Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1866: Picture poor see

Madam Bai didn't put Mu Qing in her eyes at first, but when the Qingze Divine Sword was cut out, she realized that she was wrong.

In fact, Mrs. Bai's judgment on the top sacred artifacts is not wrong.

The top sacred weapon is indeed powerful, but it must be in the hands of high-level masters to exert its true power.

If it's just a tribulation master to use it, it won't be able to exert much power.

But the Qingze Excalibur in Mu Qing's hands was different.

This is not only a top sacred weapon, it also comes with kendo supernatural powers, and it even contains a ray of the supreme sword intent of the power of the law body!

With the blessing of the heavenly sword intent, it is enough for Mu Qing to contend with Mrs. Bai.

Even Mrs. Bai's sacred skull, the White Tower, was damaged by the careless moment.

"Die to me!"

Mrs. Bai was furious, and saw the power of evil condensed on her skeletal body, turning into masses of crimson mist.

She used her magical powers to tear the evil claws, and at the same time urged the skull and white tower to the extreme, all kinds of negative energies gathered to suppress Mu Qing.

Mu Qing held a three-foot green peak, showing the power of the Qingze Divine Sword, and the magical powers of kendo emerged in endlessly. One person with one sword would contend with Mrs. Bai!

The two fought again and again, and even the solid space on the origin world had dark cracks, and the earth was even more embarrassed, with deep pits and abyss-like cracks everywhere.

The Black Flame City in the distance was even more faltering. Under the aftermath of regular power, like a candle in the wind, the protective array would shatter at any time.

The crimson mist shrouded the sky, which was a manifestation of the power of Madame Bai's depravity.

The other party had a murderous heart, almost at full force, and displayed another magical power, the Eye of Fallen Soul!

This is a supernatural power that specifically interferes with the mind. Although it is biased towards assistance, it is quite effective when used in combat.

Mrs. Bai's ability of the Eye of Fallen Soul is to make her opponent confused and overwhelmed.

When the Ordinary Supreme encounters the Eye of the Fallen Soul, I am afraid that he will become a prisoner of Madam White in no time.

And Mu Qing was also seriously disturbed, even using the power of the stars to fight has become a bit cumbersome, and the spirit platform is unstable.

This is not something you can resist with a firm will!

Sen Bai's bone claws were torn down, and Mu Qing cut it out with a single sword, smashing it to pieces, but soon the crimson mist formed by the power of the evil fell enveloped.

Among them, a ferocious eyeball was in it, shining with a weird luster.

The blue veins on Mu Qing's forehead violently, his thoughts were confused at the moment, he was accidentally hit by the Evil Falling Bone Claw, wounded behind his back, and a large amount of blood burst out.

Madam Bai frowned slightly when she saw her magical power hit Mu Qing, a little dissatisfied.

The injury caused was smaller than she had imagined.

Mu Qing possesses the Eucharist, and his resistance to the power of the rules is still quite high, so he won't be killed by a single blow.

At the same time, the illusory universe appeared behind Mu Qing. In the immortal starry sky, two real stars, red and white, collided together to form an ancient mirror.

The mirror turned over, and the white light shone out and fell on Mu Qing's body.

His newly wounded Eucharist recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and healed in just a few breaths.

After Mu Qing recovered from his injury, he injected the power of the stars into the Qingze Divine Sword in his hand, and once again displayed the magical powers of kendo, the sword cut Qingming!

Blessed by the supreme sword intent, a clear and bright sword light penetrated the sky and split the sky.

Facing the power of Qingze Divine Sword, Mrs. Bai was also quite jealous, urging the skull white tower, barely resisting the horrible sword intent, and immediately turned into a red mist to escape, avoiding being cut.

However, when the mirror of life and death on Mu Qing's head turned, the crimson side appeared, and the destructive power representing death turned into a red light, accurately hitting Madam Bai.


Destroying the death light brushed past, and fell on Madam Bai, the other side's jade-white bones unexpectedly appeared cracks, accompanied by the crisp sound, a piece of white bone arm turned into powder!

"How can it be?!"

Mrs. Bai was shocked. She never expected that her Fallen Bone Eucharist would be shattered so easily, and even a chill that penetrated into the soul swept through her body, as if she could smell the breath of death at any time.

She couldn't believe that she was the Lord of the Three Tribulations, the Lord of the Eucharist!

However, now he was injured by a master who was forced to rise up by some means, and was unable to recover his injuries.

"What supernatural power is this?" Madam Bai's mentality changed, and finally she no longer underestimated Mu Qing.

This is not an ordinary master of one catastrophe at all. The opponent not only has top-notch sacred artifacts, but can also inspire matching kendo magical powers, and even one's own sacred artifacts can easily cause damage.

Even now, he is still displaying a terrifying supernatural power, recovering from his injury in a single thought, and wiping off his arm in a single thought.

In a short period of time, this broken bone arm cannot be recovered.

Madam White gritted her teeth, she was quite hated at this moment, it was clear that the one who told him that although the opponent was the arrogant of the Black Demon Sect, his strength would be dominated by the sky.

Can this be called the dominance of the sky?

With just this combat ability, even a slight mistake would have to be severely injured, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the ruler of the Four Tribulations!

"I don't believe it, you can always maintain this state of dominance!" Madam White said viciously in her heart.

She held the skull white tower, protected herself with the power of the sacred instrument, and dealt with Mu Qing as much as possible.

