Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1856: Book of Shepherd Emperor

"The Emperor Muxing?"

Mu Qing was shocked.

The corner of Mo Zi's mouth tilted slightly, nodded, and explained: "My best friend is the elder of the Holy Treasure Hall, and her late husband is the famous Shepherd Emperor."

"The emperor Mu Xing rises in the sanctuary. He is a casual cultivator, but he struggled to the point of half a dharma body. After that, he married my close friend, so he has a good relationship with the sanctuary."

"Coincidentally, Emperor Mu Xing also cultivated the power of the starry sky, mastered the rules of the starry sky, and then he even realized the laws of the starry sky, condensed the intangible body, and achieved the half-step Dharma body!"

"You need to play the role of the son of Emperor Shepherd, who can be regarded as half of the headquarters of the Holy Treasure Hall, and my best friend will also become your nominal mother."

Mu Qing coughed slightly, but still accepted it happily.

Although inexplicably there is a false mother in name, no matter what, this fills the hole in his identity perfectly.

If an elder of the Holy Treasure Temple testifies, then his background in the Holy Treasure Temple is confirmed!

"Of course, disguising your identity is not so simple. In order to prove your identity, in addition to your name, you also need a symbolic sacred instrument."

"The Book of Emperor Shepherd Star, it is a top-notch sacred artifact, directly named as Emperor Shepherd Star Emperor. It is rumored to be an extremely special sacred tool. Emperor Shepherd Star Emperor created a dimension in its book!"

"If you want to pretend to be his descendants, it's natural to have the Book of Emperor Muxing Emperor, and that will also become your identity mark."

Mo Zi chuckled, his beautiful eyes narrowed, as if he was making some idea.

"Emperor Mu Xing has fallen for many years, right? How can I find its sacred artifact?"

Mu Qing frowned.

He himself had inquired about the news of the Sanctuary from Duan An. The powers of the Sanctuary were mixed, and there were all kinds of them, and there were no other big forces except the Saint Treasure Hall and the Void Dynasty.

Regarding the name of Emperor Mu Xingdi, Duan An didn't introduce it. It can be seen that many years have passed since the other party became famous.

"The Book of Emperor Shepherd Star was damaged when Emperor Shepherd and the enemy fought, and it only has the grade of low-level sacred artifacts."

While talking, Mo Zi cut through the void with his jade hand and took out a book.

The book haunts the starry sky, surrounded by the power of rules, full of endless mysteries.

"Although there is only a low-level sacred object, it is once a top sacred object anyway. If you want it, you have to change it with a sacred object."

Mo Zi smiled, eyes like a crescent moon.

She directly stretched out her fair and delicate palm, the meaning was quite obvious.

The corners of Mu Qing's mouth twitched.

However, after all, the other party was to help him disguise his identity. If he directly gave himself a holy artifact, he would indeed be ashamed.

After thinking about it for a while, Mu Qing took out a piece of orb, inside it was Wang Bihai, glowing with faint fluorescence.

Blue Sea Orb!

This is a functional sacred artifact of Mu Qing, whose main function is to trap enemies, and the corrosive power of the blue sea has obvious effects on enemies at low levels.

But in any case, the value of this functional sacred instrument is also quite high.

"Huh?" Mo Zi's eyes lit up, "I didn't expect you to be quite rich. If I didn't know the inside story, I would really think you were from the Holy Treasure Hall."

Mu Qing, who had not even reached the realm of dominance, took out the sacred artifacts one after another, which was richer than the elders of the Black Demon Sect.

Mu Qing traded the Bihai Orb to the Book of the Shepherd Emperor. Although this was only a low-level sacred artifact, its greatest effect really made him establish his identity in the origin world.

At least from Mu Qing's point of view, this transaction is not a loss.

However, after Mu Qing got the book of the Emperor Mu Xing Emperor, he carefully observed it, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This book is quite familiar, and it is one of the books that records Mo Zi's experience in creating supernatural powers!

Just yesterday, Mu Qing also read it!

"Are you sure this thing is the Book of Emperor Mu Xing Emperor?" Mu Qing looked at Mo Zi unkindly.

Mo Zi pursed his mouth and smiled, "You don't care what it originally looked like, you just need to know that now this book has the ability to communicate the celestial dimension."

"From now on, this will be the Book of Emperor Shepherd Star!"

She smiled and said: "Outsiders don't know what the Book of Emperor Shepherd Star looks like, even the elders of the Holy Treasure Hall don't know, let alone the people in the Black Territory."

Before Mu Qing spoke, Mo Zi waved his arm and sent him out.

In the ear, Mo Zi's voice came: "Familiar with the power of the Book of Emperor Shepherd Emperor as soon as possible. Don't think it is just a low-level sacred instrument, but it has extraordinary contents and can help you quickly create magical powers."

"And your True Transmission Peak should be built as soon as possible. It is nothing to you. Come to Elder Peak to find me if you have any questions."

When he came back to his senses, Mu Qing was already at the foot of Elder Peak Mountain.

He reconsidered the book in his hand.

This must be Mo Zi casually holding a book of experience and experience, and there are related texts on it.

However, this book has been injected with special power, shining with stars and rules, and even a trace of unusual charm, making Mu Qing realize that it is extraordinary!

Mu Qing tried to inject power into it. Suddenly, the book opened, starlight burst out, and between the stars, he pulled his consciousness into another space.

