Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1857: Visit by Sakura Tsubasa

Zhen Chuan Peak was built in the blink of an eye, and then Mu Qing let the maids enter the Zhen Chuan Peak, arranging residential buildings and so on.

Mu Qing didn't care about this true transmission peak, and didn't bother to arrange any defensive formations and the like.

Anyway, Mo Zi’s Elder Peak is next to him, so anyone dare to come here to go wild?

After letting the maid arrange casually, Mu Qing moved into it and continued to delve into the creation of supernatural powers.

A few days later, Mu Qing specially brought all the books on Mo Zi's experience.

Most of the time, Mu Qing used the book of the emperor shepherd to enter the celestial dimension.

In the celestial dimension, it is also conducive to my own perception of the power of the stars, whether it is for creating magical powers or perfecting the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra, it is of great help!

For the next ten days, Mu Qing focused on creating supernatural powers. It has to be said that Mo Zi's experience and experience helped him a lot.

Although it has not yet started, at least the preliminary direction has been determined.

As long as you have the initial framework, things will be much easier after that.

And the magical powers of Destroying Stars and Creating Stars are inspired by Mu Qing's recollection of the time when the Three Powers were against the gods.

The frame constructed by Mu Qing is called the Mirror of Life and Death!

Destroying the stars is the power of death, and creating the stars is the power of life.

The Mirror of Life and Death is divided into two sides, one is the power composition that destroys the stars, and the other is the power composition that creates the stars!

One death in a lifetime, although it is the same magical power, the power of the two is actually divided into two sides, which happens to put an end to the conflict between the two forces.

After determining the direction, Mu Qing continued to ponder how to perfect the prototype step by step, and create the magical power of the mirror of life and death as soon as possible.

However, even with the blessing of the celestial dimension and Mo Zi's many experiences, it is still quite difficult to directly create a magical power.

Mu Qing didn't expect to create it all at once.

In these days, there was no interaction between him and Mo Zi, and he hadn't said a word. The other party was also in his own dark space, studying the last magical power and opening the sky seal.

After a few more days, Mu Qing left the Star Dimension and met An Shaomu at his true biography summit.

"Brother Mu, is your identity okay?" An Shaomu asked curiously.

There did not seem to be any problems with his own disguised identity, and he was thrown into the door of the white-haired elders and became a true biography.

And Mu Qing's identity is extraordinary, he is a Tianjiao from the Holy Treasure Hall.

The name of the Holy Treasure Hall alone is enough for most people to focus on.

An Shaomu is worried that there will be problems with Mu Qing's forged identity.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem with my identity." Mu Qing smiled lightly, and then asked the maid next to him to bring tea.

Seeing Mu Qing's self-confidence, An Shaomu also felt relieved.

Immediately afterwards, An Shaomu took a sip from the teacup and thought: "Wu Xuanyi and the others don't know where they are. I think we should make some movement to attract their attention so that they can contact us in time. Up."

"I have this intention." Mu Qing also raised his teacup, took a sip, and laughed: "I heard that there is a big competition in the Black Territory. Black domain."

"At that time, as long as Wu Xuanyi and the others are in the black domain, they will definitely find us."

The contact method of the origin world is too backward, unlike the outside world that can be directly contacted as far away as possible, so this is the only way to go.

"With your strength, you can definitely stand out in the Black Territory Competition, at least I haven't heard of the evildoer-level ultimate supreme in this origin world."

An Shaomu drank the tea and laughed.

In the origin world, the ultimate supreme is the ultimate supreme. It seems that after reaching this realm, it is already the limit.

But outside of the world, among the three multi-level forces, it is clear that there are a few very terrifying Tianjiao in the ultimate supreme, so there is another evildoer level.

At the very least, An Shaomu has not heard of the demon-level ultimate supreme Tianjiao in this origin world, so he feels that Mu Qing is the strongest among the true biography of the major sects!

"There are still three years to go before the Black Territory, so don't miss it."

After chatting for a while, An Shaomu was planning to get up and leave.

Suddenly, An Shaomu paused, seeming to think of something, and then solemnly said to Mu Qing: "Brother Mu, I have inquired about some news. It seems that there is something wrong with your position of acting chief. If the elder Mo is reliable, you can ask her Inquire about one or two."

Mu Qing was stunned for a moment, he had really forgotten the matter of the acting chief.

It wasn't until this moment that he remembered that after he passed the tenth floor of the Ten Thousand Demon Tower, the Black Demon Sect Master not only gave him the status of true disciple, but also gave him the position of acting chief.

This is considered a double benefit, and it should be a good thing.

Even, his acting principal is still somewhat powerful, and he can take charge of the Black Flame City under the Black Demon Sect. Part of the proceeds will be his, and he can get tribute every year.

What can be tricky in this?

Mu Qing frowned slightly, but An Shaomu had only recently begun to integrate into the Black Demon Sect, and there was not much news to inquire.

After sending An Shaomu away, Mu Qing is planning to go to the Elder Peak and ask Mo Zi about his acting principal.

