Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1886: Five tribulations in one step!

"Yuan Shi Huan Yu Jing is finally complete!"

Mu Qing let out a long sigh, showing a relieved smile.

This is a deep accumulation!

After that, break through the realm of dominance, and then go to the Undead Realm to kill the Frost Dragon King!

Although the strength of the Frost Dragon King is dominated by the Four Tribulations, Mu Qing believes that after breaking into the Domination, with his own vigorous accumulation, he can attack the Three Tribulations in one breath, no matter how bad he is.

At that time, the Frost Dragon King dominated by the Four Tribulations shouldn't be worried, and Mu Qing was confident enough to defeat the opponent.

Leaving the dark space, Mu Qing met Mo Zi.

"What's the matter? Have you encountered difficulties?" Mo Zi squinted his eyes and showed a nice smile, "If I sincerely ask sister me, I can point you."

There was a strange look on Mu Qing's face.

He coughed slightly, and said; "Actually, the simplified version of the open sky banner you gave me, Sister Zi, has already been practiced."

"What?!" Mo Zi's expression froze, and an unbelievable look appeared on his handsome face, "Successful cultivation in just three months?"

She could not imagine.

I don’t know how many years I spent to perfect the opening of the sky banner. As a combination of magical powers, it is definitely hundreds and thousands of times more complicated than other magical powers!

However, Mu Qing hadn't even practiced her scriptures, but only succeeded in practicing in just three months!

Even if it's just a simplified version of the Kaitian banner, it's definitely not that easy to cultivate successfully.

"No, show it to me!" Mo Zibei bit her teeth.

"I'm afraid I have to wait a while, I plan to break through to the realm of dominance first." Mu Qing grinned, stepped into the world gate, and returned to his true biography peak.

Mo Zi froze for a while, and reacted after a moment, with shocked expression in his black jewel-like eyes.

He actually wants to break through the dominance?

After this time of getting along, Mo Zi has a good understanding of Mu Qing.

She knew that Mu Qing wanted to complete enough accumulation to break through the dominance, and the original Mu Qing dominance scripture was only in the realm of Dacheng.

Mo Zi was stunned, and quickly reacted, gritted his teeth and said, "This guy probably took less than three months to cultivate the simplified version of the Open Sky Banner."

She realized that the time for Mu Qing to practice the simplified version to open the sky banner was definitely much less than imagined.

At this moment, the world shook for a while, and terrible dark clouds enveloped the Dark Demon's land.

This movement caused the Black Demon Sect disciple, who had been shocked by the series of news, to look at the sky again.

"Someone breaks through the realm of dominance again?" Many Black Demon Sect disciples showed a look of error.

There have been many major events in their Dark Demon Sect recently.

First, the two true disciples broke through to the realm of dominance, and then there was news that the Black Demon Sect Master had colluded with the undead realm powerhouse to betray.

This time there is another one who breaks through the realm of dominance!

"Who would it be? Could it be Ji Zhou?" Someone curiously guessed.

A disciple of the Black Demon Sect next to him immediately retorted, "Impossible! Ji Cang has completely betrayed the Black Domain and was rescued by the First Lich King. As his descendant, the Black Demon Sect high-level will never let him break through to the realm of dominance. of."

Then, under the eyes of everyone, a figure walked out of the ancient and mysterious portal.

"It turned out to be him!"

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the person who broke through the dominance realm this time was Mu Qing!

Several elders of the Black Demon Sect also gathered and looked at Mu Qing in the sky.

"What do you think Mu Qing can reach?" The penalty elder asked quite curiously.

"It's hard to say, but according to Mu Qing's previous strong strength, I am afraid that he can hit the Lord of the Three Tribulations in one breath." The white-haired elder touched his chin and concluded.

The other elders also nodded.

In their opinion, Mu Qing's strength is much stronger than Sakura Wing, and he is certain to reach the Three Tribulations in one breath.

Everyone's eyes focused on the handsome man wearing a crown of stars and wearing a crane cloak above the sky.

An illusory universe gradually appeared behind Mu Qing. He fully urged the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra, and placed himself in the immortal starry sky, almost coincident with the only real mirror of life and death!

He slowly raised his head and looked at the thick dark cloud above his head. He saw that the dark cloud quickly turned into gold, enveloped in countless golden rays, condensed into a golden giant sword that penetrated the sky and fell towards Mu Qing.

The corners of Mu Qing's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a faint smile, raised his hand and pointed, and in an instant, terrifying power poured out!


The sword body of the golden giant sword showed dense cracks, and then it shattered into dust, like golden rain slowly falling.

First catastrophe, get over it easily!

Soon, the second calamity appeared, still the dark cloud with a depressive aura that made people dull.

The dark clouds quickly changed color and turned into turquoise.

Wood Tribulation!

The sooner this catastrophe is over, the better, if it is dragged on, the power to endure will become more and more terrifying.

Before, An Shaomu had gathered strength, cut out with a strong sword, and broke open in one breath.

Mu Qing's face still smiled, not feeling difficult at all, pressing the palm of his hand and slowly pressing it down.

Inanimate Dao Tianzhang!

The power of the vast starry sky converged into an almost infinite palm.

The palm that encompasses all things in the world and covers all the stars covers the entire Black Demon Sect, crushing it down with a terrifying aura!


