Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1862: Exaggerated power

The dim corner of the star dimension almost covers the sky.

The entire land of the Dark Demon was shrouded by this bright starlight!

Everyone looked at Mu Qing, and they saw an astonishing force shrouded in the unreachable star dimension and injected into Mu Qing's body.

Mu Qing's breath became stronger and stronger, and even in the interweaving of the bright stars, the power of rules was condensed!

"this is?"

A look of surprise appeared on Mu Qing's face.

He found that the power of the rules containing the attributes of stars was injected into his body, causing himself to undergo a transformation.

The original realm of the ultimate supreme, at this moment directly soared to the level of the dominance of a catastrophe!

"So that's the case, is this the ability of the Book of Emperor Mu Xing Emperor to increase?" Mu Qing suddenly.

He is also the first time to use the Book of Shepherd Emperor in a real sense.

The book of Emperor Mu Xing Emperor in Mu Qing's hands was not the original edition, but was transformed by a ray of power projected by Emperor Mu Xing Emperor.

But even so, the ability of this book of Star Shepherd Emperor is still quite amazing.

It can not only take Mu Qing into the celestial dimension, but also communicate the power of the celestial dimension in the outside world, so that it can increase itself.

At first, Mu Qing didn't take this amplification ability into his eyes. After all, the Book of Emperor Shepherd Emperor in his hand was just a low-level sacred artifact, and it was quite good to be able to bring himself into the celestial dimension.

As a result, it seems that it is definitely a profit to exchange the Bihai Orb for this book of Shepherd Star Emperor!

The increasing power of the Book of Shepherd Star Emperor is far beyond Mu Qing's imagination.

After communicating with the celestial dimension, the power of the celestial rules was actually pulled down, and it was perfectly injected into Mu Qing's body, under control.

Although the star rules were obtained from the star dimension, it might be because it was similar to the starry sky power cultivated by Mu Qing himself, and the fit was extremely high.

It is precisely the power of rules that has been drawn from the celestial dimension, so Mu Qing's strength has soared to the realm of the dominance of a catastrophe in a short time.

After reaching the realm of dominance, it means that Mu Qing can use the power of the rules to display his supernatural powers, and his power is greatly increased!

At the same time, using the power of rules to urge the Qingze Excalibur will also show its true power as a top sacred artifact!

It can be said that once Mu Qing reaches the level of Domination by One Tribulation, his comprehensive strength will be greatly enhanced.

"It deserves to be Senior Brother Mu Qing who broke through the tenth floor of the Ten Thousand Demon Tower in one breath.

Opposite, An Shaomu clasped his fists and smiled, leaving happily, admitting that he was not an opponent.

By the dark waterfall, the many disciples of the Dark Demon Sect watching the battle were in an uproar.

Together with An Shaomu, who is the ultimate true biography disciple, is not Mu Qing's opponent, I am afraid that among the true biography disciples of the Black Demon Sect, no one is Mu Qing's opponent!

Mu Qing did not leave for the first time, but maintained the state of communicating with the star dimension, looking at the position of the Sect Master Palace in the distance.

He contacted An Shaomu, and the two of them worked together to act in such a play, just to expose this posture and the book of Emperor Shepherd, so that those who are interested can see it!

Although it has been rumored that Emperor Shepherd has fallen for many years, as long as you read some information carefully, you will surely be able to figure out the book of Emperor Shepherd!

On the attic not far away, the white-haired elder and the penalty elder were shaking in their hearts, and quickly stood up.

The two looked at each other.

"If you read it right, the book in Mu Qing's hand is probably the rumored book of the Emperor Shepherd!" The white-haired elder looked shocked.

The penalty elder nodded in agreement, and said solemnly: "It is the book of Emperor Shepherd! The sky full of stars covering half of the sky is probably the legendary star dimension!"

Unlike the many Black Demon Sect disciples who watched the excitement below, the two elders in the attic almost immediately saw the famous hall.

Both of them are high-ranking masters, and they have naturally experienced the period when Emperor Mu Xing became famous.

The most important thing is that in the Origin Realm, among the many half-step Dharmakayas including those Dharmakaya Powers, only the Emperor Mu Xing created a star dimension independent of the Origin Realm.

It is not similar to the secret space opened up by hand, but more similar to the real universe of the power of the law body!

The real universe of the power of the Dharmakaya is derived from the illusory universe when the master-level scriptures are promoted to the master-level scriptures.

At the moment when the Great Domination is achieved, the illusory universe becomes the real universe.

The dimension of stars created by Emperor Mu Xing is quite close to the real universe of the power of the law body, so in that era, it was said to have the characteristics of the law body, and it was an existence close to the realm of the great ruler under the sky.

But with the fall of Emperor Mu Xingdi, the star dimension never appeared again.

Now, Mu Qing communicated with the Star Dimension in public, so that the long-lost name of Emperor Mu Xing emperor appeared in front of everyone again!

"Wait! I remember, the wife of Emperor Mu Xing, isn't it the Elder Zhang from the Holy Treasure Hall?" The white-haired elder suddenly patted his forehead.

"It turns out that this Mu Qing is the direct bloodline of the elder of the Holy Treasure Hall and the Emperor Mu Xing Emperor, and it's probably inseparable to have this sacred instrument, the Book of Emperor Mu Xing Emperor."

The penalty elder also suddenly realized.

In fact, when they investigated Mu Qing's background, they only got confirmation from the principal of the Saint Baodian branch that Mu Qing was a tianjiao from the Saint Baodian headquarters.

But the specific identity is still uncertain.

