Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1868: Arrive at Antianmen

Land of the Dark Demon.

After Mu Qing returned, he immediately went to the Elder Peak.

The curvy Mo Zi was already waiting for Mu Qing here, and when he saw Mu Qing appeared, he smiled slightly, his beautiful eyes turned into a crescent moon.

"The Black Demon Sect Master secretly intercepted the information, and the second request for help from the Black Flame City has not been passed on until now."

Mo Zi explained.

Mu Qing nodded, "I know, but I thought the Dark Lord just wanted to stop me, but he seemed to want to kill me even more!"

His expression was a little gloomy, Madam Bai's strength had reached the rule of the Three Tribulations, which was quite terrifying. If he had not had time to suspend cooperation, I am afraid that even a single soul control water would not be able to deal with Madam Bai.

Mo Zi frowned slightly when he heard the words, "Are you sure?"

"It stands to reason that he must know that your identity is related to Emperor Mu Xing, how could he kill you."

Mu Qing was puzzled, he guessed: "Perhaps it is the hand of a strong man who wants me to die in the Undead Realm, it will lead to disaster!"

"It's possible." Mo Zi's expression also became serious.

Afterwards, she smiled disdainfully and said: "The Black Demon Sect Master can secretly donate means to prevent Black Flame City's request for help from being sent to my side, but the reverse is also possible for me!"

Mo Zi's beautiful eyes narrowed into a gap, "The news that you came back alive, the Black Demon Sect Master doesn't know yet!"

"After all, he has already gone to the location of the Dark Sky Gate at this time. After all, the Black Territory Competition is about to begin. As the Black Demon Sect Master, he must be there early."

Mu Qing's mind moved, and asked: "Have you investigated the matter of Ji Zhou colluding with the powerhouse of the Undead Realm?"

"Not yet. Ji Zhou hasn't left the Black Demon Sect for the time being, but he got the Soul Control Water inexplicably. I even suspect that the origin of the Soul Control Water is related to the Black Demon Sect Master!"

Mo Zi also frowned, quite confused.

She investigated Ji Zhou for a period of time and found that the other party had never had any contact with strangers.

Mu Qing thoughtfully, he asked Mo Zi to wait for him for a while, and then the snake of the starry sky wrapped around him and swallowed himself in one bite.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qing had already appeared in the Sect Master Hall.

For this kind of behavior, in fact, it can be said that it is trespassing the Sect Master Palace.

However, Mu Qing's World Snake ability is special, directly passing through all the restrictions, without disturbing anyone, and the Black Demon Sect Master, who is a half-step Dharma body, has already gone to the Dark Sky Gate.

Sensing power went around, after Mu Qing searched for a moment, he summoned the snake in the starry sky to swallow himself.

In a short time, Mu Qing appeared in a large luxuriously decorated room. On the big bed, Ji Zhou was barely clothed, embracing two beautiful female disciples of the Black Demon Sect, and was carrying out a stubborn thing.

The sudden appearance of Mu Qing made Ji Zhou dumbfounded.


The two black demon female disciples quickly picked up the clothes next to them to cover their carcass, and ran to the side.

"How could should be dead?"

Ji Zhou froze for a long time, rubbed his eyes, looked at Mu Qing in front of him, suspecting that he was dreaming.

"look into my eyes."

Suddenly, a terrifying coercion erupted from Mu Qing and enveloped the surroundings.

Facing Mu Qing, Ji Zhou only felt that he was not an ultimate supreme arrogant, but a mortal, only feeling the supreme majesty crushed.

He couldn't help but look at Mu Qing's deep eyes, like an abyss, swallowing everything in.

At the same time, Mu Qing urged the mind to read Ji Zhou's memory!

Since you want to investigate Ji Zhou's affairs, it is better to go to the door directly to check the other party's memory!

However, there is usually the Black Demon Sovereign next to Ji Zhou, and if Mu Qing does this, I am afraid he will be slapped to death on the spot.

But don't worry now, because the Black Demon Sect Master has left the Black Demon Sect and headed to the Dark Sky Gate!

At this time, there is no protection around Ji Zhou, it is a good time to play the black hand!

If it was replaced by someone else, even if it was a master of the Eight Tribulations like Mo Zi, he wouldn't do that.

Because directly searching Ji Zhou's memory will cause damage to his soul.

After all, no matter how great Mo Zi is, he is also cultivating the power of darkness, focusing on fighting, not souls.

On the contrary, it is the magical powers Mu Qing obtained from the evil nerves. The biggest feature is that they are silent!

Sensational Mind can not only read Ji Zhou's memory picture, but also will not cause any influence on it.

Soon, Mu Qing's face became gloomy.

He thought that letting Madam White kill him was the meaning of the Black Demon Sovereign, but he didn't expect that Ji Zhou commissioned the mysterious green ghost fire to do it!

But no matter what, the truth has surfaced.

Ji Zhou has little to do with the Undead Realm, and the soul-controlling water is also gifted by the mysterious green ghost fire.

Because of this, Mo Zi and Sakura Wing couldn't investigate.

Because the green ghost and fire **** has only been in contact with Ji Zhou twice, if it weren't for Mu Qing to read the memory picture directly, it would be difficult to investigate it.

However, Mo Zi really guessed right.

Collusion with the strong people in the Undead Realm is not Ji Zhou but his father, the Black Demon Sovereign!

