Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1878: The Code of Life!

Mu Qing looked at Mo Zi in a bit of astonishment.

Although I knew that the other party was related in the Antian Gate, I didn't expect to know the Antian Sect Master!

At this time, Mu Qing sighed that the Black Demon Sect had suffered mainly.

The Dark Sky Sect Master is a half-step Dharma Body, and even strictly speaking, his position in the Black Territory is higher than that of the Black Demon Sovereign, and he is also an extremely powerful person who can contact the Dark Sky Sect Lord at any time.

With the help of the Dark Sky Sect Master, I am afraid that Mo Zi will be able to find evidence of the Dark Demon Sect Master secretly colluding with the Undead Realm in a short time.

Mu Qing was also happy to see the result. The Black Demon Sect Master made it clear that he wanted to target himself. It would be best if he could collapse.

Moreover, Mo Zi has the help of the Dark Sky Sect Master, and coupled with the relationship between Mo Zi and Dark Sky Sect Master, as long as evidence is found, he can even let Dark Sky Sect Master directly take action!

Mo Zi turned and left, looking for her senior brother, Dark Sky Law King.

At the same time, under the leadership of the Antianmen elders, the true disciples of the three top sects gathered together and began to enter the so-called holy land, that is, the real universe called the dark world.

Mu Qing's eyes were indifferent, and he found a place with no one to communicate with Ji Zhou in his heart.

Ji Zhou, who was completely controlled by the Imperius Curse, could be said to have completely become Mu Qing's puppet.

With the help of Ji Zhou's body, Mu Qing can also share the sight of the other party and see everything happening over there.

In the dark world, nine true disciples gathered together.

Seeing the three of Sakura Wings, He Qiushen of Antianmen was taken aback for a moment and curiously said: "Where is your Mu Qing? Why didn't you come?"

As he had fought face-to-face with Mu Qing, he knew very well how terrifying Mu Qing's strength was.

It stands to reason that for this quota to enter the Holy Land, there must be Mu Qing's share!

However, the three of the Dark Demon Sect who entered the Holy Land are Sakura Wing, Ji Zhou and An Shaomu, and Mu Qing is not among them.

Sakura Wing vaguely glanced at the expressionless Ji Zhou, sighed in his heart, and replied: "He didn't come. This is the quota allocated by our suzerain."

He Qiushen took a deep look at Ji Zhou, and it seemed that the situation within the Black Demon Sect was not united.

However, what the inside of the Dark Demon Sect was like had nothing to do with him.

The nine people continued to move forward in this dark world. After an unknown period of time, everyone stopped and looked into the distance.

I saw in the depths of the endless darkness, there was a magnificent figure, which seemed to be right in front of my eyes, and it seemed to be far away, out of reach.

Their hearts were shaken, and An Shaomu was awe-inspiring.

The power of the law body, this is the great ruler, even in the multiverse, it is extremely rare, but it is the strongest under the supreme ruler.

It can be said to be the power at the top of the multiverse!

They saw that the figure slowly turned around, and the power of the vast darkness shrouded like a wave, and they were like ants, being swallowed in an instant.

The magnificent figure gradually dissipated, and the nine people on the field fell into a sluggishness. Their eyes were dull, surrounded by boundless darkness, and entered a certain state, which seemed to be an illusion.

This is the so-called Dharmakaya Power Preaching!

Although it is said that the physical power does not appear in person, but using some means to make them fall into a certain state similar to an illusion, they can also get a lot of gains in it.

At the same time, with the help of Ji Zhou's sight, Mu Qing also came to the illusion.

It's just that what he saw was pitch black.


Suddenly, Mu Qing seemed to be aware of it. As soon as he turned his head, his pupils suddenly contracted, and the space behind him cracked open, and a huge dark hand enveloped him and grabbed him in.

In an instant, Mu Qing came to a completely dark world, unable to sense the east, west, north, south, or the size and scope.

He froze for a moment, isn't this the dark world?

At the same time, he turned his head and saw Ji Zhou beside him, but he didn't see anyone else.

This can't help but make Mu Qing a little puzzled.

"This is Ji Zhou's soul space, you naturally can't see other people."

Suddenly, a thick voice came, and Mu Qing quickly looked at it and saw a middle-aged man who was eight feet tall and majestic, with a smile on his face like a knife, handsome and extraordinary, and Mo Zi So a bit similar.

This person is wearing a jet black robe, holding a pitch black axe in his hand.

"The Dark Sky Law King?" Mu Qing was taken aback. Although he knew that he might be able to see this great body of law, he didn't expect it to be in this situation!

"Yes, it's me." The Dark Sky Law King smiled and nodded.

Perceiving that the Dark Sky King did not seem to have any malice, Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart, but at the same time he was a little curious, and asked, "King Fa, what do you mean by soul space?"

"It's nothing more than a small means of being an ancient person. It opens up a space on the soul to understand oneself, and there is no concept of time in it."

"You can fully comprehend all kinds of scriptures in this soul space, perfect your magical powers, and wait until you leave here. It's just a dream, but any gains here are real!"

"Although it does not involve the power of time, the effect is not much different. No matter how many years in the soul space, it will only be a matter of thought after leaving."

