Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1818: Saint of reincarnation

After leaving the Demon Realm, Mu Qing and Mingxuan separated temporarily, and Mingxuan returned to the Black Realm, planning to arrange a new leader.

And Mu Qing quickly returned to the starry sky and came to the moon.

Today's starry sky world is undoubtedly the strongest force in the Chaos Universe, with a strong overall strength, and at the same time there are giant starry sky beasts created by Emperor Anwu. Although not very flexible, the combat power is really supreme.

"The Emperor of Heaven has fallen?"

In the depths of the moon, Tu Lao, King of Primal Chaos, Lei Punishment, Xingfeng and others rushed to hear the news, and they all showed surprise and consternation.

I thought it was a battle involving the entire chaotic universe, but I didn't expect it to end without hearing the slightest sound of wind.

"There is no threat in the Chaos Universe. You can develop steadily. After the new leader from the black world comes out, he will always contact our starry sky world." Mu Qing's eyes swept across everyone, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Once upon a time, everyone in front of you could be regarded as your elders, and they would give a lot of help when they were still weak.

But now, his speed is too fast, he has reached the ultimate supreme, standing outside the realm of dominance, leaving these acquaintances far behind.

Years have passed, and when I look back, everything is different!

Mu Qing pondered for a moment, and said, "I will probably rarely return to the Chaos Universe in the future. It will be difficult to improve by staying here. Of course, if you want to join the Palace of Life, you can go with me. Perform assessment."

He said his plan. From now on, he can find someone in the starry sky world to control it. If the others are interested, they can follow him to the King of Life.

In fact, the assessment of King of Life is relatively loose, with a total of thirty-six levels, and you only need to pass the lowest thirty-sixth level to join.

Of course, Mu Qing is not yet eligible to be exempted from the assessment, and he will directly bring someone to join. The circumstances of his life are special, and the other party may become a disciple of Master Crane to be exempt from the assessment.

After listening to Mu Qing's words, everyone was silent for a while, hesitating and thinking in their hearts.

Lei Chai shook his head first, and said, "I haven't even reached the Supreme Tenth Heaven. Going to the Palace of Life is not much different from being here."

After other people thought about it, they also said that they would not go to the Palace of Life for the time being. Perhaps they would not contact Mu Qing until they felt unable to improve in the future and go to the Palace of Life for a break.

Mu Qing nodded, respecting everyone's thoughts, that's good, after all, his parents also need someone to look after him.

After discussing with everyone, in the future the starry sky world will be under their full control.

In fact, from the very beginning, Mu Qing was basically a slap-off shopkeeper, only focusing on improving his own strength and rarely interfering with some things in the starry sky world.

"By the way, where's Senior Brother Xinrui?"

Mu Qing suddenly frowned. He thought Xinrui was practicing in retreat, but his perception covered the entire moon, and he couldn't find the other party's voice.

Xingfeng was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "Didn't Xin Rui keep practicing in retreat?"

The others also began to perceive Xinrui's breath, but found nothing.

"No, I could still feel his breath just a few days ago. Why did he suddenly disappear at this time?" The King of Primal Chaos frowned, feeling a little weird.

Mu Qing moved directly into space and came to Xinrui's retreat practice site, but saw the other party sitting on the futon with his eyes closed, and six rays of reincarnation light appeared behind him. The breath of the whole person was illusory and could not be captured.


Mu Qing had golden eyes and saw through the truth of the "Xin Rui" in front of him. In fact, it was just an illusion left over from the power of reincarnation.

With a slight frown, Mu Qing squeezed Xinrui into pieces, a force of reincarnation fell on his palm, and then billions of light burst out on his body. The dazzling star lines were densely intertwined, following the force of reincarnation, perceiving Xinrui The whereabouts of the true body.

"Demon World?"

After Mu Qing got the answer, his face was surprised, and his eyes looked a little strange.

Brother Xinrui ran to the Demon Realm so well, why? Experiencing yourself?

With a move of mind, a snake in the starry sky swallowed itself, and in the blink of an eye it appeared in a certain corner of the demon world.

It is not the Wanyao Mountain in the center, but a very remote crimson galaxy.

Mu Qing landed on one of the planets, where the sky and the earth were blood red, the terracotta covered everything, and there was no other matter.

At the same time, Mu Qing paused slightly, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

An extremely large corpse was lying quietly on the terracotta, all scarlet, with thick tentacles, but the whole body had dried up, exuding an unspecified evil aura.

Mu Qing silently looked at the corpse, it was half the size of a star, and its momentum was astonishing, but it had been dead for quite a while.

He recognized the origin of this corpse, it was the body of Scarlet Domination!

The four masters who came from the Tianqing Universe to the Chaos Universe at the beginning, it seems that only the Storm Ruler did not have any accidents.

For the other three, the remnant souls of the Heaven Overlord were directly absorbed and refined by the Demon Ancestor, while the Sun Master died at the hands of the pale Demon God.

As for the mysterious Scarlet Ruler, Mu Qing thought that the other party had already fled when he saw the bad situation, but he did not expect that he had died on such a remote planet.

