Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1890: Bone You King! A thrilling escape!

The Frost Dragon King has fallen.

Even the one who gave it the last blow was his beloved Mrs. White.

I'm afraid it couldn't imagine how it would end up like this. Before death came, everything was like a phantom.

In its view, Mu Qing, who was trapped in Bone Abyss, appeared, and Mrs. Bai, who it thought had fallen, also appeared at the last moment.

And this ended it!

It wasn't until the Frost Dragon King completely fell that Mu Qing patted his forehead regretfully, a bit at a loss!

He should also control the Frost Dragon King!

The enchanting hand has been strengthened under the action of the light of miracle, the realm limit of controlling the target has been raised to the ruler of six calamities, and the number has also become six.

The Frost Dragon King is completely within the controllable category!

But Mu Qing was negligent and failed to react immediately.

But now that the Frost Dragon King has completely fallen, it is obviously impossible to control it with the hand of 氤氲.

"Okay." Although a little regretful, Mu Qing didn't care too much.

With the help of the power increase of the Star Dimension, his strength even reached the Six Tribulations Dominator, even if he controlled the Frost Dragon King, it was just an extra dominating combat power.

It's not an improvement to one's overall strength.

Among the two currently controlled by the hand of 氤氲之, Mu Qing is most optimistic about General Black.

General Hei is one of the generals under the command of the Dark Sky Law King. He has the strength to rule the Nine Tribulations and has a very high upper limit.

Although Mrs. White is now leading the Black General with the strength of the Three Tribulations Ruler, Mu Qing believes that the Black General can quickly catch up in a short period of time.

With a snap of his fingers, the pure white fire of life surged out, engulfing the corpse of the Frost Dragon King.

The body dominates the strong, the body of the Frost Dragon King is naturally a sacred body containing the power of rules, in a sense, it is a third-level treasure.

The Holy Physique contains the power of rules and is invincible. The main reason for being killed by Madame Bai's sword is that the top sacred weapon of Qingze Divine Sword is too powerful in the hands of the master.

Mu Qing will not let go of any opportunities for improvement. After devouring the body of the Frost Dragon King with the fire of life, the miraculous light it brings is equivalent to swallowing a third-level treasure.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Mrs. Bai again and asked: "Do you know the location of the treasure house of the Frost Dragon King?"

Now that they are here, naturally all the benefits will be searched away.

Generally speaking, the powerful masters will specially open up a fairly safe space as a treasure house, or simply put the foundation on some spatial artifacts and store them on the body.

When fighting the Frost Dragon King, Mu Qing did not notice any space artifacts on the opponent's body, and when he swallowed the opponent with the fire of life afterwards, he did not swallow the extra miraculous light energy.

It shows that the foundation of the Frost Dragon King is deliberately placed in the treasury space.

Madam Bai was naturally loyal to Mu Qing after being controlled by the entangled hand. She immediately replied: "In the depths of the ancient castle, there is a secret space opened up there."

"However, it was the Frost Dragon King who deliberately spent a huge amount of effort, asking Bone You King to set the restriction, I am afraid it will be difficult to get in."

Mrs. Bai wants to persuade Mu Qing to leave soon, after all, behind the Frost Dragon King is the Bone You King, a super strong half-step Dharma body!

But even if the Bone You King played the Frost Dragon King perfunctorily, the restriction set by the half-step Dharma Body would not be so easy to crack.

"It's okay."

Mu Qing said lightly, then raised his hand, and at the same time when he recalled the Qingze Divine Sword from Madam Bai, the palm of his hand appeared, and Madam White turned into a cloud of air into the palm of her palm.

He stepped forward and came to the location of the old castle that had long been in ruins.

The power of the regular starry sky gushes out from his body, tearing the ground below easily.

Mu Qing's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he discovered that there was indeed a hidden secret space deep underground.

Of course, even if ordinary people find it, it is useless. There is a rather strong and terrifying cold power shrouded in it, forming a terrible prohibition.

That's probably the restriction placed by King Bone You, not to mention Mu Qing, even the Seven Tribulations Lord might not be able to break it.

But this is not a problem for Mu Qing.

After determining the location, the looming world gate appeared in front of Mu Qing, and he stepped into it, as if seamlessly connecting, stepping into the space secret.

In this treasure house space, a dazzling radiance is blooming in all colors.

Although the Frost Dragon King is an undead creature born after being resurrected, it still seems to retain some dragon habits.

In the secret space, a large number of treasures are piled up together, without deliberate management and division, it seems that they are just thrown in.

Most of them are second-level treasures, almost all of which are bright and shiny, and there are many third-level treasures.

Mu Qing also knew that Mrs. Bai had previously worried that King Bone You might come at any time, so he was too lazy to count the treasures in the treasure house, and immediately thought that the pure white fire of life formed a sea of ​​flames, engulfing this space.

But all the treasures touched by the fire of life were all broken down into golden particles and scattered away.

In the life code fire deep in Mu Qing's soul, the energy of the miracle light was gradually increasing.

At this moment, a heart palpitation surged into his heart, and Mu Qing's face changed suddenly, without even thinking about it, he directly summoned out of the world gate and stepped into it.

