Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1888: Bitter Ridge

"In this origin world, the effect of the world's snake ability is even more powerful." Mu Qing smiled lightly.

In the world of origin, because of the stability of the world, the distance of space shift is not long.

Only a half-step Dhammakaya can move long distances in space. As for the power of the Dhammakaya, even if it's just entering the realm of Great Domination, it has magical powers, and there is no concept of distance for them.

Mu Qing's world snake ability is like a duck in the origin world, and can quickly change points.

Unless the opponent is carrying an exclusive teleportation array at the Zongmen level, even the Eight Tribulations Lord will not be able to catch up with Mu Qing.

Of course, this is limited to the case where the opponent has no special means within the origin world.

"First, determine the position of the Frost Dragon King."

Mu Qing touched his chin, his squinted eyes flashed with cold killing intent.

He used the world gate to transfer many times and finally found a small gathering place in the undead realm.

The environment of this undead realm is worse than the black realm, but for the undead creatures, this may be heaven.

In the undead realm, there are almost no cities, and all the undead creatures are basically gathered together in the form of communities and territories.

In the entire undead realm, the highest status is the Lich tribe, followed by the corpse tribe and various subspecies of the Lich tribe.

Mu Qing relied on the world's door gods to appear and disappear, and his palms protruded, and the power of the regular-level starry sky shrouded, confining a hideous ghast.

The body of this ghast is illusory, floating like a cloud of black smoke, covered with gray-black rags.

Mu Qing was too lazy to torture him, so he directly cast the Imperius Curse to control it, and then urged the mind to read the memory of this ghast.

In the Undead Realm, there are many undead creatures that are irrational, completely created cannon fodder, just like the skeletons at the bottom of the Undead Legion.

However, the small gathering place that Mu Qing was looking for was a relatively powerful group of undead creatures in the vicinity.

These undead creatures have no territory, and they gather together mainly to communicate and trade with each other, and they are basically undead creatures with intelligence.

Of course, with Mu Qing's current strength as the ruler of the Five Tribulations, it is easy to catch these supreme-level undead creatures.

Moreover, after breaking through to the realm of dominance, Mu Qing cast the Imperius Curse, and became more proficient, just like a natural talent.

Picture after picture of memory appeared in front of Mu Qing's eyes.

He specially selected the memories of the frost dragon, and soon he had a clue.

As the Lord of the Four Tribulations, the Frost Dragon King is naturally impossible for this ghast to come into contact with.

However, in his memory, he knows the exact location of the Frost Dragon King. The opponent is located in the Winter Ridge. There are dozens of undead legions under his command, and many undead creatures of the frost type are gathered.

Confirming the position of the Frost Dragon King, a green light flashed in Mu Qing's eyes, and a life-requesting curse was sent along, directly annihilating the soul of the ghast.

Immediately afterwards, a door appeared behind him. He turned and stepped into the world door. The looming world door was folded into a point and disappeared.

In the next moment, Mu Qing appeared among the snow-covered mountains and forests. He raised his hand and looked into the distance. Between the mountains, there was a huge and incomparable old castle. The bronze castle was covered by the snowstorm. It became snow white.

According to the previously obtained memory picture, that is the castle of the Frost Dragon King, almost larger than a country.

This old castle seemed to be built on the basis of the Frost Dragon King's body, allowing the huge Frost Dragon King to live in.

"Who are you!"

Suddenly, a scream came, and a group of undead creatures resembling snow mountain savages rushed out, their eyes gleaming with dim light.

Soon, horns sounded in the Bitter Winter Ridge, and many undead creatures appeared, completely surrounding Mu Qing.

There are all kinds of undead creatures, such as ice monitor lizards, ice skeletons, dead souls and so on.

There are dozens of strongholds of the Undead Legion in Bitter Winter Mountains, all of which belong to the Frost Dragon King.

"This guy is definitely not an undead race! Just do it!" A huge ice crystal skeleton stood up, making a dull voice.

The opponent raised a huge sword lingering in the cold, and slashed towards Mu Qing.

At the same time, hundreds of undead creatures around also displayed various magical powers to attack Mu Qing.

Mu Qing smiled, still standing on the spot, turning a blind eye to the surrounding undead creatures.

His perception has swept away, and he reached the ancient castle, already feeling the breath of the Frost Dragon King in it!

A large number of attacks fell on Mu Qing, but at this moment, I saw the crane cloak on Mu Qing burst into dazzling light in an instant, and the bright star lines interlaced and complicated, reflecting a vast starry sky.

Immediately afterwards, the Zhou Tian Xing Dou shifted above, and the moment all the attacks approached, they turned away at a strange angle and bombarded the surroundings.


In a short period of time, all the attacks turned, some returned to the spot, and some directly rushed towards the huge ice crystal skeleton.

This is the ability of Zhou Tian Xing Dou Tu!

The Zhou Tian Xing Dou Tu created by Mu Qing is a weird defensive supernatural power that can be transferred away with attacks from powerful masters of the level, not to mention these supreme level undead creatures.

