mean that he can be immune to ignoring the illusion.

Therefore, Mu Qing made the first move. Although the Bihai Orb could only trap God Mietian for a short time, it was enough.

Using the world's snake power, Mu Qing is confident that he will be faster than anyone else, touching the Goblet of Fire directly.

This also means that the end of the three-strength ratio!


A terrifying breath came, and the third world of the Tianze Universe that had been reinforced was torn apart, and a white bone palm covering the entire third world was shrouded on the top of the sky.

A stream of black death air entangled in the palms of the bones, countless souls were wailing and screaming, and the kingdom of death appeared one after another. There was the death of death, the destination of all life!

Push to death!

Mu Qing's pupils shrank violently, his scalp numb, and he felt a fatal threat.

However, his body seems to be imprisoned here, unable to move!

"A big master shot at me?"

A thought came to Mu Qing's mind.

This is the real death-killing clutch, cutting off all lives. Before they have completely fallen, Mu Qing felt that his lifespan was being madly deprived.

Obviously it was the death-killing clutch shrouded from the top of the head, but it felt like it came from all directions.

Can't resist, can't avoid, can't look straight!

This is the power of the master!

And the master who shot is undoubtedly the power of death hell, the Lich King!


At this time, a cold snort came, and then a silver-white treasure wheel that was enough to block the entire third world appeared, and a series of portals were inlaid on it.

The treasure wheels of the heavens turned, the door opened, and billions of trillions of light came out. Wu Xuanji's figure appeared, evolving into the 33rd heaven, the immortals and gods stood side by side, and the beasts cried together.

Layers of space were distorted and disordered, and the Death Palm was about to hit Mu Qing, but suddenly fell into other spatial levels, blocked outside the 33rd Heaven, and finally disappeared.


Suddenly, the sound of a sword rang through the heavens and the earth, and then four divine swords fell from the outside of the Tianze universe like a huge pillar to the sky, and they were located in the four corners of the third realm.

The vast sword light, sword aura, sword light, sword gang, etc. swept through, filling every space.

"The Four Swords of God Punishment?"

Suspicious sounds sounded, and a figure emerged. It was a white bone with the color of snow as jade, wearing a black robe with golden lace on it, and stepping on clusters of death clouds, as if it was close at hand, and it seemed to be far away. .

Amazingly, he is the creator of the Nine Nether Scriptures, the Lich King!

When he looked towards Wu Xuanji, he saw a man with an indifferent expression beside him, with his hands behind his back, wearing a cyan gown, and a horrible sword intent brewing in his eyes.

At the same time, a bright moon hangs high in the sky, the brilliance blooms, the ripples spread, and a fairy-like shadow can be vaguely seen.

The three great masters of the royal court of life have all come!

Wu Xuanji, Jian Chen, Yue Lian!

Immediately after that, one after another horrible figures descended on this realm, all of them were powerful masters of the realm.

Beside the Lich King, a giant monster like a beast appeared, shrouded in black mist, and was the great master of the demon clan, the dead gray demon.

On the other side is a coffin, entwined by silver chains, lying quietly on a long river of yellow springs, escaping an unknown corpse Qi, it is the Huangquan Corpse King from the Yin Corpse Clan, who is also a strong master of the realm. .

Afterwards, the three great powers of the Blood Demon Race appeared, headed by a middle-aged man who was five meters tall, exuding a strong majesty, surrounded by thunder.

There are two great abilities next to him, a bird-headed human body, with big wings on the back, a god-like body, wings like iron, indestructible.

The other is born with three dragon heads, is surrounded by yellow pythons, has a fierce face, and has an aura of recklessness.

These three are the Purple Lightning God King, the Tianyi God King, and the Dragon Python God King.

Wu Xuanji looked at the three powerful blood demons, his expression flashing solemnly.

"Mu Qing was the first to touch the **** holy grail, and the three-strength ratio will naturally end. The **** holy grail will belong to the royal court of our lives."

Jian Chen said flatly, he stood in the air, and at the same time, the four heavenly divine swords located in every corner of the third realm echoed each other, and the sword intent rushed into the sky.

"He used the method of space shifting and broke the rules." The Purple Lightning God Wang said lightly, but there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

Jian Chen's Divine Sword Scripture has long been famous for the multiverse, and the four sword killing arrays of the gods are set up, which is enough to counter the strong dominance.

Not to mention, with the means of great dominance, no matter how far the distance is, it can be reached instantly, and there is no longer the concept of distance.

The great masters of the King of Life are always staring here, I am afraid they will come here at any time!

"I think when the three parties agreed on the three-strength ratio, there was no such rule, but the ability to cross and move in the reinforced space only shows that Mu Qing's methods are powerful." Wu Xuanji sneered. .

