Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1871: robber

Three days have passed since the start of the Black Territory Grand Competition and Mu Qing and others entered the small world.

During this period of time, Mu Qing and several people swept around and found a lot of treasures. Whoever takes the initiative to solve the dark creatures will get the treasures.

Mu Qing also got a lot of treasures, about ten, and Lan Qian got fewer treasures. After all, among the five, only her was the weakest.

However, this number of treasures is still too small for Mu Qing.

Even if the number of Ji Zhou is added, there are more than 20 second-level treasures, which is not enough for the improvement of the world's snake ability!

Therefore, after another day, Mu Qing proposed to Sakura Yi to act separately.

Having been in the team, he himself couldn't play to his advantage.

"Also, anyway, the ranking of the Zongmen after the event is calculated based on the jade token scores of the five of us. You can perform better by yourself, I naturally have no objection."

Sakura Wing gave a chuckle and agreed to Mu Qing's request.

An Shaomu smiled and naturally wouldn't refuse. As for Ji Zhou, being controlled by Mu Qing's Imperius Curse, it is even more impossible to object.

In fact, it is very rare to choose to leave the team alone in the team battle of the Black Territory, and it can even be said that it has hardly appeared.

The general leader of the true biography disciples will not allow it, after all, one more person has more strength.

But Sakura Wing knew Mu Qing's strength and had a good relationship with Mu Qing, and readily agreed to this request.

Furthermore, even if Mu Qing is removed, the remaining four of them still have the three ultimate powers of the ultimate supreme, even if they can compete with the first Antianmen!

After leaving the team, Mu Qing's perception was released to the extreme, shrouding himself at all times, carpet-like searching for any corner nearby.

His speed reached the extreme, and the search speed was much faster. In just half a day, he killed five dark creatures, and five second-level treasures were credited.

Soon, a smile appeared on Mu Qing's face.

"Finally found."

On a lake in the distance, a team of five was fighting fiercely with a dark creature like a sea monster.

The dark sea monster roared and let out a sky-shaking roar, a burst of dark power erupted like ink, rushing towards the five-person team.

The strength of this dark sea monster is good, it has reached the level of the ultimate supreme, belonging to the weakest ultimate.

In this small world, many dark creatures have reached the ultimate level of strength, most of them are the weakest type, but there is no lack of those that truly match the ultimate level.

The ultimate supreme, who can be called Tianjiao in the outside world, is everywhere in the dark creatures in this small world.

That's why there are rumors from the outside world that these dark creatures were created by the Dark Sky King.

After all, to be able to produce so many dark creatures of the ultimate level, it can only be possible with the existence of the power of the law body.

However, the five-person team that fought against the dark sea monsters was not weak. The true biography from a certain sect was in the realm of the second-order supreme, and they had a low-level sacred weapon.

It seems that in order for the disciples to have a good enough score in the Black Territory Big Competition, the senior members of this sect specially lent them the sacred artifacts.

Mu Qing glanced, did not cover up his figure, strode out, and raised his hand with a finger.

The dazzling starlight turned into a finger to the sky, crushing down like a giant pillar, and piercing through the body of the dark sea monster fiercely.


The dark sea monster made a harsh roar, and was deprived of its body by the longevity finger.


Seeing the hard work of myself and the others, and seeing the dark sea monster that was about to be killed was quickly shot to death with one finger, the five-person team was also stunned, staring at each other.

"Your Excellency! I'm waiting for the true biography of the Black Water Sect. If you want to talk about it first, please leave!"

In the five-person team, the headed man shouted in a deep voice.

They saw that Mu Qing was coming fiercely, so they immediately held the sacred artifacts and stood ready.

Although the opponent looks like an ultimate supreme, they are not afraid. After all, they are formed into a formation of five people, each holding a holy weapon, they can still contend.

However, what surprised them was that Mu Qing was only one person!

It is quite rare that there is only one person in this black domain comparison.

Mu Qing glanced at the opposite side, smiled slightly, and said, "Everyone, although I am a little sorry, I suggest that you still hand over the jade tokens in your hands to avoid suffering."

The five members of the Blackwater Sect were dumbfounded for a while, and they even suspected that they had heard it wrong.

Is this trying to rob?

Seeing that the five people didn't respond, Mu Qing was too lazy to negotiate, thinking and knowing that the opponent would definitely not hand over the jade tokens obediently.

A smile came up at the corner of his mouth and said, "Remember, the one who robbed you is the true disciple of the Black Demon Sect, Mu Qing!"

Anyway, this Black Demon Sect belonged to the Black Demon Sect Master, and if he did anything to ruin his reputation, he must first add the three words Black Demon Sect.

