Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1817: Shadow Shadow Axe

The emperor has fallen.

Mu Qing looked at the direction in front of him, the Emperor of Heaven had been completely burned into nothingness by the black flame, leaving no trace, as if it had never existed!

He felt a bit complicated for a while, but he didn't expect that the enemy would not die in his own hands, but was destroyed by the big man behind the scenes.

However, some of the information revealed by the Emperor of Heaven shocked Mu Qing's heart.

Among the three words, Mu Qing was even more shocked. He never expected that the Emperor of Heaven would mention the origin world!

This is the time master paid the price of life, and found a clue from the future. Only by reversing time and space and going back to the past did the matter of the Origin Realm inform the higher level of the King of Life.

The origin world is about a huge catastrophe, and the rule of time allows them to find it as soon as possible.

However, the clues of entering the origin world directly revealed from the mouth of the emperor, which is related to the tomb of the dark sky magic king in the dark sky universe!

"It was the Xingkong Book that got the Emperor out of control, but it also triggered a certain big figure to leave behind in the body of the Emperor to destroy the corpse."

"The emperor thought that there was also a big figure standing behind me, and he felt that he could compete with the one behind him? So he chose to tell me what happened, and I would rather ruin the plan of the big figure behind the scenes?"

Mu Qing touched his chin and began to sort out the information he had obtained.

He still had certain doubts about the words of the Emperor of Heaven, if it was an illusion and lure himself into the trap, it would be troublesome.

However, Mu Qing had to pay attention to the origin world.

"And what do the people behind the emperor want? Especially for the emperor to enter the tomb of the dark sky magic king to find something, and at the same time to enter the origin world." Mu Qing thought, suddenly remembering the same Ehun as the emperor.

His inspiration flashed, as if he had guessed something, and exclaimed: "Could it be the relic of the Death Demon?"

Originally, he was still speculating about the connection between the Emperor of Heaven and Urhun, but now it seems that they are all chess pieces created by big figures behind the scenes to accomplish certain purposes.

In combination with the previous battle with Urhun, the pair of heavenly demon claws displayed by Erhun, in terms of hardness alone, Mu Qing believes that the heavenly devil's claws are definitely harder than the sacred artifacts, and may be part of the true death of the heavenly devil. .

The death demon is the supreme ruler born at the beginning of the multiverse. His legacy can definitely attract all the strong, and it is quite normal for the big man behind the emperor to want it.

The reason for creating chess pieces like Tiandi and Ehun should be because they were afraid that the plan would be revealed, so they were trying to figure it out in secret, not knowing their true face by others.

After sorting out, Mu Qing had a little thought about the plot of the big man behind the scenes.

Perhaps not only the Emperor and Ehun, but also more similar chess pieces were created, scattered throughout the multiverse, performing secret actions.

And the other party's goal is most likely to be the remains of the dead demon, and the remains are incomplete, scattered in various places, since the big figures behind the scenes want the emperor to enter the origin world, it is very likely that there is also a part of the origin world.

Only what Mu Qing could not imagine was that the King of Life only relied on the information left by the time dominion not long ago to learn about the origin world, but he did not expect that someone had secretly inquired about the way to enter.

"It seems that I still need to bring these news back to Zhang Wu and teach them, so that the senior management of Wang Ting will have a headache." Mu Qing shook his head. The things involved behind this are not what he can currently contact with.

He suspects that the great figure behind the Emperor of Heaven is the strong man who dominates the realm, at least the strong man who dominates the peak of the Nine Tribulations, or half-step Dharmakaya.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Mu Qing took another shot, and took the pitch-black axe named Ink Shadow Shadow Axe out of the blue sea.

"The sealed sacred artifact?" Mu Qing looked surprised after checking it.

Some of the sacred artifacts he had previously obtained were completely normal, and the ink shadow dark axe now had a powerful ban imprinted on it, and it was filled with an unknown aura.

"Sure enough, it's no wonder that with the isolation of the Blue Sea Orb, the emperor can also summon the black shadow and dark axe from the outside world. Even when it is in the state of ban, it has reached the medium sacred artifact. If the ban can be unlocked, at least it can be achieved. High sacred artifacts, and possibly even top sacred artifacts!"

After Mu Qing took a closer look, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Unexpectedly, this time to resolve the grievances with the Emperor of Heaven, there will be such a huge gain. Ink Shadow Dark Axe has reached a medium sacred weapon even when it is banned, whether it is used by itself or thrown to the Starry Sky Book to feed the Starry Sky Fire. Both are pretty good choices!

After leaving his mark on the Ink Shadow Dark Axe, Mu Qing put it away and stepped out of the Bihai Orb.

The whirling Bihai Orb was taken into Mu Qing's body, and then he looked at the oncoming fate.

"Where is the emperor? Dead?" Although Mingxuan was asking, he actually knew the answer when he saw Mu Qing walk out alone.

Mu Qing said with a smile: "From now on, the entire chaotic universe will no longer be a hidden danger."

This also means that the Chaos Universe is completely safe, and there is no need to worry about it.

Mingxuan took a deep breath, and then smiled completely relaxed.

"Thanks to you, otherwise I am not an opponent of the Emperor of Heaven at all." Mingxuan chuckled slightly, and at the same time, showing a trace of fear, said: "The Emperor of Heaven has shown a certain resistance to the power of time before, but this time we met. Unexpectedly, he would be able to get rid of the time pause in one breath, and even have a holy artifact!

Mu Qing nodded, now it seems that the Emperor of Heaven can get rid of the time suspension, which is probably related to the big man behind him.

"Let's rectify it first, and then go to the Palace of Life King and take you to the Gate of Time and Space." Mu Qing suggested.

Mingxuan's strength also has the ultimate supreme. Such a character can be regarded as the top among the newcomers of the King of Life, and it absolutely meets the conditions for entering the super power.

Every new generation of super powers will give resources to cultivate an ultimate supreme.

And the ultimate supreme like Mingxuan is a candidate that all major superpowers want to recruit, and the ultimate supreme has not been cultivated, which will greatly save a batch of resources.

At that time, Master Crane might choose Mingxuan as his disciple, so Mu Qing intends to take Mingxuan directly to the Gate of Time and Space, but there is no need to perform the set of operations for newcomers to join the Wang Court.

"On the Chaos Universe side, do you want to integrate it? I can let the people on the black world join them into the starry sky world." Mingxuan looked at Mu Qing and asked.

He has no idea about the unification of the universe. The formation of the black world is just to fight against the emperor. Now that he is avenged, he plans to go to the gate of time and space to try to perfect the secret method to eliminate the curse. It is naturally impossible to stay in the chaotic universe. .

"No, let the people of the Chaos Universe develop by themselves. As long as there is no crisis to the starry sky, I don't bother to care." Mu Qing shook his head. He also didn't have the idea of ​​unifying the universe to become the overlord.

Next, his focus is to break through the realm of dominance, even if there is a dominating holy thing, it is still a long road, and there is no time to deal with the affairs of the chaotic universe.

Moreover, with Mu Qing's strength, he is also at a loss in the Chaos Universe.

If this battle with the Emperor of Heaven hadn't pulled the battlefield into the Blue Sea Orb, and isolated the power of the ultimate supreme, otherwise the spread of the aftermath of power would be enough to cause great trauma to the chaotic universe.

In fact, a strong master of the realm is qualified to destroy a mature universe. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1817 Ink Shadow Dark Axe) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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