Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1814: The weirdness of the emperor

Using Cthulhu as a medium, Mu Qing planned to explore the root of his power, only to find that his power had penetrated into an inexplicable and mysterious space, and he was very familiar with it.

Vaguely, you can still see a vast silver-white river flowing to an unknown place!

Mu Qing was stunned. He didn't expect that the back of Cthulhu was connected to the mysterious space where Time Changhe was located!

"Yes, the pale demon **** found the secret reincarnation method in the long river of time, took the opportunity to eliminate the last trace of the natal spirituality of the old emperor, and used the reincarnation secret method to escape, then his original body is in the long river of time!"

Mu Qing immediately reacted, and at the same time following the connection, soon found the pale demon god's original body in the vast river of time.

The opponent's body has been infested by the curse, and most of his body is demonized, but in fact this is just an empty shell, and his life and spirituality have already relied on the secret method of reincarnation to escape.

Suddenly, that body trembled, and a road emerged, exuding a strong vitality, creating everything and healing everything.

Mu Qing did not come directly, but explored it with a part of the power of the starry sky. After all, he was quite afraid of the long river.

At this moment, Chuangsheng Avenue was highlighted, and he took the initiative to rush out of the mysterious space, followed the trace of contact, appeared on the back of the evil god, and penetrated into Mu Qing's body.

Mu Qing showed a look of surprise, and then behind him, two avenues appeared, the avenue of destruction and the avenue of creation, two forces haunting him.

With a move of mind, the Cthulhu gradually faded, and then Mu Qing looked at the power of his two great avenues.

"The double avenues that the emperor had longed for, I didn't expect to be realized by me." Mu Qing grasped the power of the two avenues, and after a while, he could not help but shook his head.

For him now, the power of the Supreme Avenue is basically useless.

The Avenue of Stars is integrated into the body and becomes a part of the cosmic Eucharist. This is also the role of the Supreme Avenue, paving the way for the dominance of the realm.

But Mu Qing still has two more avenues now, and the cosmic Eucharist is so complete that it can no longer be integrated into it, so it seems a bit redundant.

One more Supreme Avenue was obtained, but it was a pity that the improvement was not big, and Mu Qing soon stopped paying attention.

He continued to immerse himself in various scriptures, adding to his accumulation.


After seven days passed, Mu Qing suddenly shifted his attention from the scriptures to Mingxuan.

I saw Mingxuan condensing a silver-white time seal, branding it into the center of his eyebrows, and then the power of invisible curses poured into it like a tide.

Mingxuan's appearance has also changed from the appearance of the cyan monster back to his normal state.

The whole process only took a few breaths, and the power of the curse was completely sealed and no longer affected him.

Mingxuan took a deep breath, stretched out his hands, looked at the slender palm, his body trembled slightly, and his mood was slightly melancholy.

Since being affected by the power of the curse, he has been tortured, and nowadays, he has finally been relieved. At least until the capacity of the seal is full, there is no need to worry about the erosion of the power of the curse!

Mingxuan quickly calmed his emotions and his expression returned to plain. He looked at Mu Qing and said solemnly: "It shouldn't be too late, we will join forces to kill the Emperor now!"

Murder flashed in his eyes.

For him, there are two enemies in total, one is the emperor of heaven and the other is the emperor of heaven.

The last trace of God's life spirit has been destroyed, and now only God is left!

"Thanks to the power of the curse, I have reached the level of the ultimate supreme." Mingxuan said lightly, his strength improved after turning into a blue monster, but after sealing the power of the curse, he did not fall back.

"I have been paying attention to the whereabouts of the emperor, and we will go to the demon world together, but he doesn't know that you have reached the ultimate supreme, he can be caught off guard!" Mingxuan opened a space channel between his hands.

After a while, Mu Qing and Mingxuan appeared in the Demon Realm. Now there are no rulers here. Except for most of them, they occupy their respective territories.

Mu Qing looked at the galaxies in the Demon Realm, and could see many large-scale competitions, which were far from his starry sky realm.

Since the Demon Ancestor left, the Demon Realm has been without a leader, and there is no one to manage it at all.

The group of supreme ancestors under the original demon ancestors are also scattered separately, and it is because no one controls the demon world, so the situation in each galaxy is quite chaotic.

"The Devil Ancestor has joined our Black Realm, and the Emperor is in the Devil Realm, but he has no idea of ​​ruling the Devil Realm. Ever since I discovered that the Emperor of Heaven has the ultimate power, I have been observing his whereabouts."

As he said, a trace of confusion appeared on Mingxuan's face, and said: "But for some reason, the Emperor of Heaven did not do anything special, he has been in a secret space in the Demon Realm all the time."

Fatexuan, who had already probed the whereabouts of the emperor, went straight through the space and came to a galaxy in the center of the Demon Realm.

Mu Qing hid in the dark, did not show up for the first time, let Mingxuan take the first shot, when he was in a surprise attack, to ensure that the Emperor was defeated without fail.

After Mingxuan returned to its original state, he had an astonishing level of control over his own power.

And his Destiny Sutra is still in the realm of Dacheng, but after turning into a cyan monster, he has gained the power from the long river of time, so he has the strength of the ultimate supreme.

As An Shaomu and Mu Qing said at the beginning, there are many paths to reach the ultimate supremacy, and it is not necessary to complete the scriptures of the realm.

It's just that most people take the path of Consummation realm scripture plus the core of pure rules.

In fact, Jianxinhen’s ultimate supreme is due to reincarnation. Yueyin’s ultimate supremacy is inherited from the power of a certain strong man, and Tianzang has developed a new path to condense the sacred body, and also possesses the strength of the ultimate supreme. .

The same is true for Mingxuan at the moment. He has gained the power of a long time before he has the ultimate supreme realm.

At this moment, Ming Xuan prodded his hand, and the vast and boundless power formed a long silver river, flowing out of the void, surging towards a certain spatial node in front of him.

Suddenly, the space was distorted and shattered, an inch of space collapsed, and the outline of a secret space appeared, but it was crushed to pieces by the terrifying force immediately.

Soon, a figure stepped out of the secret space, the emperor's aura emerged, the mighty emperor swept, and the five-clawed golden dragon hovered.

He held a dark devouring sword and shook it, swallowing all his might, as if there was an invisible mouth swallowing everything in between.

Mingxuan raised his hand and pointed, and the invisible ripples and fluctuations spread, covering the front, and everything including the Emperor of Heaven came to a halt.

The power of vigorous air transport instantly converged into a silver palm, and headed towards the Emperor of Heaven.

But at this moment, the heavenly emperor's eyes were clear, and his body fluctuated violently. Accompanied by a dragon chant, he forcibly broke away from the time pause!

He grabbed it, and the five-clawed golden dragons merged into the palm of his palm, and fisted, panicking the emperor's mighty power, and the endless golden light shattered the silver palm.

Mu Qing, who was hiding in the dark, frowned, and his face showed a look of surprise.

"Emperor Tian can break free from the time suspension?"

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