Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1800: Resurrection, the rain of life!

After getting the reply from the Lich King, the dead gray demon fell silent, and had no idea of ​​making a move.

After all, the lord of **** is the supreme lord, the existence above all living beings.

Suddenly, the dead gray demon engulfed in the vast black mist glanced at the three **** kings of the blood demon clan, thoughtfully.

Although in the three formidable ratios, the death **** and the blood demon clan joined forces to fight against the royal court of life, but in fact, for the higher level, the relationship between the death **** and the blood demon clan is not very good.

Even when the three formidable ratios were agreed upon, the Blood Demon Ancient Tree was opposed.

The reason why the three-strength ratio will be held is to avoid triggering high-level battles that involve the entire multi-level forces.

The struggle for the ultimate supremacy can be regarded as a small fight for the high-level. No matter how many deaths, it will not trigger a large-scale battle. At most, it is a personal grievance.

The Lord of Hell and the Lord of the Royal Court have unified ideas, and they don't want to start a large-scale war for the **** holy grail. Therefore, they restrain the big masters under them, and jointly conducted a three-power ratio, and determine the ownership of the **** holy grail by the battle of the juniors.

During the period, the blood demon ancient tree was opposed, but the lord of **** and the king of the court agreed with the three-strength ratio. The blood demon ancient tree either did not participate or followed the rule of the three-strength ratio.

The dead gray demon could feel that the blood demon clan seemed to long for a large-scale battle.

But when I think about it carefully, the Blood Demon Race seems to have such a personality, and they don't care too much.

Under the cloud of death, the group of death **** also left the Tianze universe.


The Thirty-Three Heavens manifested, and when Mu Qing and others came back to their senses, they had already appeared in the Dragon Head Universe, in front of the Spirit King Palace.

This made everyone feel the horror of the Great Domination again, and it was only a few light-years away from the Tianze Universe, but it arrived in an instant.

Mu Qing looked around and found that only a few thousand of the original tens of thousands of newcomers were left.

The danger of Sanqiangbinet is still too high, and even the second-order supreme is at risk of death, and the first-order supreme can survive to the end, which is already considered good luck.

Above the Spirit Palace, ten terrifying figures appeared, unable to see the appearance with the naked eye, and their eyes and perception were distorted by terrifying power, even looking directly at the Great Master could not do it.

Unless the powerful master deliberately converges, other people will not be able to see the appearance of the master.

Immediately afterwards, a series of tyrannical figures broke through the air, exuding an astonishing aura. Although not as terrifying as the ten above the Spirit Palace, they were also many times stronger than the Supreme.

These are representatives from high and medium forces, and each of them is a powerful person who dominates the realm.

Wu Xuanji took a step forward, wearing loose gray robes, with a loud voice, and said, "Everyone! The three formidable ratios have completely ended. The newcomers who survive will enter the superpower, and you can choose by yourself."

"The super powers in the Palace of Life King are divided into the Sky Blue Palace, Moon Spirit Palace, Sword City, Gate of Time and Space, Dragon King Palace, Lei Xiao Palace, and Guiyuan City, a total of seven powers."

"As for the specific situation, you must all know something about it."

"Of course, it is not necessary to join forces in the Palace of Life. After all, these are just organizations created by like-minded people, suitable for communication, resource exchange, etc. If you don't plan to join, just stand in place and wait without making a choice."

After Wu Xuanji finished speaking, he waved his big hand, and seven portals appeared in front of everyone, with sword intent lingering, space distortion, dragons, moonlight ripples, thunder bursts and other visions emerging.

Those who survived participating in the three formidable ratios, whether by virtue of strength or luck, have obtained the qualifications to join the super powers, and they have to make their own choices.

Of course, it is a free choice, but in fact, some superpowers' senior leaders have already been secretly wooing, such as Mu Qing and Long Mingqing, who have been given the time to practice in the Spirit Palace by the Gate of Time and Space and the Dragon King Palace respectively.

At this moment, hearing Wu Xuanji's words, everyone present showed excitement.

Super powers, if they can join them, they will definitely get certain benefits or preferential treatments. Similar to the two super powers of Sword City and Sky Blue Hall, they are both holy places that strong kendo eager to go to, and they can have better contact. Those who get advice.

Among the thousands of newcomers, most of them immediately entered the corresponding portals of each super power, and chose the most suitable super power to join according to their own circumstances.

Among them, the gateway of Guiyuan City has the most people entering. Compared with other super-powers with distinctive styles, Guiyuan City is full of rivers and rivers, and there are powerful people of all types.

Just like this, Guiyuan City has the largest number of super powers among all super powers, and at the same time dominates the strongest super powers.

Mu Qing didn't need to make any choices, his goal was to join the gate of time and space.

What's more, the curse of time on him nowadays, even Star Book is almost unable to resist, it is necessary to find a way to enter the gate of time and space, look for the traces and clues left by the rule of time, and find a way to resist the curse.

However, there was a trace of doubt in Mu Qing's heart. Since the thousands of people who survived are all eligible to join the superpowers, what does it mean that the leaders of other power organizations come over?

At the moment of confusion, drops of crystal clear raindrops fell.

It's raining?

Mu Qing was stunned, with a look of surprise on his face, and when he looked up, he saw a vague voice above the heads of the ten mighty men.

