Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1879: Contact the Dark Sky King

"The Code of Life? What kind of existence is it? Could it be the sacred artifact of life?" Mu Qing was agitated and asked quickly.

"Life Hallows? Well, it can be called that way."

The Dark Sky King nodded.

Afterwards, he explained: "Presumably you also know that the two supreme beings at the beginning of the multiverse, one of them held the Deathly Hallows and the Heavenly Demon Sword, and the other held the Life Hallows, the Code of Life! "

"Later, the two great deadly battles, both of them fell, and the Deathly Hallows shattered into two halves, turning into two fifth-level treasures. This level is called the immortal treasure, respectively, the **** chalice and the death wand."

Mu Qing nodded silently next to him, he naturally knew that the **** Holy Grail was also obtained by the royal court of their lives.

The Dark Sky Law King continued: "On the other side, the Ancestral Dragon, one of the highest, also left the sacred artifact of life, which is the life code!"

"It is rumored that the Life Code has the ability to allow everything in the world to evolve and exceed its limits, but after the war, the Life Code was also broken."

"After the life code was broken, it did not evolve into two immortal treasures, but the body evolved into a world, with the core flowing into a certain universe, and its whereabouts are unknown."

Mu Qing suddenly realized, "Could it be..."

"That's right, the small world where you participated in the Black Territory Grand Competition evolved from the body of the Life Code."

The Dark Sky King nodded.

Afterwards, if he glanced at Mu Qing deeply, he said: "The outside world is rumored that the dark creatures in that small world were created by me, but in fact I just borrowed the unique power of the life code. Those dark creatures can only survive in the small world."

"However, after so many years, I have not been able to truly master the power, mainly because the core of the life code already has a master!"

The Dark Sky Law King looked unpredictable, looked at Mu Qing, and said lightly: "If it weren't for the instructions of the life ancestor dragon, I'm afraid I would be tempted to pick up the life code in your body."

Of course, what he said was to scare Mu Qing. In fact, even if he killed Mu Qing, he wouldn't be able to get the power of the Code of Life.

Mu Qing was indeed shocked. It is not a good thing that his biggest secret is known.

Fortunately, the Dark Sky Law King did not have any bad intentions towards him, otherwise he might not have any good consequences.

"Wait, the Dharma King said it was the instruction of the life ancestor dragon?" Mu Qing's face became weird. Didn't the life ancestor dragon fall for so many years?

That was all countless years ago.

Dark Sky Law King's expression also became solemn, "The ancestor dragon of life is the origin of life after all, the incarnation of miracles, even if it falls, it is only natural to leave some means behind."

"What's more, this origin world is also a bit weird. Not only is there a small world where the body of the life code is derived, but there is also a death wand."

"When I first entered this small world, I saw the remnant will of the life ancestor dragon, and asked me to give the power of the life code to the person who has the core of the code."

"I made a deal with the remaining will of the life ancestor dragon, only to recover the injury that was originally surrounded and suppressed by the high-level death hell, and advanced to the ancient one."

The Dark Sky Law King stated lightly.

It turns out that he can have the strength of the ancients is a deal with the will of the life ancestor dragon!

The remnant will of the life ancestor dragon allowed him to return the power of the life code to the core carrier, and he not only recovered the severely injured and dying body, but also went one step further and became an ancient one.

But the corresponding price is that he has to abide by the agreement with the will of the life ancestor dragon, guard the body power of the life law, and wait until the person who carries the core arrives.

Just like this, even if the Dark Sky Law King is an ancient person, there is no way to take the power of the Life Code as his own.

When Mu Qing listened, he was also a little dumbfounded, "The remaining will of the life ancestor dragon has already foreseen the future scene? Know that I will come here with the core of the life code?"

This is too magical!

As for the core of this life code, Mu Qing had already realized that it was the Star Book.

"This is the case with the Supreme Being, they know almost everything, I am afraid they can see the past and the future."

The Dark Sky King was rather calm.

At this time, Mu Qing asked again, "Fang Wang, what is going on in this origin world?"

The master of time has been to the long river of time, and saw that in countless future branches, the origin world occupies an important part and will cause disasters.

It has been a long time since Mu Qing came to the origin world, but he couldn't see any signs of disaster.

Therefore, he planned to test it from the Dark Sky King to see if he could gain anything.

The Dark Heaven frowned, "I don’t know. The Origin World is so mysterious. None of our great masters can find out how the Origin World was born. They only know that it is completely isolated from the multiverse and completely independent. It takes a lot of effort to leave and come in."

"The reason why our dharmakaya powers have stayed here is that the origin world is a treasure for our dharmakaya powers."

"You may not be able to feel it, but several of us who have reached the realm of great dominance can clearly feel the blessings of the origin world to us, and can quickly improve their strength."