Originally, Mu Qing didn't want to do this, but he was too short of the treasure, but simply relied on searching for the treasure in the small world, and the efficiency was too slow.


Mu Qing made a decisive move, and an illusory universe emerged behind him, intertwined with bright stars in the immortal starry sky.

A big hand containing all things in the starry sky appeared, covering the sky and the sun, covering everything, and with a suffocating terror pressure, it shrouded toward the five members of the Black Water Sect.

The five members of the Black Water Sect were dumbfounded, only to feel that they had become extremely small and completely invincible.

Just the terrifying coercion crushed down, making it hard for them to breathe.


The five had no room to fight back. They coughed up blood again and again, suffered heavy blows and fainted.

This is still the situation where Mu Qing stopped. If he really does his best, I am afraid that all five people will fall.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing waved his big hand, and a series of treasures were in his pocket. All the treasures collected by the five Hei Shui Sect True Inheritances were all taken away by Mu Qing.

Looking at the harvest, there are probably more than 30 second-level treasures, which is quite rich!

Mu Qing turned and left.

This is the main purpose of his leaving the team!

It is too slow to find the treasure by yourself, or to grab others to come faster.

After receiving the harvest, Mu Qing stepped forward and went on to other areas, looking for people from other sects.

After most of the day, the five members of the Black Water Sect gradually recovered from the fainting. The true biography of the leader raised his head and saw the other four stunned faces.

Afterwards, they sadly discovered that not only all the treasures stored in the jade token had been taken away, but even the five low-level sacred artifacts lent to them by the elders of the Blackwater Sect were gone!

"Bastard Bandit!"

The true story of the leader was in the small world, and wailed in pain.

At the same time, in the outside world, where many high-ranking sects and a large number of elite disciples gathered, pictures of the small world appeared on the light curtains.

Among them, above the largest light curtain, the image released is exactly Mu Qing snatching everyone from the Black Water Sect!

"Mu Qing from the Black Demon Sect? Good! Good!"

The elders of the Black Water School flushed with anger.

In the Black Territory Competition, it is common for Zongmen teams to rob each other, but basically they will only find Zongmen who have enemies with them, or Zongmen opponents whose strength matches their own Zongmen.

However, how long has the Black Territory Competition only begun, and before even entering the warm-up phase, Mu Qing has started to **** others' jade tokens!

Even the true biography of a dignified ultimate supreme still went to find the team of the ordinary sect, not the team of the top sect.

Especially before the snatch, he deliberately confessed that he was Mu Qing, the true disciple of the Black Demon Sect, and it was like showing off!

Suddenly, everyone's gaze at the Black Demon Sect disciples became weird, as if the Black Demon Sect disciples were also so general.

This kind of behavior is indeed a shame.

After all, in the past, the teams of the three top sects fought with each other and competed for each other's jade tokens.

In the Black Demon Sect area, many of the elders who watched the battle looked at each other with surprises.

Mu Qing's behavior would undoubtedly discredit their Black Demon Sect.

What puzzled them the most was that Mu Qingtang, the Tianjiao from the headquarters of the Holy Treasure Hall, was the son of the elders of the Holy Treasure Hall. For the sake of more than 30 second-level treasures, he attacked the ordinary sect team!

This is simply unimaginable!

"The true story of the Dark Demon Sect is too shameless, right?"

The disciples from various sects talked a lot. Compared with the top sects, there are naturally more ordinary sects in the black domain. Therefore, most of them are filled with righteous indignation and scold Mu Qing's behavior.

On the screen, what made everyone unexpected is that Mu Qing ran into a team of the Underfire faction, and shot without saying a word.

The vast and boundless starry sky shrouded in big hands, and the five members of the Underfire faction were blown into the air on the spot.

Mu Qing successively encountered three other ordinary sects. Each time he stepped forward and did not kill anyone. He even used a small part of his power to take away the opponent’s five jade tokens. .

Every time after robbing a common sect team, Mu Qing will leave a comment.

"I am Mu Qing, the true biography of the Black Demon Sect. If you want revenge, then go and join others!"

These arrogant words continued to echo in the outside world, and it aroused the anger of countless ordinary sect disciples.

Many disciples roared, rebuking the actions of the Black Demon Sect, and hoped that someone could come forward and defeat Mu Qing.

So blatantly, the practice of not retaining benefits for other ordinary sects and robbing all of them, whether it is the dark sky gate or the ink shadow pavilion, or even every previous black domain competition, has not appeared!

This is the first time!

"Through this method, only the points obtained by snatching the treasure of the weak, even if the Black Demon Sect becomes the number one, they will be called the robber!"

The elder of the Blackwater Sect looked at the embarrassing and pitiful appearance of his five true stories, and said with anger.

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