Accompanied by the loud noises that shook the earth and the dazzling brilliance exploded, the robbery cloud containing the robbery of the wood shattered into nothingness!

A palm shattered the robbery cloud!

Seeing this scene, all the disciples and elders in the Dark Demon Sect felt incredible.

On the True Legend Peak, Sakura Wing and An Shaomu also watched Mu Qing's figure.

Sakura Tsubasa sighed, thoroughly feeling the gap between himself and Mu Qing.

Even, he is far worse than An Shaomu!

In the second calamity, it took Sakura Wing a lot of time to barely get through it, which consumed a huge amount of time and didn't have the strength to deal with the third calamity.

And An Shaomu, like Mu Qing, came up to destroy Jieyun.

There is no doubt that, in the eyes of everyone, Mu Qing is definitely able to achieve the dominance of the Three Tribulations.

Soon, the cloud of the third calamity appeared, covering the top of Mu Qing's head.

The azure blue water wave circulates, and an infinite force rushes down, sweeping towards Mu Qing.

This time, the Qingze Divine Sword appeared in Mu Qing's hand, and the power of the vast starry sky poured into it, slashing away in front of him.

It looked like a weak sword, but in fact, there was an invisible hazy sword light rushing out, soaring up to 90,000 miles, abruptly slicing the immeasurable sword in half, and slashing into the cloud.


Jieyun tore under the hazy sword light, and disappeared.

A sword breaks **, breaks the robbery cloud!

This scene made everyone who watched the Black Demon Sect couldn't help taking a breath, feeling incredible.

Especially, after this sword was cut out, Mu Qing didn't seem to consume much.

"Unbelievable! Am I waiting to witness the miracle happen today?" The penalty elder and others stared at each other.

In the realm of Origin, the most enchanting Tianjiao, that is, Emperor Muxing, once reached the ruler of the Four Tribulations with one step and one step.

Now it seems that Mu Qing can also have this ability!


A crimson cloud of tribulation emerged, this is the fire of the five elements, and countless fiery and terrifying symbols converge to form a tribulation fire that burns all things.

The Nine Heavens Tribulation Fire was as red as blood, like the end of the world, and the masses of Tribulation Fire fell down like fireballs.

Mu Qing was still crazy with the power of the starry sky, injected into the Qingze Divine Sword in his hand.

Sanchi Qingfeng issued a crisp sword sound that echoed through the whole world of the black demon. Under the influence of the supreme sword intent, the sword weapons in the entire black demon sect trembled.

Mu Qing took a step with a smile, and the Qingze Divine Sword in his hand was suddenly cut out. This sword was extremely bright, bursting out the most dazzling sword light in the world!


This is a combination of the three original kendo magical powers in Qingze Excalibur after being strengthened by the light of miracle in the life code.

Sword moves as the name suggests, full of heaven!

This sword was cut out, and the entire sky was trembling, revealing the emotion of fear, under everyone's eyes, the sky collapsed in a trance!


The fire bursts into pieces one after another, and with a single sword, the vast fire is extinguished, and even the temperature around it drops sharply, as if being in an ice cellar!

Along with the loud noise and roar, Jie Yun was shattered by this sword...

The fourth robbery, pass!

In the Black Demon Sect, everyone burst into exclamation. I didn't expect Mu Qing's strength to be so terrifying. Even the fourth catastrophe Jieyun was smashed by a single sword!

On the elder peak, many elders gathered, even they couldn't help holding their breath, bold ideas emerged in their minds.

Could it be that Mu Qing is going through the fifth catastrophe today?

Breaking through to the Lord of the Five Tribulations in one breath is something that has never happened before!

You must know that there is a big difference between the five calamities at one step and the rise to the ruler of the five calamities through slowly overcoming the calamities.

Because assaulting the ruler of the Three Tribulations, Four Tribulations, or even Five Tribulations in one breath, the same strength will not be given during the period!

When other people reach the Domination of One Calamity, their strength naturally breaks through, and they master the power of the rule level.

However, whether it is Mu Qing or An Shaomu and others, their own strength will not change during the breakthrough process, and it is still the realm and strength of the ultimate supreme.

Only after all the dust settles, will the strength be transformed and improved.

This is the case for Mu Qing. His starry sky power is still ordinary. If he ends the Tribulation now, then his starry sky power will immediately transform and become a rule-level power.

At the same time, he will also rise to the level of the dominance of the Four Tribulations in one go!

It's just that Mu Qing hasn't stopped crossing the robbery, he looked up at the sky.

The yellow-brown robbery cloud has emerged, covering half of the sky.

This is the fifth calamity and the final calamity of the Five Elements Tribulation, the heavy soil!

This time it is no longer a catastrophic attack, but Mu Qing needs to take the initiative!

Breaking through the cloud of earth's calamity, it also means that he has survived.

If it cannot be shaken, then it means failure!

Mu Qing's eyes were solemn, and he took a deep breath.

This last catastrophe, even he became serious.

At the same time, in the palace of the sect master, Mo Zi, as the acting sect master, is also always paying attention to Mu Qing's movements.

The ancient mirror behind Mu Qing appeared, shining with scarlet light.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing pinched the seal in both hands, and the power of the starry sky in his body was consumed at an unimaginable speed.

The magical powers are condensed and combined. In just a few breaths of time, a full eighty-one magical powers converge and combine to become a tool that looks like an axe, not axe, or a flag.

Open the sky banner!

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