It seems that the other party is not in this world, at infinite heights, not even in one dimension. It is a supreme existence that cannot be described or described.

But in the eyes of Mu Qing, who had cultivated the Eternal Life Sutra, that vague figure was simply the source of life, and that terrifying life force turned into a vigorous sun, which made him almost unable to look directly at him.

It's hard to imagine, what a huge vitality this should be?

After practicing the Eternal Life Sutra, his life form has transformed and became a longevity species, but compared with the vigorous and vigorous sun in front of him, it is like a drop in the ocean, completely incomparable.

The dripping rain dripped down, with a strong breath of life, soothing the soul and repairing injuries.

The injuries of everyone present healed in no time.

Just when everyone thought that this was a high-level person from Life King's Court repairing their injuries, a group of figures emerged from nothing and walked out of the illusion.

That was a newcomer who had fallen into the three-strength ratio, and there were also many second-tier supreme who died in battle, and Lu Tianyu, whom Mu Qing had contacted, was also on the list.

Their faces were shocked, their memories remained at the moment they died, and they didn't know the current situation.

"It turned out to be a resurrection?!"

Mu Qing's pupils contracted slightly, and these methods were too terrifying. Under the envelope of the rain of life, the light flickered, and everyone who should have fallen was resurrected.

The number of people has returned to the original number, and the death rate of the three powers is extremely high, but at this moment all have come back!

Wu Xuanji was not surprised by this scene, and coughed lightly, diverting everyone's attention.

He said indifferently: "All the resurrected newcomers lose the qualifications to join the superpowers, and they will be selected from the rest of the power organization, and of course they can also not join any powers.

"Here, I would like to remind you that joining forces is not necessary. There are many long-established powerhouses in the royal court of life. They do not belong to any super forces. They only have the status of members of the royal court, but they still break through. Dominate and become high-level."

"Next, choose the forces you want to join as soon as possible!"

Soon, most people chose the forces to join, and the newcomers who stayed in place planned to develop on their own.

At the same time, there are still many people paying attention to Mu Qing and others.

The three Ultimate Supremes of Jian Xinhen are not newcomers, they are the arrogances of superpowers, but Mu Qing, Long Mingqing, and Tianzang are the newcomers of this group, and they even performed particularly prominently in the third world. Have broken through to the ultimate supreme!

Others want to see which super power these three will choose.

Next to Mu Qing, Long Mingqing stood with Wu Sheng. The two were chatting and laughing without covering up, discussing the formation of the Heavenly Gates.

Wu Sheng didn't join any superpowers. He always wanted to form an organization by himself, from inferior to super, and slowly ascended through hard work.

He succeeded in winning Long Mingqing, and even took the name of the power, called the Gate of Heaven.

"After all, the Dragon King Palace has given me a lot of benefits..." Long Mingqing was still a little worried, afraid that the Dragon King Palace would attack him.

After all, he did not give face to the Dragon King Palace by doing this.

"Don't worry, I will help you solve it." Wu Sheng patted his chest, quite confident.

Afterwards, Wu Sheng looked at Mu Qing and Tianzang, and invited again: "Two, are you interested in joining our Heaven Gate? Join us now, but you can directly become one of the founders!"

He has invited Mu Qing many times, but still doesn't want to give up.

What's more, when Mu Qing and Long Mingqing were the second-tier supreme, he was very optimistic and already met his requirements. As a result, within the three powerful ratios, Mu Qing, Long Mingqing, and Tianzang all broke through to the ultimate supreme. , This kind of thing has never happened in thousands of years!

Among them, Mu Qing has reached the ultimate supreme of the evildoer level, surpassing Wu Sheng, and Jian Xinhen.

Mu Qing shook his head and said with a chuckle: "I have chosen to join the Gate of Time and Space."

Seeing that Mu Qing really didn't mean to waver, Wu Sheng could only sigh lightly, "Okay."

After that, Wu Sheng looked at the huge, muscular Sky Store next to him.

Tian Zang is also the target Wu Sheng hopes to win over. This is a genius that he has always looked away from before, and even the other party's method of breaking through to the ultimate supreme is not the same, taking a different path.

Faced with Wu Sheng's wooing, Tian Zang frowned slightly, and then declined, "Sorry, I think I might choose to join Guiyuan City."

In fact, Tianzang didn't know which super power to join. After weighing in his mind, he tended to return to Yuancheng or not to join any power, that is, the Wang Ting faction, only a member of the Wang Ting.

According to his understanding, joining any force will have certain constraints, such as some mandatory tasks. After all, the force organization has given certain benefits, so the joining must also reflect sufficient value.

The pure royal faction will not have this trouble if it doesn't join any forces, but it also won't have some of the benefits of joining forces.

In contrast, the super-power of Guiyuan City is relatively loose, and Tianzang itself is already the ultimate supreme, and it will definitely be able to reach the realm of dominance in the future, and it can also be promoted to the high-level of Guiyuan City.

At this moment, there was a change in the sky above the Lingwang Palace.

A huge figure appeared, and the voice was loud as thunder, and he shouted in a low voice: "Heaven! I am one of the upper echelons of the royal court, the Giant Spirit King, would you like to be my personal disciple?" The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: To facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1800 Resurrection, Rain of Life!) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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