"Dominating the strong, after all, it is difficult to save his life!" Mu Qing couldn't help sighing.

The reason why the masters of the Tianqing universe had such a fate was because they had already died once, leaving only a remnant soul to escape.

Even if he died without being stiff through some means, and was resurrected, it would not be easy to restore his strength to the realm of dominance again, and it would take a lot of effort and time.

In the process of restoring strength, once an accident occurs, it will never be saved!

How about once a master?

The tiger fell into Pingyang, but it was still hard to escape.

Seeing this scene, and reminiscing about the catastrophe mentioned by the master of time, Mu Qing clenched his fists and felt a sense of urgency.

The speed of his realm improvement has been quite fast, but this is not enough. The ghost knows when the so-called catastrophe will come, and by that time, perhaps the dominant power may not be able to resist it!

After all, now I don’t even know how the catastrophe appears, nor how large the scope of the catastrophe will be. Rather than trying to find a way to hide and take refuge, it is better to increase your strength as soon as possible. Fortunately, there is a trace of self-protection when the disaster comes.

At this moment, Mu Qing suddenly felt a little bit. He turned around and saw that a figure appeared on the terracotta soil in the distance, getting closer and closer, and he came to him in the blink of an eye.

The slightly familiar face exudes an unfamiliar atmosphere!

He was so handsome that he had a strange face, black hair in a shawl, and indifferent eyes.

Mu Qing's pupils shrank slightly, and he could feel that the strength of the man in front of him had reached the stage of ultimate supremacy!

And it's still a monster!

The handsome man walked to the side of Mu Qing, his eyes fell on the huge corpse, and said lightly: "The Scarlet Lord wanted to escape the chaotic universe, but I happened to meet him, so he killed him."

The strength of Scarlet Domination is only restored to the second-order supreme, naturally it is impossible to be his enchanting-class final supreme opponent.

"Brother Xinrui? No! Who are you?" Mu Qing shouted with alert eyes.

The face of the man in front of him is similar to Xinrui's face, but his appearance has changed, he is more handsome and enchanting, but he didn't reveal the slightest weak temperament, on the contrary he was arrogant and domineering!

"I used to think about this problem often..." The handsome man turned his head to look at Mu Qing, and said in a deep voice: "As the power of reincarnation practice deepens, I find that I am getting closer and closer to a certain existence, followed by countless Fragments of memory appeared in my mind."

"That is the memory of a great man, the memory of the so-called dharmakaya power!"

"After the opponent fell, but through the power of reincarnation, the memory and part of the power were transferred to me, leaving a message, wanting me to rescue him."

"If I rescue him, then he will accept me as a direct disciple to ensure that I can break through to the realm of Great Domination in the future."

"But if I fail to rescue him, under the influence of the power of reincarnation, he will gradually occupy my mind and consciousness and take me away."

Xinrui stated, telling Mu Qing of his own experience.

He was still himself, and the huge memory belonging to the power of the law body had strangely not affected him.

However, the part of the power that Xinrui gained changed his appearance, and it was suspected that he had planted some means.

If Xinrui did not rescue the big man, he would be gradually taken away and become a tool for the big man to get out of trouble.

However, if Xinrui is successfully rescued, then the big man will accept Xinrui as a direct disciple and give many benefits.

"This big man doesn't sound very friendly..." Mu Qing frowned.

Moreover, how come it involves a big figure at the level of Dharmakaya Power?

There are big figures hidden behind the emperor, Xinrui also has them behind, and strictly speaking, he also has them behind him.

"By the way, what is the name of that big man? How do you save him?" Mu Qing asked curiously.

Even if Xinrui gains a part of the power of a big man and reaches the ultimate supremacy of the evildoer, it is impossible to intervene in the affairs of the master, how can he think about it?

With this strength, he hasn't even reached the realm of dominance, how can he rescue the power of the law body!

"According to my memory, that person is called the saint of reincarnation, but I don't know exactly how to rescue the other party. The message left by the big man only says that when the time comes, the corresponding message will naturally appear."

A look of helplessness also appeared on Xinrui's face.

It was said that the big man was trapped and he was asked to rescue him. As a result, no relevant information was given, which made Monk Zhang Er confused.

Xinrui told Mu Qing that many parts of the huge memory he had gotten were quite vague, and were deliberately blocked by some force.

It will gradually become clear when the realm of strength is improved.

"The power left by the big man is only a little bit. After I absorbed the refining, I reached the current level, and then I can only rely on the memory left by the other party and my own efforts."

Xinrui looked at Mu Qing with solemn expression, and said, "I want to go to the Palace of Life with you. Only there can I get more news about the saints of reincarnation, and make preparations as soon as possible!"

"No problem, then you and Mingxuan will follow me to the Palace of Life King." Mu Qing nodded.

With the strength of Xinrui Enchanting Level Ultimate Supreme, I believe that no superpower in the Palace of Life would refuse. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1818 Reincarnation Saint) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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