Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1870: Big Than Carried

"Could it be that you didn't go to Black Flame City?"

"You know, leaving without permission to stay in our Black Demon Sect will have a very serious end!"

Sakura Wing subconsciously thought that Mu Qing had abandoned the affairs of Heiyan City.

Mu Qing smiled lightly, "No, the matter in Heiyan City has been completely resolved."

Sakura Wing looked surprised.

Completely resolved? !

The Black Demon Sect Master personally arranged to target Mu Qing's Yang plot, but was it solved so quickly?

What shocked Sakura Wing even more was a passage from Mu Qingma.

"Also, it is useless for you to investigate Ji Zhou. I have received reliable news that it is not him who is colluding with the strong in the Undead Realm, but the Sovereign of the Black Demon!"

This passage is like a bolt from the blue, causing an uproar in the heart of Sakura Wing!

It's no wonder that he has been investigating Ji Zhou but nothing has been gained. It turns out that the goal is wrong!

But soon Sakura Wing's face turned gloomy again. If he wanted to investigate the Black Demon Sect Master, he probably didn't have this skill yet.

It is very likely that the Black Demon Sect Master found out before investigating a few clues and slapped him to death.

The half-step Dharma body is strong, but the strongest in the world except for the power of the Dharma body, is the best!

An Shaomu smiled at Mu Qing and didn't say much, after all, on the surface they weren't familiar with it yet.

Of course, An Shaomu also has considerable confidence in Mu Qing and believes that Mu Qing is fully capable of resolving the crisis.

As for Lan Qian, the true disciple of the Black Demon Sect was completely out of the picture, he didn't know what happened secretly, he was just happy for Mu Qing's arrival, after all, there was another strong player in their team.

"Ahem, let's enter the small world first."

Sakura Wing lightly coughed twice, and then led everyone into the blue jade stone gate.

During this period, he also observed Ji Zhou, but Ji Zhou had no expression on his face.

This makes him feel quite weird. He always feels that Ji Zhou's personality has changed a bit recently.

But Sakura Wing didn't think much. In his opinion, it might be that after Mu Qing was taught by Mu Qing last time, Ji Zhou was afraid of Mu Qing and didn't dare to speak loudly.

As a true brother, Tsubasa Sakura is naturally the captain of this team.

However, he knew that his strength was not as good as Mu Qing, so he didn't put on airs.

The blue jade stone gate is actually similar to a teleportation array. After a period of discomfort, the five Mu Qing teleported to a certain place in the small world.

Their location seems to be in a mountain range, with a jungle nearby, and occasionally towering old trees can be seen.

"This Black Territory Competition is actually equivalent to an adventure. There are quite a few adventures here, and of course there are many powerful dark creatures."

"No one knows where the Dark Sky Gate gets so many powerful dark creatures. There are different opinions from the outside world. The most reliable way to say is that the dark creatures in it were all created by the Lord of the Black Region."

Sakura Wing explained.

He mainly introduced this place to Mu Qing and An Shaomu.

Mu Qing looked around, the sky was darker, and wisps of substantial darkness could be seen everywhere on the ground.

At the same time, he also noticed that most people seem to call the Dark Sky Lord the lord of the black domain, and few people call him by his real name.

"What is our goal now?" Mu Qing asked curiously.

He came to participate in the Black Territory Competition naturally to gain fame, and it is best to make a large enough movement, so that after the Black Territory Competition is over, there will naturally be a large number of people propaganda, so that Wu Xuanyi and others can inquire about themselves And the whereabouts of An Shaomu.

Sakura Tsubasa was a person who had participated in a Black Territory Competition, and he was more familiar with this place than them.

"Looking for the treasure." Sakura Wing said straightforwardly.

He paused, and then continued: "It is rumored that this small world is very special. It was not opened by a certain strong man in the dark sky gate, but the existence of heaven, and many treasures will be born continuously in it, even The third-level treasure is no longer in the minority!"

"This is also the reason why the Antianmen has always been strong. They have the fewest numbers, but their resources are hundreds of times more abundant than we thought!"

Sakura Wing grinned: "Also, the score of each sect is calculated based on the treasures found."

"The jade token in our hand is a storage artifact. When the treasure we get from the small world is deposited in it, the score will be automatically calculated."

"So, whether it is to improve the ranking of the sect or for yourself, you must work hard to find the treasures. After all, these treasures belong to your own!"

Most of the sects participating in the Black Territory Competition are also for these treasures. After all, as long as you have good luck, it can be considered a very expensive harvest.

Even, many true disciples once got the third-level treasure, most of which belonged to good luck.

When Mu Qing heard this, he was thoughtful.

If he snatched all the jade tokens in the hands of other sects in the small world, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?

While making a big enough momentum, while also collecting enough treasures, you can quickly improve the ability of the world snake!

