Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1806: Origin world


Time dominates words like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, causing violent fluctuations around, vaguely hearing the roar of a big river flowing rapidly, and time begins to chaotic.

It glanced around and sighed: "Unexpectedly, this method will attract the attention of a long time."

"But it's still acceptable, enough for me to disclose the information, the previous guess is correct."

Time dominates eyes like electricity, and the short body that has turned into a cyan monster suddenly bursts out with an unimaginable horror aura, and the overwhelming time symbols are imprinted on the surroundings, forming a barrier.

Vaguely, Mu Qing could see a silver-white river of time surging in the void, about to wash out and flood the place, but it was blocked by the rule of time.

"I first went back to the past, trying to find those races related to time, to delve into the method to completely eliminate the curse, but unfortunately there is no gain, unless some of the powerful ones voluntarily give up their lives and give them natural abilities."

"However, let's not talk about whether these race creatures are willing to actively contribute, even if they get the talents, they are not creatures of the race after all, and there are big restrictions and there is no way to improve."

"I came back unfailingly. It is impossible to eliminate the curse with the inability to improve the talent and ability, and even I was backlashed because of interference in the past."

"But it's not completely unprofitable. I saw the Primordial Time and Space Dragon clan being destroyed. The person who shot may be the Death Demon. He probably wants to study the power of time."

"However, the death demon fell during the battle with the life ancestor dragon, and there is no record showing that he can use the power of time. It is estimated that he has not been able to study anything."

"After that, I went to the future again, but the future is changeable and cannot come completely. I can only watch one future after another from the perspective of a bystander. Among the countless futures that may happen, one place is involved!"


The oppression around is even more terrifying. The storm hits, and the power of the river of time gradually solidifies from the illusion. It seems to suppress the master of time and prevent it from revealing the future.

But the master of time straightened its back. It roared, and a deity appeared behind it. It was a silver faceless man, composed of countless time symbols, and a long silver river like a ribbon wrapped around its arms.

The silver faceless man burst out immeasurably light, and a terrifying force swept out, maintaining the surroundings, resisting the power of a long river of time.

The raven that Mu Qing transformed into was also faltering, and he could feel an inexplicable force squeezing him out and expelling him from this point in time.

Looking at the violent power of time outside, there was a trace of anxiety in the eyes of the time ruler, and he quickly said: "Tell Hexian, in every possible future, there is a place called the origin world!"

"It seems to be a special huge space secret realm, and it also seems to be a super huge universe."

"The Origin World involves a's a must find the Origin World as soon as possible!"

The sound of time dominates is getting louder and louder, like thunder, almost roaring out.

But this roar sounded intermittently in Mu Qing's ears, and the sound became more and more distant.

Mu Qing turned into a raven flapping its wings, trying to get as close as possible to the time ruler and to hear the other party's words clearly, but found that the distance between the two parties is getting farther and farther.

All the surrounding scenes are distorted, time is chaotic and collapsed.

All the pictures collapsed at one point, annihilated in nothingness, Mu Qing couldn't see anything.

I don’t know how long it took, and a bright light appeared in front of him. Mu Qing recovered his vision. It was still the familiar lake and stone forest. White clouds and fog flooded his heels. He was in the stone forest. Long gone!

"Welcome back."

A voice with a slight eager emotion came.

Mu Qing turned his head and saw Wu Xuanji and He Zhangjiao, he suddenly understood that he had come back from the past.

"How is it? What did the master of time say?" Master Crane looked at Mu Qing and asked quickly.

Based on the information left by the time ruler, he can be sure that the time ruler has something to tell himself.

Mu Qing came back to his senses, he found that he had returned to his original body, and everything that happened just now seemed like a dream.

"The master of time first went back to the past, looking for races related to time, and found that the person behind the scenes of the creatures of this kind of race may be the death demon..."

"After that, he observed countless futures and told me that I must find the origin world as soon as possible!"

Mu Qing repeated what the master of time had said and told the two in front of him.

"The person behind the scenes is the Death Demon?"

Master Crane thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "If it is a death demon, it can indeed be done. I have watched past history, but when it is related to the world snakes, time-space dragons and other races, it is quite vague. Powerful forces interfere."

"However, the time of extinction of the world snakes and the lightning tribe was after the death of the demon, could there be other powerful shots?"

Regarding this matter, the master of time does not know much, but by the way, the most critical information is the future seen.

"Origin?" Wu Xuanji rubbed his chin and frowned, "I have never heard of this place."

Hezhang Sect is also quite confused. The so-called is about catastrophe, similar to the origin of the super huge universe, he has also never heard of it.

"No matter what, this is the message that time rules and risked death to pass to us, we must pay attention to it, and always pay attention to the information of disaster."

He paced back and forth, and now he also understood the truth that time dominates death.

The other party not only interfered with the past, but also looked at countless future possibilities. This kind of taboo behavior would definitely detonate the curse on his body, even with the sealing method.

The reason why Time Master wants to transmit information in this way is because after the other party knows the future picture, he has been watched by the will of time, and is strictly affected by the time, unable to reveal any future information.

Only by leaving some clues to let Master Crane notice it, he uses the method of reversing time and space to have a dialogue with the master of time and get information about the future.

When the master of time wants to tell the matter about the origin world, he can only go around such a big circle.

"I will go to see the Lord of the Royal Court immediately and hold a high-level meeting!"

Master Crane said in a deep voice to Wu Xuanji.

The news about the origin world was the result of time dominance and life, and it also involved a catastrophe, which made Master Crane realize that this matter is by no means personal, and must be accompanied by other high-level officials in the royal court.

Moreover, at that time, Time Ruler was a strong man in the Great Ruler realm, and fighting with the power of time, there were not many opponents in the entire Great Ruler realm.

These existences are called catastrophes, one can imagine how dangerous it is! Starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1806 Origin World) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support ! (

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