After all, the information transmission in the origin world is slow, and the Holy Treasure Temple is far away in the sanctuary. It will take a while to determine Mu Qing's identity.

But now it seems that there is no need to verify Mu Qing's identity anymore. The Book of Emperor Shepherd in his hand has fully proved Mu Qing's identity.

At the same time, in the Sect Master's Hall in the distance, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face was standing, looking directly at the void, looking at the celestial dimension that covered the sky.

"The Emperor Muxing..."

The Black Demon Sect Master made a deep voice in his throat.

Suddenly, he seemed to see something, and his pupils contracted.

"How can it be?!"

The Black Demon Sect Master couldn't maintain the previous indifferent expression, and lost his attitude for the first time, staring firmly at the star dimension with his eyes.

Among the stars like the vast sea, Sovereign Black Demon vaguely caught a glimpse of a figure, stalwart and mysterious!

Almost instantly, he could be sure that it was definitely the rumored Emperor Shepherd!

The Emperor Mu Xing didn't even fall!

"Could it be that these past few years, the Emperor Shepherd has been hiding in the celestial dimension?" The Black Demon Sect Master took a deep breath, guessing in his mind.

And it was no coincidence that he could see the figure of Emperor Mu Xing.

Sovereign Black Demon's gaze fell on Mu Qing again.

Wearing a crown of stars on his head, wearing a crane cloak, surrounded by stars, it was exactly the same as the figure of the Star Shepherd Emperor he saw!

The Black Demon Sovereign immediately confirmed in his heart that this Mu Qing is indeed the direct bloodline of Emperor Mu Xing, and it is very likely that he is the only bloodline descendant!

It is precisely because of this that Emperor Mu Xing will expose his existence to warn and deter him.

Sovereign Black Demon frowned.

This is troublesome!

If it's just a certain Tianjiao from the Saint Treasure Hall headquarters, the Black Demon Sect Master is not so worried, even if he secretly targets it, he doesn't worry about revenge on the Saint Treasure Palace headquarters.

After all, the headquarters of the Holy Treasure Hall is far away in the sanctuary, and the Black Demon Sect is its own territory.

Even if he killed a Saint Treasure Temple Tianjiao, the other party could not help himself.


Things are different now!

The Black Demon Sovereign is not worried about the power of the Holy Treasure Palace behind Mu Qing, but is afraid of the Star Emperor Shepherd.

Emperor Shepherd and the Saint Treasure Hall were close, but the other party was even a casual cultivator, a lone traveler!

You don't need to think about it, if you act on Mu Qing, not only the Holy Treasure Hall will be offended, but also the half-step Dharma body of Emperor Shepherd Star!

Ask yourself, the Black Demon Sovereign didn't want to offend such a half-step Dharmakaya, especially the Emperor Shepherd also possessed the characteristics of Dharmakaya, able to appear anywhere in a flash through the celestial dimension.

The most important thing is that Emperor Mu Xing is alone, if he really irritates him, he will definitely take action without any hesitation.

And he still has the Black Demon Sect, so he can't do it so unscrupulously.


At this time, Ji Zhou looked sullen and strode over.

"Father! Earlier that Mu Qing tried to kill me and made me almost fall, and please give your order quickly so that the penalty elder will imprison this Mu Qing in a black jail!"

Ji Zhou quickly shouted.

His eyes flashed with intense jealousy.

Seeing Mu Qing demonstrating his strength outside, Ji Zhou's chest was full of anger and desire to rush out, jealousy filled his mind.

Even when he thought that Mu Qing had already used his own soul control water to attack Mo Zi, his jealousy became more intense, and he couldn't wait to tear Mu Qing!

However, after experiencing the last time, Ji Zhou also knew that he was not Mu Qing's opponent at all, so he came to seek help from his father.

The Black Demon Sovereign glanced at Ji Zhou, his face indifferent.

He said coldly: "From now on, you are not allowed to trouble Mu Qing, otherwise don't blame me for putting you in a black jail and endure the pain of jail."

Ji Zhou's expression was dull on the spot, shouldn't it be that Mu Qing who should be locked up in the black jail?

How did you become yourself?

Seeing his father's ruthless look, Ji Zhou didn't know how to answer for a while.

After a while, Ji Zhou left the Sect Master Hall. He gritted his teeth, and the fire of jealousy in his heart could not vent.

"Yo? Why is the Young Sect Master so depressed, is it possible that in this Black Demon Sect, there are still people who dare to offend you?"

Suddenly, a smooth voice came.

Ji Zhou turned his head and looked, and found a green ghost fire floating in the back. There were hideous facial features on the ghost fire, and the voice was sharp and harsh.

"Oh it's you."

Ji Zhou recognized this person, who was the one who gave him the soul-controlling water!

And the reason why I got to know each other was because this mysterious guy cooperated with his father, the Black Demon Sovereign.

"What are you discussing with your father?" Ji Zhou asked curiously.

The facial features on the green ghost fire were a little distorted, and he smiled: "It’s not about you. The Black Demon Sovereign asked him to attack the Black Flame City in the few days before the Black Territory Competition. He participated in the Black Territory Competition."

"Your father did this, I'm afraid he didn't want that Mu Qing to occupy your place in the Holy Land, right?"

Only then did Ji Zhou understand that his father had commissioned the mysterious guy in front of him to hold Mu Qing so that he could not participate in the Black Territory Competition.

Suddenly, Ji Zhou's heart moved and couldn't help but said: "Can I ask you something?"

A vicious look appeared in his eyes, and said: "Anyway, you are entrusted by my father to drag Mu Qing, why don't you help me kill Mu Qing!"

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