Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1869: Catch up with the Black Territory

Mo Zi gave Mu Qing a detailed introduction to the situation of Antianmen.

Because Antianmen is sparsely populated, there are not many buildings and it occupies a small area.

As the Lord of the Black Region, the Dark Sky Law King has always been in the real universe.

When the power of every Dharmakaya, their scriptures transform into the scriptures of the Great Domination level, the corresponding imaginary universe will become the real universe.

It is almost like the origin world, a completely independent world, its own universe!

"The Black Territory Grand Tournament is held in a small world and is played in a team form. This is actually a chance for other sects."

"The true disciple teams of the three top sects will definitely be hostile to each other. If they fight and lose both, other sects have a chance to surpass the three sects."

Mo Zi said from the side.

The true disciples of the other sects are basically the second-order supreme, and seldom the ultimate supreme tianjiao, so the Black Territory Competition is conducted in a team battle, which allows other sects to have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

At this time, Mo Zi handed Mu Qing a jade token and explained: "You will compete in an independent small world in Antianmen."

"In the small world, there are many unique second-level and even third-level treasures. Your goal is to put those treasures into jade tokens. The more treasures you get, the higher the ranking."

"Of course, you can also **** the treasures of other people's jade tokens."

"After the Black Territory Competition is over, there will be no other rewards except for the number of places in the Holy Land. After all, the treasures obtained in the jade tokens afterwards belong to them, and they are already rich in rewards."

"The most important point is that after the Black Territory Competition is over, they will be listed as the top three of the top sects, and they will all get three places in the Holy Land."

"Each sect participating in the Black Territory Competition has five authentic disciples, but after all, there are only three places, so these three places will basically only be given to the three authentic disciples with the most points."

"Of course, the allocation of these three holy places is actually assigned by the Sovereign, and the right to speak is on the Sovereign's side. If the Black Demon Sect Master becomes shameless, it is possible to forcefully give his son Ji Zhou the quota that should belong to you. "

Mo Zi knew the appearance of the Black Demon Sovereign very well.

There is no doubt that Mu Qing's strength must be the strongest among the five true biography of the Black Demon Sect.

But the Black Demon Sovereign will inevitably target Mu Qing for Ji Zhou, and everything is hard to say.

"It's okay." Mu Qing smiled and didn't care.

I really don't need to care anymore, even if the Black Demon Sect Master really cheeky gave Ji Zhou the place for him to enter the Holy Land?

You know, Ji Zhou is now controlled by his Imperius Curse.

There is no difference between Ji Zhou entering the Holy Land and entering the Holy Land himself!

Mu Qing had almost understood the situation of the Holy Land through Mo Zi.

The so-called holy land refers to the dark world, that is, the real universe of the Dark Sky Dharma!

Entering the Holy Land, you can mainly listen to the open altar preaching by the Dark Sky Dharma King, who is the powerful Dharmakaya.

As long as you can get such a touch of insight from the powerful preaching of the Law Body, it can be described as a supreme treasure for all true teaching disciples.

However, Mu Qing is different.

In the realm of origin, the power of the Dharmakaya is almost non-existent, and it is extremely difficult to see one side. It is naturally an extremely precious opportunity to be able to listen to the preaching of the master.

As long as Mu Qing goes outside the world and returns to the gate of time and space, whether it is Master Wu or Master Crane, he can preach to him one-on-one.

This kind of opportunity is not precious to Mu Qing.

The most important thing is to see the Dark Sky King and ask how to leave the Origin Realm.

Ji Zhou has been controlled by him, so by that time, whether Ji Zhou enters the Holy Land or enters the Holy Land himself, he will be able to see the Dark Sky King, so there is no difference.

It is estimated that the Black Demon Sect Master could not have imagined that Mu Qing was so courageous that he directly controlled Ji Zhou.

When Mo Zi saw Mu Qing's confident look, he stopped making a sound.

She took Mu Qing to the depths of the Dark Sky Gate, near the Dark Abyss, and could feel the surging dark power at any time.

There is already a sea of ​​people here, and an elite disciple named Qi Yu Xuanang from the Black Demon Sect and Mo Ying Pavilion.

In addition, there are many disciples of the sect of the Black Territory. Although they are not as good as the three top sects, they are not much weaker. There are many true disciples who have reached the second-order supreme.

High in the sky, three tyrannical figures stand side by side, it is the Lord of the Dark Demon, the Lord of Dark Sky and the Lord of Ink Shadow Pavilion!

The three-and-a-half-step Dharma body looked down, where there was a portal made of blue jade, leading to a small world.

"The rule of the Black Territory Competition is to enter the small world and search for enough treasures. All the gains in the small world will belong to you!"

"Next, ask all the true disciples of the sect to enter the blue jade stone gate, it will teleport you to a random location in the small world."

"It is worth noting that the crisis not only comes from the true disciples of other sects, but also from the indigenous creatures in the small world!"

"The dark creatures inside, the strongest can dominate the realm!"

An Antianmen elder shouted in a low voice in mid-air, and his voice expanded, billowing like thunder.

Immediately afterwards, the elders of the Antianmen began to let the teams of the sects enter the blue jade stone gates, basically a team composed of five second-tier supreme members.

