Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1805: Crow of Time and Space

"return to the past?!"

Not only Mu Qing, but even Wu Xuanji was shocked.

Mu Qing looked at Master Crane and thought, could it be that the other party has a deeper grasp of the power of time?

After all, both himself and Mingxuan will only be suspended for a time, and such an ability alone has attracted the curse of time and has to be cautious.

"It's not a great thing, because the power of a long river of time can see the past and the future, and you are not a strong master of the realm, the curse power will be very small, and I can directly resist it."

Teacher Crane explained slowly.

Wu Xuanji relaxed a little, and then he frowned and asked, "Is there a tricky thing about the accident that happened to the master of time?"

He doesn't know this.

"Yes, some problems have only recently been noticed. At the time when the time ruler had an accident, he was mysterious and seemed to be looking for something." Master Crane nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Mu Qing and smiled gently: "Little friend Mu Qing, it is not too late. Please be prepared. When I communicate with you for a long time, you jump into it."

Then, Master Crane took out the seal of time and space, and a mysterious and inexplicable aura circulated on his body, and the invisible and strange fluctuations spread to the surroundings, and everything around him seemed to freeze.

After the violent time fluctuations occurred, a crack appeared in front of everyone, leading to a mysterious space, vaguely able to see a corner of a silver-white river, vast and magnificent.

Mu Qing knew that the silver river in the mysterious space was a river of time!

"Don't worry, you won't have anything to do with me." Wu Xuanji nodded to Mu Qing and said in a deep voice.

The power of the Master Crane to activate the time and space seal, silver symbols and brilliance enveloped Mu Qing.

"It's now!" He whispered.

Mu Qing immediately stepped forward, jumped into the mysterious space, and saw the vast river that is difficult to see the whole picture. The source is invisible, and he doesn't know where he came from or where he is going.

The direction in which the river flows for a long time is a fierce wave, and the surging waves are set off, making people feel extremely small and unshakable.

At this time, the silver symbol and brilliance merged into Mu Qing's body, and he felt that his perspective had changed, turning it into a bystander perspective.

When he recovered, Mu Qing found himself transformed into a raven with silver feathers.

Before he had time to adapt to this posture, a time spray suddenly slapped Mu Qing's body, an unresistible force enveloped him, and then moved to a place in the long river of time, where the storm was calm and the silver river radiated. Glow, no wave set off.

He looked down and found that the long river of time below showed a picture. It was the past history, the court of life once!

Most of the scenes were rather vague, but Mu Qing saw some familiar scenes, the court of the king of life built on the relic of the ancestor dragon of life, and the environment of the realm where the Gate of Time and Space was located.

Just as he was about to take a closer look, his body was suddenly out of control, and he fell straight into the long river of time, without ripples, no sound, and the long river of time remained the same.

However, Mu Qing found that the surrounding environment changes, white enveloping, a lake shimmering, stone forests and stone houses appear in front of him, the mysterious and inexplicable charm that belongs to the power of time comes from all around, imprinted in every part of this small secret. In the corner.

The familiar sight made Mu Qing a little dazed. He came back?

But he did not find Master Crane and Wu Xuanji. He suddenly realized that he was probably still in the long river of time. With the help of the magic of time, he returned to the past, and everything he saw before his eyes was a scene of the past. .

"Teacher Wu said that this is a time rift, the residence once dominated by time. If I really go back to the past now, then at this point, the ruler of time is probably not dead yet?"

The raven that Mu Qing transformed into landed on the stone house, looking around, trying to find the whereabouts of the ruler of time.

At this moment, a big ubiquitous hand shrouded, covering this space, covering everything, and grabbing the raven that Mu Qing had transformed.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qing found himself appearing in the stone forest, and a figure was sitting cross-legged in a place covered by white clouds.

Mu Qing was imprisoned, unable to move, he looked at that figure, and he could feel the curse power!

Is it time dominates the deity?

The white clouds slowly dissipated, but they revealed an appearance that Mu Qing hadn't expected.

A cyan monster!

Pointy ears, weird scales, beast's claws, silvery white hair, only those eyes are bright and energetic, revealing wisdom.

Its gaze fell on Mu Qing, and its paws scratched his scales from time to time and unconsciously, his voice was a bit sharp: "I can feel that you do not belong to this time, you are from the future!"

"Also, from your body, I found the breath of Hexian, is he in the future who brought you over?"

It leaned forward and sniffed at Mu Qing a few times, but it was inseparable from guessing.

Mu Qing was quite astonished, and asked quickly: "Your Excellency, but time is the master?"

In fact, he is basically certain in his heart that the short cyan monster in front of him should be time dominating himself!

It's just that Mu Qing didn't expect that at this point in time, the master of time seemed to have been completely eroded by the curse, and his appearance was completely monstrous, not human.

"It's me." The master of time may have noticed the breath of Master Crane in Mu Qing, so he didn't have any bad intentions, and released the imprisonment on Mu Qing, and then asked: "He sage asked you to come here to find Me? How is his situation?"

It didn't ask about its future situation, because it actually already had the answer in its heart. After all, the current self has become a cyan monster, and it has to be transformed into the original appearance even when going out.

"Hezhang Sect does not seem to be affected by the curse. He is very cautious about the power of the curse."

Mu Qing answered truthfully, and then he directly stated the purpose of his coming, "Master Crane wants to know the truth about your accident!"

"So that's it..."

The Time Master was silent for a while, and then he sighed, "It seems that he has actually noticed some of the messages I left, but he doesn't know how long it has been since."

Mu Qing was surprised, and it seemed that the master of time had deliberately left clues, so that Master Crane had the idea of ​​reversing time and space and going back to the past to seek the truth.

But why do you want to do this?

Aren’t the masters of time and the master of cranes studying the power of time together?

Why not tell the truth about Hezhang Sect directly to the person?

One by one doubts came to Mu Qing's mind.

Seeing Mu Qing's expression, the master of time understood the thoughts in his mind and said in a sharp voice: "It's not that I don't want to say it, but I can't say it."

"I performed some absolutely taboo behaviors, which resulted in a long period of time restraining me, and even detonated the power of the curse on my body, making the sealing law invalid."

The master of time suddenly sank, and shouted in a low voice: "I jumped into the long river of time, checked the past, and even witnessed the future!" The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: Starry sky dominates the full text reading address: sky dominates txt download address :Https:// sky dominates mobile reading: https:// the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\ "Record this (Chapter 1805 Time and Space Crow) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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