Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1887: Ruler of the Five Tribulations, Zhou Tian Xing Dou!

Above the heights of the Black Demon Sect, the ancient mirror behind Mu Qing is the only reality in the immortal starry sky.

He squeezed the seals with both hands, offering an open sky banner.

Because Mu Qing's magical powers of Kaitian flags are simplified versions, and they don't have powerful sacred artifacts as the core, they look quite illusory.

The difficulty of the fifth calamity lies in the use of the strongest power to break through the heavy earth cloud.

This is an extremely difficult thing for the Lords of the Four Tribulations, and it is even more difficult for them, the ultimate supreme who rushed up in one breath.

That's why Wu Xuanyi wanted to explore the burial site of the strongest in the Dragon Realm, striving to find a third-level treasure to survive the fifth calamity.

Mu Qing is quite confident in himself, the mirror of life and death not only possesses the characteristics of the law body, but also possesses the terrifying power of destruction.

At this moment, he had to admit that the combination of magical powers Mo Zi created was quite amazing!

That horrible exhaustion, even Mu Qing, who was pregnant with Yuan Shi Huan Yu Jing, felt very strenuous.

This is only a simplified version!

At the same time, the consumption of the Mirror of Life and Death is also huge, and even Mu Qing feels extremely difficult to continuously use these two magical abilities.

One is a combination of supernatural powers, which is comparable to the simplified version of the great supernatural powers, and the other is a supernatural power with the characteristics of the Dharmakaya!

In the Sect Master's Hall, Mo Zi sighed, a little frustrated.

Mu Qing really learned it!

Even if it's just a simplified version of the Open Sky Banner, it is basically impossible to practice successfully without decades of study.

However, Mu Qing succeeded in less than three months!

Everyone stared at him, wondering whether they could pass this fifth catastrophe.


An aura of destruction was brewing in the mirror of life and death, and a crimson light beam penetrated and hit the high-altitude Jieyun.

The yellow-brown robbery cloud rolled, and countless heavy and natural forces were condensed into symbols and gathered together.

The crimson light slammed on the robbery cloud, and the terrifying power of destruction spread, madly destroying the rule symbol.

The power of the earth formed a strong defensive barrier, but the destruction of the scarlet light horrified the world and penetrated it in just a few breaths.

On the robbery cloud, crimson cracks spread.

Rao was the fifth robbery cloud, and couldn't resist the power of the mirror of life and death. With just one blow, he began to falter.

Of course, it was Mu Qing who consumed all his strength to make a move, and the destruction of the mirror of life and death had reached an unimaginable level.

The full blow of the Mirror of Life and Death had already touched the level of the Lord of the Five Tribulations.

Mu Qing's face was slightly pale, he pinched his hands, and sacrificed the open sky banner.

The banner was like an axe but not an axe, flickering in illusion, hanging in the air, directly showing a sharp and unparalleled aura.

Opening the sky banner, in an instant, it evolves into an astonishingly big axe, although it is illusory, it contains the power of opening up the world!

An axe light that opened the world and the earth emerged, as if the world was born, chaos all around, and the illusory axe light cuts down, breaking the hazy chaos!


Jie Yun condensed the power of the rule-level earth, repairing the damage that was broken by the death beam.

However, the destructive power of the mirror of life and death symbolizes death, and once the death beam containing the aura of destruction hits, the damage caused is difficult to recover.

The blazing axe slashed past, and the force was like a broken bamboo, and it could almost be said to be easily swept over!

Symbolizing the power of the earth, the cloud of earth is torn apart and completely shattered under the gaze of everyone in the Black Demon Sect!


Mu Qing exhaled a long breath, and then felt weak, and his body shook gently at high altitude.

Regardless of the final fifth calamity, he only used two supernatural powers, but in fact, these two supernatural powers almost emptied all of his starry power.

Exhausting the last trace of strength, Mu Qing stepped into the world gate and returned to his true biography peak.

Immediately afterwards, a surging force surged out of his body.

After thoroughly overcoming five catastrophes, Mu Qing's power also began to transform, and coupled with his operation of Yuanshi Huanyu Jing, the power of the starry sky that had been exhausted was restored at an astonishing speed.

Soon, the immortal starry sky appeared behind Mu Qing, wrapping his body.

The power of the starry sky surrounded Mu Qing, and in the next moment, the power of the starry sky evolved into special symbols.

Now, his starry sky power has reached the level of the rules!

The same is the power of the stars, but every strand of the power of the stars presents rules, fits the universe, and is much stronger than before.

It can be said that any force of the starry sky can easily defeat the ultimate supreme.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, his face solemn, consolidating his realm.

After the catastrophe, the rules of heaven and earth will bestow a certain amount of power on itself.

Mu Qing is constantly absorbing this force, and his realm has soared straight from the ultimate supreme.

One tribulation, two tribulations, three tribulations...


A terrifying aura erupted from the top of Zhen Chuan Peak and swept all around!

Mu Qing's original weak state immediately returned to its peak at this moment, surrounded by regular power, evolving into a vast starry sky.

Dominate the Five Tribulations!