Only in the team of the three top sects, the true disciples of the ultimate supreme appear!

Mo Ying Ge has two ultimate true disciples, one of whom is Tianjiao from the headquarters of the Holy Treasure Hall, like Mu Qing.

Of course, they are the real holy treasure hall tianjiao, and Mu Qing is just a fake identity.

On the side of Antianmen, there are three true disciples of the ultimate supreme. Although the other two are only second-tier supreme, they are also quite extraordinary, and they have the potential to impact the ultimate supreme!

It seems that this type of training method of Antianmen is more capable of teaching outstanding disciples.

After all, there are a total of ten elders and only one disciple is accepted. Under the one-on-one teaching, it is still quite easy to cultivate good seedlings.

"Antianmen is so strong! There are three ultimate powerhouses, I am afraid they will lose the first place in the Black Territory Competition this time."

A group of elite disciples of the Black Demon Sect sighed.

The Black Territory Competition is of no benefit to the disciples who have not participated.

But most of the disciples have a high sense of belonging to the sect, and naturally they want to see their sect ranked first.

"Our Black Demon Sect is not bad! After Senior Brother An and Senior Brother Mu joined three years ago, our sect's ultimate power has reached four!"

"Not to mention that Senior Brother Mu's strength is far beyond the ordinary ultimate ultimate supreme, and he was promoted to acting chief by an exception from the suzerain!"

Many disciples of the Dark Demon Sect gave a voice of admiration.

Although they are not familiar with Mu Qing, in front of other sects, they naturally want to tout their own Tianjiao more.

"Fully four ultimate supreme? Then we Black Demon Sect can squeeze the Dark Sky Gate?" A Black Demon Sect disciple exclaimed.

The elite disciple of the Black Demon Sect next to him shook his head, "It is unlikely that the Tianjiao of the Dark Sky Gate is quite powerful, and our Senior Brother Mu is acting as the principal. It is said that there was an accident in the Black Flame City within his jurisdiction. Senior Brother Mu is The agent is naturally going to solve it, and most of it is nowhere near the black domain this time."

"Is that so? What a pity!"

Some disciples of the Black Demon Sect are quite disappointed, and they still expect the Black Demon Sect to rank first.

At the same time, the elder Antianmen in midair looked suspiciously at the Black Demon Sect team.

"Why are you four people? Aren't there five people who signed up?"

Elder Antianmen was quite puzzled.

The registration of the Black Territory Competition is basically guaranteed by the elders of each sect, so there is basically no shortage of people.

"Sorry, one of the disciples we signed up for was also the acting principal. It happened that during this period of time there was an accident in the scope of his jurisdiction, so he was absent."

Above the sky, the Black Demon Sovereign took the initiative to speak, apologizing, like a handsome gentleman.

"This... I also ask the Black Demon Sovereign to send another true disciple to participate."

After half a step, the Dharma body had spoken, and the Antianmen elder naturally had no trouble complaining.

In front of the blue jade stone gate, the team representing the Black Demon Sect is Ji Zhou, Sakura Wing, An Shaomu, and Lan Qian.

Except for Lan Qian, the other three are the ultimate supreme. This lineup can actually touch the true disciples of Antianmen.

Lan Qian is the granddaughter of the white-haired elder, and her strength is also among the best in the second-tier supreme.

Faced with the lack of people, Lan Qian appeared anxious, while An Shaomu smiled without showing any meaning.

Although Sakura Wing was also indifferent, he sighed from the bottom of his heart. He knew that Mu Qing could not come. After all, this was the Black Demon Sect Master himself.

Ji Zhou, who was equally expressionless, stood aside, as if it had nothing to do with him.

At this time, the Black Demon Sect Master cast his sights on the elite disciples of the Black Demon Sect, intending to randomly select a second-tier supreme true disciple to join the team.

Anyway, with Sakura Wing, Ji Zhou and An Shaomu, the three ultimate supreme beings, and the worst of the Black Demon Sect could have a third place, and the position of the top sect would definitely not be able to run away.

But at this moment, the black demon lord's gaze stagnated.

I saw Mo Zi and Mu Qing walked out of the crowd of Black Demon Sect disciples and came to the front of the blue jade stone gate.

"Elder Xun, we were delayed a bit on the way, sorry."

Mo Zi smiled and greeted the elder Antianmen in midair.

"This is Mu Qing? Well, since the members of the Black Demon Sect team are all here, then enter the blue jade stone gate!"

Elder Xun glanced at Mu Qing, nodded, and then let the Black Demon Sect and his party enter the small world.

He obviously knew Mo Zi, and to a certain extent, Mo Zi's words were more effective than the Black Demon Sovereign, so he didn't seek the Black Demon Sovereign's opinion.

After all, Mu Qing originally signed up directly under the guarantee of Mo Zi, and the temporary substitution is obviously not in compliance with the rules.

"You actually caught up?" Sakura Tsubasa showed a surprised expression.

He knew that Mu Qing had been specially made things difficult by the Black Demon Sect Master, and something must have happened in Heiyan City, which was enough to hold Mu Qing for a long time.

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