Dark Sky Law King said with a faint smile.

He seemed to be willing to explain this to Mu Qing, not in a hurry.

"Ancient?" Mu Qing frowned slightly. Even though he came from the multiverse and had specifically learned some information about the power of the Dharmakaya, he had never heard of the title of the ancient.

The Dark Sky Dharma King half-squinted his eyes, and after looking at Mu Qing for a while, he explained: "There are three realms in the power of the Dharmakaya. The first one is freedom, without the concept of distance."

"The second is Nirvana, there is no concept of death."

"The last realm is called transcendence. After reaching this realm, there is no concept of limit. Therefore, the power of the dharmakaya in this realm is also called the ancient one."

"Every ancient person, the longer they live, the stronger their strength, because they don't have the concept of limit, they will always be strong, and the older they are, the more terrifying!"

Mu Qing listened very carefully, and at the same time showed a look of surprise.

Regarding the division of the realm of the power of the law body, even on the side of the king of life, he can only search for ambiguous information. Today, it is the first time he has heard of the three realms of real great ruler.

Even more unexpectedly, the Dark Sky Law King, who was once besieged by the high-levels of Death Hell and was rumored to have fallen to the outside world, became an ancient one, the most terrifying existence in the power of the law body!

Mu Qing took a deep breath, and asked, "The King knows that I will come?"

The Dark Sky Law King smiled and said: "Yes, from the moment you contacted the Emperor, I knew your existence, and at the same time, under a series of accidents, I brought you to the origin world."

Mu Qing was stunned for a moment, the emperor of heaven?

He frowned slightly, "Could the big figure behind the Emperor of Heaven be the King of Fa?"

The Dark Sky Law King shook his head, "It's not me. There is someone else behind the emperor, who should also be an ancient person. That guy seems to see that my shadow shadow axe is related to the origin world, and I noticed the existence of the other party. Later, some games were played secretly."

Unexpectedly, even the Dark Sky Law King didn't know who was behind the Emperor. The only thing that can be determined is that the great figure behind the Emperor is the most terrifying ancient person in the power of the law body!

At the same time, Mu Qing noticed the dark axe in the hands of the Dark Sky Law King, with a strange expression on his face.

Wasn't the Ink Shadow Dark Axe given to Mo Zi by him?

The Dark Sky Law King saw what Mu Qing was thinking at a glance, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zi's side is a dark axe, and my hand is a black axe. I have two super sacrificial artifacts. The dark double axe is doubled. Correct."

"Once, when I faced the high-level siege of death hell, the dark axe was lost because of this, but I can still perceive its existence in the origin world. I borrowed your hand to get the dark axe to the origin world, and then gave it to Xiaozi. It's a layer of protection for her, let me rest assured."

Hearing this, Mu Qing nodded suddenly, and then his face became even more weird.

Feelings and others came to the Origin Realm because the Dark Sky Lord wanted to borrow the Dark Axe and give it to his daughter Mo Zi, so that he could have an extra layer of security?

Although I don't know what contradiction this has for father and daughter, is it really necessary to go around such a big circle?

Mu Qing felt crazy in his heart.

At the same time, the words of the Dark Sky Law King also confirmed that he was indeed besieged by the high level of Death Hell at the beginning. I am afraid that he had not become an ancient at that time.

However, Mu Qing is still very grateful for the Dark Sky Law King.

From this point of view, it was the dark sky magic king's handwork for himself and others to enter the Origin Realm, but this would also be considered as saving the lives of himself and the others, otherwise they would be killed by Zhuying.

"If you want to leave the Origin Realm, I can help you and your companions. I believe that your companions will hear the news soon after this Black Territory Competition." The Dark Sky Law King said with a smile, he obviously Know what Mu Qing did in the Black Territory Big Bi.

"Also, this Ji Zhou is controlled by you, so I simply opened his soul space for you to use. Of course, the most important thing is that I can't open your soul space." The Dark Sky Law King seemed to point. .

He pointed to the chaotic but dark space around him, and said: "You can smoothly deliver the dark axe to Xiaozi's hands. This is your reward. I believe this soul space can give you the characteristics of the law body. The supernatural powers have completely reached Consummation."

Mu Qing's face changed slightly, and the secret path really had nothing to hide from the power of the Law Bodies, especially an ancient person!

If the Mirror of Life and Death can be completely perfected and succeeded, it is naturally the best for Mu Qing, but he is more concerned about another aspect.

"The King can't open my soul space?" Mu Qing asked tentatively.

There was a pure white flame in the depths of his soul, which was produced by the fusion of the Starry Sky Book with him after the evolution.

Mu Qing wanted to test whether the person behind the scenes who helped him evolve the Starry Sky Book was the Dark Sky Dharma King?

"Naturally can't open it, because there is a life code deep in your soul, which is the legacy of the legendary life ancestor dragon."

Speaking of this, the face of King Dark Sky gradually became serious.

"Life Code?"

Mu Qing's heart shook. Not only did he know the name of the pure white flame deep in his soul, he even confirmed from the other party that this thing was indeed related to the life ancestor dragon!

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