Suddenly, Mu Qing's eyes were sharp, and he suddenly turned to the door of the room.

A figure walked slowly, the young man Yu Xuanang, handsome, dressed in white, holding a folding fan, looked like a handsome handsome son.

"I don't know if your Excellency is Young Master or Master True Legend, why did you break into my True Legend Peak without authorization?"

Mu Qing said indifferently, but the power of the starry sky surged like a divine sword that was unsheathed at any time.

He saw through the opponent's cultivation base, he was the ultimate supreme with similar strength to An Shaomu.

In the Dark Demon Sect, there are only Young Sect Masters and True Legend Masters who have this level of strength.

Young Master Jun put down the folding fan in his hand and looked at Mu Qing solemnly.

It was different from watching it in the attic before. After the real contact, he really felt the terrifying and powerful Mu Qing, and even had the feeling of facing the dominant power!

Absolutely invincible!

This thought came to Sakura Tsubasa's mind.

He smiled and apologized: "Sorry, Junior Brother Mu, I came directly to the door without notification."

"Under the Sakura Wing!"

He put on a better attitude, and his eyes flickered.

If you hadn't noticed the mistake just now, An Shaomu, the true biography of the white-haired elder's door, should have already contacted Mu Qing and left.

It seems that An Shaomu, like him, also noticed Mu Qing's extraordinary!

Although he discovered that An Shaomu came into contact with Mu Qing, he didn't seem to notice what was wrong with it. He only thought that An Shaomu, like him, wanted to make contact with Mu Qing.

"Brother True Biography?" Mu Qing heard the name and immediately knew the identity of the person in front of him.

After regaining his breath, Mu Qing was about to ask the maid to make tea again and entertain Sakura Wing, but Sakura Wing raised his hand to stop him.

"You don't have to entertain, Junior Brother Mu, I came here boldly, just to tell me something." Sakura Wing's face was more solemn.

Mu Qing was solemn and asked: "Brother, please speak up."

Sakura Yi did not speak, but transmitted a message to Mu Qing, telling Mu Qing: "Be careful of the young master Ji Zhou, the other party regards Elder Mo as a forbidden person. If you enter the door of Elder Mo, you will inevitably be hated by him, and you will definitely find ways to target you. "

"Also, the position of deputy director given to you by the suzerain is not necessarily a good thing. In this regard, please go to Elder Mo and ask about it yourself."

After saying this, Sakura Wing smiled at Mu Qing, "Then, let's say goodbye."

He turned and left, as if he came here deliberately this time just to pass the news.

In fact, Sakura Tsubasa deeply understands that when the two of you are completely unfamiliar, you can't rush to win a relationship.

Being able to bring this news to Mu Qing is enough to bring the two of them closer together!

After watching Sakura Wing leave, Mu Qing's face finally sank.

Not only An Shaomu, but even Sakura Wing, the true master brother, came to tell him that it seemed that there was a problem with the position of acting chief!

As for what Young Master Ji Zhou would come to target him, Mu Qing didn't care about it at all.

That Ji Zhou topped the sky was the ultimate ultimate supreme, far from his opponent.

Mu Qing's face was gloomy, and after a while, he stepped to the Elder Peak and asked the maid to inform Elder Mo.

After a while, Mo Zi walked out of the dark space and saw Mu Qing's eyes lit up.

She circled Mu Qing, her beautiful eyes showed satisfaction.

"Not bad, this outfit is much better than before, what a handsome man!"

Mo Zi refers to Mu Qing's dress, wearing a star crown and wearing a crane cloak. This look looks much better than the previous black robe.

"Seeing that I am a little moved, why don't you go back to the outside world, how about staying in the origin world and serving me?"

Mo Zi patted Mu Qing's sturdy chest and said with a smile.

But soon, she also found that Mu Qing's expression was solemn, and she was a little curious: "What's wrong?"

"Regarding the acting principal given to me by the Sect Master, I want to learn more about it. Just now Sakura Wing told me that there seems to be some tricky in it." Mu Qing said solemnly.

Mo Zidai frowned and asked, "Where is the city under your jurisdiction?"

Although she was there at the time, she didn't even care about the rewards the Black Demon Sect Master gave to Mu Qing.

"A place called Heiyan City." Mu Qing replied.

Mo Zi narrowed his eyes, "It's not a familiar place. It seems to be a relatively remote city within its jurisdiction, but these places are often more troublesome."

She immediately asked the maid to get the power map of the Black Demon Sect, and Mu Qing also saw how extensive the power of the Black Demon Sect spread across the entire black region.

Soon, the two found the location of Heiyan City.

That is the place where the Black Territory and the Undead Territory border. The location of the Black Flame City can almost be said to have almost stepped into the Undead Territory with one foot.

Reminiscent of the relationship between the Black Territory and the Undead Territory, Mu Qing doesn't need to think about it, and there are bound to be countless disputes in a city of this kind of location.

"So that's it." Mo Zi saw the famous hall.

She snorted coldly, and said, "The Black Demon Sect Master, it seems that he doesn't intend to give you a chance to participate in the Black Territory Competition!"

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