The wheels of the heavens began to rotate, and between the opening of the door, there seemed to be thirty-three heavens shrouded in it.

The **** Holy Grail in Mu Qing's hand trembled lightly, turned into a **** light, and fell into Wu Xuanji's palm.

At this time, the sea of ​​sword energy surged, and countless sword lights swallowed in it, and the sword intent to kill the sword filled the sky.

The sword dust covered the four swords of the gods and killed the formation, sheltering Mu Qing and others, and also threatening the overlord of the death **** and the ancient blood demon tree.

Seeing the Bloody Holy Grail fall into Wu Xuanji's hands, the Purple Lightning God King gave a cold snort, glanced at Mu Qing, and then grabbed his hand, and all the blood demons in the Tianze universe were photographed around him.

The Lich King did not make any further moves, summoning all the strong men of death hell.

Above the clouds of the Third Realm, the space was shattered, and an incomplete Palace of Heavenly Kings appeared. There were three figures inside, falling into a state of deep sleep, and a layer of blood appeared on the surface.

These three people are Shenmiejie, Ehun and An Shaomu.

A ray of silver light enveloped An Shaomu, and in the blink of an eye he was taken away by the wheels of the heavens, and at the same time, a ray of silver light rushed out, accurately hitting the members of the King of Life in the Tianze universe.

Mu Qing was also hit by Yinguang, and within the blink of an eye he appeared on the 33rd Heaven, surrounded by Jian Xinhen, Wu Sheng, Long Mingqing and others.

"Thanks to you, otherwise we may not be able to reverse the situation and get the Goblet of Fire." Wu Sheng walked up first, said with a smile, and returned the sacred artifact.

"It's a fluke." Mu Qing took the sacred artifact he gave from everyone, and then smiled.

This is not humility, but a real fluke.

I didn’t even think that Shen Mietian was still hiding the rules of illusion, and he almost fell. If it were not for the sudden time suspension and energy torrent, it would be impossible to temporarily suppress Shen Mietian and take the time to kill the three finalists such as Dorgon. Rank supreme.

He raised his head and looked at the terrifying figures, sinking into thought in his heart.

Who on earth is helping him?

Undoubtedly, it must be the powerhouse of the king of life, but from the current point of view, the Lich King and others have no idea what happened when the time was suspended.

The one who can do this is definitely the supreme power in the realm of Great Domination!

However, Mu Qing couldn't see any information from the faces of Wu Xuanji and Jian Chen, it seemed that it had nothing to do with them.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing looked at the **** light in Wu Xuanji's palm. It was the true appearance of the goblet of fire, the blood-red holy grail, and there was a sea of ​​blood brewing in it, containing a mysterious breath of death.

This should be the treasure that brought disaster to the Tianze universe, and the goal of the three-party multi-level forces to fight for, the **** holy grail!

"Hahaha! Good job!" Wu Xuan smiled greatly, looking at Mu Qing, the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.


With a low shout, the heavenly wheels turned, and the terrifying spatial fluctuations turned into silvery white light, sweeping everyone like a tide, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and leaving the Tianze universe.

"Shall we fight for it? The God King of the Blood Demon Race is also..."

The behemoth in the black mist revealed huge blood-red pupils, transmitting its voice to the Lich King.

The dead gray devil naturally meant to unite with the blood demon clan and stop Wu Xuanji and the others to see if they could take the **** holy grail.

After all, the Bloody Holy Grail is a treasure that reaches level five. The treasure in this ranks can be called the ultimate treasure of immortality or the sacred instrument of immortality, with constant energy and never exhaustion.

Among the five levels of supreme treasures, the third level of supreme treasure corresponds to the dominating realm, which is a sacred object and holy object, and the fourth level of supreme treasure corresponds to the great master, which is called the super saint object and super holy object.

Ordinary great masters are all super sacred artifacts used, but if you obtain a fifth-level treasure, that is, the immortal sacred artifact, then your strength will be greatly improved and become the most powerful person in the power!

The Bloody Holy Grail is an immortal sacred artifact, reaching the level of the fifth-level supreme treasure. As long as it is a strong master, it is eager to get it!

The Lich King shook his head and said through the voice transmission: "Have you forgotten why we had a three-for-all competition? You just don't want the battle to involve power and high-level parties. This is the common meaning of the Lord of Hell and the Lord of the Royal Court. "

"The **** holy grail is really important, but the lord of **** himself said that no matter what the outcome is, the result of the three power ratios must be obeyed. As far as possible, the battle should not involve the realm of great domination, so as to avoid the war of multi-level forces." The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1799 Bloody Holy Grail) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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