Suddenly, Mu Qing's eyes brightened, it was really sleepy and someone gave pillows.

He was worried that he had nowhere to get enough resources, but he didn't expect the Black Territory Big Bi to have so many treasures to harvest.

If you can get enough second-level treasures, even if it has a small effect on the starry sky, you can accumulate less and increase the ability of the world snake.

"The dark creatures here are generally lurking and rarely attack actively, but one characteristic is that there is almost certainly a treasure next to each dark creature."

"When we are close to the treasure, the dark creatures lurking nearby will attack us."

Sakura Wing led everyone into the mountains, while also explaining the situation here.

Arcana and dark creatures are almost bound. When you see Arcana, you must be careful of nearby dark creatures.

When you see dark creatures, then it means that there must be a treasure hidden nearby.

The five moved forward for a while, and then stopped near a cave.

Outside the cave, there is a dark giant ten meters high, lying on the ground dozing off.

As Sakura Tsubasa said, the dark creatures in this small world basically don't take the initiative to attack.

The giant dark tiger in front of him obviously spotted everyone, but raised his eyes and ignored it.

This is obviously a dark creature of the second-order supreme level, which can be easily dealt with by everyone present.

"Who will come?"

Sakura Tsubasa looked at everyone.

According to the law, if dark creatures appear, there must be a treasure nearby.

In this small world, Arcana is at least a second-level Arcana start.

"I'll do it first."

Mu Qing was not polite, and took the initiative to step forward.

The person who has the greatest need for the treasure is him.

Mu Qing is looking forward to raising the ability of the world snake to the point of exceeding the limit as soon as possible. In this way, not only will he be completely immune to the time curse, but he may also be able to master more advanced time magical powers!


The dark giant tiger lying outside the cave didn't roar until Mu Qing approached completely.

The chaotic air lingered between Mu Qing's palms and fingers, and the chaotic symbols gathered in the palm of his palm, forming a spear.

With a violent throw, the spear of chaos was sharp and unparalleled, and instantly pierced the giant dark tiger that had reached the second-order supreme strength, and nailed it firmly to the rock wall.

Among the crowd, only Lan Qian screamed, surprised at Mu Qing's combat effectiveness. After all, the dark giant tiger was in the same realm as her, but Mu Qing shot him in a flash.

The others didn't care at all.

The gap between the ultimate supreme and the second-tier supreme is the difference between the clouds and mud, not to mention the enchanting ultimate supreme like Mu Qing.

Mu Qing walked into the cave, his perception swept out, inquiring whether there is a treasure in it.

Outside, Sakura Wing frequently looked at Ji Zhou, wondering why Ji Zhou suddenly turned a blind eye to Mu Qing.

Along the way, Ji Zhou remained the same as before, and even looked at Lan Qian, who was with him with evil eyes.

But when he got to Mu Qing's side, Ji Zhou didn't seem to see it.

According to Sakura Wing's understanding of Ji Zhou, Ji Zhou, who is extremely jealous, would definitely target Mu Qing desperately.

It turned out to be very calm all the way down.

Could this guy really be scared by Mu Qing?

Sakura Wing was curious.

At this time, Mu Qing also came out of the cave and shook the jade token in his hand to everyone.

The above has changed, and the number "one" emerges.

Mu Qing found a second-level supreme treasure. It was a natural treasure. It seemed that in the Black Territory Competition, a second-class supreme treasure was counted as one point.

I just don’t know, how many points can a third-level treasure count?

But Mu Qing didn't care.

Now that he has come to such a good place, he must try to fight for it.

Perhaps the third-level supreme treasures are guarded by dark creatures that dominate the realm, and the ultimate supreme will die if they go.

However, Mu Qing is quite confident in his own strength. In the case of communicating with the celestial dimension, with the magical powers of the Qingze Divine Sword and the Mirror of Life and Death, he can also exert strength comparable to the Lord of the Three Tribulations.

In his opinion, the dominance-level dark creatures that let others avoid Sanshe were not a big threat to him.

If you really encounter a high-level master, there is also a way to escape.

Not to mention that his entangled hand is still controlling Madame White and General Black, a master of three calamities and a master of one calamity.

If you really want to run into a master-level dark creature, it is not impossible to contend.

Among all the true disciples of the Black Territory, he is the only powerhouse who has the hope of seizing the third-level treasure from the dark creatures by his strength!

For Mu Qing, as long as the more level three treasures he seized, the faster the progress of the world snake ability to exceed the limit!

At that time, maybe you don't need to rely on the power of the Dark Sky Magic King, you can also leave the Origin Realm by relying on the world's snake ability that exceeds the limit.

Although there is no basis, in Mu Qing's view, since the world's snake ability beyond the limit can go to the mysterious space of the long river, leaving the origin world shouldn't be a problem.

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