At the moment when Mu Qing left, a terrifying black mist swept over like a storm, everything he touched turned into sewage, the space was melting, and the entire secret space collapsed and shattered into nothingness.

A figure bathed in flames descended here, silently, bringing dead silence to this place!

The faint green flame flickered, turning into a black robe imprinted with green texture and draped over him.

This is a Lich clan, with green ghosts gleaming in its hollow eyes.

Every member of the Lich Tribe is almost exactly the same. Except for the Lich Tribe and several subspecies, it is difficult for outsiders to distinguish their identity.

At most, you can recognize your identity through some characteristics!

"Ran away?"

Senbai's white bones eyes flashed with seeping green ghost fire, his voice was hoarse and low, and his tone revealed a hint of surprise.

I saw that black mist swept through everything, as if it was covered by a scorpion, and wherever I passed, all lives were deprived.

But through perception, he found that there was no one underneath, and the breath that he had detected had long since disappeared.

"If there is no wrong perception, it is indeed the guy named Mu Qing, who did not expect to reach the realm of dominance so soon."

The green ghost fire flickered in the eye sockets and made a sound.

This Lich Clan is naturally the green ghost fire that comes into contact with the Black Demon Sovereign, and its body is the Bone You King of the Undead Realm. It is the supreme powerhouse in the Lich Clan!

King Bone You clearly noticed Mu Qing's breath, but after taking the shot, he failed to keep the opponent behind.

"Able to escape in my hands...Is the Mu Xing Emperor taking the shot?"

King Bone You guessed.

In his opinion, only Mu Xing Emperor can take Mu Qing away silently.

"Furthermore, this Mu Qing couldn't be locked in the first time. It seems that the Emperor Mu Xing had been stalking him in the dark." The Bone You King meditated, then turned and turned into a green glow to escape, disappearing.

As for the situation in Bitter Winter Ridge, King Bone You didn't even look at it.

The life and death of the Frost Dragon King seemed to him irrelevant. He had a lot of high-level masters, and it was not worse than the Frost Dragon King, the four-tribulation master.

As for Mu Qing, King Bone You didn't bother to pursue it.

Mu Qing invaded the Undead Realm, even if he killed him, he would not cause trouble, but since the Mu Xing Emperor had secretly helped Mu Qing escape, the Bone You King would not be able to chase him down.

It is not a wise choice to offend the Emperor Shepherd for the sake of a mere Frost Dragon King.

Bone You King knew how terrifying the emperor Mu Xing who created the star dimension was. Although both were half-step Dharma bodies, the opponent's strength was far above him.


At the same time, at the junction of the Undead Realm and the Black Realm, in a mountain range near the Black Flame City, the World Gate appeared, and Mu Qing walked out a little embarrassed.

Although he didn't suffer any injuries, the breath he felt before leaving still made him feel suffocated and sweated.

That is a more terrifying power than the two Nine Tribulations Lords, Zhuying and Ghost Lord, I am afraid it is the Bone You King with a half-step Dharma Body.

Fortunately, Mu Qing's own abilities were also powerful enough, and the World Snake ability strengthened by Miracle Light allowed Mu Qing to escape smoothly.

And all the prerequisites for being able to escape is the magical power he just created, Zhou Tianxing Doutu!

The crane cloak worn by Mu Qing was cracked all over, as if it would break at any time.

This Cranecloak came from Mu Qing's change of Zhou Tianxing, and he always puts on himself to defend against attacks.

Mu Qing is still quite confident in his ability to escape, whether it is time pause or world snake ability.

But he discovered a long time ago that when he faced a large gap in his realm, a coercion directly shrouded him, and the force of the rules locked him, then he could not move. In this case, it would be more useful to stop time. , But it is still difficult to escape.

If the realm gap is too large, it will cause this situation!

Mu Qing also created the magical power of Zhou Tian Xing Dou Tu to cope with this situation.

Zhou Tian Xing Dou Tu can not only transfer attacks, but also some emptiness curses, perceptual probes, etc., can be transferred away.

In this way, when facing an opponent with too big a gap, Mu Qing can first use the Zhoutian Star Dou Tu to transfer the enemy's lock on him, and then take the opportunity to use the time pause or escape from the world gate.

Facts have proved that Mu Qing's Zhou Tian Xing Dou Tu did indeed achieve this.

The Bone You King was a half-step Dharma Body, but he could not directly lock Mu Qing in the first place, only relying on the realm far beyond Mu Qing to perceive Mu Qing's existence.

That's why Mu Qing was given enough opportunity to directly use the world gate to escape, and all this fell in the eyes of King Bone You, but he thought it was the emperor Shepherd who secretly assisted.

However, Bone You King deserves to be a half-step Dharma Body, just shifting away the opponent's lock, almost shattered the crane cloak that Zhou Tianxing Doutu had changed.

In fact, the ability to escape everything is due to the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Tu and World Snake abilities.

From the bottom of Mu Qing's heart, it was clear that it was within the realm of origin that would have such a miraculous effect. After all, the space here has very powerful restrictions on everyone under the power of the Law Bodies.

If it were placed in the multiverse, even if Mu Qing used the world gate to escape, for the Nine Tribulations Ruler or the Half-Step Dharma Body, he would soon be overtaken.

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