He didn't bother to entangle with these undead creatures, the green faint light beams in his eyes pierced through, falling on the ground and turning into a burst of green light, sweeping away.

The green light wave touched all the undead creatures around, with only one breath, and one after another fell to the ground. There was no trace of injury, but the soul was all annihilated into nothingness!

Mu Qing once again summoned out of the world gate, stepped into it, and came to the front of the castle in the blink of an eye.

In Bitter Winter Ridge, there were roars, and it was obvious that the movement caused by Mu Qing made dozens of undead legions agitated.

It's a pity that the leaders of those undead legions couldn't imagine that Mu Qing had already come to the castle.

The castle built by the Frost Dragon King is naturally impossible for the surrounding undead creatures to approach easily. There are rules and seals here.

Basically, apart from the leaders of a few undead legions, the only people who can enter and exit the castle at will are Mrs. Bai, who was once the Frost Dragon King's most beloved.

When Mu Qing came here, relying on the world's snake ability, he passed easily.

Even the Frost Dragon King in the old castle didn't even notice it. Standing in front of the old castle gate, Mu Qing could hear the heavy purring.

"Obviously he is the master, or an undead creature, is this Frost Dragon King actually going to sleep?" Mu Qing felt a little amused.

In fact, any deity or emperor does not need to sleep.

Except for special reasons, the reason why the Frost Dragon King fell asleep was basically because he was used to it.

Just like dominating the strong to taste food, the strong at this level does not need water and food at all. Drinks and delicacies are just habits and enjoyment.

Mu Qing flipped his palm, and a group of faint blue fire emerged, falling on the gate of the castle under his control.

Li Huo specializes in burning the soul, but it will also swallow everything it touches to become the nourishment for its own growth.

The gate of this old castle was burnt in the blink of an eye, and then the faint blue flame expanded the fire, from a fire to a sea of ​​fire in just a short time.

After that, Mu Qing raised his hand and condensed super-giant suns in the blink of an eye above the sky.

The heat wave shrouded, and the climate of Bitter Winter Ridge suddenly changed. The snow and ice covering the earth melted in an instant, and then the snow water was evaporated by the terrifying temperature.

A smile appeared at the corner of Mu Qing's mouth, and his palm fell down. With his movements, three thousand super-giant suns were like golden meteor showers, bombarding the castle one after another.


The terrifying sun fire exploded, and the golden flames and the blue fierce fire almost swallowed everything.


"who is it?!"

An earth-shattering roar came out, and the sleeping Frost Dragon King awakened. It galloped into the sky suddenly, spreading its bone wings, and its huge body almost covered the entire sky.

The eyes of the Frost Dragon King shone with cold light, and the whole body was surrounded by a cold current.

It saw its castle become ruins, and became fragments under the impact of super-giant suns.

The Frost Dragon King roared up to the sky, and then his icy eyes swept away, wanting to see who was so bold that he dared to trespass into its winter mountain!

Although the current Bitter Winter Ridge has become a sea of ​​fire, all the ice and snow have melted under the heat wave, and then it was burned by the sun's fire, and the sea of ​​fire engulfed everything.

Dozens of undead legions were wailing and struggling in this golden sea of ​​fire.

Hundreds of millions of undead creatures can fall, and there are only a few undead creatures left in dozens of undead legions.

"It's you?!"

The Frost Dragon King couldn't take care of the undead army under his command. It saw the ant-like figure below, but it was very familiar with Mu Qing!

Suddenly, horror appeared in the eyes of the Frost Dragon King.

It clearly remembered that it had set a trap and trapped Mu Qing and others in the Abyss of Bone!

The Bone Abyss is a famous dangerous place in the Undead Realm, it is a forbidden place!

Even the Frost Dragon King did not dare to approach easily. Looking down from above, one could even see the ice sculptures that fell into the Abyss of Bone.

However, Mu Qing appeared in front of him at this moment, and even seemed to have quite strong aura, as if he had reached the realm of dominance!

"Impossible! No one can come out of the Bone Abyss, unless you have the strength of a half-step magic body!" Frost Dragon King roared, his face full of disbelief.

Could it be hell?

"Today is your death date." Mu Qing sneered, and at the same time sacrificed the Book of Emperor Shepherd Star.

The long-lost communication star dimension, the sky full of stars covered the sky, and a force of rules shrouded it.

Mu Qing's strength went one step further, reaching the level of the Six Tribulations!

The Book of Emperor Mu Xing Emperor is still powerful, allowing Mu Qing's realm to rise to a level out of thin air.

Of course, the book of Emperor Mu Xing Emperor in Mu Qing's hands is actually fake, and its only function is to communicate the dimensions of the stars.

The increase that Mu Qing received is entirely due to the powerful Star Dimension!

At the same time, Mu Qing's unconcealed aura exploded, making the Frost Dragon King on the opposite side dull.

Last time we met, Mu Qing was only the ultimate supreme.

As a result, Mu Qing's breath broke out now, completely surpassing the Frost Dragon King, reaching the Six Tribulations Lord!

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