Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1819: Back to the Gate of Time and Space

"Before setting off, I want to further determine whether there is a hidden danger in the chaotic universe, such as the instinctive consciousness of the universe."

Mu Qing looked at the handsome Xinrui brother beside him, and said his thoughts.

The enemy in the original chaotic universe, the Emperor of Heaven has fallen, the demon ancestor joined the black world, and the sun ruler died at the hands of the pale demon god.

Now that the Scarlet Lord also died in the hands of Senior Brother Xinrui, then it stands to reason that there are no particularly powerful enemies in the Chaos Universe.

But Mu Qing knows that there is a hidden danger in the chaotic universe, that is the instinctive consciousness of the universe!

Every cosmic instinctual consciousness has only a dim spiritual intelligence, and usually does not interfere with things in the universe. Only when the universe is exhausted, will the spiritual intelligence fully mature.

However, the Chaos Universe is different. The Chaos Universe, which has only matured now, has quite mature instinctive consciousness, and even intervenes with the strong.

After Mu Qing returned from the Palace of Life, he already knew the difference and specialness between the Chaos Universe and other universes.

In the Chaos Universe, every supreme has been chained and divided into nine heavens.

In fact, if other universes break through to the supreme, they will immediately have the strength of the supreme nine heavens, and then the level of the supreme ten heavens.

Only in the chaotic universe, there is an additional division of the realm of the Nine Heavens, which is the instinctive consciousness of the universe, which sets the shackles, so that the power seal that should belong to the creatures after breakthroughs is subdivided into nine small realms.

In addition, when the Chaos Universe reached its maturity stage, the dominating holy relics were conceived, but they were all taken away by instinctive consciousness!

Various signs indicate that the instinctive consciousness of the universe is constantly interfering with the development of the chaotic universe and does not want more powerhouses to appear.

"As for the instinctive consciousness of the universe, I have dealt with it before. The opponent is in a state of metamorphosis, and his strength has become very terrifying. Even I am not an opponent." Xinrui's face condensed, and his eyes showed fear.

He said in a deep voice, "I wanted to find some clues about the saints of reincarnation in the chaotic universe, but I didn't expect to find the traces at all, but I found the different dimension space where the instinctive consciousness of the universe is located."

"The other party has become quite powerful, but does not take the initiative. Of course, I can't have any influence on it."

"Perhaps, as long as it does not endanger the universe, it will let it go, and the death of the sun ruler, the scarlet ruler, and the emperor is a good thing for the instinctive consciousness of the universe, which means that it has fewer enemies to deal with."

"The instinctive consciousness of the universe is very mature. It has realized that we will leave sooner or later, so it has not acted on us again."

"The current chaotic universe has reached a maturity stage. I believe that as long as it is a strong person under the dominance realm, they can stay safely without attracting the attention of instinctive consciousness."

Hearing this, Mu Qing nodded solemnly, expressing his understanding.

It seems that after the chaotic universe has reached its maturity stage, the power of the universe's instinctive consciousness has also increased a lot.

"If you want to deal with the instinctive consciousness of the universe, you must at least dominate the realm. Otherwise, even if we go together, we won't be able to please. We need to take care of it."

A smile appeared on Xinruina's extremely handsome face.

He suggested that Mu Qing should stop managing the instinctive consciousness of the universe.

After getting the huge memory of the saint of reincarnation, Xinrui has more extensive knowledge than Mu Qing, and he has an understanding of the instinctive consciousness of the universe.

As long as it is not excessive and does not deliberately destroy the environment in the chaotic universe, then instinctive consciousness will probably not act.

Moreover, Xinrui is clear that after killing the instinctive consciousness of the universe, the universe will enter a period of exhaustion in a short time, causing countless creatures to die in the face of catastrophe.

Mu Qing nodded a bit and stopped talking about the instinctive consciousness of the universe. The reason why he thought the other party was a hidden danger was just because it was too mature, and it was inevitable that the other party might be hiding some careful thoughts.

Soon, Mingxuan had arranged the affairs of the black world and found Mu Qing.

Mingxuan and Mu Qing said hello, and then looked at Xinrui with amazement.

Although Xinrui's appearance has become a lot more handsome, he still recognizes it, and he is quite surprised. He doesn't understand how Xinrui, who had only the Supreme Quadruple Heaven before, now has the ultimate supreme aura of the evildoer?

Xinrui just smiled kindly at Mingxuan and didn't say much.

The matter about the saint of reincarnation is a big secret of himself. He only intends to tell Mu Qing. Even after joining the royal court of life, he does not intend to disclose it. Instead, he uses the power of the royal court to slowly inquire about the news and understand the truth. .

Mingxuan was puzzled, and then also nodded to Xinrui to say hello, and then looked at Mu Qing.

He asked: "How do we get to the Palace of Life?"

Mu Qing took out the door charm, rubbed it a few times, and said with a chuckle: "If it was before, I am afraid I would have to send a message to the Wang Ting, and it will take a very long time to reach the Wang Ting after the assessment."

"But it's not necessary now, three days is enough."

As he spoke, Mu Qing had already activated the door charm, and the phantom of the wheels of the heavens was behind the door. Under the violent spatial fluctuations, a stable spatial passage was formed in the silver-white portal.