"One step to the sky, but also thanks to the accumulation of the ultimate supreme."

Mu Qing's face also showed joy.

Now, with his strength, even in the realm of dominance, he is considered quite powerful.

Even the elders in the Dark Demon Sect were not far away.

The elders of the Black Demon Sect range from six to nine calamities.

If Mu Qing took another step, it would be the Lord of Six Tribulations, who happened to be able to touch the position of the elder of the Black Demon Sect.

In addition, now that the Black Demon Sect has returned to Mo Ziguan, Mu Qing can be regarded as a related household just like Ji Zhou before.

With Mo Zi, it would not be too difficult for Mu Qing to become an elder.

"However, starting from the sixth calamity, the difficulty will increase exponentially..." Mu Qing murmured, touching his chin.

He still had the pills for the seventh, eighth, and ninth calamities of the third calamity in his hands, but he didn't need to worry about it, but the sixth calamity was not yet available.

The Pill for Crossing Tribulation of the Last Three Tribulations was obtained by Mu Qing from the treasure house of the Sea King when he was in the three formidable comparisons.

Mu Qing still needs to find the things of the sixth calamity by himself.

Starting from the sixth calamity, everyone has to prepare in advance, even those dharmakaya powers used to do this when they were dominating the realm.

Mu Qing was not arrogant enough to surpass the power of the Law Bodies, and would not directly attack the sixth calamity in a foolish manner.

"After dominating the realm, the form of power has completely changed..."

Mu Qing observed his own changes.

First of all, his starry sky power has reached the rule level, and the mystery of starry sky rules can be derived.

Under such circumstances, Mu Qing had a deeper understanding of the vast starry sky. The Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra of Consummation was not the end, but just the beginning.

After dominating the realm, with the power of the starry sky at the regular level, Mu Qing can continue to improve the Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra and make it stronger.

This is what every dominant power must do.

After creating the scriptures, in the entire dominance realm, from the first to the nine calamities, you need to continuously improve and upgrade your own dominating scriptures, until the last moment, let it degenerate into a master-level scripture!

This is very important. If the dominating scriptures are not promoted, there will be situations that do not match their own realm, which will lead to a greatly reduced performance in battle.

Mu Qing had known about Domination Realm beforehand.

Once you step into the realm of dominance, you need to upgrade your scripture level as soon as possible.

Like the dominating realm, there are nine levels of scripture.

Although the realm of scripture has small accomplishments, great accomplishments, and perfections, this is only a symbol of mastery.

Mu Qing's Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra reached the perfect state, which means that he has completely mastered this self-made sutra.

After a thorough mastery, the next step is to ascend the scriptures.

Generally speaking, when you have just broken through to the realm of dominance, your own dominating scripture is level one.

But at this moment, Mu Qing realized what Wu Xuanyi said, the benefits of accumulating first and then breaking through.

He broke through to the Lord of the Five Tribulations in one breath, and the Yuanshi Huanyu Scripture also transformed and became a third-level scripture.

Although Yuanshi Huanyujing still does not match his own strength, his performance during the battle will be affected, but this has already saved Mu Qing a lot of time.

Mu Qing quickly retreats in his true biography peak.

He could feel that the core of the rules in his body was already flooded with starry sky rules.

More than half a month later, Mu Qing left the customs.

The level promotion of Yuanshi Huanyujing was easier than he had imagined. Perhaps it was the reason for the profound accumulation, and the promotion speed was very fast.

Now, his Yuanshi Huanyu Scripture has completely reached the fifth level, matching his own realm of strength as the ruler of the Five Tribulations.

At this time, Mu Qing was able to exert his greatest strength!

At the same time, after his Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra was upgraded to the fifth level of the scriptures, he also realized a starry sky supernatural power called Zhoutian Xingdoutu!

The Zhoutian star-doug map is like a picture scroll with a starry sky imprinted inside. When it is displayed, it can control the star-doug transfer to avoid damage.

Mu Qing simply branded the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Tu on himself and turned it into a crane cloak, so that when someone attacked him, his mind moved, Zhou Tian Xing Dou transferred, and the opponent's attack would be dragged away.

This can be regarded as a powerful defensive supernatural power, and Mu Qing is quite satisfied with it.

"It's almost there, it's time to take revenge."

Mu Qing stood at the top of the True Legend Peak, his eyes looked at the direction of the Undead Realm, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

The strength of the Lord of the Five Tribulations even surpassed the Frost Dragon King, and he didn't even need Mo Zi's help. He could successfully kill the opponent by himself!

What's more, entering the Undead Realm is considered a relatively dangerous thing. Mu Qing has the world snake ability, but he has the confidence to get out.

With a move of mind, a faintly simple portal appeared in front of him.

Mu Qing stepped into it, and walked out of the portal the next moment, the surrounding scenery had completely changed, the cold air turned into a violent wind blowing, and the ground was full of white skeletons!

In a single thought, arrived in the realm of the dead!

This is already a bit of the power of Law Bodies, even the Lord of the Nine Tribulations must rely on the exclusive teleportation array to be able to cross such a long distance.

But Mu Qing only needs a thought!

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