Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1867: Control Mrs. White!

Mu Qing fell from the realm of dominance and rushed towards Madam Bai with the Qingze Divine Sword. Naturally, it was impossible to beg for death.

But to get as close as possible to Mrs. Bai to avoid accidents.

Under the time suspend, considering that Mrs. Bai might struggle, Mu Qing simply asked the black general under his control to use the soul-controlling water against Mrs. Bai.

Even if the soul control water is one-time, it is also a functional sacred weapon, and it is more effective to use it by the black general dominated by a catastrophe!

Mrs. Bai showed a look of horror, her body was completely unable to move, and there has never been a strong person who can use the power of time in the origin world. She felt instinctive fear for Mu Qing's unknown methods.

General Black squirted the soul-controlling water on Madam White. This seemingly ordinary water actually penetrated into the soul.

Even if Mrs. Bai is dominated by the Three Tribulations, she will have to be controlled for a period of time!

General Black nodded to Mu Qing, indicating that Madam White has been under the control of Soul Water.

Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief and snapped his fingers.

Time starts to flow again!

Between his eyebrows, the time seal gleamed with silver light.

Although there is the existence of the sealing law, you can temporarily not worry about the curse of time, but the capacity of the time sealing is limited.

The size of the capacity depends on the understanding of the power of time. With Mu Qing's current understanding, the capacity of the time seal is relatively small.

Once the power of time is used many times, the power of the curse will fill the sealed space sooner or later, and there will be a risk of the curse being detonated at that time.

Mu Qing also didn't want to involve too much with the power of time, because studying the power of time to increase his perception would also be eroded by the curse.

Therefore, he can use less time to pause and use less time as a last resort.

Now, Mu Qing used the time to suspend, and the black general, who cooperated with the control of the hand of 氤氲, finally succeeded in controlling Mrs. White!

"Stop her."

In order to ensure that there is nothing wrong, Mu Qing ordered the black general to control, and the power of the rules shrouded Mrs. White, confining it.

Although there is the existence of the soul-controlling water, this is also a second-hand defense for the sake of insurance.

Mu Qing's hands were filled with air, and a cloud of air rushed out and got into Madam Bai's body.

This is the ultimate killer Mu Qing prepared!

Even if there is an increase in the top sacred artifacts and star dimensions, even with the addition of the black general ruled by One Tribulation, it is still quite difficult to deal with the three Tribulations Lord of Madam White.

Although Soul Controlling Water is quite terrifying, it can only control the Three Tribulations for a short period of time.

In this short period of time, the master controlled by the accused soul water will completely become a slave-like existence.

Mu Qing was a little curious. If she let Mrs. Bai commit suicide, would the other party really do it?

But he certainly wouldn't do it, because there is a better choice in front of him.

That is to completely control Mrs. Bai!

There are a total of five targets that can be controlled by the entrapped hand, and the limit is the Three Tribulations.

It just so happens that Mrs. Bai is the ruler of the Three Tribulations!

The wisps of cloud air penetrated directly into Madam White’s white bones, similar to the previous control of the human face Scorpion King and Black General. In just a few breaths, the energetic air penetrated Madam White’s body and soul. , Established contact with Mu Qing himself.

After a while, Mu Qing tried to control Mrs. Bai with his entangled hands. After one thought, Mrs. White in front of him took the initiative to hand the skull white pagoda to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, finally showing a satisfied smile on his face.

It's a success!

As a functional sacred artifact, the 氤氲之手 is definitely the most practical batch!

As long as the opponent does not have the ability to resist, even the Lord of the Three Tribulations can complete the control in just a few breaths, and completely become the "owner!"

It is precisely because of the existence of the entrapped hand that Mu Qing not only solved Madam Bai, but even turned the enemy into a friend, he also had the power of the Three Tribulations Lord!

At this moment, Mu Qing also wanted to thank the Black Demon Sovereign and his son, one for sending the Soul Controlling Water and the other for the Lord of the Three Tribulations. It was simply a "gift boy!"

"Fortunately, there is soul-controlling water, otherwise it would be impossible to control Madam Bai with the enchanting hand."

Mu Qing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Only by controlling the soul water can Madam Bai directly give up her resistance, and be obediently controlled by him with entangled hands.

At the same time, the time pause ability also plays a major role.

Otherwise, General Black would never have the opportunity to use Soul Control Water against Mrs. White!

"Think about it carefully, the conditions for the use of this soul-controlling water are also quite harsh. How could the ordinary masters allow the inexplicable liquid to approach him? When Ji Zhou tried to use it on Elder Mo, he was also spotted a flaw."

Mu Qing touched his chin, if it weren't for the time to suspend the ability to cooperate, otherwise the soul control water would not be a threat to Mrs. Bai.


At this time, Mrs. Bai, who had recovered her condition, put on the almost transparent white gauze again, and the white bones turned into a beautiful beauty, and she bowed to Mu Qing affectionately.

With a move of Mu Qing's mind, General Black and Madame White turned into two wisps of air and pierced into his palms.

The injuries suffered by Mrs. Bai will quickly recover in the hands of the engulfing, which can be regarded as compensation for the restricted realm.

