Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1880: World gate

Ji Zhou's soul space could no longer be maintained, and it collapsed into fragments, and Mu Qing also left here.

Of course, the fragmentation of the soul space would not have any impact on Ji Zhou's soul.

After Mu Qing came back to his senses, he found that he had returned to the original place, as if he had never entered the dark world to contact the Dark Sky Dharma King.

"The powerful method of the law body is really mysterious." Mu Qing sighed.

At the same time, he is more yearning for this realm.

Regardless of whether the catastrophe mentioned by the master of time is true or false, it is certainly true to try to improve one's strength. ,

Only the power of the Law Bodies can completely control one's own destiny and protect oneself.

Even during the conversation with the Dark Sky Law King, Mu Qing also learned about the real three realms of the Great Ruler.

There is no concept of distance!

Nirvana, there is no concept of death!

Beyond the mirror, there is no concept of limits, known as the ancients!

Each of these three realms is a qualitative leap.

Take a look at the dharmakaya powers that have been rumored to have fallen. Except for the saints of reincarnation, it seems that the other dharma body powers are actually living well in the origin world.

Mu Qing has a life code. If he doesn't even dare to think about the realm of the power of the law body, he might as well commit suicide.

At the same time, Mu Qing's heart moved, and the illusory universe appeared behind him. The deepest part of the immortal starry sky was no longer the two dazzling stars, but a simple mirror with red and white.

In this illusory universe, this is the only real existence, that is, the characteristics of Mu Qing's law body!

With the help of the soul space, Mu Qing completely perfected the magical power of the Mirror of Life and Death, and it can already be used normally.

However, this involves the supernatural powers of the Law Bodies, and the consumption level is far more terrifying than other bodies, and it is similar to the Inanimate Dao Heaven Palm.

At this time, Mu Qing also saw the return of Ji Zhou and others, and Sakura Wing and An Shaomu also showed surprise smiles on their faces.

Obviously, they all have very good gains.

An Shaomu's Master Qinglian Sword Immortal is also a powerful body, but obviously there is no such method as the ancient one to create a soul space.

"It's worthy of being a holy land. There is also a special soul space in it, but it's a pity that you didn't make it."

Sakura Wing sighed regretfully at Mu Qing.

"Yes, it won't be long before I want to be able to break through to the realm of dominance." An Shaomu also said with a smile.

Both he and Sakura Wing's scriptures have reached the state of consummation with the help of the soul space.

This is considered to have accumulated deep, and then break through the realm of dominance, and most of it can hit the level of the dominance of the three calamities in one breath.

Mu Qing smiled and nodded. He also gained something, but it wasn't about the scriptures.

Although his Yuanshi Huanyu Jing is still in the realm of Dacheng, he is not in a hurry. After the Mirror of Life and Death is perfected, his strength goes even further. With the help of the Star Dimension this time, he even has the confidence to defeat Madam Bai in a short time.

Everyone returned to the Black Demon Sect through the teleportation array of the Dark Sky Gate.

Mu Qing naturally returned to his true biography peak for the first time, but this time he had a huge gain.

At the same time, the many disciples of the Black Demon Sect boiled up and cheered. After all, this time the Black Demon Sect surpassed the former Dark Sky Gate and ranked first in the entire Black Domain for the first time in history. A door!

Of course, more of them are discussing Mu Qing. Compared to their Black Demon Sect becoming the number one, even more explosive news has passed, that is, Mu Qing is alone and has robbed almost all other sects.

This directly caused a sensation in the entire Black Territory, and the major sects basically knew Mu Qing.

Most importantly, in the Black Territory, Mu Qing continued to fight the dominator-level dark creatures, demonstrating his power against the sky.

This piece of information directly spread throughout the entire Black Territory, and almost everyone knew that there was an enchanting Tianjiao out of the Black Demon Sect, who would fight for the master with the supreme!

At the same time, Mu Qing ignited a pure white flame in the palm of his true biography peak, swallowing the jade token.

In an instant, a large number of second-level treasures were decomposed and swallowed. Under the shroud of pure white flames, in just a few breaths, all the gains of Mu Qing's Black Territory Competition were swallowed.

Including those third-level treasures!

A large number of golden particles appeared deep in his mind, and the pure white flame became bright again.

"I don't know if these energies can evolve the world's snake ability to the point where it exceeds the limit."

Mu Qing was a little worried.

If the previous energy is added, it is probably enough, and it can directly enhance the world's snake ability to the point where it exceeds the limit.

But later, Mu Qing couldn't hold back, and accidentally used the previously accumulated energy in the hands of the Qingze Divine Sword and the Divine Sword.

However, judging from the changes in the Qingze Divine Sword and the Hand of Enchanting, Mu Qing inferred that even if the power of Miracle Light cannot make the target evolve to the next level, it can be improved and changed to a certain extent.

Just like the Qingze Divine Sword, Mu Qing used the light of miracle to try to evolve it, but the result was still at the level of the top sacred artifact, but the power has increased, and the three major kendo magical powers have been combined into one move.

