Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1861: Soul water

"Give you some benefits, why do you refuse?"

Mo Zi said a little boring.

"I don't dare to do anything to you, maybe the next day he was cut down by the Dark Sky King." Mu Qing said speechlessly.

"Ji Zhou's prostitutes are more courageous than you." Mo Zi rolled his eyes at Mu Qing.

She was very dissatisfied with Mu Qing's reaction, she obviously took the initiative to give her arms, but the other party didn't feel any heartbeat at all.

Could it be that his charm has declined?

Mo Zi thought with some suspicion.

Soon, she bit her silver teeth again, and said viciously: "That Ji Zhou was so daring, he even tried to use soul control water on me, I must make him die!"

Although Ji Zhou's small actions were discovered by her, the actions still angered her.

"Why don't you contact the Dark Sky Law King directly and ask him to kill Ji Zhou and his son?"

Mu Qing's eyes lit up when he heard this.

This aunt became angry, and let the Dark Sky Law King directly do it, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?

Perhaps he could also take the opportunity to get in touch with the Dark Sky Law King and see if he could ask the other party to help send himself and others back out of the realm.

However, Mo Zijiao snorted, "I will solve it myself."

Immediately afterwards, she smiled and looked at Mu Qing again, showing satisfaction on her delicate face.

"You still know that you will take the initiative to relieve the siege this time. Although I don't need your help at all, it is quite good to have this heart."

"I decided to give you a little reward!"

Mo Zi's white palm flipped over, and a cloud of liquid emerged from the palm of his palm, which was colorless and tasteless, and looked just like ordinary water.

She took out another jade bottle, poured water into it, and handed it to Mu Qing.

"Could it be..." Mu Qing's heart moved, and there was already a guess.

Mo Zi nodded and smiled: "This is Soul Control Water!"

It seemed that the soul-controlling water that Ji Zhou had bought at a great price had already been subcontracted by her by some means.

"Is this soul-controlling water really as powerful as the rumors?" Mu Qing shook the liquid in the jade bottle, quite curious.

"It has no effect on the ruler of the Nine Tribulations. The limit of controlling the soul water is to control the ruler of the Eight Tribulations for a short period of time. The lower the realm of the ruler, the longer it will be controlled."

"If you don't reach the realm of dominance, then the effect of controlling the soul water will be permanent."

Mo Zi squinted his eyes halfway, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Her cultivation realm is at the level of the Eight Tribulations Domination. If she is really recruited, she will definitely be controlled!

Mu Qing was also quite surprised that this soul water was so powerful.

Even the ruler of the Eight Tribulations can be controlled!

Even if it was only a short period of time, it was scary enough.

"Actually, this soul-controlling water is strictly a functional saint." Mo Zi explained with a smile as he watched Mu Qing's still looking at the soul-controlling water in his hand.

"Functional sacred artifact?" Mu Qing stunned.

Mo Zi nodded and said: "The soul-controlling water is refined by a refiner master in the Undead Realm. It is a one-time functional saint."

"The reason why soul control water is so rare is because that master refiner has already fallen."

"The soul-controlling water was refined by that undead realm refining master using a unique secret method. After his fall, no one can refine the soul-controlling water anymore."

"With this soul control water, one portion will reduce one portion until it disappears completely."

Mu Qing suddenly realized, it is no wonder that this soul-controlling water is so scarce, it turns out that the creator has already fallen, and the more he uses it, the less.

It is very possible that the soul-controlling water in his hand is the last one!

"Okay, I'm going to investigate how the **** Ji Zhou got this kind of stuff from, and don't come to me for the time being."

Mo Zi suppressed his smile, his eyes were full of cold light, and he turned and left.

When Mu Qing returned to his true biography peak, he couldn't help but sigh that the popularity of this young master Ji Zhou was really bad.

Not only the true brother Sakura Wing, but also Elder Mo started investigating him.

Ji Zhou deceived himself and changed the name of the soul-controlling water he obtained to Drunken Shenlu, but he couldn't fool Mo Zi and Sakura Wing at all, and he penetrated the soul-controlling water thing at a glance.

The fact that Ji Zhou can control the soul water is quite intriguing. This thing is extremely rare in the entire Undead Realm, and one use is less.

Ji Zhou was able to obtain the Soul Control Water, and he must have colluded with someone in the Undead Realm!

A few days later, Mu Qing was still in the magical power of the death mirror of Zhen Chuanfeng graduate student.

He also wanted to go to Black Flame City in advance to solve the potential crisis.

However, after contacting the Black Flame City through the position of acting chief, the reply I got was that everything was normal, and the support of the Black Demon Sect was not needed for the time being.

Mu Qing did not go to Black Flame City either.

Of course, there is a special teleportation formation in the Black Demon Sect, and you can reach the Black Flame City within a single thought, but you don't need to worry too much about wasting time on your way.

On this day, Sakura Tsubasa came to the door again.

Mu Qing looked at the real brother in front of him speechlessly, and said helplessly: "Brother, it's not a good habit to trespass on someone else's true biography peak."

From beginning to end, this Sakura Wing had already trespassed on his true biography three times directly. If the other party hadn't had any intentions at all, Mu Qing would have taken action long ago.

Sakura Tsubasa smiled a few times, "Sorry, but I came with more important news."

He asked a little knowingly: "After hearing about the elders meeting, did you take action on Ji Zhou?"

