Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1815: God's trump card, sacred weapon!

Mu Qing, who had been hiding in the dark and planning to take action at a critical moment, was surprised to see this scene at this moment.

Once the power of time is mastered, it can almost be called invincible at the same level. When the master of time was still in the realm of mastering, he used the force of time to defeat the powerful master of the law body.

In the same realm, time suspension is basically impossible to resist, and it can even affect opponents at a higher realm.

Only when the gap between the two sides is too large, will there be a situation where the break free time is suspended.

But from the current point of view, Mingxuan has reached the ultimate supreme, and the emperor is the same, not the enchanting level, why can the emperor easily break away from the time suspension?

Mu Qing realized that the other party must be hiding a certain secret. This action and Mingxuan were right to act together. Being cautious has the advantage of being cautious. Otherwise, it is very likely that the Emperor will escape.

"You and I have just reached the ultimate supreme, no one can do nothing, why bother to die at this time, do you have other support?"

The emperor looked at Mingxuan indifferently, his whole body enveloped in imperial prestige, and the five-clawed golden dragon entrenched under his feet, and said in no hurry.

"Today is your death date!"

The cold light in the eyes of Mingxuan was exposed, the force of air luck was like a long river washing away, and at the same time the invisible ripples spread.

The time suspension can affect him even if he can't completely immobilize the emperor.

The Emperor of Heaven was still stagnated for a while, and immediately broke free, the five-clawed golden dragon protector, cut off the swallowing sword in his hand, black and gloomy, engulfing the long river of luck.

He stretched out his hand, his five fingers bent into claws, the dragon roared, and the emperor's energy gathered on it, condensed into an overwhelming dragon claw and tore down.

Mingxuan is naturally not afraid, the power of air transport turns into a silvery white ****, time has been suspended for many times, and between the blows of the fists, there is a long river of phantoms accompanying.

The emperor frowned. He didn't understand why Mingxuan had to fight with him. Both sides were the ultimate supreme. There was no too obvious difference, and it was difficult to tell the winner.

And since Mingxuan did this, there must be some support!

An uneasy premonition emerged in the heart, and the Emperor of Heaven waved the swallowing sword in his hand, absorbing the five-clawed golden dragons circling around him, turning it into a golden dragon sword, and slashing towards Mingxuan.

A terrifying true dragon emerged, roaring, and the sound waves were like the essence, shattering the surrounding space inch by inch, turning it into pitch-black nothingness.

Mingxuan's heart trembled, raised his hand and pointed, and the fluctuations of time flowed away, solidifying the true dragon derived from the sword light, and at the same time, surrounded by the silver river condensed by the power of luck to protect himself.

But a feeling of heart palpitations surfaced, and the crisis has not been resolved!

Suddenly, Mingxuan glanced back, and I don't know when a large black axe appeared on his side. It smashed across the sky, with the power of breaking the world and cutting off destiny!


Mu Qing, who was hiding in the dark, exclaimed, it was definitely a holy weapon, and it seemed that it was also the god's trump card means.

Life is in danger, and Mu Qing naturally cannot continue to watch. Clouds linger in his palms, and a cloud of air rushes out in the entrapment, transforming into a huge human face scorpion king, directly using his body to cross in front of Mingxuan, sending out a cruel Roar.

After all, the Human Face Scorpion King is still the weakest group of the ultimate supreme. He has never practiced before. It was created by the heavenly king of the universe with the ability of the **** holy grail, and the strength is not as good as the life.

But at this critical moment, it is still possible to help withstand a blow.

The human face scorpion king was full of poisonous gas, and he exerted his full strength to resist the dark axe, but it was still invincible. The light of the axe was dim and muddy, and everything fell. The black light soared and broke through the human face scorpion king's defenses. Left a huge scar.

Mingxuan also smashed the real dragon transformed by Jianguang at this time, turned his head and pointed, the invisible ripples enveloped away, and time was suspended!

"Don't let him run!" Mingxuan let out a low voice, and he saw the emperor fleeing away.

His spirit is tense, and the secret path is dangerous. If it weren't for Mu Qing with himself this time, I'm afraid he would really fall.

Mu Qing is always paying attention to the actions of the emperor, and naturally will not let him escape. He is transformed into the highest **** sun, the sun is golden, and the sacred body of the universe and starry sky is unfolding, like a stalwart giant standing on top of the earth.

With one hand sticking out, five fingers rushing to the sky, the mighty power of the starry sky enveloped it, blocking the emperor's retreat.

The Emperor suddenly turned his head and looked at Mu Qing. After feeling the vast and terrifying aura of the other party, a shocked expression appeared in his eyes.

He guessed that Fatexuan had a backing, but he never expected that this backing was Mu Qing!

Moreover, Mu Qing's strength is far beyond the ordinary Ultimate Supreme, which is simply unreasonable. He was far inferior to himself at the beginning!

At this moment of loss of consciousness, the Emperor of Heaven saw Mu Qing offering a precious orb, with billions of light showing up, turning it steadily, hanging over his head, and a blue sea surging out.

He didn't have the ability to resist at all, and he was swept away by Wang Bihai in the blink of an eye.

Mu Qing turned into a starlight and rushed into the Bihai Orb. As the master, the erosion power of Bihai was naturally ineffective against him.

As long as the Bihai Orb is a sacred artifact, as long as its realm is sufficient, even the master can be trapped under the urge. The Emperor is just the ultimate supreme, not to worry, the two fighting here will not have the slightest impact on the Bihai Orb.

"The past grievances, it's time to have a result." Mu Qing looked at the Emperor indifferently, the snake knife in his hand emerged, shining with a bright white light.

This time, he would never let the Emperor of Heaven have another chance to resurrect.

"The strength has increased so fast, I am afraid if there is a big person behind you, maybe you are just a puppet just like me."

The Emperor of Heaven sighed, his eyes a little melancholy and confused.

Mu Qing frowned. It seems that there is a big figure standing behind the Emperor of Heaven? The other party is still regarded as a puppet?

But it's none of his business, today the emperor of heaven will die!

Mu Qing acted decisively and turned into a stalwart cosmic giant figure, cut out with a snake knife in his hand, the power of the vast starry sky transformed into the light of the sun, endless light and heat burst out, and the light of the knife drew a golden line across the sky and the earth.

The great Eucharist, the perfect scriptures, the higher sacred objects!

Under the sum of the three powers, the power that Mu Qing exploded has surpassed the evildoer-level ultimate supreme, and faintly touched the realm of dominance.

The blue sea is surging and raging, and waves are thrown up and down, like a roar, the power of erosion sweeps the Emperor of Heaven.

Under such power, the expression of the Emperor of Heaven changed suddenly, this force surpassed him too much, and he could hardly be the enemy!

He gritted his teeth and protected his body with a five-clawed golden dragon, raising his hand, a black light rushed from the outside world and fell into his hand. It was the black axe, a holy weapon!

The emperor's robe on the emperor swelled, and he mobilized all his power, and the emperor's power evolved into a five-clawed golden dragon, injected into the dark axe in his hand, and chopped out with gritted teeth.

With an all-out axe, that black axe breaks through all the falsehood, and can have the power of opening the sky.

But the next moment, the dark axe light was shrouded by the golden sun's rays. Under the endless light and heat, it swallowed the black axe light and fell apart.

Immediately afterwards, three thousand super-giant suns ran across the sky, and countless flame souls roared above them, and the big sun fell one after another, like a golden meteor shower, blasting towards the emperor. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1815 The Emperor's Hole Card, Holy Artifact!) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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