The platinum brilliance burst out from the depths of Mu Qing's soul, completely enveloped him, and the light of miracle penetrated into the pores of his body and penetrated the limbs.

Within a moment of the whole process, the light of miracle was exhausted, and the pure white flame in the depths of Mu Qing's soul dimmed.

Obviously, the energy he currently possesses is not enough to evolve the world's snake abilities.

Mu Qing could clearly perceive that there was a special blood vein in his body that was rapidly becoming stronger, but it stopped abruptly when the light of miracle was exhausted.

At this time, a stream of information flooded into Mu Qing's mind. It was the specific information about the world's snake ability after being strengthened by the light of miracle!

Power of Bloodline: World Snake.

Under the shining of the miracle light, the world snake bloodline has been strengthened to a certain extent. The ability is to open the world door and travel through any enchantment and space, but cannot enter some special places. This bloodline will give the owner top-notch space talent.

After Mu Qing digested the information about the world's snake ability, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He can feel that he has a strong fit for the power of space, as if he has become the darling of space.

At the same time, when he used the world's snake ability, he did not summon the snake in the starry sky this time, but a looming ancient portal appeared in front of him, branded with obscure symbols and words, full of inexplicable oldness.

After being further strengthened, the World Snake Bloodline in Mu Qing's body has faintly moved closer to the point of surpassing the limit.

The door to the world is looming, almost completely transparent.

When the world gate is completely formed, I am afraid that it will be the time when the world's snake ability has completely exceeded its limit.

In any case, compared with the previous starry sky book, the life code in the depths of his soul is now more powerful, even if the energy is not enough for it to evolve, the target will be enhanced to a certain extent.

Although the accompanying top-notch space talent has accumulated a bit for Mu Qing, it is better than nothing.

"It's just that the consumption is also quite terrifying, and all the things I got in Black Territory Competition are gone." Mu Qing sighed.

He returned to the state of two-sleeved breeze, nothing, even a second-level treasure.

When he thought about it, the looming world gate appeared in front of him. When he stepped into it, the other end of the gate was An Shaomu's True Legend.

Mu Qing came to An Shaomu's back. It wasn't until close range that An Shaomu seemed to be aware of it. He turned his head abruptly, and he was relieved to see that it was Mu Qing.

He patted his chest and complained a little: "Brother Mu, please say hello next time, otherwise I will be scared to death by you sooner or later."

"Surely next time." Mu Qing smiled lightly, he also tried to see the effect of the world gate.

It is almost a silent distance span, and there is no spatial fluctuation!

In fact, the world's snake clan can develop their abilities to this point, and it is already rare.

It is even more difficult to exceed the limit!

That is why Mu Qing possesses the Code of Life, masters the light of miracles, and has unlimited possibilities for evolution!

"By the way, how is the Black Demon Sect? Is there any change in the Black Demon Sect Master?" Mu Qing asked curiously.

An Shaomu naturally knew about Mu Qing and the Black Demon Sovereign.

He shook his head and said: "The Black Demon Sovereign is quite quiet, and Ji Zhou under your control has not been found. It seems that the Black Demon Sovereign is busy helping Ji Zhou break through to the realm of dominance, and Sakura Wing and I are both It's busy breaking through the dominance."

Then, An Shaomu smiled and said: "It's Brother Mu, but your reputation has been soaring recently. Looking at the trend, it is about to spread to other domains."

"By the way, I'm busy breaking through the master recently, and I also ask Brother Mu to pay more attention to the information of Wu Xuanyi and others." An Shaomu added.

Mu Qing nodded, "Don't worry, you can break through with peace of mind, I will stare at this matter."

With the help of the Black Territory, his robbery behavior and the ability to fight dominator-level dark creatures have almost spread throughout the entire Black Territory.

Today, everyone knows that there is a true legendary Tianjiao who is not good at character but is extremely powerful in the Dark Demon Sect.

If other comrades are also in the dark domain, most of them can hear the news and move closer to this side.

At the same time, Mu Qing also informed An Shaomu about his contact with the Dark Sky Law King.

"That's good, the King is willing to send us away from the origin world, but there is no need to worry about the others." An Shaomu sighed in relief and smiled.

Mu Qing nodded in agreement.

Next, just wait for the companions to find the door, and then go to the Dark Sky Law King together, let him help himself and others leave the origin world.

However, during this period of time, Mu Qing hoped that the Black Demon Sect Master would not make any moths.

After leaving An Shaomu, Mu Qing used the World Gate to reach the Elder Peak, but Mo Zi was not here. It seemed that she had not come back after looking for the Antian Sect Master.

"Mostly, the Dark Sky Sect Master has joined forces to search for evidence of the Black Demon Sect Master's collusion with the Undead Realm. I hope she can succeed." Mu Qing whispered, and then returned to his true biography peak.

Now, his life and death mirror has been perfected, and his only goal is to perfect the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra. When it reaches the perfect state, it means that he has accumulated deep and complete, and can break through the dominance at any time!

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