"It's just a deterrent. That guy has the strength of the ultimate supreme, but he doesn't have a matching mind. Just using a coercive deterrent, he dare not move." Mu Qing sneered, his tone full of disdain.

In his opinion, the strength of this Ji Zhou is the same as the human face scorpion king and the six-armed monster, belonging to the weakest group of ultimate supreme, not enough.

Sakura Wing laughed, "That's natural. This season, Zhou is desolate and lewd. If it weren't for a half-step Dharmakaya father on top of his head, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to dominate the realm for the rest of my life."

Soon, Sakura Wing's face became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "However, Ji Zhou has already filed a complaint with his father, and he is full of lies, saying that you are going to kill him."

"This is a pretty big hat. If the Black Demon Sect Master is cheeky, even if he doesn't kill you, he can take the opportunity to drive you into a black jail and suppress it for decades!"

He talked about some pretty serious situations.

Of course, in the Black Demon Sect, the Black Demon Sect Master has immense power. If he is really shameless, he can really do so.

After all, it is a fact that Mu Qing took action against Ji Zhou, even if Ji Zhou exaggerated it a hundred times, the Black Demon Sovereign could also make a fuss in it.

"I heard that Junior Brother Mu is from the headquarters of the Saint Treasure Hall. I think you can contact the people over there to put pressure on the Black Demon Sect. You don't need the strong to come forward. Just express that you have the Saint Treasure Palace headquarters behind you. Will come against you."

"Actually, you can rest assured in this regard. The main reason I am here is to tell you, be careful of Ji Zhou, he will definitely find ways to murder you next."

Sakura Wing spoke to Mu Qing with a solemn tone.

He also told Mu Qing that this season Zhou and his sons are both narrow-minded people. The Black Demon Sect Master is purely because he is standing in the position of the Sect Master, and he has more concerns and is unlikely to directly tear his face.

But Ji Zhou was different. The opponent didn't even listen to the words of the Black Demon Sect Master. This time he was shocked by Mu Qing, so he would inevitably use various vicious methods to vent his breath.

Mu Qing nodded, and then thanked Sakura Yi, "Thank you, big brother, for delivering the news. I will pay attention to it."

"You're welcome, as long as Junior Brother Mu helps me pay more attention to some clues about Ji Zhou colluding with the Undead Realm."

Sakura Wing said in a deep voice, and then bid farewell with a fist.

Watching Sakura Wing leave, Mu Qing was also lost in thought.

Perhaps, he should find a way to expose his forged identity.

At present, everyone in the Black Demon Sect only knows that Mu Qing is a Tianjiao from the headquarters of the Holy Treasure Hall, but the specific identity and information are not complete.

Mu Qing believes that it should be time to expose the fact that he owns the Book of the Emperor Mu Xing Emperor, and he does not even need to be too deliberately guided. Naturally, someone will associate Mu Qing with the Emperor Mu Xing Emperor.

At that time, the identity of the direct bloodline of the Emperor Mu Xing Emperor will basically be confirmed.

Thinking of this, Mu Qing used a special method to contact An Shaomu with a pinch.

He is going to make a scene!

Half a month later, the land of the Dark Demon.

In a valley to the west of the Ten Thousand Magic Tower, a black waterfall roared violently, rushing down from a height!

This is another place where the elite disciples are tempered in the Dark Demon Land. Under the black waterfall, one can sometimes see corpses.

The black waterfall contains a strong dark power, and it has been washed by the dark waterfall for a long time, which can make the body metamorphose.

Those who reach the extreme, the physical body will even transform into the embryonic form of the Eucharist!

However, the power of the Great Dark Falls is too violent. Every elite disciple approaching here is cautious, and fewer people come here to grind.

Today, the surrounding area of ​​the Great Dark Waterfall is crowded with elite disciples of the Black Demon Sect, and there is a huge crowd of black people.

There were even the white-haired elders and the penalty elders, watching in the attic not far away.

A disciple of the Black Demon Sect passing by saw this and was stunned for a while, not knowing why.

"Didn't you hear? Mu Qing and An Shaomu, who recently joined us in the Dark Demon Sect, met to compete and compete. It is today, and the place is in the Dark Waterfall!" A fellow Dark Demon Sect disciple Explained.

He looked excited, and said, "This is a duel between the two true legends. You can't usually see such an exciting scene!"

Normally, every elite disciple of the Black Demon Sect is boring and tempering himself, these are accumulations!

Because they know that only if the accumulation is deep enough, the chance of breaking through the dominance realm will increase.


At this time, there was a loud noise from the dark waterfall, which caused waves of turbulence, and the big river containing the power of darkness violently violently turned into black rain and fell.

The previously unknowing Black Demon Sect disciple quickly cast his gaze, and found that there were already two terrifying figures on the side of the Great Dark Waterfall fighting each other, making a violent collision.

While the starry sky filled the sky, while the sword energy rushed into the sky.

It turned out that the battle between Mu Qing and An Shaomu has been going on for a long time!

Suddenly, under everyone's attention, Mu Qing took out a book.

It was a book haunted by stars, containing stars-like symbols.

In an instant, Mu Qing urged the starlight book in his hand, and astonishing beams of light fell from the void, and the sky seemed to be broken.

Stars appeared, hanging high in the sky.

The entire sky is covered by a vast sea of ​​stars, and the plane where countless stars are located seems to be another dimension, an out of reach!

Mu Qing is bathed in the stars, like the son of the stars!

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