Soon, Mu Qing frowned. Although he knew the truth, he understood that the person who had colluded with the Undead Realm was the Black Demon Sovereign.

But it is almost impossible to convict the Black Demon Sovereign by relying on this memory picture.

Mo Zi trusted himself, so the other party would definitely believe the fragments of the memory he gave.

However, if you show this memory picture to others, you may not believe it.

It is so easy to fabricate a false picture!

There is no credibility!

But no matter what, Mu Qing at least got some clues that could transfer the investigation direction of Sakura Wing and Mo Zi to the Black Demon Sovereign.

Looking at Ji Zhou in front of him, Mu Qing's eyes twinkled with weird luster and cast an Imperius Curse!

Ji Zhou's eyes were abysmal, and white mist appeared, but he quickly recovered, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him.

Mu Qing nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Ji Zhou and said, "You are not allowed to expose my affairs, you know?"

Ji Zhou immediately responded, "Understood!"

The effect of the Imperius Curse had taken effect, and it went smoother than he had imagined.

It seems that Ji Zhou's willpower is quite weak.

Mu Qing was quite satisfied, and immediately left the Sect Master Hall with the world's snake power.

For a sinister and vicious villain like Ji Zhou, he decisively chose to control it.

And Mu Qing has two control methods.

One is the enchanting hand, and the other is the Imperius Curse.

Although the hand of 氤氲 looks more powerful in control, it is also easier to spot.

On the contrary, the Imperius Curse has the possibility of being broken away, not depending on the difference in realm, but all on the level of willpower.

The Imperius Curse is more concealed, and basically will not be discovered, it is more suitable to control Ji Zhou, let him be next to the Black Demon Sovereign, and inquire about some news.

Elder Peak.

The snake in the starry sky emerged, and Mu Qing stepped out.

"Where have you been?" Mo Zi asked curiously.

"Go to Ji Zhou." Mu Qing's face was solemn, and then with a big wave of his hand, he released the memory picture he had got from Ji Zhou.

A slightly illusory picture is presented to Mo Zi. Although there is not much information, it is clear that Ji Zhou has nothing to do with colluding with the strong in the Undead Realm. The person who really comes into contact with the strong in the Undead Realm is the Black Demon Sovereign!

Mo Zibei bit her teeth and said angrily: "Damn it! I said why I couldn't find a clue through the investigation. It turns out that the real culprit is the Sovereign Black Demon!"

She raised her eyebrows, and said: "It's just a memory image, and it's really impossible to question the Black Demon Sovereign. After all, he is a half-step Dharma body, one of the most powerful in our black domain."

"However, as long as I find evidence, even if he is the most powerful, he will become a target of public criticism!"

Then, Mo Zi said to Mu Qing: "Let's go! Let's go to the dark sky gate, I want to see, what kind of expression the Black Demon Sovereign will look like when he sees you appear!"

She laughed somewhat gleefully.

In fact, the true disciples in the Black Demon Sect have already followed the elder to the location of the Antian Gate.

Mo Zi stayed deliberately to wait for Mu Qing.

The two went directly to the Antian Gate through the exclusive teleportation array.

After a while of discomfort, Mu Qing had a headache, and said to Mo Zi next to him: "Every time I use the teleportation array, it's like this?"

Obviously it is the space teleportation array of the top sects of the Black Demon Sect, but the experience is extremely poor when used, as if a strong hook hung on the stomach, forcibly pulling people over.

Even Mu Qing has the illusion of twisting his whole person and digging into the gap of space!

This teleportation array in the origin world is really not flattering.

Outside of the world, the teleportation array has no discomfort, and the experience is excellent.

Mo Zi glanced at him, and said indifferently: "It's good to be used to it. Although there is a little discomfort, the speed is quite fast. It can be said that the whole area is almost instantaneous!"

Mu Qing shrugged, then looked around.

The environment of Antianmen is similar to the Dark Demon Sect in the final analysis, and it seems that the other Ink Shadow Pavilion is also similar.

The overall dim environment is full of dark power.

After all, under the influence of the Dark Sky Law King, most of the people in the Black Territory cultivated the power of darkness.

Many powerful masters also possess dark powers that have reached the level of the rules.

"It is said that there are not many people in Antianmen?"

Mu Qing asked curiously.

He looked around and found that the two of them were in a dark realm, and a dark abyss could be seen in the distance, with a strong dark power lingering.

Mu Qing felt a little familiar, that place seemed to be similar to Dark Abyss!

Mo Zi nodded and explained: "There are indeed not many people. Except for the ancestor of the Antian Law King, the rest are the sect master and ten elders of the Antian Gate."

"And the ten elders have only one true disciple each, and there are no other Antianmen disciples besides them."

"The rest, at best, are a group of maids and attendants, taking care of the daily lives of the elders and true disciples."

Mu Qing showed a surprised expression.

There are only ten disciples in the entire top sect, which is quite rare.

Mo Zi is quite familiar with the Antian Gate. She pointed to the dark abyss in the distance, and said: "The place where the Antian Gate is located is the dark earth, surrounded by a dark abyss, and it is almost impossible for outsiders to enter."

Immediately afterwards, she pointed to the black buildings not far away, and said: "That is the elder hall, the ten elder hall represents the ten elders, and the deepest black hall is the residence of the dark sky master."

"As for the Dark Sky Law King, he is located in his own real universe, in the dark world, and does not appear all year round."

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