Looking around again vigilantly, looking at the environment that was almost razed to the ground and the cracks spreading everywhere, the undead army had disappeared.

After confirming that no stronger ruler appeared, Mu Qing landed back to the ground and glanced at the protective array that was fragmented in the aftermath of the war. He walked into the Black Flame City.

As soon as he came up, Heiyan City Lord immediately ran to Mu Qing, and took a few powerhouses from Heiyan City to salute Mu Qing.

"Thanks to the master's action, otherwise the Black Flame City will be destroyed today!"

City Lord Heiyan cried bitterly.

He revealed his true feelings, and he was really grateful to Mu Qing in his heart.

Under this harsh geographical environment, a Black Flame City was created abruptly. It can be seen how much effort the Black Flame City Lord has spent. If it is really destroyed, it would be better to let him die.

I thought this was just an ordinary attack by the Undead Legion, who would have known that a Three Tribulations Lord came out again.

Fortunately, the agent who came to Black Flame City was astonishing facts and defeated Madam Bai!

"This is part of Heiyan City's savings over the years, and I ask the principal to accept it. There is no return for such a great kindness!"

City Lord Heiyan handed Mu Qing a colorful storage ring, luxurious and gorgeous.

In fact, these small forces under the Black Demon Sect will give certain benefits every time they entrust the chief agent of the Black Demon Sect to help solve the problem.

It's just that this time, the Black Flame City Lord took out more benefits to express his gratitude.

Mu Qing took the seemingly extravagant storage ring, and secretly said that it was just a storage ring, and its rank was almost approaching the holy level.

Sensation poured into it, Rao Mu Qing was surprised.

It turned out to be a holy artifact!

It is a huge sword that has reached the middle level of the sacred weapon!

The city lord of Heiyan City is no more than the second-tier supreme, being able to take out the sacred artifacts that have reached the third-tier supreme treasure, which is enough to show his sincerity.

Mu Qing did not shirk, and accepted the storage ring. After all, he also lacked the third-level treasure. The advancement of the world snake ability in the star book is still far away and requires a lot of resources to improve.

Afterwards, Mu Qing looked at the Black Flame City Lord and asked: "When the White Lady, who was the ruler of the Three Tribulations, appeared, did you ask the Black Demon Sect for help a second time?"

He knew that there was an exclusive teleportation array arranged by the Black Demon Sect in the Black Flame City, which could be teleported from the Black Demon Sect in an instant.

The Black Flame City Lord’s face was a bit ugly, and he answered truthfully, “I have asked for help, but there was no response from the Black Demon Sect, and no host spoke out. I wonder if the strong from the Undead Realm used some method. Blocked the message?"

Mu Qing sneered, "You can contact the Black Demon Sect again now."

The Black Flame City Lord was shocked, did not understand what Mu Qing meant, but ran to contact the Black Demon Sect.

After a while, the Black Flame City Lord ran over with a weird face, and said: "A Black Demon Sect elder with the surname Mo asked me to tell you that I can go back to participate in the Black Territory Competition."

Mu Qing sneered in his heart. It seemed that when he was fighting against Mrs. White, someone in the Black Demon Sect cut off the connection, so that the Black Flame City Lord's signal for help could not be passed.

If he was not prepared this time, he would be a corpse when he really waited for the power of the Black Demon Sect to come to help!

"Prepare for the teleportation formation, I want to return to the Black Demon Sect." Mu Qing said.

The Black Flame City Lord naturally also tasted some flavors, I am afraid that this one in front of him is in conflict with some high-level members in the Black Demon Sect.

But this is not what he can manage, he only needs to do his own.

The Black Flame City Master took someone to activate the Black Demon Sect’s exclusive teleportation formation. After all, the Black Flame City could not keep this teleportation formation open. It would only activate when it was needed, and it would take a certain amount of time.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Mu Qing also took out the sacred artifacts given by the Black Flame City Lord and Madame Bai, a huge sword, a skull and white tower, all of which were medium sacred artifacts.

Mu Qing decisively threw these two sacred artifacts into the fire of the starry sky.

Suddenly, the originally illusory starry sky's fire consolidated a lot, and gradually grew stronger and improved significantly.

"It seems that we still need to collect more third-level treasures in order to make the world snake ability quickly advance." Mu Qing saw this scene, and felt in his heart.

If it is only the second-level treasure, no matter how much you collect, the improvement of the world's snake ability is quite slow.

However, according to this progress, Mu Qing estimated that if he wanted to advance the world's snake abilities, he would at least swallow more than ten third-level treasures!

This made Mu Qing feel a heartache. It would be nice if other masters could have one, but he still had to find ten more!

The key is to still need at least ten pieces, maybe more!

Soon, the Black Flame City Lord opened the Black Demon Sect's exclusive teleportation formation, and Mu Qing abandoned distracting thoughts and stepped into the teleportation formation.

A unique force split the space, and at the same time a powerful pulling force enveloped Mu Qing, as if a hook hooked Mu Qing's belly button and pulled it over!

There was a burst of discomfort, and then his body was twisted into a whirlpool.

With a snap, Mu Qing has returned to the land of the black demon!

There was a sneer on his face, I am afraid that the Black Demon Sect Master couldn't think of it, and he solved Madam White in less than a day!

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