Here the shining stars are intertwined, countless stars are hanging, there is nothing else, the brilliant stars fill every corner of this place.

Through the so-called Book of the Star Shepherd Emperor in his hand, Mu Qingfu knew to his heart what this place was.

Star dimension!

Suddenly, Mu Qing seemed to perceive something, and the gods penetrated through his eyes and looked far away.

In the depths of this star dimension, the place surrounded by the vast stars, there seemed to be the end, it seemed that it was the origin again, and a magnificent figure emerged.

The figure is vague, only the clothes, the crown of stars on the head, the crane cloak, and the feather weave imprinted with ancient symbols, the whole is outrageously big, can fill the world, as if it is the only true **** in this dimension!

And in the hands of that figure, there is a book, imaginary shadows imprinted with billions of trillions of stars, condensing one after another shining galaxy, and the majestic momentum is blowing!

The moment Mu Qing sensed the opponent, he felt a suffocation.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think about it.

The stalwart figure in the deepest part of the Star Dimension is the half-step Dharma Body that created this place, Emperor Shepherd!

"What's the matter? Didn't Mo Zi say that the emperor Shepherd has fallen? Why does he still appear in the star dimension?"

Mu Qing was shocked. If the Emperor Mu Xing really died, then the dimension created by him would naturally have no owner.

But now it seems that this is not the case, this star dimension is still controlled by others!

At this moment, the stalwart figure in the deepest part of the dimension moved, slowly raised his finger and pointed towards Mu Qing.

With the vast power enveloped, Mu Qing could hardly resist, as if he was destined, that his fate should have been so, he couldn't move at all!

This made him even more certain that the opponent was an extremely strong half-step Dharma body, even when facing the ghost master and Chu Ying, he did not feel such insignificance and fragility.

However, the other party was not malicious, and the vast starlight power shrouded him, gently pushing Mu Qing out of this star dimension.

At the same time, a flood of information burrowed into Mu Qing's mind.

Mu Qing's consciousness returned to the body, and after a moment of stunned, he immediately digested the flood of information in his mind.

After a while, he finally understood something.

It turns out that Emperor Shepherd really did not fall!

This torrent of information was obviously passed to him by Emperor Mu Xing, and most of the content was to introduce him to the role of the star dimension.

Only then did Mu Qing understand how terrifying the emperor Mu Xing's ability is.

The opponent created a dimension, almost independent of the origin world, rather than a secret realm.

Among the half-step Dharma bodies of Origin Realm, only Mu Xing Emperor can do this!

Half-step Dharma Body, claiming to be an extremely strong person who has realized the power of the law and has condensed an incorporeal body.

And the stalwart figure that Mu Qing saw in the deepest part of the star dimension was the incorporeal body of Emperor Mu Xing.

It turned out that Emperor Mu Xing did not fall after the battle with the enemy, but hid in the celestial dimension to heal his injuries.

After that, Emperor Mu Xing has been practicing in the celestial dimension, trying to break through to the great master and become the power of the law body.

The other party hasn't left the star dimension all these years, so it is rumored that he has fallen.

Of course, most of these contents were inferred by Mu Qing through the information given to him by Emperor Mu Xing.

Most of the information is mainly about this star dimension.

The real book of Emperor Mu Xing Emperor is naturally in the hands of Emperor Mu Xing Emperor.

However, the book in Mu Qing's hands has already received the power projection of the emperor of the animal husbandry, so it has become a book of the emperor of animal husbandry.

Although there is no power, the only function is quite valuable. It is the power blessing to communicate with the stellar dimension, and it can be used as a medium to enter the stellar dimension.

In the celestial dimension, there is naturally a great blessing for people like Mu Qing who cultivate the power of the stars, and this alone is worthy of Mu Qing's exchange for the Bihai Orb.

"Unexpectedly, Elder Mo's contacts are so wide that he can drop the power projection in a dignified half-step body."

Mu Qing couldn't help but sighed.

Putting away the book of Emperor Shepherd Star, Mu Qing went to the Handyman Yard of the Black Demon Sect and asked for hundreds of maids.

The establishment of the True Transmission Peak depends entirely on what the True Transmission disciple meant. Now that Mu Qing is a True Transmission Disciple, he can establish a True Transmission Peak anywhere in the Dark Demon Land.

Mu Qing obeyed Mo Zi's suggestion and built his true biography peak next to her elder peak.

Above the sky, Mu Qing first glanced at his black robe, feeling a bit monotonous.

After thinking about it, he took the stars and took the moon, and the stars turned into a crown of stars in his palm.

Mu Qing put on the star crown, and then the stars lingered on his body, and the shining star lines were intertwined. The original robe became a crane cloak, and the feather weave floated in the air.

Picking up the book of Emperor Shepherd Star Emperor, Mu Qing looked at himself, and was very satisfied.

"Now, the temperament is almost the same as that of the Emperor Mu Xing Emperor."

Mu Qing grinned, since he wanted to disguise his identity, he had to pretend to be more thorough.

Wearing a crown of stars and wearing a crane cloak, Mu Qing revealed a chic temperament from top to bottom.

After that, he stretched out his slender palm and held it to the ground below. There was a roar in an instant, the rock condensed, and a tall mountain rose from the ground.

Just think of the peak of Wanzhang!

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