Mu Qing stepped in first, followed by Xin Rui and Mingxuan, they shuttled through the space channel at an astonishing speed, spanning an unknown number of light years.

Three days later, inside the Gate of Time and Space, a silver-white portal emerged, and Mu Qing walked out with Mingxuan and Xinrui.

Xinrui and Mingxuan looked around curiously, the bizarre dome, the silver-white ground, and everything around them were rippling, and they could see layers of different depths of space.

"Is this the Palace of Life?" Mingxuan asked curiously.

Mu Qing explained with a smile: "No, this is just the super power I belong to, called the Gate of Time and Space. In fact, the King of Life is much larger than you think, equivalent to three huge universes."

He relayed what Old Man Long had said to him to the two of them, and introduced the situation of the King of Life.

The Royal Court is built on the remains of the ancestor dragon of life, which contains three major universes, the dragon head, the dragon body, and the dragon tail.

The dragon head is the universe where the upper echelons of the royal court are located, and the dragon body universe is the largest, where most of the royal court members are located.

The Dragon Tail Universe is where the Gate of Time and Space is located, as well as the place where other forces are organized.

In fact, even what Mu Qing came into contact with was just the tip of the iceberg of the entire King of Life. In the Dragon Body universe, there are countless places of cultivation and countless places of entertainment.

"I'll take you to find the master teacher first." Mu Qing took out the identity crystal and planned to contact the master teacher Wu, but this time he couldn't get in touch.

Mu Qing didn't feel very surprised. He had heard Master Wu say before that the King of Life was looking for traces of the origin world. Perhaps Master Wu had left the gate of time and space.

Unable to contact Master Wu, Mu Qing turned to contact Master Crane. The imprints of these two masters remained in his identity crystal.

In the Gate of Time and Space, Mu Qing is also considered the only one. Among the newcomers in the past, even the ultimate supreme Tianjiao figures can only contact the Elder's House at most.

And Mu Qing didn't have much contact with the elder's house, on the contrary, the two head teachers, both openly and secretly, could contact each other.

"Mu Qing? Have you returned to the gate of time and space?" The old figure of Master Crane appeared on the identity crystal.

Mu Qing nodded and said: "The Chaos Universe's matter has been resolved, and I also brought my fate over, but this time I brought one more person without authorization, wanting him to join the Gate of Time and Space."

"I'll let Wu Xuanji handle it when the time comes, but you still have to do the assessment of your status." Master Hezhang disapproved, and directly agreed.

To the senior officials of the court, Mu Qing is not only a hero of the three-strength ratio, but also a credit for helping them get the news of the origin world. Some small things can basically be acquiesced.

It's just that it's not a big deal to get someone to join the royal court.

"I'll take you directly into the time rift." Teacher Crane smiled, followed by a sharp wave of his sleeves.

An invisible wave enveloped the three of Mu Qing, and the surrounding scene was distorted and blurred, but the members of the Time and Space Gate around them did not seem to have seen them and turned a blind eye.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding scenes turned into primitive stone houses, stone forests, and a shimmering lake. Clouds and fog spread on the ground, revealing a sense of immortality.

Mu Qing is almost accustomed to this method, for the power of the Law Bodies, there is no concept of distance at all.

Xinrui had the memory of a saint in reincarnation, and that was also a great power of the law body, which was not very surprised.

Only Mingxuan showed a look of astonishment and awe, and for the first time experienced the power of the power of the Law Body, the realm of Great Domination was far more powerful than he had imagined!

"Are you the elder of Mu Qing?" Teacher Hezhang's eyes fell on Mingxuan.

He cultivated the power of time, and his research level was no less than that of the time dominance. He naturally perceives that there are fluctuations of the power of time and traces of the sealing method in Mingxuan.

"In Xia Mingxuan, thanks to the sealing method of seniors, I can escape from the curse." Ming Xuan first thanked him, and then handed the reincarnation secret to the other party.

"Yes, this reincarnation secret method is really wonderful. It can be seen that there was only a rough frame in the early stage, and it was improved later." Master Crane nodded, first applauded, and then frowned.

He thought for a while and said: "But it seems to be in conflict with the seal law. It is quite difficult to further improve or combine the two, and it takes enough time."

Having said that, Hezhang Jiao is quite satisfied with this.

Although the reincarnation secret method is very rough, its greatest effect is to completely get rid of the power of the curse, which is incomparable with the sealing method.

Master Crane looked at his life again, smiled and said: "From today, you will be my disciple."


Mingxuan froze, he thought there was any assessment or ceremony, but he didn't expect it to be a short sentence.

Master Crane Blowed his beard and stared, "What else do you want? Becoming my disciple will give me the power to study time, and the further improvement of the reincarnation secret method. I can't do it alone. I need more helper!"

"I have no time to engage in mundane etiquette. To become my disciple, you only need to know one thing, that is to be careful and cautious!" The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: starry sky dominates txt Download link: sky dominates mobile phone reading: https: // the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \" below Favorites\"Record this (Chapter 1819 Back to the Gate of Time and Space) reading records, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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