A strong force of evil swept all around, dyeing the entire sky crimson.

Although Mu Qing can easily hurt Madam Bai with the power of the Qingze Divine Sword and the Mirror of Life and Death, Madam Bai is not a fool and will not go head-to-head with Mu Qing.

She thinks that if she forcibly competes with Mu Qing, she might overturn the boat in the ditch.

And as long as you maintain a defensive stance and continue to delay, she must be the winner!

Upon seeing this, Mu Qing had to admit that Mrs. Bai's approach was correct.

He possesses the Universe Eucharist and Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra, and he is best at war of attrition.

But now he is fighting at a higher level, and his opponent is a Lord of the Three Tribulations.

Mu Qing can feel through the Book of Emperor Mu Xing Emperor that the power of the Star Dimension to bless him is about to cease.

Forcibly raising oneself to the Domination of One Tribulation, being able to maintain it for such a long period of time is already quite powerful.

The most important thing is that in the immortal starry sky behind him, the mirror of life and death is faltering, turning into two stars in the next moment, one red and the other blazing white, hanging in the depths of the immortal starry sky.

The magical power of the mirror of life and death is only a rudimentary form at present, and it is not a complete magical power at all.

It just urged it to disassemble it on its own, and it could no longer be used in a short period of time.

Madame Bai in the distance was even more delighted when she saw this, and secretly said that her guess was correct.

Although Mu Qing's methods are powerful, even she has to retreat, but she certainly can't use them for a long time!

"Hold on until the power of the Star Dimension dissipates, it really is not the opponent of this Madam White."

Mu Qing was expressionless, but his heart was still quite solemn.

He realized that although the magical powers of the Qingze Divine Sword and the Mirror of Life and Death in his hand were powerful, a sword intent with the power of the law body and the other with the characteristics of the law body were not enough for him to kill Madam Bai.

If the opponent is a master of the Second Tribulation, he may be able to defeat him!

But Mrs. Bai is the ruler of the Three Tribulations, and the realm gap is too large. The other party also possesses a holy artifact, which is enough to protect herself.

If you don't want to break the game, when your realm drops to the ultimate supreme, you will probably not be Mrs. White's opponent.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, thinking of the soul control water that Mo Zi had given him, and suddenly had a plan.

For the soul control water to be effective, it is not necessary for the other party to drink it.

Mo Zi told him that the soul-controlling water is actually a one-time holy artifact refined by a strong person, as long as it can accurately contact the other party, it will work!

Even for the dominant power, the effect of controlling the soul water is only to control the opponent for a short period of time.

But what Mu Qing wants is this short period of time, even if it's just a few breaths!

Mu Qing took a deep breath, watching the stars that covered half of the sky gradually fade away, and the power of the stars that had been pouring into the body ceased to fall.

Without the power of the stars that reached the rule level, the power of Mu Qing's magical powers would be greatly reduced.

Mu Qing calmed his mind and poured all the remaining star power into the Qingze Divine Sword in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the brilliant glow in his eyes bloomed, accompanied by a low drink, the heavens and the earth shook, and the brilliant sword glow was clearly visible, as bright as the sun, and a sword slashed towards Mrs. Bai.

This is the last sword to cut Qingming, exhausting all the power of stars given by the star dimension.

Mu Qing's breath also fell. Although his body was full of energy, it was all his own power of the starry sky. Without the power of the rule level, he could not exert the true power of Qingze Divine Sword.

Mrs. Bai also noticed that Mu Qing's breath fell, and she giggled, and at the same time, she urged the skull Baita in her hands with all her strength.

I saw the densely packed skulls on the White Tower vomiting a light red mist, like a strange wind blowing away.

The power of the evil depravity turned into an overwhelming red symbol, flooding this space, like a torrent roaring.

Madam White urged the skull white tower with all his strength, which could be regarded as barely offsetting the power of Zhan Qingming's kendo supernatural power!

The power that Mu Qing displayed was actually not terrifying, what was truly terrifying was the supreme sword intent contained in the Qingze Divine Sword.

That was left by the great power of the Law Body Qinglian Sword Immortal, and that's how it could bring such a huge threat to Madam Bai.

Similarly, the Mirror of Life and Death also has the characteristics of Dharmakaya, which is extremely threatening.

Now, Mu Qing's magical powers in the mirror of life and death can no longer be revealed, and the star dimension has completely faded away, and the realm has fallen to the ultimate supreme!

However, Mu Qing held the Qingze Divine Sword, seemingly unaware, and slashed towards Madam Bai again.

Madam Bai let out a sharp laugh, "Stupid! Without the blessing of the dominance realm, even if you urge this top sacred artifact, you can't hurt me!"

In her opinion, Mu Qing rushed to herself after losing the dominance realm, it was simply seeking his own way!

Just as Mrs. Bai was about to use his evil claws to tear Mu Qing into pieces, she happened to see a smile from the corner of Mu Qing's mouth.

"Time, pause!"

Mu Qing made a violent shout in his mouth.

Suddenly, with him as the center, invisible ripples were set off, spreading to the surroundings.

Mrs. Bai's realm was much higher than Mu Qing's, and her thinking would not even be stagnated, but she was shocked to find that she could not move at all.

Time is running out, Mu Qing's hands are lingering, and a cloud of energy rushes out, transforming into a figure.

That was the black general who had recovered to the dominance of a catastrophe, with a cloud of transparent liquid suspended in his palm, which was the soul-controlling water!

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