The Dark Sky Dharma King also revealed the reason why these dharmakaya powers did not leave the origin world, that is, they practice faster here and improve extremely quickly.

Especially for an ancient person like the Dark Sky Law King, he is already the top of the power of the law body, known as the ancient person, in a state of transcendence.

For him, there is no concept of limits, and it can be strong forever!

In that case, why go back to the multiverse?

At the same time, the secrets of the origin world have not been explored, so naturally they chose to stay.

"Okay, I've already told you everything that needs to be explained, and then you can perfect the scriptures or magical powers in this Jizhou's soul space."

Dark Sky Law King turned and strode away.

When he was about to sink into the darkness, he seemed to think of something. He turned around and smiled and reminded him, "Oh, yes! The existence time of the soul space is limited, and this Ji Zhou is controlled by some means by you, and the strength of the soul is Therefore, the duration of this soul space is not long. I suggest you grasp it."

After speaking, the Dark Sky Law King completely entered the darkness and disappeared.

Mu Qing stood there, digesting all the information he had just received.

The origin world is still a mystery, but it is mostly related to the Supreme Being. There is not only the body of the life code, but also one of the fragments of the Deathly Hallows, the Death Wand!

Of course, even the ancients such as Dark Sky Law King didn't understand the matter of Origin World, and it didn't make much sense for Mu Qing to think about it.

What he cared more about was the pure white flame deep in his soul.

It should now be called the Code of Life!

The pure white flame is just a form of the life code, rooted in the depths of Mu Qing's soul, and completely integrated into one.

"It's just that Life Zulong had foreseen my existence countless years ago, so why did the other party give me the Code of Life?"

"Is it so that I can contend with the remaining power of the Death Demon?" Mu Qing casually guessed.

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.

He is often in contact with things related to the death demon, the **** holy grail of the three powerful comparisons, the claws of the evil demon, and the eyes of the demon encountered in the dark abyss.

Either the relic of the death demon, or one of the fragments of the Deathly Hallows.

To put it bluntly, he and the Death Demon are quite destined.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the life ancestor dragon will give him the life code, after all, these two supreme beings are deadly opponents.

However, whether it was what he thought or not, only Life Zulong knew.

After returning to his senses, Mu Qing began to look at this soul space.

This is Ji Zhou's soul space, but the Dark Sky Law King specially caught Mu Qing in, so he can also use it.

According to the Dark Sky Law King, this soul space is a bit similar to the taste of the magical powers of time. No matter how much time elapses in it, the outside world is just a matter of thought.

Of course, this was made by the ancient methods. Although the effect was similar, the essence was different, and the force of time was not involved.

Mu Qing also felt that in this soul space, his thinking was extremely active, and the places where he usually felt obscure in improving and perfecting the scriptures would be solved at this time.

Taking into account that the soul space of Ji Zhou said that the soul space of Ji Zhou might not last long because of his Imperius Curse, Mu Qing decided to perfect the magical power of the mirror of life and death first.

For Mu Qing, the bottleneck of the magical power of the Mirror of Life and Death is even greater, while Yuanshi Huanyu Jing only needs accumulation and time to reach the perfect state.

"Wait, doesn't it mean that the Holy Land has the powerful preaching of Law Bodies?" Mu Qing froze for a moment.

At this moment, the thick dark fog in front of him rolled, condensing a figure.

A figure similar to the Dark Sky Law King, but without clear facial features.

"The source of darkness, the beginning of the abyss..." The vague Dark Sky Law King's figure made a sound without any emotions, but every word seemed to be injected with a special force, which could arouse the law and the truth, and derive one by one. Profound symbols are like falling from the sky.

Mu Qing suddenly realized that this is the so-called Dark Sky Dharma preaching!

He can be sure that this is definitely not the main body of the Dark Sky Law King, it's mostly just a clone formed by a thought.

However, this is completely enough for their true disciples who have not reached the realm of dominance.

Those who don't have any eyesight may even think that they have seen the real figure of the Dark Sky Magic King and feel excited and excited.

Mu Qing converged his mind, and cooperated with the preaching of the clone of the Dark Sky Dharma King, fully comprehending the mystery of the mirror of life and death.

His mirror of life and death is the key to the characteristics of his law body, if it can be completely perfected, it will be a killer!

The soul space is also quite mysterious, and you can't feel the passage of time at all. At the same time, under the preaching of the Dharma King clone, you can often enter a state of enlightenment, and you can feel it.

I don't know how long it has passed, and I can't perceive the concept of time in the soul space.

Mu Qing's eyes opened and closed, his body surrounded by a special breath, and an ancient mirror hung above his head, with the stars imprinted on it, one side was red and the other side was blazing white.

The magical power of the mirror of life and death is completely perfected!

At the same time, Ji Zhou's soul space shook violently, and collapsed into countless fragments with a roar.

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